2011.02 - PMI Netherlands Newsletter

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News Letter

January 2011

LAST CALL: PMI Exam preparation in 2 months Do it the first time right and take our Coaching Class! 4 Saturdays in 2 months to prepare you for the rigorous PMP or CAPM Exam questions. It is a self-study coaching class explaining the PMI certification process, offering exam-taking tips and providing the facility to take & interactively discuss the answers on simulated exams. The class size is 10-12 students. The language in the class is English and/or Dutch. Next 2011 session dates: 5 March, 19 March, 2 April and 19 April 2011, from 10:00 till 16:00. Location: Hotel De Biltsche Hoek in De Bilt, close to Utrecht. The fee is ₏ 545, - (inclusive 19% VAT) covering 4 days of coaching class by highly experienced PMP’s, and including study books & materials, accommodation, lunch and beverages. th

Please register before the 5 of February. Enrolment is open to eligible* PMI Netherlands Chapter members or prospective members and will be treated on a first come, first served basis. This is the last call for this event. So do not hesitate to register. More information: see our website or contact Rommert Stellingwerf, Director Education and Standards

Growing the World of Project-, Program- and Portfolio Management This title is pretty much what PMI and our Chapter in the Netherlands is all about. Therefore the board has embraced it as our 2011 work title. Let me explain. Keywords in our mission and vision are global knowledge, project-, program and portfolio management, for sure we need to add PMO to this, certification and community of sharing. Our contribution is growing this world. Growing means develop, professionalize. The world typically refers to the global backgrounds and footprint of PMI. Certification and community sharing are means to enable this professional growth. Growing also reflects to the board’s 2011 ambition. To my opinion we did a good job over the last years in establishing a good fundament by improving internal processes, finances and communication. Now it is time to extend and focus externally: let’s show the Dutch world that we are there and what we are therefore. I repeated what I said at the Annual Meeting, be there and make noise…. As PMI over the years we gained a lot of knowledge. We should be aware of this and ensure that we don’t make it a best kept secret. Therefore we should encourage companies and professional individuals to take note of our “body of knowledge” and standard and what we as a chapter do to maintain this in the Netherlands. We should better explain what our roots are and why we by nature are the only truly global player in project-, program- and portfolio management. We should position ourselves, we should position our certificates against those that are supplied by others. We should re-identify what our strength is…… 2010 Was a good PMI year. We achieved almost everything that we planned. Most remarkably were: growth in members starting 2011 with 667 individual members, a starting up Young Professional group, presence in the social media, fruitful contacts with education institutes, an up to date website and many more. 2011 should even be a better PMI year. We started with what I fancied as a very good Annual Meeting. Thanks everyone that were there and thanks Sogeti for kindly hosting us again. It is becoming a tradition…. Another good sign is that we already added a new sponsor. We welcome PMOWorks and hope for a lasting relation in particular since PMO has our attention. Finally this must be a good year as we th celebrate our 10 anniversary. There is many more we would like to see happening during 2011 in particular more volunteers, workgroups and volunteers. So join us in growing our world. Feedback to us were our strength lies. Initiate the creation of content via workgroups etc. and let’s get closer together and strengthen our community. While we celebrate this year it is our communal duty create and enforce the fundament for the next ten years. Be there and make noise, grow the world of project-, program and portfolio management.

RISK DOCTOR NIEUWSBRIEF – DOOR PMI NETHERLANDS CHAPTER Onderstaande vertaling is een extract van de maandelijkse nieuwsbrief van de Risk Doctor, David Hillson. Deze vertaling wordt uitgebracht door het PMI Netherlands Chapter – Program Board Dutch publications , om risicomanagement in het Nederlandse taalgebied te ondersteunen, door internationaal erkende publicaties onder de aandacht te brengen. Voor feedback op deze nieuwsbrief, of voor meer details over de ontwikkeling van effectief risicomanagement, zie de (Engelstalige) website van de Risk Doctor (www.risk-doctor.com). Vertaling en redactie - Anton Zandhuis,PMP, Januari 2011 © December 2010, Dr David Hillson Hon FAPM, PMI Fellow, david@risk-doctor.com HOE VOLWASSEN IS UW RISIOCOMANAGEMENT? Risicomanagement is een belangrijke factor in het waarborgen van business en project succes. Maar hoe kunt u bepalen of uw risicomanagement goed genoeg is? David Hillson beschrijft in zijn artikel een volwassenheidsmodel om uw aanpak te benchmarken aan ‘good practice’. Hij noemt 4 organisatie niveaus van toenemende bekwaamheid in risicomanagement: Naïef -






· De Naïeve organisatie is onbekend met de noodzaak voor risicomanagement en heeft geen gestructureerde benadering voor het omgaan met onzekerheid. Management processen zijn reactief met nauwelijks pogingen om te leren uit het verleden, om daarmee beter voorbereid te zijn voor toekomstige kansen en bedreigingen. · De organisatie die als Beginneling kan worden gekenmerkt, experimenteert met risicomanagement, maar gewoonlijk toegepast door een beperkt aantal individuen. Er is geen formeel of gestructureerd algemeen risicomanagement proces aanwezig. Men profiteert nog onvoldoende van de kansen en men is onvoldoende proactief in het afwenden van bedreigingen. · In de Genormaliseerde organisatie is het risicomanagement een routineus business proces. Risicomanagement processen zijn algemeen ingevoerd en de voordelen ervan worden erkend door alle lagen in de organisatie. · De organisatie die als Natuurtalent kan worden gezien, heeft een cultuur waarin het proactief omgaan met onzekerheid in alle aspecten van de bedrijfsvoering is doorgedrongen. Ondernemerschap pur-sang! Risico wordt niet alleen gezien als negatief maar juist ook als positief (kansen!) en wordt actief gebruikt om business processen te verbeteren en competitieve voordelen te halen. Elk volwassenheidsniveau kan worden gedefinieerd met 4 kenmerken; cultuur, proces, ervaring, en praktische toepassing. David concludeert dat risicomanagement té belangrijk is om links te laten liggen. Risico volwassenheidmodellen bieden ons een uitstekend handvat om stapsgewijs ons risicomanagement te verbeteren, met hogere opbrengsten als gevolg. Dit geldt absoluut in veranderingstrajecten – en dat zijn projecten - waarin ‘onzekerheid’ de norm is. For the complete English original, please check the following link: http://www.risk-doctor.com/docs/58%20How%20mature%20is%20your%20risk%20capability.pdf

You can download the latest IPMA Newsletters from http://www.pmi-netherlands-chapter.org/images/stories/PMI-data/ipma-news/nl110114.pdf

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