2011.04 - PMI Netherlands Newsletter

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The Presidents Column – Spring is in the Air I guess you all noticed over the last couple of days: spring is in the air. What a lovely weather, finally the sun is there giving its first warmth, making people happy, giving new energy and spirit not only to nature that shows its first flowers but also to human beings. What a glaring contrast to all the dramatic news that came to us from Japan. Of course we like to extend our sympathy to our PMI colleagues, their family and friends that suffer so deeply from the earthquake, tsunami and the nuclear disaster. I hope spring and all that that stands for soon will return to Japan as well. Spring is the season that in the PMBOK probably belongs to the initiating process group. Initiating new ideas, re‐fresh older ones, regain energy and re‐start. Hit Ctrl‐Alt‐Del and let’s go! Our Chapter wasn’t exactly quiet during winter but with the turn of the seasons even more is ahead of us. Some really recommendable events at Microsoft and Philips but also the Young Professionals are now kicking off. Sandra good luck with your first YP meeting. Many more I am sure will follow and I and the board will support this initiative since it is our belief that our chapter should “spring” itself by attracting lot’s of PM

youngsters. Youngsters that could benefit greatly from getting PMI certified, in particular since a lot of companies show great interest in PMI and more and more require PM certificates as career enabler. Furthermore there are new Program Management LIG meetings scheduled. Henk and Karel are looking for an alternative approach. I am very curious to see what that will lead us to as I know it will be great. And of course there is many more, a PMI EMEA conference in Dublin, the new PM ISO standard progressing well and please, although an autumn event, mark October 1st in your agenda for this year’s BeneluxDay at the Koningshof in Veldhoven. For sure our chapter is alive and kicking. Does all this maybe raise a spring itch. Do you want to re‐start yourself and maybe contribute to the chapter. Let us know. Some thought are that we could do with more Local Interest Groups for instance for Agile Project Management, Portfolio Management, PMO and what about Woman in Project Management that was touched upon at our annual meeting? Scratch out that itch and become a volunteer. Help us growing the World of Project‐, Program‐ and Portfolio Management. Cees Pijs President

PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam ‐ Vakvereniging voor Project‐, Programma‐ en Portfoliomanagers www.PMI‐Netherlands‐Chapter.org


PMI Netherlands Chapter Event(s) for the Coming Month •

12th of April, Project Management in the Virtual World

21st of April, De geheimen van Projecten op Tijd (Young Professionals)

To register go to: http://www.pmi-netherlands-chapter.org/index.php/events/event-registration

Did you know … •

That starting the 1st of April 2011 we welcome Microsoft as our new Platinum sponsor

That we have translated articles on our website of the Risk Doctor.

That we publish articles from our fellow PMI members on our website.

A PMI Netherlands Chapter on LinkedIn and Twitter! The way the world is communicating is changing. LinkedIn and Twitter are very popular these days and create new ways of reaching out to a community that is bigger than anyone anticipated before. PMI is also making use of these communication channels. A lot of you have already

connected with us via LinkedIn. If you haven´t done so, please click here to be connected. We are also present on Twitter. This medium is growing very fast in the Netherlands. Our Twitter account is @PMINLCH. Look us up and start following our tweets and stay informed.

Your PMI Benefits - Virtual Library PMI’s virtual library consists of more than 300 titles and 50 videos. The content is presented in an easy-to-use web-based format and includes a search engine powered by Books24x7. Topics include project management, international business, general management, communication skills, leadership, technology and many more.

For more information and to take advantage of unabridged content of world’s leading publishers go to : www.PMI.org/KnowledgeCenter/Virtual-Library-eReads-and-Reference.aspx and login to PMI’s website.

PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam ‐ Vakvereniging voor Project‐, Programma‐ en Portfoliomanagers www.PMI‐Netherlands‐Chapter.org


PMI Launches Agile Certification Agile is a topic of growing importance in project management. The marketplace shows this trend, as project management practitioners embrace Agile as a technique for managing successful projects. Because of these changes in the project management environment, PMI is developing an Agile certification. For more information see http://www.pmi.org/Home/Agile.aspx .

