2013.08 - PMI Netherlands Newsletter

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August 2013

Contents President column ................................................................................................................................................... 2 Welcome to the August Editio .............................................................................................................................. 2 Our Sponsors ........................................................................................................................................................... 3 Events calendar ....................................................................................................................................................... 4 Update on Events .................................................................................................................................................... 4 th

Estimating & Contro– an introduction to presentation at Chapter Meeting September .............................. 5 th

Extra Chapter meeting in c-operation with IPMA Netherlands, September 2 , APG, Heerlen .......................... 5 rd

PMI Netherlands Summit 3 Editio ...................................................................................................................... 6 Are You Registered for IPM Day 2013? ................................................................................................................... 6 How I got my PMP By attending PMP Exam Coaching Clas .................................................................................. 7 Do it the first time right– take our PMP Exam Coaching Class! ............................................................................. 8 Project Management is Changing B-School ............................................................................................................ 9 Translations of Project Management Toolkit for Youth, Completed ................................................................... 11 PMI Netherlands Agile Local Interest Workgroup White paper Part 2 Agile project management .................... 12 PMI Journals .......................................................................................................................................................... 13 PMI's Communities of Practice Webina ............................................................................................................. 14 Let’s stay in touch ................................................................................................................................................. 15 Project management Humour .............................................................................................................................. 16

President column This newsletter’s theme is certification and career development. Not a typical Dutch top I would say. In the Dutch culture we don’t seem to value professional certifications. Ho else could you explain that there are only a couple of thousand certified (PMI and IPMA together) project professionals in the Netherlands where there should be about 70.000 people that, due to their daily work, could be considered as project professionals. That keeps puzzling me and as a chapter we are constantly searching for ways to make project Cees Pijs certification more known and attractive and of course we prefer to promote the wealth President PMI certifications as these are registered and recognized worldwide Would it help convincing Dutch c-level management, if I mention that there are over 520.000 PMP’s worldwide or that several studies proof that certified project professional have a significant higher success rati (e.g. PMI Pulse 2013)? How is that in your organization? Are certifications in your organizationt of the project professional career development roadmap? If so perhaps you can take a few minutes and write down why certification is important for your organization, perhaps we can use that to convince othe Anyway as chapter we are there to help you getting certified (e.g. caching class) and also to maintain yo certification by collecting PDU’s. A highly recommend that you take some time to participate in one of upcoming events. See you there! Certification does matte r. For me that is a given assume for you as well. How do we convince the others even if it isn’t in their cultural gens?

Welcome to the August Edition Welcome to the August 2013 edition of PMI Netherlands Chapter Newslett. This month we would like to inspire you to develop in the Project Management area. Please notice that after summer break we are starting again with our chapter meetings webinars (see Events calendar). We want to encourage you to start thinking about PMP certification with inspiring story fro Jeffry Turfboe (see How I got my PMP by attending PMP Exam Coaching Clas). In this issue you can also read OnlineMBA.com Project Management is changing Business Schools article which willtells you how PMP certification become more and more important in business environment nowada, what is reflected in MBA schools’ program. In the August edition we’ve put some valuable news about PMI Journals and communities of practice’s webina. At the end awaits for you a moment of relaxation withPM humor.

Małgorzata Krakowian Director Communicatio

As in last month, I want to invite you to share your knowledge and get involved in making PMI Netherlands Newsletter more interesting for reade by getting publish. If you are passionate about certain aspect of PM and willing to spend some time to write down your thoughts, please do so and contact me. We will be more than happy to publish your article. If you know something about interesting PM events or news which may be interesting for our members yo can also drop us a message. Of course we are also waiting for yourfeedback and open for suggestions how to improve our newslette. Share knowledge and gain some visibility for you!

Editorial Office: • Małgorzata Krakowian • Karen Obi Contact: communicatio@pmi-netherlands-chapter.org

2 PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers www.PMI-Netherlands-Chapter.org

Our Sponsors Thank you to all our sponsors for your generous support! GOLDEN SPONSORS



3 PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers www.PMI-Netherlands-Chapter.org

Events calendar SEPTEMBER 2013 9-9-2013 11-9-2013 16-9-2013 25-09-2013 OCTOBER 2013 7-10-2013 12-10-2013 16-10-2013

NOVEMBER 2013 IIL PMP Training Meeting:ExxonMobil in Breda, topic: Estimating & Contr IIL CAPM Training

More info

Meeting: Euregio Meeting at APG i Heerlen, topic: Governance – a critical success factor?

