Fall Thesis Book | Studio Stannard

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Editor’s Letter

I would like to thank all the people who have helped me in my thesis journey thus far. In particular, I would like to thank all my studio mates for their valuable advice, professor Sandy Stannard for always pushing my thesis forward, and last but not least, my groupmates who worked tirelessly with me on the bench.

This book is a culmination of all the research I have done over the entirety of fall quarter, and I think it is important to note that it is not the final version of my thesis, but is rather a reflection of all the work that has been done thus far. This means that a majority of the designing is yet to come and that a lot of the designing this quarter was done for the vellum competition.

My team consists of Nehansh Saxena, Bo Li, Mehul Sathyanarayan, and myself. We chose to make a bench for the architecture building that was a continuation of one of professor Stannard’s previous studios’ work that we are doing instead of participating in the Vellum competition.

Hope you enjoy this issue,

Shot on jPhone 72 Pro Max Super Jumbo Ultra Xtra Lite 2

We didn’t change anything.

Just kidding, we shot it on a DSLR

This advertisement is about a fictional device. Any resemblance to a real product, person, or company is not intentional.

CO NT EN TS The Issue |08 Overconsumption Abstract |16 Our elevator pitch Program |36 Collages and activities Micro Living |14 What is it? SITE |22 Extents, History & Demographics Community |20 Design + Community Fabric Code Analysis |40 Max Buildable Limits
CO NT EN TS PRECEDENTS |44 Examples of micro living CLIMATE |56 Climate Analysis DESIGN |60 Process + Iterations REFERENCES |66 Citations


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Due to rapid urbanization, between now and 2050, an additional 2.5 billion people are moving to cities.

Source: UN


As the world copes with an unprecedented global pandemic and confronts catastrophic climate change challenges, many people are reconsidering their consumption levels in relation to their needs.

The pandemic has also been a catalyst that has essentially upended the nature of “work” and has changed the nature of the “workplace” and people’s relationship to it.

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Images rendered and generated by Midjourney AI


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individual’s home
now also must
of the workplace. “ “ Rising Rent Overconsumption Climate change Unstable income - Recession
KICK THE BUDGET International Luxury Realty https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.wallpaperflare.com%2Fgray-concrete-house-with-glass-wall-render-graphic-architecture-wallpaper-zzjjf&psig=AOvVaw05j7vyu1HPqe0BAvUBzDM&ust=1670533527767000&source= images&cd=vfe&ved=0CBEQjhxqFwoTCJCh67206PsCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE We have room for all 72 of your sneakers, with more rooms than you’ll ever need. Book NOW at kickthebudget.com! “We’ve been living here for seven years, and we still get lost on the way to the bathroom. It’s fantastic!” - Jenna and Steve Starting at only $7 Million


People no longer have the same determination to work in person anymore, and several studies in the recent past have shown that this new approach improves productivity; leading us to believe that this new mindset is here to stay. This now means that an individual’s home now also must play the additional role of the workplace.

Our consumer habits are one of the primary factors driving climate change. In the residential sector, suburban developments can be partially to blame for this growing concern about the climate. It eats up an extraordinary amount of land and resources only to be useful to the few who can afford it.

Suburban sprawl thereby increases the need for cars –making the cost of living less affordable, and the need for freeways – which eat up a lot of real estate that could be

put to better use. An article by populationconnection.org, titled “Unsustainable Suburban Sprawl”, says that “Sprawl causes deforestation, land conversion from agriculture to asphalt (large parking lots), air and water pollution, and inefficient transportation infrastructure reliant upon single passenger vehicles and long commutes.” These commutes also increase the emissions per capita and have a significant impact on the environment.

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We can pack more housing into existing urban conditions by reducing the space occupied by each unit and having more shared/common areas for purposes that would need more real estate.

What is Micro Living?

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Images rendered and generated by Midjourney AI

It usually involves a smaller allocation of personal space, leading to less energy and consumption.material


It usually involves moveable smart furniture that was particularly designed for these types of units, that also sometimes double as partitions between different uses.

Micro living is a term used to describe flats that are, on average, 20 to 35 square meters (215 to 375 square ft.) in size. In most cases, micro living apartments are already furnished and equipped intelligently. [medium] It usually involves a lot of moveable furniture that double as separations between its different uses.

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Many in the 21st century are accustomed to living paycheque to paycheque, with little to no savings. Some factors responsible include increasing living costs and, more recently, inflation. These factors have left some with no option but to commit to more than they can afford.

