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Comprehensive Service Agencies

Plymouth Family Resource Center

430-3 Court Street Plymouth, MA 02360 774-283-6531 plymouthfamilyrc.org Support groups, parenting programs, assessment services, information, and referral resources for families with children birth to 18.


South Shore Community Action Council

71 Obery Street Plymouth, MA 02360 (508) 747-7575 www.sscac.org SSCAC runs many programs in the areas of Youth and Family Development, Income Maintenance, Nutrition, Emergency Assistance, Self-Sufficiency, Energy Assistance, Employment, and Transportation Assistance.

Salvation Army

52 Long Pond Road Plymouth, MA 02360 508-746-1559 www.salvationarmyma.org/plymouth Fostering an environment of learning long after the school day ends.

Massachusetts 2-1-1

Call 2-1-1 www.mass211.org A stigma free 24/7 contact center and public portal website that empowers people with the information they need to make informed decisions and to get the right help for their circumstances.

South Shore Health Community Resource Directory

formerly Aunt Bertha 55 Fogg Road South Weymouth, MA 02190 (781) 624-8800 www.southshorehealth.org Comprehensive database to resources on the South Shore, maintained and funded by South Shore Health

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