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Meeting:AVANS University, topic: How can Project Managers use diversity, creativity and innovatin PMP Exam Preparation Coaching Class (1/4

More info


PMP Exam Preparation Coaching Class (2/4


IIL PMP Training


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Meeting:ASML in Veldhoven, topic: Risk Managemen PMP Exam Preparation Coaching Class (3/4

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Webinar: The Benefits of Risk Management

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PMP Exam Preparation Coaching Class (4/)

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Webinar: Managing Multiple ProjectsOverview

TBA 18-12-2013

Meeting:Regus52 in Nijmegen, topic: U/C Webinar: Art of Influence

Update on Events What a tremendous first half event-year of 2013. Just to remind you: with the Chapter Meetings we scored an average Customer Satisfaction of 7.5 on a scale from 1 to 10 and with the PMI Netherlands Summit even 7.8!! In the meantime we were able to orgaize an attractive Program for you for the month to come: th • On September 11 we will be hosted by ExxonMobil in Breda. The topic of this event is Estimating & Contr (“everything you always wanted to know about the chapters 6 and 7 of the PMBOK”). Since opening the registration we notice that over 30 members subscribed within the first week. Be aware that there are only 80 seats available. th • Also in September (25 ) there will be a Euregio Meeting at APG in Heerlen. Jan Cardol The topic of this event is Governance – a critical success factor and will be CEO organized in cooperation with APG (host), IPMA, Nim and Valid. We want to invite our friends from the Cologne and the Belgium Chapters as well to make this a really international event th • On October 7 the AVANS University in Den Bosch is hosting us again. This time the subject iHow can Project Managers use diversity, creativity and innovati. During an interactive session including research, cases, and exercises, the question “How does team diversity stimulate innovation and hi performance?” is explored. There are 75 seats available for PMI members and the event is open for registration th • On November 15 we are guest at the premises of ASML in Veldhoven during a Friday afternoon session. The topic of this session will be Risk Management. • Finally in December (date to be determined) we will be in Nijmegen (Regus52). The subject of this meeting is “under constructio. As usual these Chapter Meetings (of course all without entrance fee) will give you the opportunity to gain knowledge, discuss the topic and network. We are looking forward to meet you there!

4 PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers www.PMI-Netherlands-Chapter.org

More info

Estimating & Control – an introduction to presentation at Chapter Meeting 11th September A project manager is the person responsible for accomplishing the stated project objectives. Key project management responsibilities include creating clear a Ton Dekkers attainable project objectives, building the project requirements, and managing th www.galorath.com constraints of the project management triangle, which are cost, time, scope, and quality. [source: Wikipedia]. Interesting a triangle with 4 constraints, nevertheless these constraints are initially se with a base lined estimate. A base line estimate is the reference point for all stakeholde: customer, user, (project) manager, developer and supplier; and potentially more To be successful in project management a good estimate is because of that, crucial. Unfortunately estimation predicting the future and with that limited certainty in the provided result. To be able to manage that uncertainty it’s relevant to have a structured, transparent and controllable estimation process. If the process i setup properly it should also be less complicated to adjust based on changing situations. The impact of adaptation is not only easier / quicker to deterine but also less complicated to defend. Most of us will say; “We have a process in place for estimation”. And most likely that’s true; however th quality of the process is related to the quality of the output of that process. And reading the newspapers provides sufficient evidence that (software services) projects are not always that successful. Based on the above, we’re quite sure some projects could have had benefit from better estimates. And in this setting: be outputs in estimates related to cost time, scope and quality In the presentations of this meeting we would like to provide a best practice to identify the output of estimate, the basics to get to the components of the output, the interdependencies and a structure to present and defend the output. And also very important; how to assure the quality of the output.