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Images rendered and generated by Midjourney

For some, the rising rent gets to the point where they pay the same amount for rent as they would for a mortgage payment. This is not a sustainable solution to this increasingly prevalent issue. If unforeseen circumstances affect said people’s income, one might fall into a vicious cycle of debt and loss.

This issue forces us to accept certain realities. Firstly, necessity and sufficiency are not the same. This goes hand in hand with the philosophy that one doesn’t necessarily need more to live well. That is to say, the quality of the space matters more than the physical real estate. This leads us to a possible solution: to redefine the experience of one of the most common typologies of housing – the apartment. This thesis proposes to explore ways to make everything more spatially efficient and use more vertical space for uses that would typically require more real estate, like storage.

This process of minimizing also has positive implications on environmental performance. When you live smaller and smarter, these consumption factors also start to drop because there isn’t a lot of space to store excess that may go to waste. It starts to psychologically incentivize the occupants to consume less and has a lesser load on the power grid because it doesn’t take as much energy to, for instance, thermally regulate the unit.

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22m2 Apartment, Taiwan Image source: Dezeen
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This proposal will focus on a design that minimizes size (and thereby consumption on multiple levels) while maximizing the human experience . Pack more housing into existing urban conditions Search for ideal existing urban conditions More shared/ common areas

In 2009, U.S. consumers with an annual income of more than who account for

$100,000 22.3% 1/3

Of the total population, produced

Of total U.S. household carbon emissions (Source: Taiebat & Xu, 2019)

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design meant to encourage the residents to support, nurture and help each other out.

Community Fabric

Community fabric refers to the relationship that all the residents have with each other. It is important to this typology because sharing all these resources and spaces would ideally mean that all the residents get to know each other well.

So, in addition to providing dignity to everyone through small personal units, this proposal will also focus on community programs to allow residents the opportunity to interact with one another. Some of the possible proposals to encourage this are community gardens, kitchens, classrooms, daycare centers, and other common spaces.

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DESIGN Image Source: https://www.npr.org/2021/09/30/1037352177/2020-census-results-by-race-some-other-latino-ethnicity-hispanic
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W 7th St, Los Angeles, CA 90057

Nearest Amenities

The map below shows the closest recycling center, public dump, and water reclamation plant to the site, which shows how far these resources have to travel to reach the site.

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Cultural Sites

Transit Stops

Nearest Amenities

These maps show the closest convenience stores, farmers markets, cultural sites, and transit stops to the site.

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Farmer’s markets Convenience Stores Esri Community Maps Contributors, County of Los Angeles, California State Parks, Esri, HERE, Garmin, SafeGraph, GeoTechnologies, Inc, METI/NASA, USGS, Bureau of Land Management, EPA, NPS, US Census Bureau, USDA



Thermal energy in the Earth's crust

27.7% 15.8%

9.9% 2% 1%

9.9% 5%


13.9% 10.9%



Eligible Hydro

form of energy that harnesses the power of water in motion



2% 1%

Thermal energy in the Earth's crust Geothermal

Eligible Hydro

13.9% 10.9%

form of energy that harnesses the power of water in motion



Radiant light and heat from the Sun that is harnessed to generate electricity

Biomass & Biowaste

Biomass is plant-based material used as fuel to produce heat or electricity.


Wind power or wind energy is mostly the use of wind turbines to generate electricity.


The heat produced by the combustion of the coal is used to produce electricity.

Large Hydro

Large hydro projects are those larger than 30 megawatts (MW) of generation capacity.

Natural Gas

13.9% 10.9%

Radiant light and heat from the Sun that is harnessed to generate electricity

Biomass & Biowaste

Biomass is plant-based material used as fuel to produce heat or electricity.


Wind power or wind energy is mostly the use of wind turbines to generate electricity.


Thermal energy in the Earth's crust

Eligible Hydro

form of energy that harnesses the power of water in motion


Radiant light and heat from the Sun that is harnessed to generate electricity

Biomass & Biowaste

Biomass is plant-based material used as fuel to produce heat or electricity.


Wind power or wind energy is mostly the use of wind turbines to generate electricity.


The heat produced by the combustion of the coal is used to produce electricity.

Large Hydro

Large hydro projects are those larger than 30 megawatts (MW) of generation capacity.

Natural Gas

The heat produced by the combustion of the coal is used to produce electricity.

Large Hydro

Large hydro projects are those larger than 30 megawatts (MW) of generation capacity.

