2011.12 - PMI Netherlands Newsletter

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Column – We celebrate The PMI Netherlands Chapter, has something to

would like. Nevertheless we are preparing a full agenda for 2012 starting

celebrate. Not only are we 10 years old or young

with the Annual Meeting on Tuesday, January 31 . Mark your agenda as it

whatever you prefer. We also recently welcomed our

will be combined with a chapter event. Furthermore we are preparing a first





Chapter member. Great as by reaching this

edition of a PMI Netherlands Summit on June 12 (12-6-12 to remember it

milestone we achieved an important part of our

easily). This summit should grow to an event you don’t want to mis, with an

renewed strategy that focuses on growth as part of a

international flavor of latest trends and topics of our profession. Check for

more significant presence in the Dutch market, improve

details on www.pmi-netherlands-summit.com and look for more news that

PMI’s brand awareness; “Growing the World of Project-, Program-, and

will be communicated soon. And there will be much more next year, so


stay with us and help us grow to the magic number of 1000 and more. A

Portfolio Management” as we titled our chapter strategy. Below our 750

member will shortly introduce himself and of course we will hand over a

challenge, yes of course, but do-able for sure.

small token of our appreciation at one of the upcoming events. Next time I will do a deep dive on the survey results. We were happy that Of course there is a typical PMI story behind our 750


member. Mr.

we had such a good response. We will take your feedback into action as

Anthony Ayivi as he is called is from Ghana and in the Netherlands for a

we are working on defining our 2012 goals. Please keep sending your

MBA study. Typically PMI, being the dominant worldwide community of

feedback as above all our growth should be based on happy members that

choice for Project-, Program- and Portfolio Management, that someone

are proud to be part of this PMI Netherlands community.

from abroad is our valued 750


member. This is how PMI worldwide

works. With more than 300 chapters and community of practices you can find us everywhere. From Amsterdam to Ghana, from San Francisco to Beijing. Truly global. So what is cooking and will soon be served to you as a demonstration of

To conclude this column I on behalf of the PMI Netherlands Board would like to wish all of you and your beloved ones a: Happy New Year. Have a Great 2012. Hope to welcome you on many of our events!

membership value? Let me first apologies for not having an event in December. We were preparing something great but unfortunately had to cancel late. Ditto for a lustrum event. We are all volunteers and every now

Cees Pijs - President of the PMI Netherlands Chapter

and then the work/volunteer balance blocks things to happen the way you

PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers www.PMI-Netherlands-Chapter.org



PMI Nether lands Chapter Event(s) for the Coming Month •

January 19 , Zes Visies op Programma Management (Event in Dutch)

January 31 , Annual Meeting



To register go to: http://www.pmi-netherlands-chapter.org/index.php/events/event-registration

Anthony Ayivi, PMI NL Chapter’s 750th member Why I joined PMI Netherlands

From a developing country like Ghana where projects are mostly not successful, it is only proper to get closer to the big shots in the industry of

By way of introduction. My name is Anthony Ayivi

Project Management for inspiration and guidance.

from Ghana and by the courtesy of the Netherlands government. I am currently in the Netherland. I have

Skills acquired through knowledge sharing and couching by Senior Project

been awarded a scholarship by NUFFIC to study a

Managers in PMI-Netherlands will help me to enhance my intellectual and

one year program in MBA at the Maastricht School of

project management skills and this will make me a valuable asset to the

Management (MSM). I am very much grateful to the

company. Already PMI Benelux 2011 has been an eye-opener and like

Netherlands government and the entire teaching and

Oliver Twist I desire for more.

non-teaching staff of MSM. They are very supportive. My increased knowledge of overall project management will make me Mid way 2009 the company I am working with contracted a consultant to

better equipped to deal with the complex facets of modern project

help formulate and implement the organization’s IT policies, standards,

management, and undoubtedly communities in Ghana will gain a valuable

and procedures, but due to time constraints the consultant failed us. I was

piece of consultancy/research tailored specifically to their needs.

part of the team, though I did not play any major role. The failure of this project and the subsequent failures in implementation of management information system projects gingered me up to associate myself with PMI. Actually a colleague in the industry introduced me to PMI after lamenting about my failures in the implementation of some MIS projects in the office.

I believe my interaction with PMI members will further strengthen my ability and flexibility to adapt, tolerate and deal with other cultures in the future. The more international exposure I have will force me to look at situations from different perspectives with an objective and unbiased point of view and this will help me become a successful professional in this global economy.

PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers www.PMI-Netherlands-Chapter.org



PMI Global – Standards Exposure Draft PMI’s consensus-developed standards provide the project, program and portfolio Your Opportunity to Contribute to PMI Standards

management profession with information based on the experience and knowledge from professionals in project management.

Share your expertise and experience to help enhance PMI’s global standards for the project, program and portfolio management profession through the exposure draft process.

Exposure Draft Schedule (Preliminary) •

The Standard for Portfolio Management—Third Edition: 15 December 2011 - 14 January 2012

The Standard for Portfolio Management – Third Edition DRAFT STANDARD is now

open for public review. This is your opportunity to contribute to the update of a current PMI standard by sharing your recommendations and comments. The Exposure Draft of this standard will be available until 14 January 2012.

The Standard for Program Standard—Third Edition: February - March 2012

A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide)—Fifth Edition: February - March 2012

“The exposure draft process is an opportunity for individuals to keep PMI’s knowledge current and applicable for practitioners and organizations. Having an open forum for experienced project, program and portfolio managers to share their

Visit and bookmark the “PMBOK® Guide and Standards” section of www.PMI.org to learn about the full exposure draft process, and participate in making a difference in PMI standards.

expertise is a vital part of the PMI consensus process and we value our member’s participation greatly,” John Zlockie, manager of standards, PMI.

Other notewor thy facts •

View the latest newsletter of our sister association

PMI Netherlands is present on Twitter: @PMINLCH

: http://www.pmi-netherlands-chapter.org/index.php/news/ipma-news/ and


PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers www.PMI-Netherlands-Chapter.org







PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers www.PMI-Netherlands-Chapter.org

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