News Letter
Feb 2010
New websites is alive! As you probably already noticed when downloading this Newsletter, our new website is alive!. Although not all pages are filled yet with information you already can get a good impression. Please let us know what you think about this new website by filling in the poll on the Home page.
PMI Netherlands Chapter New Folder Besides a new website we also have developed a new folder about PMI Netherlands Chapter. You can download this folder from
You can download the latest IPMA Newsletter from
3 seats left for students for PMP/CAPM coaching class Feb-Apr-2010 So far we have 12 students registered for the next PMI Netherlands Coaching class and we can accommodate 3 more. th
It runs on four Saturdays in 2010 (13 February, 6 and 20 March, and 17 April) in Bilthoven. The price is â‚Ź545, which includes study material, accommodation, lunch and beverages. For a last minute booking contact Rommert Stellingwerf at
Global PM Survey We all share a vision – to promote project management as key to sustainable development in the world. GPM German Project Management Association together with IPMA International Project management Association recently started a Global PM Survey “Organisational Status, Standards & Success Factors” in order to learn from the different approaches in the world. What this survey seeks to answer: • • •
Which competencies does an organization need in order to manage projects successfully? What kind of leadership must be displayed in order to successfully motivate people to work in projects? What influences the effectiveness of these competencies?
The objective of this research is to get a picture of the overall status, cause-and-effect relationships, and success factors of project management in organizations. What is the participants benefit Participants of the survey will receive the survey report free of charge. The report contains: • • • • •
Success factors of project management as gathered on an international, inter-company and cross-industry basis Comparison of success factors across the participating industries Comparison of success factors across project types Benchmarks of the participating industries Relations between national and organizational culture and project management.
You will find the survey following this link: The PMI Netherlands Chapter supports this survey and invites all of its members to participate. It will only take approximately 15 minutes to answer.
1e Jaarcongres Project XXL: Uitnodiging voor PMI Netherlands Chapter leden Nieuwe uitdagingen voor regie, uitvoering en control PROJECT XXL is een jaarlijks congres dat u een nieuwe, andere kijk geeft op de organisatie en informatievoorziening van succesvolle grote, complexe (semi) overheidsprojecten. Op 16 maart 2010 gaat men het in verschillende aansprekende cases vooral hebben over thema's als: hoe maak je ruimte voor ondernemerschap, hoe manoeuvreer je tussen business case en prestige, hoe regisseer je tijd, geld en benefits in samenhang? En dat gebeurt multidisciplinair, met professionele bijdragen vanuit o.a: Rijkswaterstaat Nyenrode Business Universiteit Prorail Ministerie BZK Natuurmonumenten Provincie Utrecht TU Delft Strukton Integrale Projecten Rabobank Trans Link Systems En medewerking van: Ooa DENKTANK PROJECT NL DHV Het Expertise Centrum Ordina
Kortom, hĂŠt jaarcongres voor iedere bestuurder, manager en professional in de wereld van grote (semi) overheidsprojecten. Voor het complete programma, de case-beschrijvingen en het inschrijfformulier gaat u naar de congressite: Als lid van PMI Netherlands Chapter ontvangt u bij inschrijving 100 euro extra korting. Hierdoor betaalt u slechts 395,- (non-profit) of 495,- (profit) Vul bij uw aanmelding de mailcode: PMICH10 in en de korting wordt automatisch toegepast
Event Calender We started 2010 with our Annual Meeting on January 21st at Sogeti in Amersfoort and on February 3rd with a successful Sponsor Event organized by Microsoft. The presentations will be published in due time on our new website, which is under construction at the moment. Both Events were visited by appr. 70 members. As promised during our Annual Meeting we owe you a calendar with planned (not fixed !!) Events for 2010. Theme PgM-LIWG PM in HighTech Environment PM and Sustainability PM Game / Networking Tools & Metrics Project Support PgM-LIWG Res.Planning simulator Congres TSM or Crossing Borders (D, B, NL) Clarity PM and Government PgM-LIWG Beneluxday PM and large infra projects Henk-1; Henk-2; Prashnant Shat PM and Healthcare PgM-LIWG OPM3 Standards in PM
Type of LIWG Chapter Meeting Chapter Meeting Workshop Chapter Meeting Chapter Meeting LIWG Workshop Conference Workshop Chapter Meeting LIWG Conference Chapter Meeting Sponsor Event Chapter Meeting LIWG Workshop Chapter Meeting
Date wo, 10-03-10 wo, 03-03-10 do, 18-03-10 vr, 26-03-10 wo, 21-04-10 do, 13-05-10 do, 20-05-10 di, 25-05-10 do, 10-06-10 wo, 16-06-10 sep-10 sep-10 okt-10 okt-10 nov-10 nov-10 nov-10 dec-10 dec-10
Furthermore we will plan a Crossing Border Event together with the Chapters Belgium and Cologne in Q4. Also some members volunteered to organize Chapter meetings in North Netherlands (thank you for doing so) and we have an enthusiastic member to organize working group meetings on Six Sigma. See you all at one of these events,
Jan Cardol (Director Events)