Natural Gas

fossil energy source that formed deep beneath the earth's surface.


use of nuclear reactions to produce electricity

fossil energy source that formed deep beneath the earth's surface.


use of nuclear reactions to produce electricity


Imported water

The State Water Project supplies water throughout California. water from the state Water Project is sourced from the snowpack and Rain from the Sierra Nevada range, close to the Sacramento San Joaquin Delta then through the state water project aqueduct to supply water to Los Angeles County.

1% local surface water and recycled water the largest sources of surface water in the region are sourced from the Los Angeles River, San Gabriel River.

37% groundwater

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These maps show how and where the gets its power from

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Los Angeles’ Power Generation and Transmission


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HIGH: 500 Source: ArcGIS

The proposed site for this thesis is in downtown Los Angeles, by MacArthur Park, a largely immigrant neighborhood. The site is also located at an LA Metro stop. It’s also near other forms of public transport - such as bus stops.

Historically, factors like redlining and surrounding development trends led to disinvestment, displacement, overcrowding, and neglect. (curbed) There are a lot of underlying issues with this site. It currently has an unused office building and has four other old commercial buildings that haven’t been very well maintained.

There have already been efforts to tear these buildings down and turn it into a highrise apartment building. It even got approved by the Los Angeles City Council in 2018. But this proposal failed and got tossed out in 2020 because of a public outcry regarding the disproportionately low number of affordable units that were going to be in that building. Even the metro director Jaclyn Dupont-Walker admitted that moving ahead with this project would be “aiding and abetting”. (curbed) There were also rising public concerns about gentrification.

The map above shows nearby green spaces in the vicinity, the primary wind direction, and the sun path for the site.

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0 10 20 30 40
27.2% 11.8% The
and poverty
Unemployment Rates Population Below Poverty Level
Master's degree/higher Bachelor's degree College/associate's degree High School Diploma
than high school Diploma
high levels of unemployment
for a highly educated populace
not good signs. It could be an indication of systemic repression/redlining.
7.5% 17.5% 18% 20% 39% [Source: datacommons org] [Source: namecensus org] [Source: namecensus org] 49.5% 50.5% Majority between 20-40 years old Male Population Majority between 20-40 years o d Female Population $36,883 Median household income (Source: ArcGIS)
Education & Employment
- 310 2 5 5 7 5 10 White Hispanic Asian Other races 2 or more races [Source: datacommons.org] 1970/1980 1980/1990 1990/2000 2000/2010 40 30 20 10 0 Westlake Citywide Population growth rate comparison 0 2,500 5,000 7,500 No rent paid <$500 $500 - $1000 $1000 - $1500 $1500 - $2000 $2000 - $2500 $2500 - $3000 >$3000 90.9% The high levels of unemployment and poverty for a highly educated populace are not good signs. It could be an indication of systemic repression/redlining. Occupied by Renters Median Rent Rental Rates 249 [Source: datacommons org] [Source: namecensus org] [Source: namecensus org] 1,348 4,840 6,405 3,079 137 61 869 of housing units $1,150
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[Source: namecensus
Property Age 5236 1318 1905 2005 2726 1696 1485 937 630 405 0 50 100 150 200 250
>$1M Median Prope Property Values 7 [Source: namec [Source: namecensus org] 18 9 33 197 232 71 $528, 0 50 100 150 200 250
Median Property value Property Values 7 [Source: namecensus com] [Source: namecensus org] 18 9 33 197 232 71 $528,500
0 2,000 4,000 6,000 1939 or earlier 1940-49 1950-59 1960-69 1970-79 1980-89 1990-99 2000-2009 2010-13 2014 or later
<$50k $50k - $99k $100k - $150k $150k - $200k $200k - $300k
- $500k
- $1M
- $99k
- $150k
- $200k
- $300k
- $500k
- $1M >$1M
- 33There is no need to travel anywhere in this case One of the quickest ways of getting around and experiencing the city if the workplace isn't too far away More sustainable, affordable Splitting the overhead costs of owning a car - like gas Only those who can afford to own a car by themselves Working from home Walking Carpooling Driving Alone 4% 6% 10% 40% Considering the placement of the site on a metro station and its vicinity to multiple bus stops this seems like the most convenient affordable option - and is used by a considerable percentage of residents Public Transportation 37% Including biking and any other means of transportation Other Means 3% 3 or More Vehicles No Vehicles available 1 Vehicle 2 Vehicles 6406 7546 2952 651 Vehicles Available per Household

Time spent commuting to work

Less than 5 mins 5-9 mins 10-14 mins 15-19 mins 20-24 mins 25-29 mins 30-34 mins 35-39 mins 40-44 mins 45-59 mins 60-89 mins 90 or more mins

238 776 2344 2549 2663 519 5421 305 1325 2715 3827 1937

0 2,000 4,000 6,000

Considering all the above statistics, the project aims to persuade the residents to explore alternate, greener forms of transportation by incentivizing the lack of cars using a reduction of parking spots.

