NEWSLETTER February 2013
Project Management, a growing need for professionals? Recently I had a 10 minutes talk at a secondary school that integrates Project Management thinking, competencies and skill development into a newly developed educational program called Technasium. What a great pleasure for these students, having already some fundamental knowledge on Project Management before starting their college or university study.
some kind of control and steering. Of course we still need to adapt to those new ways of working but it is happening. Look at the growing number of ZZP’s (freelance professionals) in the Netherlands. Today more than one out of ten male-workers is freelancing, woman are slightly behind (source: CPB 2012) and these numbers are growing. The traditional way of working is rapidly changing and I strongly belied that the need for professional Project Management will follow this trend.
While preparing for this short talk I realized that there must be growing need for Project Management professional and I mean including Program- and Portfolio Managers as well as PMO professionals. Why? First and foremost because our world is becoming more complicated every day and typically projects help to stay in control. So you might expect that more commercials as well as public organizations will start project hence will need project professionals to initiate, execute, control and so on.
One might ask what then professional Project Management is. Let me give you the following story to consider. Recently I was at a lecture bout a troubled project. Deeply troubled as it was a court case. I will not go into details but what I found very interesting is that one of comments of the judge was why there wasn’t a certified Project Management professionals leading the project team of the supplier. I am not saying that with a certified professional this would not have happened but at least it will not be used against you and from that negative perspective alone it would be wise for organization to associate only with certified professionals. I would like to add preferably those that maintain their credentials by practicing the profession and keeping up to date on the latest insights etc. Sounds familiar and almost like an open door to you? That’s right because you are probably certified having a credential that is globally recognized and you are part of the PMI PM community in the Netherlands hence using the opportunity to stay on track. But what about those 75.000 people in NL alone, that are engaged in projects and project management as I recently estimated together with IPMA. Of those 75.000 less than 5.000 are PMI or IPMA certified, some will have Prince2 practitioner and some more will have Price2 fundamentals only. That doesn’t match with the growing need I indicated and a
Furthermore the “baby boomers” will retire leaving plenty of opportunities for “next generations” to step in and follow-up. Significant figures from the UK already show that in the U.K. already 1 out of 6 people is 65 years or older and every year, the skills shortage will open an estimated 1.57 million jobs across the globe for workers new to Project Management (source: PM Network Issue January 2013). Another trend is that organizations, as we know them today, start virtualizing. New employees will no longer work in the same company for 40 years or even more. They will work in temporary endeavors wandering around organizing their own business if you like. Temporary endeavors, projects in our language requiring
PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers
NEWSLETTER February 2013 simple legal observation. With that in mind have another at your colleagues and peers around you and see if you can start a dialogue. Meanwhile we need to consider how we can guide our chapter to keep up with the trends and changing we are constantly facing. As always open for your suggestions and dialogue via
Since last month, we have a new Volunteer Engagement Liaison. Her name is Maria Nikolopoulou. She will be working with me to maintain the VRMS and to match the volunteer opportunities with the volunteers. Both of us will be available for you to support you in case of questions regarding creating or updating you profiles in VRMS. You can contact us for support at the email addresses mentioned below:
Cees Pijs, President
Maria: or
Creating/updating Volunteer profile in
Get involved, get your profile in VRMS, .
Recently we started using the VRMS. Once your profile is also available in this system, we can easily extract information about the people who have shown an interest in becoming a volunteer, or who are already volunteering and also what opportunities are available within the PMI Netherlands Chapter. If you are already volunteering or you would like to volunteer and you have not created a profile yet in VRMS, we invite you to do that now! The Volunteer Relationship Management System (VRMS) is has become the tool to find a volunteer opportunity with a chapter or community of practice and match that against the people who want to be considered for a volunteer position with the chapter. There is one essential requirement: enter your profile in VRMS. Having a volunteer profile of you in VRMS also helps us to serve you better, since we will have one source with all relevant data and the application process for an opportunity will become shorter and easier. In addition, we can refer to this system in case we have something to share with our (potential) volunteers. All you need to access VRMS is your PMI username and password.
Diepak Kasi PMP,Director Membership and Volunteers
Upcoming Events •
February 26, 2013: Chapter Meeting at CGI (Registration will close Monday February 25, 2013 at 12:00 hours) Theme: ISO 21500 and Stakeholder Management
CAPM/PMP Coaching Class (registration closed)
March 14, 2013: Chapter Meeting at Atos (Registration is open) Theme: A guide to Project Management Methodologies in the Netherlands including Best Practice
April 24, 2013: Chapter Meeting at Cambridge Weight Plan (Registration is open) Theme: Creating Results with your Team
See for more information on these events and for registration our website.
PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers
NEWSLETTER February 2013 Project Zone Congress – Embracing
ISO 21500 Guidance on project
change, driving business
management – what you must know!
18-19 March 2013, Sheraton Airport Hotel, Frankfurt With four parallel streams and five elective masterclasses, this will be Europe’s premier congress connecting PM leaders. With a focus on change management, leadership, risk management, Agile and PMO, the agenda is packed with highlevel case studies from over 40 world-class speakers ensuring true take-away for all participants, including networking with over 300 attendees. PMI Nethlands Chapter Members receive 35% discount on tickets to this event! To claim your discount on congress tickets, enter PMI_MEMBER_2012_3507C19D13 when registering online at More information
In September 2012, ISO has published the first global guideline on project management. Intended to be an overarching standard, ‘ISO 21500:2012, Guidance on project management’, enables people in any organization to understand how the discipline fits into a business environment. It is also intended to be used as a basic guide, aimed at the informed reader without an in-depth knowledge of project management. As business has increasingly globalized, it is particularly important to ensure a common understanding of what do we mean with ‘project management’. This will help to minimize communication barriers in such a vital area. ISO 21500 is designed to be applied internationally, across a wide range of industries and project types. Delegates from over 30 countries from a range of industries and academia, and members of multiple professional organizations, including members of PMI Netherlands Chapter and IPMA-NL, worked for five years to develop it. ISO 21500 is the first of a family of ISO standards for portfolio, program and project management. The expected developments ISO 21500 will become the key reference for future developments in that profession. This fact is already confirmed by e.g. the latest (fifth) edition of PMI’s PMBOK Guide (2013), which shares exactly the same structure (with only slightly different names for some processes) and displays a more than 95% overlap with the processes mentioned in ISO 21500. Other globally applied standards, like IPMA’s Competency Baseline, already plan to follow the same direction.
PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers
NEWSLETTER February 2013 During its development IPMA-NL and PMI Netherlands Chapter started to sponsor an ISO 21500 interest group to review the usability of ISO 21500 in the Netherlands. In November this group and the NEN standards committee on project management issued a separate practice guide “ISO 21500 in de praktijk”. This group is now continuing as “ISO for projects” in order to further contribute to the development of the next ISO guidelines.
Introducing Jan Vermeijs, 2013-2014 Secretary. I started my career as a financial clerk in the early eighties and worked my way up to fulfil my present role as a Senior Project Manager. In the past decades I have worked in a variety of companies with different cultures. Since the late nineties I got involved in consultancy and project management. I currently work for TMC SAP Professionals and have been involved in international projects, not always SAP related.
With ISO 21500 becoming so important it’s our belief that every project manager needs to know about it. Your opportunity… You are invited to the next PMI Netherlands Chapter meeting on ISO 21500 and Stakeholder Management. It promises to be a very interesting meeting, as you will be informed on ISO 21500, its concepts and its Robbert van Alen introducing ISO 21500 in NL
processes, and on stakeholder management, which is a separate knowledge area for project management in ISO 21500 and adopted as well by the latest PMBOK Guide (2013).
I got involved with PMI in the late nineties as well and am one of the founding fathers of the PMI Netherlands Chapter back in 2001. Over the past years I have been involved with the chapter, some periods more active than other periods. In becoming a Board member once again as Secretary I am glad to contribute to help the PMI NL Chapter in “ Making project management indispensable for business results”. Jan Vermeijs, Secretary
The meeting will be hosted by CGI (former Logica) on Tuesday February 26th, 2013, at their offices in Amstelveen. Don’t miss it! Please register via our website. Registration will close Monday February 25 at 12:00 hours. For more information on ISO 21500, contact Rommert Stellingwerf or Robbert van Alen, members of the “ISO for projects” interest group.
PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers
NEWSLETTER February 2013 Summit 2013 – June 13th, Figi –Zeist;
Just released. A pocket companion to
Don’t miss it!
