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Annabel Kennedy (Class of 2015)
We were so pleased to receive the fabulous news that Annabel Kennedy (Class of 2015): www.annabelkennedy.com
I am extremely excited to join Glyndebourne Festival Opera this summer season as a Jerwood Young Artist! I will be covering Hermia in Peter Hall’s production of ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ as well as singing in the chorus for ‘L’elisir d’amore’, ‘Dialogues des Carmélites’, ‘Semele’ and ‘The Rake’s Progress’. Starting in April, I will be living in Lewes for six months, working full time at the one of the world’s finest and most celebrated opera houses. A very busy and fun-filled summer ahead!
A wonderful achievement and we send Annabel huge congratulations.
We were delighted to learn that Sam Mills-Shute (Classof2020)hasrecentlycompletedhisinitial22 weekstrainingwithDevonandCornwallpoliceand passed out on 6/1/23 and is now officially Police ConstableSamuelMills-Shute.
OnFriday6thJanuarytheDevelopmentOffice hostedreuniondrinksforourmostrecentleavers. Over65membersoftheClasses2020-2022metin theupstairsofTheHydeParkonMutleyPlainMany staffwerealsoinattendanceandwelcomedthe opportunitytocatchupwithouryoungerOPMsand hearalltheirnews.Therearemanyotherevents plannedfor2023butthisreunionwasdefinitelya greatwaytostartthenewyear.
Weareverygratefultothoselocally-basedOPMswho willinglygaveuptheirtimetoparticipateinourLowerSixth Careersevent.Representativescoveredareassuchas fashion–media–medicine–armedforces–law–engineering–architecture–finance–accountancy–sales& marketing–eventmanagement.Thepupilshadan opportunitytomeetwitheachOPMfor4minutesing ina‘speeddating’typeofcarousel,followedbytwolo sessionstalkingindepthabouttheirchosenareas Itw fantasticopportunityforourpupilstoexplorevarious careersoptionsandweextendourthankstoallinvolve
We were delighted to welcome Charles James (Class of 2015) into school in the Spring Term to speak to some of our Sixth Formers. Over lunch, Charles (who is a trainee solicitor with local law firm, Wolferstans) explained the various routes into the profession and his own journey into law. He then fielded a number of testing questions from a very inquisitive group. It was great for those assembled to be able to ask their questions in a relaxed setting and to receive feedback from someone who, not very long ago, had been in their place. Following a recent appeal for assistance to our OPM family, the Development Office has been inundated with offers of help and so it is envisaged we will be able to offer more of these types of sessions to our pupils.
We were delighted (but not surprised!) to learn that George Spencer (Class of 2019) has been elected Co-President of Imperial College Investment Society (ICIS). George reports that “ICIS is the largeststudent run society at Imperial College with over 1300 current members. Educating and providing opportunities to our members to learn is at the core of the society. To this end, we hold educational courses all year long, aimed at increasing our members’ financial acumen on topics ranging from value-based investment techniques to executing systematic trading strategies. In addition, we expose our members to a diverse range of career opportunities ranging from Banking to Asset Management.”
Whilst at school, George combined his studies in Maths, Physics and Chemistry at A level alongside Cricket and Swimming, as well as being Deputy Head Boy. He is in his final year of a MEng degree in Chemical Engineering at Imperial College.
George Spencer (Class of 2019)
Since leaving Newcastle University in 2020 with a degree in Politics & Economics, Joseph Andrews (Class of 2016) has been busy! Not content with starting up a specialist communications agency, he has also been a member of the team that has opened up an awardwinning music venue! In January 2023, Bar Silo achieved first place out of a shortlist of 50 venues, gaining the title of coolest event space in Cornwall, according to the county newspaper Cornwall Live.
LloydInwood(Classof2006)ownerofTheRiseBakery,apopularPlymouthbakeryhasbeen singledoutbyTripAdvisorforbeinginthetop10percentrestaurantsintheworldthisyear. RiseBakeryfounder,Lloydsaidhewas"overthemoon"forhisFrankfortGatevenuetobe awardedaTravellers'ChoiceAward2022.
Riseofferscronuts,freshlybakedsourdoughandotherbreads,pasties,sausagerolls,cookies andtraybakes.Allwithanecofriendlyapproachonfoodwasteandpackaging.