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- 35 - 4.61% 95.4% Vacant Occupied 17,555 units 848 units 4.61% 95.4% Vacant Occupied 17,555 units 848 units 18,403 Housing Units in total Median Property value s [Source: namecensus com] $528,500


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- 37First Floor - Podium Food Market Metro Commercial spaces Open garden/eating space Performance space for street artists Second Floor Community garden Barbeques Pickleball courts/ Recreation Area Community hall Daycare Game Room Upper Floors Micro living units Laundry room Community kitchens Wellness Lounge Study Rooms

The above collage explores more instances of interaction, taking your typical metro station as a precedent. The market is centered around the metro lines, and the apartments are over them in a more typical fashion found in urban landscapes

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The above collage explores the possibilities of combining a food market with a metro station in an urban landscape - using a project by MVRDV in Rotterdam as a reference. It has apartments surrounding the market on the upper floors.

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Project: 3 storey podium + 10 storeys of apartments

Project type: Mixed Use - Market + Metro + Apartments

Zone: C2-4

Max height/stories - unlimited

Max FAR - 3:1

Allowable density bonus: 35% with 20% low income units

Front Yard – Not required.

Side and Rear Yards – For a main building not more than two stores in height, there shall be a side yard on each side of said building of not less than five feet. For a building more than two stories in height, one foot shall be added to the width of such side yard for each additional story above the second story, but in no event shall a side yard of more than 16 feet in width be required.

This iteration of the design shows the maximum buildable area, with a podium level on the ground floor, which is both a metro station and a food hall, and ten floors of apartments on top of it that are all dispersed along the building.

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Programmatic breakdown diagram


Ground Floor = 0.925 of 3 (Max FAR)

Each unit block = 0.23 of 3

Total FAR Used = 2.995 of 3

Parking Required per unit = 1

Number of units per floor = 54

Number of floors = 10

Total units/Parking spots required = 540

Density bonus consession for parking asked = 50%

Due to placement of site within 1500 ft of a major transit stop, can replace upto 30% parking with bike racks

Required parking = 20% of 540 = 108

With all of the concessions being asked on parking, the goal is to reinforce the idea that micro living is about the sharing of resources - in this case, carpooling, or using public transportation.

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Source: ArchDaily


Project Information

The horse shoe shaped arch of Markthal consists of housing from the third to the eleventh floor, in total 102 rental apartments and 126 apartments for sale. Each apartment has an outside terrace over the full width of the unit and the 24 penthouses on the top floor have – thanks to the arch shape – a very wide roof terrace. The apartments can be accessed via 6 entrances at street level. The tenants of Markthal have signed a so called Green Lease Agreement regarding sustainable performance requirements.

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Architect: MVRDV Location: Rotterdam, Netherlands Year: 2014 Use: Fresh food market + apartments
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Image Source: ArchDaily
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Image Source: ArchDaily


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Image Source: Dezeen

22m2 Apartment

Project Information

A bath, floor-to-ceiling storage and space for exercise are included in the compact flat, located in Taipei City, where property prices are driving young buyers into smaller homes. Storage spans one entire wall of the living room, covering the 3.3 metres from floor to ceiling.

A Little Design described the client as a young woman who travels frequently for work, and when she gets home “all she needs is a hot bath and a good sleep”.

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Architect: A Little Design Location: Taiwan Year: 2016 Use: Micro living apartment
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Micro apartment

Project information

This project was made by outfitting the ceiling with industrial tracks, often used to support the rolling bookshelves at libraries, and fabricated a series of storage units that double as walls.

Architect: PKMN

Location: Madrid Year: 2014

Use: Micro living apartment

“Rooms” are created by rolling these storage units into a variety of configurations and turn her space into a dressing room, sitting area, boudoir, or kitchen depending on the need. Sliding panels give her the ability to create a sense of privacy or to hide a sink full of dishes.

