2011.05 - PMI Netherlands Newsletter

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The Presidential Column – The Magic 700 Last time in this column I mentioned that spring is in the air. And what a great spring we had so far. I hope you all enjoyed it very much so far and that you as I am are full of spring energy. Looking back we as a Chapter added an energetic sponsor event thanks to Microsoft that put a lot of effort into this. Good to see that you all enjoyed the presentation on how the PMBOK was used as a framework at Shell. Even more all enjoyed the follow-up interaction. We will use your feedback to add more interaction to our events. Thank you once more Microsoft for organizing this event! By the way if you are interested: the presentation material is available on our chapter’s website. Have a look! Furthermore we had an all time high event, based on the number of participants, hosted by Philips in Eindhoven. More important is that you seem to have enjoyed yourself since you provided an 8+ as an overall score. Remarkable score for a mainly Dutch audience. It must be the topic itself, “building (virtual) teams”, that attracted many of you. Both presenters shared their energy on this topic and at least I took a lot of that home with me. Slide-ware will be available on our website shortly. Again have a look at our site as there is many more for you to enjoy. A big thank you to Philips for hosting us. Looking back there are also sad things to mention as we had to say goodbye to our very appreciated board member and treasurer Jan Vermeijs. Due to an assignment abroad Jan could no longer combine work, life and his commitment to the board. Jan, a warm-hearted thank you for your contribution. Very sorry to see you go, but as we are a community of mainly volunteers, very understandable as well. We were very lucky though, that Henk van de Walle, who already took part in last year’s “kas commissie”, did only have to consider very short, before he said yes and

he is now in the process of taking over. Henk will briefly introduce himself elsewhere in this newsletter as you will find an update board overview. Henk welcome indeed, happy to have you taking care of our finances. Another sad thing is the number of no shows on our events. Figures of 20 up to 30% are more rule than exception unfortunately. This is not in line with our code of conduct and please don’t let us put all kinds of penalties in place. Be respectful to the organizers of an event and if for what reason you can’t make it, sent a cancellation up front. We are all professionals…. Now back to the happy days. Looking forward there is the PMI Young Professionals event on May 10th. For those that consider themselves young (age up to 35) and professional take a look. To me a very interesting theme, if I was young…..The other main PMI event in May is the PMI Global Congress–EMEA 2011 in Dublin from May 9 till 11. In the weekend before the board will be present at the Leadership Meeting were we will team up with other Chapters from around the globe. Next time I will give you feedback on this. Finally we are now getting close to 700 members (695 to be precise at March closure). Isn’t that great? Should your colleagues not be part of that. Bring them to one of our next events, seeing is believing and we have a lot to show! And if it is not your colleague but you company that shows interest in PMI and our Chapter, don’t hesitate to call me or our CEO Jan Cardol. We are always willing to pay a visit and explain what we have to offer. Happy days if you invite us, happy days if next time I can update you that we passed the magic 700. Cees Pijs President of the PMI Netherlands Chapter

PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam ‐ Vakvereniging voor Project‐, Programma‐ en Portfoliomanagers www.PMI‐Netherlands‐Chapter.org


Board Update – New Treasurer Due to an long term assignment abroad Jan Vermeijs is no longer able to serve as board member and treasurer. The board is happy to announce that we were able to find Henk van de Walle willing to take over Jan’s role. According to article 13 of our Bye-Laws clause 5 and 7 the board is authorized to appoint replacements in the understanding that we need and will ask members approval at our next annual meeting. The board and the Chapters LIGs and other working groups after the replacement of Jan Vermeijs now looks like:

working for NedTrain (a subsidiary of NS, Dutch railways). Since 2001 I am a certified Project Management Professional (PMP).

Please join us in thanking Jan Vermeijs for his contribution and welcoming Henk van de Walle as his replacement. Introducing Henk van de Walle For 15 years I worked as Controller and IT-manager in the process industry and in manufacturing. Late nineties I switched to business/IT consultancy (project manager, consultant, interim manager). Over the years I worked in a variety of cultures, countries, and companies. I am currently

PMI Nether lands Chapter Event(s) for the Coming Month •

May 9th to11th, PMI EMEA Global Congress in Dublin for more information see: http://congresses.pmi.org/EMEA2011/

May 10th 2011, Moeiteloos organiseren (Young Professionals)

May 26th 2011, Portfolio Management ING (PGM-LIWG)

To register go to: http://www.pmi-netherlands-chapter.org/index.php/events/event-registration

PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam ‐ Vakvereniging voor Project‐, Programma‐ en Portfoliomanagers www.PMI‐Netherlands‐Chapter.org


Did you know … •

That PMI NL hosts translated articles of the Risk Doctor. http://www.pmi-netherlandschapter.org/index.php/publications/articles/risk-doctor-nieuwsbrief

That we publish articles from our fellow PMI members on our website. See: http://www.pmi-netherlandschapter.org/index.php/publications/articles/pmi-member

That last news letter had a non-functional link that should have pointed to: http://www.pmi-netherlandschapter.org/index.php/publications/articles/pmi-member/251-hoecertificeer-je-een-internationaal-ervaren-projectmanager-

Nieuwsbrief van de Risk Doctor Sinds januari 2011 zijn we gestart met het publiceren van vertalingen van de maandelijkse nieuwsbrief van de Risk Doctor, David Hillson. Deze vertaling wordt uitgebracht door het PMI Netherlands Chapter – Program Board Dutch Publications, om risicomanagement in het Nederlandse taalgebied te ondersteunen door internationaal erkende publicaties onder de aandacht te brengen.

Bekijk de eerste 3 publicaties op onze website: • • •

In zeven stappen naar Monte Carlo De zin en onzin van checklists in risicomanagement Hoe volwassen is uw risicomanagement?


PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam ‐ Vakvereniging voor Project‐, Programma‐ en Portfoliomanagers www.PMI‐Netherlands‐Chapter.org


PMI Nether lands Chapter welcomes the Young Professionals Since the beginning of this year, a subgroup is formed for Young Professionals within the PMI Netherlands Chapter. The goal is to bring together the Project Managers which are all at the start of their PM careers. This so they can share experiences and learn from each other. This PMI NL Young Professionals initiative is being organized together with the Young Professionals group of IPMA-NL. Who are the Young Professionals? For the activities we do organize, we don’t have an age limit, however we focus on the Project Managers till about the age of 35. We try to have an interesting programme, which can be a presentation about a certain project, a visit to a company or a very interesting project, a lecture, a discussion or an informal meeting. Because we don’t know who the Young Professionals are within the PMI Netherlands Chapter (we don’t have any age registered), we hope you will identify yourself when you are a PM with an age till 35. You can do this by joining the subgroup PMI Young Professionals within the PMI Netherlands Chapter at LinkedIn. Here we will put information about events organized for the Young Professionals, so you won’t miss anything.

Please see below for the current agenda of activities for the Young Professionals. Date


Company / Location

10 May

Organize easily From project management to project leadership

Logica / Spiff Amstelveen


A special project (Superbus???)

TU Delft

8 September

Professionalize Project Management and Portfolio Management

Arlande – Den Dolder


Leadership in project-based organizations

UVA Amsterdam


The new way of working

Onefox - Utrecht

Join the LinkedIn group! (http://www.linkedin.com/groups?mostPopular=&gid=3832949)

PMI Global - The Knowledge Shelf Want to read articles written and “vetted” by your peers? Turn to the Knowledge Shelf, located at: www.PMI.org/Knowledge-Center/KnowledgeShelf.aspx and login to PMI’s website. This growing online resource has

over 10 articles sorted into categories such as communication management, risk management and others.

PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam ‐ Vakvereniging voor Project‐, Programma‐ en Portfoliomanagers www.PMI‐Netherlands‐Chapter.org


PMI Nether lands Chapter and the ISO 21500 Guidance on Project Management Since 2007 more than thirty countries work together to document their views on project management in an international standard: ISO 21500. This is a guideline to bridge differences and to strengthen agreements when many parties work together in a project. ISO 21500 offers a common language within the project management field, and therefore this guideline is an important supplement for international and/or multi-disciplinary projects. In these projects different teams often use different methods, while they have to cooperate. ISO 21500 can then be the binding factor. Next to it the project organization often has to deal with many parties working together. ISO 21500 supports the communication between the parties, such as the sponsor, the fellow project managers, the consumer or the internal organization. The Netherlands takes part in the development of ISO 21500 via a NEN standardization committee with representatives from various sectors, colleges and from PMI NL Chapter and IPMA-NL. ISO 21500 will be marketed in the Netherlands via announcements, flyers, presentations, two info evenings in May and June, stands on congresses of PMI NL Chapter and IPMA-NL, a media campaign and a website. Visit the website to look inside ISO 21500. http://www.nen.nl/web/Normshop/Norm/ISOs-Guide-for-ProjectManagement.htm

Public comments on ISO 21500 The countries taking part in the development of ISO 21500 have agreed the contents of the guideline in December 2010. In April the so called Draft International Standard (DIS)-phase started in which all interested parties get the chance to review and comment on ISO 21500 before it is being adopted as formal international guideline for project management. The document is now available for viewing and commenting in English (and Dutch) via the website of NEN: http://www.normontwerpen.nen.nl/ PMI NL Chapter members have already been notified via email that the draft guideline is available. They are encouraged to deliver comments! Kickoff of ISO Project, program and project portfolio management As an extension of ISO 21500, further standardization in the field of Project, Program and Portfolio Management will be undertaken via a Technical Committee (ISI/TC 258). A kickoff meeting in June 2011 in Washington will determine its agenda, business/work plan and schedule. Representatives from PMI NL Chapter, IPMA-NL and PUG (PRINCE User Group)-NL will prepare a list of topics and their priorities for this agenda, which are relevant from a Netherlands perspective (such as project portfolio management, program management, project governance, competencies, project maturity, PMO, extended glossaries/lexicon). We will keep you posted of this important development.

PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam ‐ Vakvereniging voor Project‐, Programma‐ en Portfoliomanagers www.PMI‐Netherlands‐Chapter.org


In Focus: PMWIKI De PMWIKI is een Nederlandstalige online encyclopedie over projectmatig werken. Het bevat een breed spectrum van onderwerpen rondom dit thema. Dit platform heeft twee speerpunten: •

Allereerst is het platform bedoeld om op een gemakkelijke wijze nuttige informatie beschikbaar te stellen aan projectmatig werkende professionals. Waarom nog langer zoeken naar een gebruikersvriendelijke template voor een business case of naar een gemakkelijk hanteerbare tool voor risicomanagement? Ten tweede is het platform bedoeld om innovaties op het vakgebied te ondersteunen. Het platform is een communicatiemiddel voor nieuwe ontwikkelingen op het gebied van projectmatig werken.

Het platform is opgericht in 2008 op initiatief van IPMA-NL, bedoeld voor en samengesteld door professionele projectmanagers, programmamanagers, portfoliomanagers, procesmanagers en andere projectmatig werkende professionals in Nederland en België.

De encyclopedie wil op geen enkele wijze voorschrijven wat de standaard is op het gebied van projectmatig werken in Nederland en België. Geen enkele methode wordt beter gevonden dan een andere methode, geen enkel hulpmiddel wordt boven een ander gesteld. Het is aan de redacteuren om te borgen dat de aandacht op een evenwichtige wijze wordt verdeeld over de verschillende onderwerpen. Om die reden is ervoor gekozen om geen structuur op te leggen aan de inhoud van het platform. De enige structuur die in dit platform is te vinden, is gerelateerd aan het soort inhoud. Er zijn kennispagina’s waarin de verschillende methoden en technieken op een evenwichtige manier worden gepresenteerd. Er zijn referenties, waarin ‘cases’ op een geanonimiseerde manier worden beschreven, en zo voorts. Hoewel er nauwelijks restricties zijn, er zijn toch zijn enkele regels bij het gebruik van deze site. Overtreding van deze regels leidt tot actie van de redacteuren van deze site. Ongepaste inhoud of commentaar wordt snel van de site verwijderd. Degenen die ongepaste inhoud of commentaar plaatsen kunnen worden geblokkeerd als ‘editor’. Hoe kunt u bijdragen?

Om de kwaliteit van de inhoud te bewaken heeft de PMWIKI heeft, in tegenstelling tot de de wikipedia, wel een redactie. Deze redactie bestaat uit een aantal leden van IPMA-NL en sinds oktober 2010 is het PMI NL Chapter hierin ook vertegenwoordigd. De encyclopedie werkt volgens het wiki principe, hetgeen betekent dat de inhoud bij voortduring aangevuld en aangepast wordt door medewerkers van de website. Het is aan de medewerkers zelfs om te beoordelen of hun bijdrage waarde toevoegt voor andere professionele medewerkers. Er zijn aan dit platform nauwelijks restricties verbonden, dat betekent dat in beginsel iedereen alle inhoud mag en kan aanpassen. Veranderingen worden gelogd; zo is voor alle inhoud (elke pagina) te achterhalen wie wat heeft toegevoegd dan wel aangepast.

Wees niet bang bij te dragen aan het platform — iedereen kan vrijwel alle pagina’s aanpassen en dit wordt aangemoedigd. Doe uw best om iets te vinden dat verbeterd kan worden. Dat kan de inhoud zelf zijn, maar ook de vormgeving of het taalgebruik. Het maakt niet uit, elke verbetering wordt op prijs gesteld. Wees niet te bang iets stuk te maken. Elke aanpassing kan teruggedraaid worden of later nog verder verbeterd. En als u iets bijdraagt, dan kan een ander dit weer aanpassen. Wees niet bang dat dit gebeurt; het is namelijk alleen maar goed. Deze aanpak verbetert de kwaliteit van de inhoud. Indien u informatie over een bepaald onderwerp verwacht, maar niet aantreft, en indien u niet in staat bent deze informatie zelf aan te maken, dan kunt u deze informatie aanvragen via Contact / feedback (

PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam ‐ Vakvereniging voor Project‐, Programma‐ en Portfoliomanagers www.PMI‐Netherlands‐Chapter.org

NE W S LETTER – MAY 2011 http://www.pmwiki.nl/contact ). De redacteuren zullen een aanvraag uitzetten om deze informatie te vinden.

Het webadres voor de PMWIKI is: http://www.pmwiki.nl/index.php/Hoofdpagina

Ook de leden van het PMI NL Chapter worden aangemoedigd mee te helpen de PMWIKI de beste Nederlandstalige informatiebron op het internet op het gebied van projectmatig werken te maken.

Other notewor thy facts •

The newsletter of our sister association IPMA: http://www.pmi-netherlands-chapter.org/index.php/news/ipma-news/

PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam ‐ Vakvereniging voor Project‐, Programma‐ en Portfoliomanagers www.PMI‐Netherlands‐Chapter.org





PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam ‐ Vakvereniging voor Project‐, Programma‐ en Portfoliomanagers www.PMI‐Netherlands‐Chapter.org

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