Extra Chapter meeting in co-operation with IPMA Netherlands, September 25th, APG, Heerlen In a few days we, the PMI Netherlands Chapter and IPMA Nederland will official announce a special Euregio Project Professional meeting about “Project Governance”, subtitle “management support, a critical success factor”, facilitated by APG Group in Heerlen, The Netherlands with a key-note lecture of Bart Hoitink, dirctor Business Development at the NIMO Project Management Institut and co-author of the book ‘Opdracht geven met Resultaat’ (soon released in English titled: The Project Sponsor: A Practical Guide Projects often fall short of achieving their anticipat results, not due to a lack of project management, but rather from a lack of management support or in a broader sense lack of Cees Pijs project governance. These ties back to agreeing on clear project goals. Management must President agree that the project is important, will add value to the business or solve a pressing problem. If management does not see the value of the project, they will be reluctant to support it. Lack of management support is a major reason for project failures. But what does a project professional expect from his principal and how healthy is today’s management support? During this event we will be searching for some answers and best practices to take away Join this unique PMI/IPMA Euregio Meeting and listen, participate, experience and lear

5 PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers www.PMI-Netherlands-Chapter.org

PMI Netherlands Summit 3rd Edition th


Last June 13 we organized the 2 Edition of the PMI Netherlands Summit in cooperation with CKC (Centrum voor Kennis Communicatie) – seminars in Zeist. The Program Board was able to present an exciting collection of sessions on the theme “A one day learning experience that will last for years”, met all expectations and was rewarded with a 7,8 (!!) on a scale from 1 (very poor) to 10 (outstanding). We are thankful for all the support of our sponsors and speakers who helped to make this event a success, and looking forward to the third edition of the PMI Netherlands Summit on June 12, 2014. Information and impressions on this year’s event can be found on www.pmi-netherlands-summit.com

Jan Cardol CEO

The objective of the Summit was and still is: Provide high quality content to the project management community in an attractive and balanced program presented by national and international thought leaders and experts. rd

Therefore we started this month with the preparations for the 3 Edition of the Summit realizing that we are facing a challenge. We have to focus on a theme, a program, speakers, venue, sponsoring, etc. and will inform you about the progress through our monthly newsletter.

The Summit is organized for YOU – block June 12, 2014 in your agenda – you don’t want to miss it !! And … in case you have any suggestions for the organizing team, please send me an e-mail.

Are You Registered for IPM Day 2013? Registration is now open. Thursday, November 7 celebrates ten years ofInternational Project Management Day! Visit the site for updates and enlist in IIL’s FREE online event: Power of the Profession. Don’t miss out!

6 PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers www.PMI-Netherlands-Chapter.org

How I got my PMP

By attending PMP Exam Coaching Class do certain exercises as Jeffry Turfboer, PM well. During the class, jeffry@turfboer.e you’ll mostly answer questions on the tpics you have read, discuss these answers and get an overview of the topics which will be handled on the next Class day.

Twice a year the PMI Netherlands Chapter provides a PMP Exam Coaching Class. With a clear focus on the PMP material, the main goal of this Coaching Class is to help individuals pass the PMI PMP or CAPM exam. However, that’s not the only benefit you’ll receive from attending this class! In this article you’ll read more abou the benefits and also about my own experience with the PMP Exam Coaching class, which helped me a lot to achieve my PMI PMP certificatio

The PMP exam is tough. All questions are multipchoice, however almost every question can be interpreted in several different ways, with each interpretation leading you to a different answer. This is where the PMP Exam Coaching Class comes in. By taking the Class, you’ll come to understand what it is PMI asks in the exam questions. Being able to understand this greatly increases your ability to pick the right answer.

I first learned about PMI and the PMP certificatio a few years back, when I was browsing the job listings for a jo in the USA. For almost every Project Management role the PMP certification i required. The PMP certification, although i originated in North-America, now has grown to a worldwide known certification. So having a stron desire to travel and work abroad, I started acquiring the necessary experience to become eligible to take the PMP exam. In general, you’ll have to have done 4.500 hours leading and directing projects and also already have spent at least 35 hours on project management education

Another benefit of taking the PMP Exam Coaching Class is that it helps you break down the heavy study load needed for the PMP exam into smaller bits. This makes it easier for you to study for the exam, even if you already have a very busy schedule.

The best approach I read in the information on the PMI Netherlands Chapter website was to schedule the exam within a short period afte the last day of the PMP Exam Coaching class. Before doing this, I became a member of both PMI and the PMI Netherlands Chapter. PMI members get a discount on the exam itself and PMI Netherlands Chapter members get a discount on the PMP Exam Coaching Class. Both discounts are almost the same as the membership fee, so for me, that was a no-brainer.

The Class is given by other PMI members who have a great track record in the field. This is where another benefit of the Coaching Class comes in. The coaches, with more than 8 years PMP experience on average, can give real life examples, helping you to understand the theory you’re studying. My class consisted of 12 people from all over the (business) world. This means you’ll not only learn how to pass the PMP exam, you’ll also extend your network and meet some new interesting peole, with whom you already have a shared interest: Project Management.