- 53https://www.wired.com/2014/11/moving-walls-transform-tiny-apartment-5-room-home/
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Climate Analysis

Los Angeles has a hot-summer Mediterranean climate, with hot, dry summers, and mild-to-warm winters, with increased precipitation. Precipitation annually in Los Angeles is lower than in many typical Mediterranean climates, giving it semi-arid characteristics. [Source: NOAA]

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Will probably become more relevant in the future, according to current trends:

Natural Ventillation

Sun Shading of windows


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Heat Gain from lights, people, and equipment greatly reduces heating loads on the system.

Heat Gain from lights, people, and equipment greatly reduces heating loads on the system.

Passive solar heating with south facing glazing to maximize winter sun exposure.

Shading to prevent overheating, and open to summer breezes and use passive solar heat gain in the winter.

Doble pane high performance low-e glazing on the west, north, and east facades, but clear glazing on the south for maximum passive solar gain

Traditional passive homes in temperate climates used lightweight construction with slab on grade, operable walls and shaded outdoor spaces

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- 60 - Two sleeping pod micro living unit

Legacy Bench Project


This is a team project by a group consisting of Bo Li, Mehul Sathyanarayan, Nehansh Saxena and myself. We as a group decided to do this instead of Vellum - the design competition.

This is a group project that was taken over from a previous studio. It rests on the existing concrete wall of the CAED architecture building and uses the wall to structurally support itself.

It is built using 2x2 steel angle pieces that were cut to make two different kinds of modules upon which rest the wooden sleepers and decking. It is designed to not require any welding, and just uses nuts and bolts to keep it together.

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Two sleeping pod micro living unit

An Exploration of micro units

Living small, but meaningfully

A few of the strategies used in this design are the use of vertical space, the dual purpose of the storage shelves that double as stairs, and having a lofted bed space.

Once again, the primary goal this design aims to establish is to give its residents dignity - by giving them a place to call home when they cannot afford much. This design, I think, does that because it gives them a little kitchenette and bathroom of their own, and even a little balcony to escape the confines of the room.

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This project is going to be targeted towards the low-income population – starting professionals, daily wage workers, and people who cannot afford the rising Los Angeles rental market in general.


Impact, N. (no date) Consequences of overproduction and overconsumption, Consequences of Overproduction and Overconsumption | Net Impact. Available at: https://netimpact.org/blog/ overproduction-overconsumption-consequences (Accessed: December 9, 2022).

Residential buildings factsheet (no date) Center for Sustainable Systems. Available at: https:// css.umich.edu/publications/factsheets/built-environment/residential-buildings-factsheet#:~:text=In%202021%2C%20the%20residential%20sector,of%20U.S.%20total%20electricity%20 sales.&text=In%202021%2C%20the%20U.S.%20residential,of%20U.S.%20primary%20energy%20consumption (Accessed: December 9, 2022).

California, S.of (no date) Estimated solid waste generation rates, Cal Recycle. Available at: https://www2.calrecycle.ca.gov/wastecharacterization/general/rates (Accessed: December 9, 2022).

Yoh, C. (2022) What is coliving? common’s complete guide to Coliving in 2022, The Coliving Blog by Common | Resources for Shared Living. Available at: https://www.common.com/ blog/2019/05/what-is-coliving/ (Accessed: December 9, 2022).

Best room & home rentals experience (no date) Bungalow. Available at: https://bungalow.com/ articles/what-is-coliving-everything-you-need-to-know-about-this-popular-housing-type (Accessed: December 9, 2022).

90057 zip code income, population and Demographics (no date) Name Census. Available at: https://namecensus.com/demographics/california/90057/ (Accessed: December 9, 2022).

Taiebat, M. and Xu, M. (2019) 5 charts show how your household drives up global greenhouse gas emissions, PBS. Public Broadcasting Service. Available at: https://www.pbs.org/newshour/ science/5-charts-show-how-your-household-drives-up-global-greenhouse-gas-emissions (Accessed: December 9, 2022).

Barragan, B. (2020) Metro tosses out development proposal, calls for more affordable housing in Westlake, Curbed LA. Curbed LA. Available at: https://la.curbed.com/2020/2/19/21143915/ westlake-macarthur-park-subway-station-metro-walter-jayasinghe (Accessed: December 10, 2022).

Housing insecurity by race and place during the pandemic (2021) Center for Economic and Policy Research. Available at: https://cepr.net/report/housing-insecurity-by-race-and-place-duringthe-pandemic/ (Accessed: December 10, 2022).

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