PMI’s PMBOK® Guide Fifth edition
PMI Netherlands Chapter and CKC Seminars organize the second edition of the th PMI Netherlands Summit on June 13 2013 in Zeist, the Netherlands. PMI Netherlands Summit is the platform for Project, Program and Portfolio professionals. Central theme of the 2013 edition is: “A one day learning experience that will last for years”. An inspiring program is guaranteed, containing keynote sessions by international thought leaders, expert insights and lessons learned. Keynote speakers:
Dr. Lynn Crawford, Professor of Project Management, Bond University, Australia, Director, Human Systems International Limited Dr. Terry Cooke-Davies, International Group Chairman, Human Systems, Visiting Research fellow, Cranfield University
This pocket guide is based on the PMBOK® Guide Fifth Edition. It contains a summary of the PMBOK® Guide, to provide a quick introduction as well as a structured overview of this framework for project management. The companion is a PMI Netherlands Chapter initiative thanks to our valued volunteers Paul Snijders, Thomas Wuttke, Anton Zandhuis and many others that contributed. Main target Group for this pocket guide is anyone with an interest in understanding the PMBOK® Guide framework or a systematic approach for project management. The book is also very useful for members of a project management team in a project environment using the PMBOK® Guide as a shared reference. A complete but concise description of the PMBOK® Guide, for anyone involved in projects or project management, for only €15,95! Be the first to order it! via
Joe Norton: Senior Vice President, Deputy CIO and Head of IT Infrastructure & Operations, Royal Philips, Member, PMI Executive Council, Chicago Check details on Members of the chapter receive a significant discount (code PMI13-100). Like last year this is going to be a “day of learning, lasting for years”.
PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers
NEWSLETTER February 2013 Registration for the PMI Global Congress 2013—EMEA is Open! Join us at the PMI Global Congress 2013—EMEA on 22−24 April 2013 at the Istanbul Congress Center in Istanbul, Turkey. Participate in this premier project management regional forum and meet fellow practitioners of all skill levels and career stages across all industries and countries, share experiences, exchange ideas and discuss latest trends, tools and techniques in project, program and portfolio management. The PMI Global Congress 2013—EMEA will include numerous sessions, at different levels, given by high-quality speakers on topics such as: • Agile • Leadership • Managing Complexity • Trends and New Research Obtain the right set of skills and education for your career: • Learn from over 50 educational presentations in 10 areas of focus categories. • Immediately implement innovative solutions and knowledge gained in your projects. • Gather fresh ideas, new skills and proven techniques to generate high performance on your projects. • Build and advance your career with the help of products, tools and services presented in the Exhibition Hall. • Gain new business or potential clients while networking with the experts in beautiful Istanbul!
Stay in Istanbul after the congress to attend PMI SeminarsWorld! Attend one of six two-day training courses offered at PMI SeminarsWorld Istanbul just after the congress on 25–26 April. Each seminar will provide indepth study on a single project management-related topic. Both congress and SeminarsWorld offer opportunities to earn up to 35 professional development units (PDUs) toward maintaining your PMI credential(s). Separate fees apply (value package for registration to attend both congress and SeminarsWorld). Engage with the PMI community and potential chapter members by using the marketing toolkit, which include several materials to educate and inform your contacts about the upcoming EMEA congress and SeminarsWorld activities. Your role as a PMI leader is instrumental in highlighting the value of attending these events. Program, pricing and lodging information for the EMEA congress is available online.Register by 18 March to take advantage of special early registration rates. Space is limited, so early registration is encouraged. Exhibit and sponsorship opportunities are available. For more information and to request the exhibit and sponsorship prospectus contact For more information visit the EMEA congress website
PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers
NEWSLETTER February 2013 Book onto any 2 courses with ESI and get a FREE Google Nexus 7 tablet!* Are you missing out on the wealth of Project Management knowledge available via mobile learning? More and more project managers are becoming reliant on online resources to support themselves in their daily work. While classroom training is the best way to learn the basics of project management, any form of training must have a strong reinforcement programme to ensure that new knowledge and skills are being adopted. At ESI, we make these knowledge and skills available at your fingertips. Much of our content is available online right now through MyESI and our collaborative learning portal Skillsharks. These tools enable you to refresh what you have learnt from our courses and access tool and templates whenever/wherever. Book two classroom courses now and get a FREE Google Nexus 7* to help you access ESI content when you are on the go. Use the code GNTAB13 when booking to claim your tablet. Register here! Also, check out our Agile Project Management courses that have been specifically designed to teach you everything you need to know about Agile PM. Click here for more information. Read our article, The Softer Side of Agile: Leading Collaborative Teams to Success *Terms and conditions apply. Please see our website for more information.
PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers
PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers