January 2014 Volume 41 Issue 1
Contents President’s Column ................................................................................................................................................. 2 Welcome to the January Edition ............................................................................................................................. 3 Our Sponsors ........................................................................................................................................................... 4 Events Calendar....................................................................................................................................................... 5 Take our PMP Exam Coaching Class! Spring 2014 edition ..................................................................................... 5 Chapter Meeting February 12 Governance, Trust and Ethics in Projects ............................................................... 6 rd
PMI Netherlands Summit 3 Edition ...................................................................................................................... 7 rd
PMI Netherlands Summit 3 Edition speakers ....................................................................................................... 8 PMI Frankfurt Chapter presents: Project Zone Congress ...................................................................................... 10 PGM OPEN 2014 Developing Program Management ........................................................................................... 10 Focus on PM Research .......................................................................................................................................... 11 Welcome on board to 2 new Directors! ................................................................................................................ 12 Director Professional Development – Rochelle Rober ...................................................................................... 12 Director Membership and Volunteers – Madhav Upadhyaya .......................................................................... 13 Programme Board Dutch Publications news ......................................................................................................... 14 Recently certified PMI Netherlands members ...................................................................................................... 14 Chapter Guest Pass program ................................................................................................................................ 15 PMI Family Grows Again ....................................................................................................................................... 16 PMI’s Career Central – Countries with Top Salaries for Project Practitioners ...................................................... 17 PMI Journals .......................................................................................................................................................... 18 PMI's Communities of Practice Webinars February ............................................................................................. 19 PMI® Leadership Institute Meeting EMEA 2-4 May 2014 .................................................................................... 20 Let’s stay in touch ................................................................................................................................................. 21 Project Management Humor ................................................................................................................................ 22
President’s Column Guess what?! The Chapter has passed yet another hurdle. We are now a community of over 850 members and still growing strong. Thank you for spreading the word as that is the most common way of attracting new members. Thanks also to our volunteers as spreading the word is good, but without content it doesn’t make sense. Thanks to the Board members, past, present or yet to be installed, as you were leading this Chapter towards what we are and what we are Cees Pijs going to be in the future. Thank you all for participating and create this President community. We are the Chapter together! While growing, we need to transform the Chapter as well. We need to incorporate your feedback thus anticipating on your needs and wants in our community. We picked up on Communications and created a professional newsletter, yes the one you are reading at the moment. We professionalized our LinkedIn presence, via company page and group, we are present on Twitter and we are present on Facebook as well. Communication is essential for any community and you clearly indicated that we needed to improve. The impact of setting up our communications platform in this manner has resulted in recognition from our peers! Our social media model is used as an example for other Chapters. Moreover, we see a growing number of followers and that makes it worthwhile. Still, we are not satisfied as we are looking for more content and you can help. The platform I’ve mentioned is created for you - to share, to learn, to enjoy and to network. Your input therefore is highly appreciated! Another item undergoing rapid change is our annual meeting. . We are a community of members and therefore the board is accountable to the members according to our bylaws. Hence at least once a year we need to need to update you on the Chapters’ whereabouts, seek your approval on our finances, and seek your approval for new board-members etc. Your feedback indicated that we should have more vivid general membership meetings. So we are changing the format but that takes time. Instead of having one annual meeting in January, we divided the meeting into a presentation of new board members (and thanking leaving board members) and a separate meeting that focuses on the goals, achievements, financials, etc. The first meeting is already planned for on January 30th (already fully booked!) and the latter will be in March. To ensure we have a stimulating meeting, we are preparing an annual report for the financials. Structuring the meeting in this way allows us to spend more time discussing what really matters to you and sharing your vision on how the Chapter should develop. This meeting will be announced soon. By the way, at the January 30th meeting, Jacques Dunzelman from Capgemini will present his amazing comparison between aviation and project management. Jacques was a keynote speaker at our 2013 Summit and due to many requests we have him back on stage. Personally, I found his presentation very enjoyable and worthwhile! Should you not be able to join this meeting, for whatever reason, do consider coming to the 2014 PMI Netherlands Summit on June 12th. For members of the Chapter there still is a huge discount! We already have attracted some great keynotes and other worthwhile speakers that will share their thoughts on the thin line between project failure and project success. Check it out today! Soon I would like to start a forum discussion via LinkedIn on project management success and failure. What is project success in general? What is project success for you? Why are you a successful project manager? Many questions… looking for your answers. Let’s share our insights, community spirit to help each other. That is what it is all about. 2014 let’s go! 2 PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers www.PMI-Netherlands-Chapter.org
Welcome to the January Edition First time in 2014 I have the pleasure to welcome you to the PMI Netherlands Chapter Newsletter. We are lacking snow this winter but the newsletter issue is a must – no excuses! In the December edition we’ve started to introduce you new PMI Netherlands Chapter board members. In this issue you will find few words from Rochelle Rober and Madhav Upadhyaya. The approaching PMI Netherlands Summit will bring us closer to fantastic speakers. Do not forget to subscribe with PMI Netherlands Member’s discount!
