Column - Building and strengthening our vir tual community - Get connected! According to Wikipedia ( agility is the ability to change the body's position efficiently, and requires the integration of isolated movement skills using a combination of balance, coordination, speed, reflexes, strength, endurance and stamina. Thanks god there is also a business definition associated since with my poor locomotive skills I feel very uncomfortable al of a sudden. In business agility means: “the capability of rapidly and efficiently adapting to changes. Recently agility has been applied e.g. in the context of agile software development and agile enterprise”. Now that definition makes sense to me and it also explains why agility is that popular (again). We need more efficient ways to run our projects. We need other ways to engage our project customers. We need new approaches as the world truly becomes global. If agile will be it? For sure we need to stay on top and learn from those new approaches, takes their better practices and tweak them to fit in our project management body of knowledge. Agility was clearly a topic at the PMI LIM and EMEA conference meeting in Dublin. Rommert Stellingwerf (director Professional Development) and I visited the LIM as that is the market place were chapters, communities of practice and global organizational units meet and discuss. Content is available via What took me most at the Lim was a presentation on use of social media by Elizabeth Harrin. A typical example from her presentation keeps me
occupied since. Consider the following: if your principal wants to know the weather in Beijing or any other place in this world he can check this using his smart phone. Within a split second the answer will pop up. Now what if he wants the status of your project…., what if a team member based in Bangalore wants the latest update or the business representative in Mexico City? Social media are about global collaboration and communication. Isn’t project management at least for a significant part about collaboration and communication? So let’s shift our paradigms and get over our blockades. Let’s explore all that new and exciting stuff. I don’t have a clue either but don’t forget that the basic philosophy behind all that new stuff is: learning by doing. Start experimenting, give and get feedback, adopt or change and continue experimenting. As a board we started experimenting as well. So nowadays you can find our chapter on: and of course via this newsletter, our website and so on. So that is a start but if we want to grow we need you to start exploring with us. Follow‐us on twitter, start contributing via twitter and linked‐in and so on. Help us in this learning experience by providing feedback as feedback will help us improving, exploring and in the end providing better and more appropriate communication channels and this community sense that the chapter is all about. Let’s together create this save haven while the world is more global than ever before.Get connected and use the new channels to provide your feedback, or use info@pmi‐netherlands‐ We are looking forward. Cees Pijs - President of the PMI Netherlands Chapter
PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam ‐ Vakvereniging voor Project‐, Programma‐ en Portfoliomanagers www.PMI‐Netherlands‐
PMI Nether lands Chapter Event(s) for the Coming Month •
June 22th, Chapter meeting Shaping Project Culture
To register go to:
ANNOUNCEMENT: Shor t Tracks autumn 2011 As in previous years PMI Netherlands Chapter, in co-operation with our Sponsor Dhirata organizes, 2 Short Tracks related to PMI Standards. During this training you will get the opportunity to exchange your experience with the other attendees. The Short Track program for this year consists of: •
23 September - Risk Management Standard
4th November - Work Breakdown Structure
The costs associated with each of these Short Tracks is € 300 (excluding VAT of 19%). Members of PMI Netherlands Chapter and IPMA will get a discount of € 50 and will pay only € 250 (excluding VAT of 19%). If you are interested in one or both of the above Short Tracks, note the above days in your diary. Registration will be open via the PMI NL Chapter website shortly.
Looking for Volunteers / Buddies Our chapter is growing and in the board we discussed opportunities to make the chapter more accessible and also more attractive to new members. One of the ideas is that we connect each new member to a member with a more mature chapter track record. The idea is that the more experienced chapter member will act as a buddy to the new member. Invite him or her to his or her first chapter meeting, welcome him or her at the event, introduce him or her to other members and act as a point of contact to help diminishing the first hurdles and support
quick introduction of a new member to our chapter. In return the buddy will extend his network into a new dimension and at leats is triggered to go to a chapter meeting to buddy. Will be fun for sure. Please volunteer via info@pmi‐netherlands‐ Once we have a list of volunteers we will start assigning new members randomly. Buddy and new member will be informed by e‐mail. Shout if you have other ideas to comfort new members.
PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam ‐ Vakvereniging voor Project‐, Programma‐ en Portfoliomanagers www.PMI‐Netherlands‐
Update: ISO 21500 Guidance on Project Management As we have reported last month, the ISO/DIS 21500 – Guidance on Project Management is available for reading and comment. Please take a moment to visit the following websites for more info:
Er twee informatieavonden worden georganiseerd om belanghebbende partijen te informeren over ISO 21500 en kans te geven commentaar te leveren op het huidige document.
1. ISO's Guide for Project Management
De tweede avond vindt plaats op 16 juni 2011. Locatie: Sogeti, Amersfoort, aanvang: 19.00 uur.
This general website on ISO 21500 operated by NEN:
Geïnteresseerden kunnen zich nog aanmelden via: ond-ISO-21500-de-nieuwe-richtlijn-voor-projectmanagement1.htm .
2. NEN-system for draft standard For a free electronic copy of the English and Dutch version of the draft ISO 21500 and for commenting: .
PMI Global - Career Headquar ters The place to post your resume online as well as accessing PMI’s career coach. For more information see:
Did you know … •
That the PMP exam will be revised per 31 august 2011.
Dat geïnteresseerden zich nog kunnen aanmelden voor de tweede ISO 21500 informatieavond op 16 juni in Amersfoort.
PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam ‐ Vakvereniging voor Project‐, Programma‐ en Portfoliomanagers www.PMI‐Netherlands‐
PMI Global - PMP Examination to Be Updated per 31 August 2011 The Project Management Professional (PMP)® credential examination will be revised per 31 August 2011, based on updates to the professional role of a PMP® credential holder recently found by PMI’s Role Delineation Study (RDS). Exam Changes Project managers pursuing the credential or preparing for the exam in the upcoming year should be aware that approximately 30 percent of the PMP exam will change. Education and experience eligibility requirements for the PMP credential will not change, however. As a result of the RDS, certain areas of the examination will be tested in a different way because an existing domain was seen to be common across all content areas of the examination. Specifically, the Professional and Social Responsibility content area (Domain 6) will now be tested in every domain rather than as a separate domain on the examination. The RDS helped reveal that professional and social responsibility are integrated into all of the work of project management. PMI’s Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct should therefore be viewed as now integrated into the dayto-day role of a project manager, emphasizing its importance in each phase of the project life cycle. The new examination is scheduled to be released on 31 August 2011. This means that the last day to take the current PMP exam is 30 August 2011. Candidates who would like to take the current version of the examination are advised to schedule early to ensure that they are able to obtain a test date before the update.
Important Q&A’s in preparation for the exam:
Q1. Are the eligibility criteria (contact hours / project management experience hours) changing? A: No – the eligibility criteria will remain the same. Only the multiple-choice examination content of the PMP is changing. Q2. What version of a Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) should I study for the updated PMP examination? A: The update of the examination for the new RDS does not affect the PMBOK® Guide, so candidates should continue to study the Fourth Edition, as well as other current project management titles. Q3. Is there going to be a change to the PMBOK® Guide—Fourth Edition? A: No. The update of the examination to align with the new RDS does not affect the PMBOK® Guide. For more Q&A’s, see Qs%20-final.ashx .
PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam ‐ Vakvereniging voor Project‐, Programma‐ en Portfoliomanagers www.PMI‐Netherlands‐
In Focus: PMI Agile Cer tified Practitioner (PMI-ACP)SM If you are using Agile practices in your projects or your organization is adopting Agile approaches to project management, then the new PMI-ACPSM certification may be right for you. We’ll introduce the PMI-ACP in the third quarter of 2011.
Many project professionals are seeing a demand for Agile practices in a variety of industries and organizations, and are eager to learn and apply them. Organizations, too, are seeing value in using Agile practices to deliver projects more quickly, with less wasted labor and costs due to misunderstood or ill-defined requirements.
Showcase your Agile knowledge and demonstrate that you have the expertise to use Agile practices. Learn more about the PMI-ACP via 05B2&_z=z .
PMI research revealed: • •
Details: PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP)SM New certification coming this year In the third quarter 2011, PMI will introduce a new Agile certification, the PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP)SM If you are using Agile practices in your projects, or your organization is adopting Agile approaches to project management, PMI’s PMI-ACPSM certification may be right for you. By becoming a PMI-ACP you can: • •
Demonstrate to employers your level of professionalism in Agile practices of project management. Increase your professional versatility.
Why an Agile certification?
68% of the organizations using Agile techniques would find value in an Agile certification. 63% of hiring managers would encourage their project managers to pursue an Agile certification.
Who should apply? Practitioners who are seeking to: •
Demonstrate to employers their level of professionalism in Agile practices of project management • Increase their professional versatility in both Waterfall and Agile techniques • Hold a certification that is more credible than existing entry-level, training or exam-only based offerings Need more information?. See the detailed requirements in the PMI-ACP Handbook. Eligibility requirements are shown with information about the PMI-ACP pilot program opportunity. PMI-ACP exam preparation To earn the PMI-ACP certification, you must meet the experience and education requirements, and pass the PMI-ACP examination, a 120question, multiple-choice test.
PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam ‐ Vakvereniging voor Project‐, Programma‐ en Portfoliomanagers www.PMI‐Netherlands‐
NE W S LETTER – JUNE 2011 The Agile pilot program Regardless of your experience and education, you should still prepare vigorously for the exam. Successful candidates will typically use multiple study aids including courses, self-study and study groups.
If you want to be one of the first practitioners to earn the new PMI-ACP certification, you’ll need to apply to the Agile certification pilot program. It’s open to any project management practitioner who meets the eligibility requirements. You do not need to be a PMI member to participate.
Tips to help you prepare for the exam • • • •
Review the PMI-ACP Handbook. Use the PMI-ACP Examination Content Outline to guide your study. Review the current PMI-ACP reference list. Enroll in a formal study course offered by PMI chapters or accredited Registered Education Providers (R.E.P.s). You can also review self-study books published by R.E.P.s and other reputable training organizations. Form a study group with colleagues or friends; you can meet in person or virtually
Applications for the pilot will be available on 23 May 2011, as we develop this new certification for release later this year. Find out more about the pilot program, including eligibility requirements. To receive updates about the PMI Agile Certification Pilot, email the certification team at
Other notewor thy facts •
View the latest newsletter of our sister association IPMA:
PMI Netherlands is also present on Twitter: @PMINLCH
and LinkedIn:
PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam ‐ Vakvereniging voor Project‐, Programma‐ en Portfoliomanagers www.PMI‐Netherlands‐
PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam ‐ Vakvereniging voor Project‐, Programma‐ en Portfoliomanagers www.PMI‐Netherlands‐