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Boarders at Plymouth College are actively encouraged to contribute their views on their boarding provision, and are able to raise concerns and make complaints. Their views are given appropriate weight in decisions about the running of boarding and the school. They are not penalised for raising a concern or making a complaint in good faith.
New boarders are asked to fill in a questionnaire before they join the school so they can tell us what their expectations are, and what they hope to achieve during their time in the school.
Boarders fill in an annual questionnaire in the summer term to sum up their year in the school and in boarding, to tell us what they have enjoyed, or not, and what they have achieved, both in school and beyond. We use the information in the questionnaires to both review where we are and inform decisions about boarding for the next year. The questionnaires are kept secure in individual boarders’ files in the school office. There are regular house meetings and less formal gatherings, where boarders are welcome to raise concerns or make complaints. Boarders are encouraged to come and see any member of staff more confidentially if they have a concern or wish to make a complaint. There are also regular meetings between house staff and prefects, who act as a conduit for information to and from house parents.
The School runs a School Council to discuss wider issues in school, and boarders are often elected to the committee and so have another forum for expressing their views on the school’s provision.
If you are concerned about a boarding issue your first contact should be with:
Boys’ Housemaster
Mr Lee Ilott – Ilott@plymouthcollege.com
Girls’ House Parent
Mrs Beth Field – bfield@plymouthcollege.com
We recognise our obligation under the Equality Act 2010 to ensure positive attitudes to diversity and difference – not only so that every child is included and not disadvantaged, but also so that they learn to value diversity in others and grow up making a positive contribution to society. We undertake to make reasonable adjustments to enable all to participate in all aspects of boarding, to ensure that all are valued and supported.
If the issue is not resolved to your satisfaction contact the: Deputy Head (Pupil Welfare & Development) Mr Charles Irish: cirish@plymouthcollege.com
The Independent Schools’ Inspectorate inspects boarding provision regularly and may be contacted (www.isi.net) if there is a serious complaint concerning welfare, although they would expect you to have raised the issue with us first.
If you have a child protection issue please contact the DSL, Mr Charles Irish or the Plymouth Local Authority Designated Officer for Child Protection (LADO), Jane Parmenter. Email: jane.parmenter@plymouth.gov.uk