In Focus: Hoe certificeer je een internationaal projectmanager Toen ik bezig was met mijn certificering voor projectmanager wilde ik hierin graag mijn internationale ervaringen en vaardigheden meenemen. Maar al snel kwam ik tot de conclusie dat internationale aspecten inbrengen niet mogelijk is. In de huidige certificeringstrajecten wordt uitsluitend gekeken naar de ervaring met projectmanagement binnen de eigen landsgrenzen. Ik vind dat een gemiste kans en vind dat projectmanagers en opdrachtgevers deze

lacune in de certificering moeten dichten. Dit kan eenvoudig door in het certificeringtraject normen en criteria op te nemen voor ervaring met de internationale aspecten van projectmanagement, zoals bijvoorbeeld cultuuraspecten. Jaap van Gent - NPC Klik hier voor het gehele artikel.

PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam ‐ Vakvereniging voor Project‐, Programma‐ en Portfoliomanagers www.PMI‐Netherlands‐Chapter.org


2010 Chapter survey: Areas of Improvement Sometimes you wonder how you’re performing. And if you know how you’re performing, you wonder why something that worked previously doesn’t work anymore or how you can improve something that was working fine before? But then again, you understand that as time moves on, demands change. So you think again. How can you keep all stakeholders satisfied, while their expectations are increasing and at times are conflicting? How can you perform at the top of your ability, while you’re dependent of others as well? And how can you enjoy what you’re doing, while everyone is focused on the results? This is where the challenges are and you have to bring in all your creativity, enthusiasm and dedication to answer these questions and also your knowledge, skills and experience. This is where it all happens; this is “the zone” so to say. The PMI board has recognized this and is working in this area. Last year we sent out the 2010 Chapter survey to find out what works and where we need to improve. We analyzed your feedback and deduced your needs from that. We created categories and the top 4 area for improvement are as follows: 1) Visibility: people want to belong to an organization that is well known and respected and identify with their values 2) Membership: people want to be part of a growing community and know what’s in it for them or be able to contribute 3) Communication: people want to be informed in an appropriate way, depending on their role/relationship with PMI NL 4) Professionalism: people want to feel proud about the organization they belong to, they want to develop themselves and meet with like minded people, also from other industries

We are working on the strategy to meet these needs. There are some things there already and soon you will see more. There will be more focus on quality and consistency in everything we do, there will be improved communication to members and other stakeholders, and there will be better use of the (new) media to serve our stakeholders and increase our visibility. In my role I’ll be working closely with the other PMI NL board directors to implement the strategy. There will be a focus on the new media and other methods or tools that we can use to improve our performance on each of the mentioned areas for improvement will be considered. We already have a Linked‐In group, a Twitter account and a You Tube channel up and running (see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q7weBjy_BLo). We just need to create more quality content. You’re contribution is very much wanted and appreciated. I also call upon you to support me as a volunteer. See the “Request for Volunteers for Innovation” article in this newsletter. I’m looking forward to an exciting year in which we will implement as much as possible of the feedback we received from you in an innovating way. Stay connected! Take care, Diepak Kasi, Director Innovations

PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam ‐ Vakvereniging voor Project‐, Programma‐ en Portfoliomanagers www.PMI‐Netherlands‐Chapter.org


Request for Volunteers for Innovation A much heard expression is that it only takes one person to make a difference. Personally I have mixed feelings about this. I believe that can one can start an endeavor, but without the support of others it will be extremely hard to accomplish this endeavor. You always need a team to accomplish anything in life. This is why we need you as a volunteer. I need you! I’m making more use of the new media. To create the content I need someone who is willing to record the events on video (DVD or any other format). It would be great to have a number of people so we pick and choose the events we can attend. You will need to bring you own camera device and do the video editing yourself. It would be great if you have some experience in this area or like to gain experience in this area.

I also need someone who likes to work with me in (learning and) utilizing the capabilities of the new media like Linked‐In, Twitter, You Tube, e‐mail marketing and any other tools to demonstrate our professionalism to and increase our visibility on the marketplace. Of course you’ll earn PDU’s for your contribution as a volunteer. More important is that you’ll be a part of bringing the PMI NL Chapter to the next level. Please respond to me at the following address: innovation@pmi‐netherlands‐chapter.org. Looking forward to hear from you, Diepak Kasi Director Innovation

Andere nieuwsbrieven Zie ook de nieuwsbrief van onze zustervereniging IPMA Nederland.

more than 300 titles and 50 videos. The

PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam ‐ Vakvereniging voor Project‐, Programma‐ en Portfoliomanagers www.PMI‐Netherlands‐Chapter.org





PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam ‐ Vakvereniging voor Project‐, Programma‐ en Portfoliomanagers www.PMI‐Netherlands‐Chapter.org

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