After scheduling my exam, I registerd for the PMP Coaching Class. The PMP Exam Coaching Class is held on four Saturdays over a period of two months. Each Coaching Class is held with a free week in between, giving you time to study and work on the gaps in your knowledge.

To prevent any language barriers, during the Class the common language used is English. I found this to be of great help, because the exam is in English as well. By discussing the topics for the exam in English, you’ll come to better understand the topics, as well as become better able to

Before each Class day, you’ll have to do homework, which consists of reading up on several chapters of the Guide to the PMBOK and the PMP Exam Prep book (also known as the Rita book), and

7 PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers www.PMI-Netherlands-Chapter.org

understand the topic when described from different points of view.

exam, there was a noticeable increase in assignments for which I was invited for an interview. Having the PMP certification gave me a edge over my competitors. This lead to my current role as a Project Manager for Staples, Inc., and now I’m managing projects all across Europe!

On the last Class day, we made sure we were all connected on LinkedIn so we could keep in touch. This lead to an active discussion where we could keep track of each other’s progress and send out congratulations when someone passed their exam. After all of our class passed, we went out to dinner to celebrate. That was such a success, that we will get back together on a regular basis for dinner and drinks. Like I said: the Coaching class also is a great way to extend your network!

The next PMP Exam Coaching Class starts on October 12th 2013. Registration deadline is early September. So get up and sign up! See: www.pmi-netherlands-chapter.org Should you have any questions or remarks about this article or the PMP coaching class, or if you’d like to get in touch, you can find me on LinkedIn or send me an e-mail on jeffry@turfboer.eu

I work for a consulting firm called Pimarox Infrastructure Solutions, which is based in Nieuwegein in The Netherlands. After I passed the

Do it the �irst time right – take our PMP Exam Coaching Class! The Class consists of 4 Saturdays in 2 months, with weeks in between for PMP Coaches self-study. The first three sessions will get you acquainted with the Exam pmp-coaches@pmi-netherlands-chapter.org format and answer questions in the specific Project Management knowledge areas. Our coaches will explain and interactively go with you through the rationale of the answers. Each day is concluded with an overview of the areas for the next session. On the last day you will make a mock exam, as well as review your answers with the coaches. PMP Coaches: Candidates preparing for PMP exams are supported by experts with more than 10 years’ experience. Our Coaches are volunteering members of PMI Netherlands Chapter, including two former board members. Together they bring dozens of years business and project experience and more than 40 years of PMP experience. In teams of two, they facilitate the coaching and exam preparation sessions twice a year Class size: max. 15 students. CAPM exam: PMP Exam Coaching Class is aimed to prepare for PMP exams, although CAPM-candidates are warmly welcome. Language: The language being used is dependent on the participants. If there ae English speaking attndees then the coaching class would be in English. Schedule: The Class is organized twice a year. Next PMP Exam Coaching Class will start in October 2013.

Registration closes on 12th September

8 PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers www.PMI-Netherlands-Chapter.org

Project Management is Changing B-School As business operations and goals grow increasingly complex, employers have begun to recognize the need for greater accountability in their firms. A decade ago, few companies maintained a team or even a single dedicated employee to oversee the completion of long-term projects. These days, employers consider project management skills an essential part of any business professional’s resume; and business schools across the country are expanding curriculum to meet the demand.

Nancy Malone



Part I: Why Businesses Need Project Managers Without an individual or team to manage and delegate responsibilities or large-scale projects, things can get messy pretty quickly. Deadlines are missed; essential steps are skipped and procedures go unestablished o uncommunicated. These failures are not acceptable in a high-stakes market filled with competitive startups d corporations. Investors and executives are all too aware of this now and are looking for project managemen professionals to help execute their most important growth projects. Today’s businesses are more productive than ever before. Especially in the do-eat-dog world of startups, companies need to identify and meet their goals quickly in order to break into a market and to stay competitive. Fir-time business owners will find that maintaining the faith of investors requires more than just a great idea to start. CEOs need to be careful not to overpromise on initiatives and timelines. Leave too ma projects incomplete or delayed, and your funding (or profits) dry up rather quickly. Most successful people in the business world will tell you that competitn is fierce, and not keeping up with the latest trends could be a major disadvantage. Therefore, becoming a master of organizing, prioritizing, and completing important projects is essential for the success of today’s business professional

