The imperative We can use the imperative to give a direct order. 1. Take that chewing gum out of your mouth. 2. Stand up straight. 3. Give me the details.
We can use the imperative to give instructions. 1. Open your book. 2. Take two tablets every evening. 3. Take a left and then a right.
We can use the imperative to make an invitation. 1. Come in and sit down. Make yourself at home. 2. Please start without me. I'll be there shortly. 3. Have a piece of this cake. It's delicious.
We can use the imperative on signs and notices. 1. Push. 2. Do not use. 3. Insert one dollar.
We can use the imperative to give friendly informal advice. 1. Speak to him. Tell him how you feel. 2. Have a quiet word with her about it. 3. Don't go. Stay at home and rest up. Get some sleep and recover.
We can make the imperative 'more polite' by adding 'do'.
Do be quiet. Do come. Do sit down.
Imperatives EN FORMA AFIRMATIVA Come here Ven aquí
Don't cross the street No cruces la calle
Go there Ve allí
Don't say that No digas eso
Open the door Abre la puerta
Don't be so mean No seas tan malo
Leave me alone Déjame solo
Don't fight No pelées
Turn on the TV Enciende el televisor
Don't drink so much No tomes tanto
Turn off the radio Apága la radio
Don't invite so many people No invites a tantas personas
Be careful Sé cuidadoso
Don't make noise No hagas ruido
Let me see that Déjame ver eso
Don't interrupt No interrumpas
Call me up Llámame por teléfono
Don't drive so fast No conduzcas tan rápido
Finish that report Termina ese informe
Don't be late No llegues tarde
Sit down Siéntate
Don't come so early No vengas tan temprano
Stand up Levántate
Don't buy so many things No compres tantas cosas
El "Let´s" = "Let us" se usa para dar una orden en la cual uno mismo se incluye. Let's work Trabajemos
Let's not hurry No nos apuremos
Let's make a party Hagamos una fiesta
Let's not do that No hagamos eso
Let's buy some beers Compremos algunas cervezas
Let's not waste time No desperdiciemos tiempo
Let's play basketball Juguemos al básketbol
Let's not wait any more No esperemos más
Let's go to the movies Vayamos al cine
Let's not go so fast No vayamos tan rápido
Let's eat some ice creams Comamos algunos helados
Let's not drink so much No tomemos tanto
Let's take a walk Tomemos un paseo
Let's not talk about that No hablemos de eso
Let's consider this problem Consideremos este problema
Let's not bother them No los molestemos
Let's see what we can do Veamos que podemos hacer
Let's not interrupt No interrumpamos
Let's try to do it Tratemos de hacerlo
Let's not say anything No digamos nada
Let's start with this Comencemos con esto
Let's not argue again No discutamos de nuevo
Let's finish that Terminemos eso
Let's not be upset about it No estemos molestos por ello