Małgorzata Krakowian Director Marketing and Communications
Apart from our conference you can also find other amazing events like for example PGM Open 2014 or Project Zone Conference organized by our friends at the PMI Frankfurt Chapter. For those of you with New Year’s resolution to gain their PMP certification this year, I would like to invite you to register to PMP Exam Coaching Class Spring edition. I’m very happy to introduce a new contribution to the newsletter – the Focus on PM Research column written by Dr. Peter M. Storm, who will bring you closer to results from research in the field of Project Management. We also have a surprise for you from Programme Board Dutch Publications. Available soon in Van Haren Publications Bookshop …. more on page 13
At the end of the issue, please find a collection of PMI news and PM Humor.
Editorial Office: Małgorzata Krakowian Karen Obi Contact: communication@pmi-netherlands-chapter.org
3 PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers www.PMI-Netherlands-Chapter.org
Our Sponsors Thank you to all our sponsors for their generous support! GOLDEN SPONSORS
Want to become our sponsor?
Please check our website for more information.
4 PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers www.PMI-Netherlands-Chapter.org
Events Calendar PMI Netherlands Chapter
Other February 2014
January 2014 30
Chapter meeting: Inspiration from the world of Aviation for Project Managers in Amersfoort at Q-Solutions
More info
Chapter meeting: The Interrelationship between Governance, Trust and Ethics in Projects PMP Exam Coaching Class
More info
PMP Exam Coaching Class PMP Exam Coaching Class
More info
More info
More info
PMI Frankfurt: Project Zone Congress
More info
- New trends in Project Management - Agile and Lean Development (Sopot, Poland)
More info
Nothern Star Consulting - Certified ScrumMaster class at Zeist
More info
Threon - CAPM Certification Prep
More info
Synergy 2014 – PMI UK Conference (London, UK) Threon - Project Portfolio Management
More info
More info
May 2014 PMP Exam Coaching Class
More info
PMI Netherlands Summit
More info
June 2014 12
More info
Nothern Star Consulting - Certified ScrumMaster class at Zeist Threon - PMI Risk Management Professional
April 2014 5
Passion for Projects – A PMI Scandinavian Open Congress (Helsingborg, Sweden)
April 2014
More info
March 2014 8
More info
March 2014
February 2014 12
PGM Open 2014: Developing Program Management (Netherlands, in Dutch)
June 2014 10 September 2014 10 November 2014 13 26
Take our PMP Exam Coaching Class! Spring 2014 edition We are happy to announce that next PMP Exam Coaching Class will take place on: 22 February, 8 March, 22 March, 5 April
Registration for the next PMP Exam Coaching Class is now open.
Deadline for registration: 4th February Already certified? Please forward this information to your colleagues.
5 PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers www.PMI-Netherlands-Chapter.org
More info
Chapter Meeting February 12 Governance, Trust and Ethics in Projects Due to this great opportunity we have decided to accept the short notice and seize the opportunity to give you the chance to listen to international renowned speaker.
Prof Ralf Müller, DBA, MBA, PMP Professor of Project Management at BI Norwegian Business School and will visit the Netherlands February 12-15. The PMI-Netherlands-Chapter is honoured in that Prof Müller is willing to present one of his international research topics and share some great insights and tips in the area of Governance, Trust and Ethics!
