News Letter
April 2009
OPEN CHAPTER MEETING PMI Netherlands Chapter Project Management brought to YOU!! Meet the leaders of the international Project Management Institute (PMI) in Amsterdam. PMI, with nearly 265.000 members the worlds largest project management organization, organizes it’s Global EMEA Congress 2009 in the Netherlands. The Dutch chapter of PMI has the opportunity for you as project management professional to meet the global leaders of PMI. Speakers: Gregory Balastrero, CEO PMI Ricardo Vargas, Chair PMI Tom van ‘t Hek, former sportsman and coach So inform people in your network and meet us at this free event in the RAI Amsterdam and register at: Date: 18th May 2009 Time: 19:00 – 22:00 hrs Location: RAI Amsterdam Contact Information:
PMI EMEA Congress at Amsterdam on May 18-20: Discount This year the PMI EMEA Congress will be held in Amsterdam, and early Registration is now open. The PMI Netherlands Chapter will organise a number of side events in collaboration with PMI Headquarters. You will be informed on these side events soon. Do you intend to visit the Congress? Then please contact our CEO first at If we have enough people to join the congress we will be able to provide you with a Page 1 of 5
promotional code which will give you a discount of 10%, so please let us know about your plans, this will give you and your fellow Congress visitors an great benefit (10% discount is almost equal to one year PMI Membership Fee including the fee for the PMI Netherlands Chapter).
PMI EMEA Congress at Amsterdam on May 18-20: Volunteers needed The PMI Netherlands Chapter is looking for volunteer to assist PMI with the following activities in the organization of the PMI EMEA Global Congress: Assist PMI core team with various tasks such as updating signage, etc Prepare congress bags for distribution to delegates. Introduce, and provide in-room assistance for, each speaker scheduled to present in the room the monitor has been assigned. Session monitors for the LIM distribute, collect and return session evaluation sheets to the volunteer coordinator or staff. A volunteers will need to remain in the exhibit hall during exhibit hall hours to assist exhibitors as needed Scan the the delegates' badge(s) using a scanner provided by PMI. Once the badge has been scanned, the volunteer gives the delegate their conference material (congress bag, etc.) Volunteers will need to assist PMI staff on Wednesday evening, 20 May with putting seminar books and materials seminar classrooms. All Seminars will take place in the Hilton Amsterdam Hotel. Volunteering for one day of the congress, gives you free entrance and PDU’s for one other day of the congress. If you are interested or want to get additional information, please contact Pieter van der Knaap at
New sponsor: Certa Legal From March 1st, 2009 onwards Certa Legal became a Silver Sponsor of the PMI Netherlands Chapter. Certa Legal is a full-service legal service provider in the Netherlands. One of their services is called Legal Project Management (see for more information). All members received a postal mailing regarding a free seminar on April 16, 2009 at Amsterdam. The subject of the seminar is LEGAL & SOFTWARE MANAGEMENT BIJ IT-PROJECTEN. Registration via
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Zesde Project Portfolio Management Jaarcongres
"Benefit Realisation & Project Portfolio Management, DĂŠ tools voor uitdagende tijden!" Dit is de titel van het aankomende 6e PPM Jaarcongres, dat op 27 mei a.s. In Amstelveen wordt gehouden. PPM helpt u om te objectiveren en te prioriteren als het om project- en investeringskeuzes gaat. Welke projecten stelt u bij als blijkt dat de markten plotseling krapper worden bij verwachte vraaguitval? Welke projecten besparen het meest zonder toekomstige benefits te verliezen? Voor leden-relaties van PMI Netherlands Chapter geldt een aantrekkelijke korting van 100 euro op de deelnameprijs. U surft naar het programma en inschrijfformulier op en u noteert bij mailcode: "PPM-PMINLChapter09". En als u dat doet voor 20 april pakt u ook de nog de 100 euro Early Bird korting!
Inschrijving Short tracks voorjaar 2009 geopend. Dit jaar zal het PMI Netherlands Chapter vier short tracks organiseren in samenwerking met John Hermarij van Dhirata. Voor het voorjaar zijn de data reeds bekend en de inschrijving is geopend. De voertaal tijdens de cursus is Nederlands: 2009 Short track 1: woensdag 10 juni - Standaarden WBS en Scheduling (8 pdu's) 2009 Short track 2: woensdag 24 juni - Standaard Earned Value (8 pdu's) De kosten per short track bedragen 220 Euro per persoon inclusief BTW, standaard, lesmateriaal en lunch. Betaling dient te geschieden tot maximaal een week voor aanvang op rekening van PMI Netherlands Chapter o.v.v. short track. Na betaling ontvangt u per e-mail een factuur. U meldt u aan door een mail te sturen met naam en factuur adres aan, of via het electronisch aanmeld formulier op onze website PMI short tracks zijn eendaagse cursussen ter promotie van de standaarden van PMI, die een aanvulling of verdieping bieden op de PMBOK. De cursussen hebben het karakter van een workshop en zijn praktijkgericht, zie ook De voertaal is Nederlands. De trainingslocatie werd hierbij beschikbaar gesteld door Accedis Informatisering te Hoofddorp Page 3 of 5
Verdere plannen voor 2009 In het najaar zullen de short track 3 Programma Management en short track 4 Portfolio Management worden gehouden. Zodra de data bekend zijn zal ook hier de inschrijving voor geopend worden. Meer info: PMI NL website Kees Augustijn PMP Director Chapter meetings & Short tracks
Chapter meeting March 18 This chapter meeting was hosted by Accedis in Hoofddorp, which was very well attended by about fifty persons. The two presentations of the evening: Lecture Dr Eric Schott/Stefan Haffner - Integration of PM systems and ERP system Lecture Emile Knops of RIVM - Challenges Managing a project to implement one Nation wide solution for Mammo screening.
Visit our website for pictures & presentations
Please Keep your profile up-to-date Regularly we receive requests from members to update their profile, as they have changed employer, changed internet-provider or moved to a new location. Unfortunately the chapter can’t do this for you, you have to do this Page 4 of 5
yourself: just go to, click Go to My Profile and follow the instructions
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