9 PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers www.PMI-Netherlands-Chapter.org

Part II: How Project Management is Changing B School Over the last several years, more business schools have begun to recognize the growing demand for trained professionals with strong project management skills. Without the skills to manage projects effectively, many business school graduates may not have what it takes thrive in today’s corporate environment. In order to produce graduates that are able to keep up with the demand for skilled project managers, business schools are beginning to adopt project management as a major component of their degree curriculum. Part III: What MBAs Can Do With a PM Specialty In additin to the many valuable skills you will pick up over the course of your MBA program, a specialization in project management can substantially increase your visibility in the job market. Businesses are quickly realizing that the sheer complexity of projects in the modern age require specialists who know how to effectively manage them. Most industries today could benefit from the expertise of a project management specialist with an MBA degree. Aside from actual project management positions, project managementspecialists can also successfully take on roles in business management, administration, consulting, and many other roles where thei organizational mastery can be put to good use. In addition to lookin g great on your resume, many of thes positions also cme with lucrative salaries and benefits Using the information technology field as an example, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) has ermined the median annual salary for Computer and Information Systems Manager to be $115,780 in 2010. The number of opportunities in project management i also on the rise; the BLS predicts the number of similar positions in this field to grow 13% by 2020. Part IV: PM Certifications for M-Career MBAs If you have already completed your MBA without a concentration in project management, you still have th opportunity to certify yourself as a bon-fide project manager. In addition to o-the-job experience as a project manager, certifications are excellent additions to one’s resume. The path to becoming certified, however, be difficult without proper planning. The Project Management Institute (PMI is currently one of the most renowned project management certification providers in the United States. PMI launched its Project Management Professional (PMP credential for te first time in 1984. Since then, the institute has grown dramatically, and now offers more th six unique project management certification Earning a project management certification through PMI requires a mixture of -the-job experience, education, ad testing. Candidates for the PMP credential can either hold a fo-year college degree with 4,500 hours leading and managing projects or a high school diploma or associate’s degree with 7,500 hours of direct project management experience. For both scenarios, PMI requires candidates to have 35 hours or more of project management education Once you have completed the prerequisites for a PMP credential, you will need to take a test in order to receive one. The computer-based exam costs $555, while the paper-based exam costs $400. Those who have a paid PMI membership ($129) receive discounts on exam fees. The exam will comprehensively assess your knowledge with 200 multipl-choice questions that cover the project management process from start to finish. For more information on the exam, as well as the credential itself, thPMP Handbook is a great resource. As businesses and organizations adapt to the constantlyevolving corporate environment, project management professionals are finding that their skills and expertise are very much i-demand. In addition to large organizations, star-up companies and small businesses are also experiencing a tremendous need for trained professionals who are able to efficiently manage their projects to completion. If you are looking for a way to shine in today’s job market, certifying yourself or specializing in project management as a business student could be the solution you areafter

10 PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers www.PMI-Netherlands-Chapter.org

Translations of Project Management Toolkit for Youth, Completed! Sometimes you wonder how it’s possible to get something done in a short amount of time, in a period where people arelimited available and the work needs to be done remotely… Volunteers from the Belgium and Dutch PMI Chapters have worked hard to get the Project Management Toolkit for Youth translated into Dutch. The development of project management skills can now be introduced to aiming to get the benefits in an easy and understandable way to the youth.

Diekap Kasi

Director Membership and The PMI Educational Fund (PMIEF) is very eager to support initiatives to get proje Volunteers management skills introduced to a wider audience, also to the youth. There was material available, but only in English. The PMI Belgium Chapter gave their commitment to the PMIEF to get the translations done to Dutch and French. They requested the support of the Dutch chapter for the translations into Dutch and we found some volunteers t contribute to this project. Frédéric Pattyn was leading this team of volunteers for the translation on behalf o the PMI Belgium Chapter.