In addition
Karin de Bruin, MEM Trainer/coach at the Project Academie a certified value consultant at the Barrett Institute, will present a related topic: How to use values in getting commitment. In which she will elaborate on how use soft skills and the right attitude based on common values and cultural sensitivity, to dramatically increase the team commitment.
Presentations: The Interrelationship between Governance, Trust and Ethics in Projects by Prof Ralf Müller Understanding the impact of governance context on project managers’ ethical decisions, which allows to adjust governance structures to potential ethical issues, but also to prepare for possible issues in given governance structures. In addition the presentation shows the types and effectiveness of measures taken by organizations to prepare their project managers for ethical issues in their projects.
How to use values in getting commitment by Karin de Bruin, MEM An interactive session on how to use personal values to overcome obstructions and get real team commitment, followed by a short journey in understanding emotions to transform the desires to actions. Including tips to take home and practice.
Registration and more details !
6 PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers www.PMI-Netherlands-Chapter.org
PMI Netherlands Summit 3rd Edition Silver Sponsors
After the very successful and well-received first two editions, the PMI Netherlands Chapter and CKC rd th Seminars organize the 3 Edition of PMI Netherlands Summit on June 12 , 2014 at FIGI in Zeist. The PMI Netherlands Summit is the platform for ambitious Project, Program and Portfolio professionals. To inspire and to be inspired! The program provides high quality content to the project management community, presented by national and international thought leaders and experts. Central theme of the third edition is: The thin line between project success & failure.
An inspiring program of the PMI Netherlands Summit 2014 is guaranteed with keynote speakers such as:
Visitors of PMI Netherlands Summit 2014 receive a free copy of “Taming Tigers. Do things you never thought you could” by Jim Lawless
Jim Lawless, One of the World's leading inspirational speakers, author of Taming Tigers and CEO of the Velocity Corporation Dr. Thomas Juli, Managing Director, Thomas Juli Empowerment Partners Martijn Jong, Partner & Director, AMI Consultancy
Members of the PMI Netherlands Chapter receive a special discount. Sign up with your membership code and pay only € 195,- excl. VAT! The first 80 members that register before January 31, 2014 with the voucher code PMI14-EXC100 pay only € 100,- excl. VAT!! (Only limited vouchers available)
Check PMI Netherlands Summit webpage for more information.
7 PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers www.PMI-Netherlands-Chapter.org
PMI Netherlands Summit 3rd Edition speakers Chairman 2014 edition; C. (Cees) Pijs Cees Pijs is a professional, in interim, line, project and program management functions in the ICT domain. Currently Cees holds the position of Manager Projects at Valid B.V. Since 2009, Cees has been a Board Member of the PMI Netherlands Chapter. Since 2011, he has held the office of President, PMI Netherlands Chapter. A volunteer position showing his passion and involvement in the professional development of Project, Program and Portfolio Management. J. (Jim) Lawless As CEO of The Velocity Corporation, Jim has advised companies and elite teams globally on creating organizational cultural change. With his team, has implemented successful change programs in companies including Apple, Barclaycard, Atos, Axa, BT, Aramark, Skrill Group and Badminton England. He insists on testing principles of change on himself before advising others. In August 2010, he used the precept in “Taming Tigers” to become Britain’s Deepest Freediver. He is the first Briton to dive below the magic 100m barrier on a single breath of air. Jim’s second book – “The 7 C's of Cultural Change” will be available in shops by September 2015. Dr. T. (Thomas) Juli Dr. Thomas Juli is an experienced, enthusiastic and results-driven manager. He is Managing Director of ‘Thomas Juli Empowerment Partners’ (www.thomasjuli.com), a professional service organization for leadership, happiness and project success. In addition, he is co- founder and Chief Passion Officer of ‘i-Sparks’ (www.i-sparks.net), an open ideas and projects platform for social change. He is a recognized and sought-after speaker at international conferences (PMI Global Congress, NASA PM Challenge, PM Forum) and author of the critically acclaimed book ”Leadership Principles for Project Success“ (2011 CRC Press, New York). At present he is working on building an 'Institute for Project and Business Transformation' (http://motivate2b.com/institute/) planned to be launched in 2014. M. (Martijn) Jong Martijn Jong is Partner and Director at AMI. He has ample experience in helping project teams, boards and management teams design, plan and implement their strategy. To actively involve the internal and external environment in defining the strategy and in translating this into concrete plans, is an important and challenging field. He is especially interested in the relation between project- and process management. In the projects directed by him, he is searching for the right balance between structuring, planning and controlling on one hand and directing, mobilizing and inspiring on the other hand. L.A. (Liselore) Havermans Liselore Havermans is active as Researcher and Lecturer at the University of Amsterdam Business School. In her dissertation, which she will defend this year, she explores the everyday complexity of leadership in project-based organizations. She has been awarded an Academic Research Grant by PMI for her new research project on the development of project managers. As her work is inspired by the interplay between scientific theories and the experiences and insights of practitioners, she aims to bridge science and practice to foster mutual learning.
8 PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers www.PMI-Netherlands-Chapter.org
Dr. ir. C. (Chantal) Savelsbergh Since 2002, Chantal Savelsbergh is employed by the Open University of the Netherlands as an Assistant Professor Human Resource Development. The emphasis in her teaching and research has been on the areas of developing teams and their leaders, especially in the world of projects. She combines her research activities with putting the lessons learned into practice as a Senior Consultant at Kennis&Co. She coaches teams and their leaders in sharing their knowledge and experience in order to improve their own performance as well as that of their projects. Prof. Dr. L. (Laurentiu) Neamtu Mr. Neamtu is an Airspace Engineer. He worked for the Romanian-British aircraft company ROMAERO. He taught Strength of Materials, Computational Mechanics, Numerical Methods and Project Management in several universities from Romania and Spain. He held the position of Technical Director in a private commercial software company. He managed R&D projects with partners all over the world (Autoform, FCI, Gamesa Eolica, KHI, MHI, Bombardier, Toyota, Corus/Tata, Rafael, AISIN). Presently he is the Academic Director at La Salle Almere Campus. T. (Thomas) Swaak Thomas Swaak is a global Change & Transformation Manager with a focus on Business Partnership, Process Improvement, Complex Change programs and Outsourcing, as well as Project/Program management. He has extensive experience in large-scale, complex transformation/reorganizations, ERP and Shared Service Center projects in both the public and the private sector and is familiar with Lean/Six Sigma methodology, PMI and Prince 2. His current position is Global Change Manager for Philips. Dr. P. (Peter) Storm Since 1974 Peter Storm has been involved in teaching, research and consulting in the areas of Strategic Management, Project Management, Leadership and Organization Development. In 1983, he became the founding Dean of the Faculty of Management at the Open University of the Netherlands. In 1996, he founded AMI consultancy, which specializes in Organization Development. In 2006, he founded Kennis&Co, which specializes in Knowledge Management within and between organizations. He has been awarded grants for his research in the area of Project Management by PMI on multiple occasions. Peter is a recognized author of a series of books and articles on Project Management.
9 PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers www.PMI-Netherlands-Chapter.org
PMI Frankfurt Chapter presents: Project Zone Congress
PGM OPEN 2014 Developing Program Management
Too many targeted? In a few weeks, the third edition of the PGM Open will be held. There is a great program lined up and together we plan to make another great event!
René ten Bos, Keynote speaker René ten Bos, Philosopher, Organizational Expert and Professor at Radboud University, closes the PGM Open 2014. His message is a non-standard one for program managers. He looks at the phenomenon of planning and pushing the boundaries of what can be planned and what cannot. Additionally, the event offers a varied program with diverse sessions.
More entries than 2013 At this moment, we have more entries for the PGM Open than last year. Would you like to attend and enjoy a host of inspiring sessions on program management in practice? Come to the PGM Open on Thursday, February 6th 2014 in De Fabrique, Utrecht. Subscribe on our website. Kind regards on behalf of the organization, Björn Prevaas (Twynstra Gudde) Mirella Jacobs (Jo Bos & Co) Robert-Jan Uijl (Phaos)
10 PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers www.PMI-Netherlands-Chapter.org
Focus on PM Research Welcome to the Focus on PM Research column of this Newsletter. The idea is to brief you about thought-provoking results from research studies about Project Management around the world. Sometimes the news item will be brand new, sometimes not. The purpose is to give you a benchmark to compare against your own insights .
Let’s start with some older research. It’s about PM methods and tools. We all know there are a lot of different PM tools. So many that it sometimes makes you wonder what good they do for you. Are they a “cure for all” or does each serve a specific purpose? In 1995 Jean Couillard* published the results of his research efforts to answer this question. He distinguished three types of risks: Technical, Budget and Schedule risks. He concluded that Technical risks are best Dr. Peter M. Storm served by methods dealing with Communication Kennis&Co AMI consultancy Teamwork Linkedin Everest manager blog Problem solving That the most effective methods for managing Budget risks are: Scope control Budget control (no surprise!) Project manager decision-making authority Schedule risks, finally, are best served by: Project manager experience Risk management tools Frequent monitoring of progress We can compare these results with those of Terry Cooke-Davies in a later study**. Terry’s data support some of the conclusions drawn by Jean. Specifically, that budget risks are best managed by scope control and schedule risks are best managed by risk management tools. Now, I am very interested in your insights. Do they confirm the conclusions drawn by Jean and by Terry? Or does your experience tell you something different? Let me know and I’ll share your input with the other readers of this column. Sources: *J. Couillard, Project Management Journal, 1995, 3-15. The results are based on a survey among 121 project managers. **T. Cooke-Davies, International Journal of Project Management, 2002, 185-190. The results are based on interviews and surveys in 170 different organizations.
Regards and … keep those projects in control!
11 PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers www.PMI-Netherlands-Chapter.org
Welcome on board to 2 new Directors! Director Professional Development – Rochelle Rober I can’t express just how thrilled I am to be able to serve the project management community in the capacity of Director Professional Development! But I am sure that you’ll see that my ambition and drive to continuously improve and excel at what I do and to grow as a person has been the critical path of my life. This, coupled with my fascination for the phenomenon that we call a “project” and our constant endeavours and efforts to tame unruly project environments, Rochelle Rober navigate past the constraints and surge onward against the clock to ultimately achieve the project success that we have set our sights on, is what I bring to this new role. Over the next few months I hope you too will be inspired to reach out and stretch the boundaries of your ambition to take your professional development to new heights. But now a little intro to me… I was born in Cape Town, South Africa and grew up in the townships during a period great political upheaval and violent unrest. Opportunities for educational advancement were next to nil for the children growing up then. I was brought up with the premise that success and learning are both the consequences of dreams in action. This made me look at life differently – I figured that everything is possible unless proven otherwise and therefore I set a couple of goals and just went for it. While still in High School I found opportunities to improve myself including doing a course with ETI (Electronics Technical Institute – an American electronics college) so that by the time I had completed High School I was ready to take the next step. This came in the form of a position as training instructor in electronics and television repairs (oh, how I miss those solid-state days!). I provided practical training to persons who wanted to re-enter the job market by either starting a business of their own or working for one. I realized that I love helping people and that besides my enjoyment of learning new things, that I absolutely love teaching! Especially finding ways to make difficult concepts easy to grasp was extremely fulfilling. Seeing those students blossom and their growth accelerate in selfpropelled advancement was a fantastic reward. In 1990 I joined the department of Post and Telecommunications (PTT) and was selected for an apprenticeship as Technician in the Transmission branch of telecom tech. I had great fun achieving firsts, like being the only female technician actively out there “doing a man’s job” for quite a while before more women were inspired to follow. However, during the early 90’s, I was introduced to TQM (Demming), project management and project planning, having received Dr. Harold Kerzners book, “Project Management – fourth edition” – I was sold! Wow! I’d heard of PMI but at the time Chapter meetings were being held in the Johannesburg area and I was disappointed at being unable to attend them, however I was sent a copy of the draft version of the PMBOK from 1986 (much thinner booklet than the fantastic Guide that we have now) and this formed the basis for further developing my interest in project management. As soon as I was able to get involved with projects I did. The first was an RDP project (Nelson Mandela’s Reconstruction and Development plan) in 1994 in which we provided the township of Langa with telecommunications access – no mean feat in the time. I discovered first-hand what Stakeholder involvement really meant as we learned how involving the community (from tribal chiefs to children at local schools) ensured acceptance and success of the project and its deliverables. We worked with new technology for that time, as card-phones were introduced in South Africa in 1993, and so we were confronted with its technical complexities and the need to augment the telecom 12 PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers www.PMI-Netherlands-Chapter.org
infrastructure in while negotiating with municipality and local business to upgrade the local infrastructure cost effectively so that our new phone units could be maintainable and secure. Again, when you see that projects are never carried out in a vacuum, but that they have a ripple effect on the organisational environments that they interface with – on real people - then you realise what a powerful thing this “project management” is and how important it is to develop the necessary skills and competence to be able steer the project and it’s outcomes in the right direction. Later on as I went to study project management and to manage projects on a national level I would continually draw on these experiences and actively seek every opportunity to grow in knowledge and skills. When I immigrated to the Netherlands at the end of 2001, I chose to make project management the main focus of my career. Since then I have been actively involved as a volunteer with PMI; I have coauthored two books on the ISO 21500 Guidance on Project Management and I have attained two PMI credentials (CAPM and PMP) while currently working towards my third PMI credential. Why the credentials? Because they represent a recognised level of professional advancement in the field of project management that has been validated by experience in applying project management techniques, and tested by an examination of the knowledge attained. PMI credentials are a guarantee of a recognisable level of quality in project management practice. Around the globe project management professionals prove the worth and credibility of their credentials over and over again by living up to this perceived standard of professional excellence. Of course, attaining the credential is just the beginning. PMI credential holders subsequently embark on a career-long journey of personal professional growth. Maintaining the credential by actively striving towards professional advancement is what keeps us growing to new levels of project management maturity as professionals in the field. To this end I intend to put my energy and enthusiasm into ensuring that the PMI Netherlands Chapter becomes your partner in helping you to achieve your professional development goals. I look forward to working alongside you, inspiring and being inspired by your professional growth and advancement, and to celebrating your successes with you!
Director Membership and Volunteers – Madhav Upadhyaya Organizing events gatherings, making plans and implementing them have always been a passion for me. As Director of Membership and Volunteers I will do my utmost to understand the requirements of our members and volunteers. Brainstorming about new methods to attract members and to increase involvement of recent members is therefore essential. A bit about myself... I have been extensively travelling since 2000. I have worked in both national and international environments, have managed Madhav Upadhyaya local as well as international projects, have worked with small and large teams, and with multi language/cultural teams. I speak several languages and am always keen to learn about new cultures. I look forward to meeting you and hearing your ideas on how we can increase our numbers and your involvement.
13 PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers www.PMI-Netherlands-Chapter.org
Programme Board Dutch Publications news Van Haren Publishing and PMI Netherlands Chapter are happy to announce that in February in PMI Netherlands bookshop you will be able to buy "A pocket companion to PMI’s PMBOKŽ Guide Fifth edition" in Dutch, German and Spanish languages. Please note that members of PMI Netherlands Chapter are eligible for a 15% discount on items ordered at Van Haren Publications Bookshop. In your account for this Bookshop add membership of PMI Netherlands Chapter in the section Organisation Membership. The discount will be automatically applied in the shopping cart for the items selected.
Recently certified PMI Netherlands members The PMI Netherlands Chapter Board congratulates the following members with achieving their credential in November and December: Name, Mr. Kees Klopping, Mr. Alan Quadros, Mr. Bouke Bakker, Mrs. Frieda van Akker, Mr. Ton Brouwer, Ms. Kai van Benthem, Mr. Oscar van Wijngaarden, Mr. Jan van Dongen, Mr. Rene Dekker, Mr. Michael Dahn, Mr. Mahdi Salah, Sr., Mr. Michiel Dijkman, Chris Verbogt,
Great job!
14 PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers www.PMI-Netherlands-Chapter.org
Chapter Guest Pass program Are you a PMI member living or working in the Netherlands and who has not joined our Chapter yet? Want an easy way to find out how great the programs of the PMI Netherlands Chapter are? Make use of the Chapter Guest Pass program now! There are more 1200 PMI members in the Netherlands, but less than 70% are members of the PMI Netherlands Chapter. The Chapter Guest Pass program is aimed to make that gap smaller. It allows you to experience all the benefits, join many activities and appreciate the value of joining our Chapter by trying it out at no cost for you for the remainder of your PMI membership. So if you’re not a member of the Chapter yet, use this program to join our Chapter and discover all it has to offer for you. If you’re a member of the Chapter and know other PMI members in the Netherlands who are not a member of the Chapter, please share this information with them and let them know that they can now join PMI Netherlands Chapter for free. How does the program work? Get in touch with us by sending an email to our Operations Officer (operations@pmi-netherlands-chapter.org) and refer to the Chapter Guest Pass program. After validating your request, our Operations Officer will provide you a code to activate the Chapter Guest Pass program. The Chapter Guest Pass is valid for one time use from the point of initiation through the end of the member’s current PMI membership cycle. We encourage you to activate the code as soon as possible to get to become fully immersed in the Chapter and its activities and enjoy the benefits for a maximum amount of time.
Get connected and start enjoying the benefits of the PMI Netherlands Chapter.
15 PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers www.PMI-Netherlands-Chapter.org
PMI Family Grows Again PMI has acquired ProjectManagement.com and ProjectsAtWork.com, two of the largest online resources for project managers and professionals. For more than a decade, both websites have provided project managers with access to a broad range of tools and templates, PMO events and one of the most vibrant and diverse global online communities for professionals in project management. “The combination of PMI, ProjectManagement.com, and ProjectsAtWork.com bring greater opportunities to the 51 million people around the globe who are engaged in the management of projects. Together, we will deliver access to more resources, better tools, larger networks and broader perspectives,” said Ricardo Triana, PMP, Chair, PMI Board of Directors. This collaboration will leverage the broad content creation capability of ProjectManagement.com and ProjectsAtWork.com with PMI’s global reach to deliver enhanced knowledge sharing and networking capabilities to project, program and portfolio managers worldwide. ProjectManagement.com was designed to help project managers meet their day-to-day challenges— getting them “unstuck,” saving time and keeping them from reinventing the wheel. The goal of ProjectsAtWork.com has been to engage and collaborate with the PM community and bring fresh thinking to the forefront while building bridges to techniques that have stood the test of time. “We couldn’t be more excited to be part of the PMI family,” said Dave Garrett, CEO of Gantthead, which operates ProjectManagement.com. “PMI recognizes the tremendous value that comes from encouraging an open environment for the sharing of knowledge. And now through our combined efforts, we will have many more tools and resources to make that happen.” Content and points of view on ProjectManagement.com and ProjectsAtWork.com will continue to remain impartial. Both sites will continue to focus on generating content through use of industry experts and facilitating global networking and knowledge sharing among practitioners at all levels, across all regions and industries.
16 PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers www.PMI-Netherlands-Chapter.org
PMI’s Career Central – Countries with Top Salaries for Project Practitioners
17 PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers www.PMI-Netherlands-Chapter.org
PMI Journals EDUCATION PROJECTS PROVIDE TEACHING MOMENTS The common element in education projects is the need to engage stakeholders. COMMUNICATING RISK IS CRITICAL Project success can hinge on the effective communication of risk. LOOKING FORWARD Seven major trends will impact business and project management in the year ahead. 2013 PMI PROJECT OF THE YEAR AWARD FINALIST TOXIC AVENGERS A team cleaning up a nuclear site went beyond its basic goal, yet did the job in half the time. VIEW THE FULL ISSUE
New Guidelines Help You Become a PMI Ambassador on Social Media Looking Back at 2013: Progress and New Opportunities Congress and LIM Attendees Volunteer to Help New Orleans School in Need PMI North America Leadership Institute Meeting: Record Number of Volunteers Collaborate and Get Inspired Foundation Announces 2013 Scholarship and Grant Recipients Business Planning Takes Center Stage at Region 11 Meeting PMI China News: Project Management Forum Offers Insight on the Profession Research Working Session—Program Management: Jazz to Project Management's Orchestra VIEW THE FULL ISSUE 18 PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers www.PMI-Netherlands-Chapter.org
PMI's Communities of Practice Webinars February PMI Community of Practice webinars are available exclusively to PMI members, and at no additional cost. Participants may claim 1 Professional Development Unit (PDU) per one hour webinar.
