2012.03 - PMI Netherlands Newsletter

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Not for profit, based on volunteers….. Recently PMI announced a new tool to support chapters with their volunteer administration. This new tool is called the Volunteer Relationship Management System (VRMS). I don’t know yet what we need to do with it, but it reminded me to the fact that a chapter is driven and based on volunteers. To be honest, I think there is room for improvement in our chapter regarding volunteers. Of course there are many active volunteers in our Chapter: in the board, in the Local Interest Working groups, presenters at events, coaches, the program board for Dutch publications and all others that spent spare time on the PMI NL community. As you can read further down in this newsletter there is a remarkable success, a crowning glory on some volunteer effort. Soon the “little PMBOK” officially called “A pocket companion to PMI’s PMBOK© Guide” will be available via the PMI Global Bookstore. I sincerely hope that from

then on many PM´s worldwide can benefits from this excellent piece of volunteering effort. Congratulations to all volunteers that contributed. Thank you for your effort and thank you, all other volunteers, for your effort as all contributions are very valuable. Now back to volunteering itself. How can we improve and grow the number of volunteers in the Chapter? How can we create more volunteer based added value? Who wants to join me in brainstorming on this. Who wants to join me in let’s say kicking of at least two more volunteer activities. Sent your e-mail and phone number to president@pmi-netherlands-chapter.org and I will get in touch with you. I will also contact those who showed interest in volunteering in the annual survey within the next weeks. Apologies that I did not get in touch with you before. I am a volunteer as well and lately wasn’t able to spent much volunteer time. That is part of volunteering as well. Nevertheless it is great joy to contribute as a volunteer. Looking forward to your replies!

Cees Pijs - President of the PMI Netherlands Chapter

PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers www.PMI-Netherlands-Chapter.org

NEWSLETTER MARCH 2012 PMI Netherlands Summit th

June 13 2012, Conference Center Capgemini Utrecht, the Netherlands We are proud to announce the first edition of the PMI-Netherlands Summit on June 13 2012. This Summit will feature top level insights, visions & lessons learned to this year’s theme: “Inspiring successful Project-, Program- and Portfolio Management”. International top experts as Steve DelGrosso (PMI Board of Directors and Director of IBM’s Project Management CoE) and Dr. Harold Kerzner (Executive Director at IIL and Adjunct Faculty of Systems Management at Baldwin-Wallace College) will contribute to the 2012 edition! th

Links 

View the latest newsletter of our sister association: http://www.pmi-netherlands-chapter.org/index.php/news/ipmanews/

PMI Netherlands is also present on: PMI Netherlands on Twitter PMI Netherlands on Linkedin

A Program Board chaired by Cees Pijs (President of PMI Netherlands Chapter) and with representatives from several universities and businesses is organizing an exciting program about the sub-themes:    

Project Management crossing cultural differences. Anglo-American versus Rhineland: make way for Innovation, Serendipity and Agile. Portfolio and Program Management: how to realize the strategic payoff? Tools demonstrations on Portfolio Management.

Read more on www.pmi-netherlands-summit.com and meet the world's leading Project-, Portfolio-, Program experts, get the latest insights on emerging technologies, proven practices, and trends. Register before April 1 and benefit from the early bird discount! The first 100 members of the Chapter that are using the voucher code PMI12-PMI-100 will get an additional discount. Use the registration form on the mentioned site of the Summit. st

Jan Cardol (CEO Netherlands Chapter)

PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers www.PMI-Netherlands-Chapter.org

NEWSLETTER MARCH 2012 Training Effectieve communicatie door inzicht in jezelf.

Hardship Provision

Van 23 t/m 26 april aanstaande organiseert onze Silver Sponsor MARE Training & Consultancy BV de training Effectieve communicatie door inzicht in jezelf.

In these current economic times, PMI recognizes that some of our members find themselves in changed financial circumstances. If you are aware of any members in this situation, you can remind them about PMI’s hardship provision, which is available to any member who becomes unemployed. In order to qualify, a member must be in good standing and must have paid dues for at least three previous continuous years.

In deze training wordt de deelnemer inzicht gegeven in haar/zijn preferenties op het gebied van communicatie en gedrag en wordt haar/hem geleerd hoe zij/hij inzicht in de ander kan verkrijgen. Hierdoor is men in staat het eigen gedrag aan te passen en de communicatie te verbeteren om zo een betere vertrouwensrelatie met de ander op te bouwen. Effectieve communicatie en een vertrouwensrelatie met alle stakeholders is key voor programma-, project- en lijnmanagers om een succesvolle invulling te geven aan hun rol. Leden van PMI Netherlands Chapter krijgen gedurende de actieperiode (die eindigt op 20 april, 2012) een korting van € 400 bij inschrijving op deze training (leden van IPMA-NL € 200). Voor meer informatie zie www.mare-bv.nl

Under this provision, a member is granted a waiver for one year of PMI membership dues and one year of dues for membership in any one PMI community of which the applicant was a member the previous year. The hardship provision may be granted for a maximum of two years for each member. Details about this program are located on the back of the membership renewal invoice. A member can apply for a hardship provision by sending an email and copy of his or her renewal invoice to membership.services@pmi.org and explain the nature of the hardship. Please remember that any incorrect or untrue statements made by a member are in violation of the Project Management Institute Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct and may lead to the initiation of an ethics complaint. Furthermore, PMI members or potential members with any additional concerns may contact customercare@pmi.org directly.

PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers www.PMI-Netherlands-Chapter.org

NEWSLETTER MARCH 2012 Pocket companion to the PMBOK® Guide Join PMI NL Chapter in serious gaming adventure Updated ‘Pocket companion to the PMBOK® Guide’ now available worldwide through PMI Bookstore! Also a good introduction to the new ISO 21500 standard (Guidance on project management). PMI Netherlands Chapter has issued an updated version of this handy pocketbook. This pocket book serves as a quick introduction to the PMBOK® Guide and its good practices. It follows the same structure as the PMBOK® Guide (project management knowledge area’s and processes). The update reflects the latest changes of the PMI organization and services (eg. the new Agile certification is added) as well as containing minor corrections and improvements. From now on it will also be sold through the PMI Bookstore, thus enabling worldwide availability and delivery. Because of its size, compared to the full PMBOK® Guide, it is easier to have at hand all times when explaining the logic and the value of the project management processes to other stakeholders of your project. When needing more details about the knowledge area or a process, you simply refer to the same chapter and paragraph in the PMBOK® Guide (chapter 4-12). It may also serve as a very good introduction for the upcoming ISO 21500 standard (Guidance on project management), which is expected in October 2012, because thishigh level new standard will use the same principles as the PMBOK® Guide applies.

The best way to learn something is when you're having fun at it. Serious gaming is fun as well. It's hot and now it's also expanding towards the project management environment. In Netherlands the company M-Engage is developing a game in which they want to enable the individual to learn the soft skills and the hard skills that are needed in a project management environment. To be able to provide create a game that is based on the experience of real project managers, they have asked PMI NL Chapter to participate in the development of this game. We have entered an agreement with M-engage to contribute to this game by providing them real live scripts. Of course we can't do it without your support. A few individuals have already indicated that they would like to volunteer to participate in this gaming adventure. However, we need more of you. Please contact me if you are interested. It's new, it's exciting and it's fun and we need your support and your experience on hard skills and soft skills. The game is on, :-). Diepak Kasi Director Inovation

An excellent and quick introduction to the project management practice for every stakeholder in a project (sponsor, customer, project team member, PMO officer, etc.).

PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers www.PMI-Netherlands-Chapter.org






PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers www.PMI-Netherlands-Chapter.org

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