The scope of this project was to get four project management books translated. It was a lot of work that had to be done in a very short time (it started in May and has finished in August, just a little bit more than 3 months) But the material is translated now and can be used in every school that wants it. In Belgium there are two schools that will start with introducing project management in their classes. First school is the Sint Pieters/Sint Jozef handelsschools in Blankenberge who will use project management for example in the ”mini onderneming” and the paper. On Monday the 19th of August there was a meeting with the teachers to get them introduced to project management. They were very enthusiastic to use the knowledge in their classes. They will integrate a project management approach in the following three levels: primary schools, secondary schools and high schools. A follow up plan was also discussed which includes a possibility for the students to win a PMI award. The second school will be the International School of Flanders who will use project mangement for their winter show. They will get their introduction on the 2nd and 3rd of September. Both projects will be led by Jacques Neyns (one of the volunteers). All this work has been done by volunteers. Next to Frédéric Pattyn and Jacques Neyns the fllowing people were part of the translations team: • Ronny Louis (B) • Peter Schrijver (NL) • Hans Fransen (NL) • Edwin Hommes (NL) • Jeffry Turfboer (NL • Laurie Ferrier (NL) • Stephan Jansen (NL) Many thanks to all of you for your contribution fom both the Belgium and Netherlands Chapter!

11 PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers www.PMI-Netherlands-Chapter.org

PMI Netherlands Agile Local Interest Workgroup White paper Part 2 Agile project management When answering our first question “What is Agil?” we stated that Agile projects are related to a dynamic project environment where customers are not able to define the project result. In this part of our white paper we try to find an answer to the next question (Q2): Where to apply Agile as a successful project management method? Definitely in the current situation of economic crisis, increased competition, cost cutting actions, cha preferences of customers, impact of new (social) media, managing change initiatives by projects becomes mor and more important. At the other hand increased project complexity makes successful change more and more difficult. Despite this emerging situation a lot of organizations still pay too little attention to select pr management methods that are fit for purpose. In a Dutch research ultimately ten project managementmethods were identified and described in detail. The methods were compared using IPMA- Nederlandse Competentie Baseline version 3.0. The research concluded that a number of these methods were not related to a project management process. Only four methods could be linked, from which PRINCE2 and PMBoK were most (also internationally) known. The study ultimatel concluded that the best project management method is an integrated (methods, leadership, teamwork and stakeholder management) method. However no link was made to fitness for purpose or effectiveness related to type of project or project complexity. Another interesting finding was that no “specific “Agile project management method was identified. DSDM (one of the methods which is Agile related) was seen asan IT system development method rather than a project management method. With this information in mind we set up a structure to help us to get an answer to Q 2. In chapter 1 we focused on finding an answer to what can be seen as a successful project. An important statement will be that success should not be related to “the golden triangle” of time, costs and quality but it should be related to the perspective of involved stakeholders. Choosing a project management method whih matches type of project (complexity) is important to be successful. In chapter 2 we focused on finding an answer to define fitness for purpose. We choose to use the degree to which a project management approach fits project complexity. Based on complexity levels four types of projects were identified. Here we also tried to find an answer what typeof project suits with Agile projects. This ultimately helps to define where to apply an Agile project management method. In chapter 3 we focused on finding an answer on the essentials of a project management method. Project management is defined as a process resulting in (sub rational) decisions on how to manage a project. Based o research on project success factors we have identified critical elements of a project management method o system. In chapter 4 we focused on finding an answer why it is important to contemplate Agile project management as a distinct method for managing (type 3) complex “open ended projects”. Next we tried to find to define the essentials of an Agile project management (PM) method. In chapter 5 we focused on defining practical guidelines for applying the Agile PM method using the principles from Agile manifesto. In chapter 6 we described essential principles from value– based project management which can be used to manage very complex (sometimes also called chaotic or fuzzy front end), level 4 projects. In our opinion thi helps to better understan which behavioral elements are important to make an Agile project management method work. These principles are described in a thesis research on value- based project management from Nicole Mulder.

Read more…. (pdf)

12 PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers www.PMI-Netherlands-Chapter.org

PMI Journals DATA DOESN'T LIE Government agencies are using big data to achieve strategic results. THE VALUE PROPOSITION All projects must be measured against business value. RUN LIKE THE WIND A Danish oshore wind farm just being completed is part of an ambitious wind-power plan. STICKING POWER Money may attract a star project manager, but it will rarely keep one around. THE FUTURE IS NOW Want to advance your career? Prepare by acquiring tomorrow's needed skills today. Link to the issue

Supporting the Academic Community Participate in the Election Process and Inuence PMI's Futur Your Board Candidates Journal Appoints Departmental Editors In Memoriam: Brian Roger Kooyman and Collins Williams II Training Spreads Project Success in Rural Ugandan Communities Region 3 Leaders Meet and "Connect" in Connecticut Report Makes Solid Link Between Projects and Strategy Lean Enablers Guide Wins Shingo Prize Link to the issue

13 PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers www.PMI-Netherlands-Chapter.org

PMI's Communities of Practice Webinars Building Information Modelling – 5 September PMI Construction Industry Community of Practice

Most are now aware that building information modelling (BIM) is the way of the future, but is it just another tool or is it something more? Participate in this webinar to find out where the industry is moving and how you can keep pace with the coming changes. Learn more and register.