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Govt IT Project Managers Guide to Pro-active Risk Management Government CoP Preparing for your PMI-SP certification exam Scheduling CoP Lessons Learned from Nine “Interesting” IT/IS Projects Information systems CoP Construction Productivity Research Results Explored Construction industry CoP Project Management in Practice Book Review! Learning education and development Get it Done! Applying Agile Methods to Life or Business AGILE CoP Consulting Community of Practice Book Club Consulting CoP Ignoring Schedule Risk Analysis Can Lead to Project Failures Project risk management CoP Portfolio Focused PMO: Montana State University’s Story Organizational project management CoP A Kanban System for Legal Work PMI Legal Project Management CoP Change it up! by Lisa DiTullio PMI Change Management CoP License Express: A Scrum Success Story in Washington State Government CoP Managing Project Stakeholders Across Virtual Teams Global diversity CoP Agile Requirements - Visual Modelling Techniques Requirements management CoP
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19 PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers www.PMI-Netherlands-Chapter.org
PMI® Leadership Institute Meeting EMEA 2-4 May 2014 The Leadership Institute Meeting is designed to inspire and support volunteers in the advancement of their leadership skills and will provide the opportunity to: Network with more than 250 PMI volunteers from across the globe Attend educational keynote and breakout sessions addressing critical aspects of volunteer management and leadership development Learn about the tools and programs that have been developed to assist volunteers in successfully leading and managing PMI Chapters Hear the latest news and information about PMI's global initiatives Engage with PMI staff The PMI® Leadership Institute Meeting 2014—EMEA will be held at the Dubai World Trade Center in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity to connect with and learn from fellow PMI volunteers. Register now for the PMI® Leadership Institute Meeting—EMEA.
If you are interested to share your knowledge, please apply now (deadline 3rd February) by following the link: https://pmi.wufoo.com/forms/2014-pmi-leadership-institute-meetings-proposals/.
20 PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers www.PMI-Netherlands-Chapter.org
Let’s stay in touch Our webpage is the main source of information about the PMI Netherlands Chapter: http://pmi-netherlands-chapter.org You can also sign up here to get Chapter news on your email.
Join our LinkedIn group: http://www.linkedin.com/groups/PMI-Netherlands-Chapter-130083 share your thoughts and join discussions. We will also inform you about Chapter events, newletters issues and other PMI news. You can also follow our company page: http://www.linkedin.com/company/pmi-netherlands-chapter
Check out our Facebook Fan page: https://www.facebook.com/PMINetherlandsChapter which was set up to inform you about recent news and for community building purposes. We will let you know about Chapter events, newletters issues and share with you our meetings’ impressions.
Besides the website, LinkedIn and Facebook you can follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/pminlch On a regular basis we send tweets to inform you about Chapter events, news from PMI etc. Have a look and give it a go and join other followers. Looking forward to tweet-connect.
If you miss our Chapter meeting or want to hear it again, now you can check our YouTube channel where we publish recordings from our events: http://www.youtube.com/user/PMINetherlands
To make reading our newsletters more convenient for you, we’ve created an Issue account where you can find all our newsletters: http://issuu.com/pmi_netherlands_Chapter
21 PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers www.PMI-Netherlands-Chapter.org
Project Management Humor
Fortunately, the charging one has been solved now that we’ve all standardized on mini-USB. Or is it micro-USB? Sh*t.
22 PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers www.PMI-Netherlands-Chapter.org