Sustainability: A Common Language, A Shared Approach – 12 September PMI Global Sustainability Community of Practice

The webinar introduces a framework and process that serve as the bridge for developing and managing a shared vision of sustainability. Learn more and register today.

Risk Driver Method in Monte Carlo Simulation of a Schedule – 19 September PMI Project Risk Management Community of Practice

Identifying the root causes of project schedule and cost risks requires that the risk to the project schedule be clearly and directly driven by identified and quantified risks. The basic benefit of the risk driver approach comes from the ability to identify, and hence prioritize the importance of risks. Register now.

Logical Framework & Earned Value Management – 20 September PMI IT & Telecom Community of Practice and PMI Earned Value Management Community of Practice

This webinar will shed light on how the logical framework approach can blend with earned value management to provide progress reporting for development projects. Learn more and register today.

Enterprise Project Governance – 24 September PMI Organizational Project Management Community of Practice

This presentation ultimately spotlights how to translate business strategy into the effective implementation of projects and programs that determine the success or failure of an enterprise. Join the PMI Organizational Project Management Community of Practice to get insights about the strategic approach for successful projects across the organization. Register today.

Outsourcing IT Functionality to the Cloud – 25 September PMI IT & Telecom Community of Practice

Join the IT & Telecom Community of Practice to discover why cloud-based IT outsourcing is advantageous. Learn more and register at the community website.

Writing Better Requirements: Lower Cost, Astonishing Clients – 26 September PMI Requirements Management Community of Practice

Learn the four steps to writing better project requirements, including eleven elicitation techniques and six ways to document requirements for any project. Register at the community website.

14 PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers www.PMI-Netherlands-Chapter.org

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15 PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers www.PMI-Netherlands-Chapter.org

Project management Humour The Frog A project manager was out walking in the countryside one day when a frog called out to him. He bent down, picked up the frog and put it in his pocket. The frog poked its head out of his pocket and said, "Hey, if you kiss me I'll turn back into a beautiful princess, and I'll stay with you for a week as your mistress." The project manager took the frog out of his pocket, smiled at it, and put it back into his pocket. The frog called out once more, "If you kiss me and turn back into a princess, I'll stay with you for as long as you wish and do absolutely anything that you want." Again the Project manager took the frog out of his pocket, smiled at it and put it back. Finally, the frog demanded, "What's the matter? You can turn me back into a beauful princess, and I'll stay with you for ever and do anything you want. Why won't you kiss me?" The project manager replied, "Understand, I'm a project manager. I simply don't have time for a girlfriend. But a talking frog...that's cool."

Eleven people were hanging onto a rope Eleven people were hanging onto a rope that came down from a helicopter, ten software developers and one project manager. They all decided that one person should get off, because if they did not, the rope would break and everyone would die. No one could decide who should go, so finally, the project manager gave a really touching speech saying how she would give up her life to save the others, because project managers were used to giving up things for their projects and taking the blame when things went wrong, while software developers would often take the credi when things went right. When she finished speaking, all the software developers started clapping

Three envelopes A project manager spends a week on her new project with the project manager she is replacing. On the last day, the departing project manager tells her, “I have left three numbered envelopes in the desk drawer. Ope an envelope if you encounter a crisis you can't solve.” Three months later there is a major crisis and everything goes wrong. The project manager feels very threatened by it all. She remembers the parting words of her predecessor and opens the first envelope. The message inside said “Blame your predecessor!” So, she does this and gets off the hook. About three months later, the project is experiencing another major crisis, combined with serious personnel issues. The project manager quickly opens the second envelope. The message read, “Reorganize!” She does this, and the project quickly rebounds. Three months after that, at her next crisis, she opens the third envelope. The message inside said “Prepare three envelopes.”

16 PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers www.PMI-Netherlands-Chapter.org

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