2014.03 - PMI Netherlands Newsletter

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March 2014 Volume 43 Issue 3

Contents President’s Column ................................................................................................................................................ 2 Welcome to the March Edition ............................................................................................................................... 2 Our Sponsors ........................................................................................................................................................... 3 Events Calendar....................................................................................................................................................... 4 Take our PMP Exam Coaching Class! Autumn 2014 edition .................................................................................. 4 From the desk of the Director Events ..................................................................................................................... 5 rd

PMI Netherlands Summit 3 Edition ...................................................................................................................... 6 PMI Frankfurt Chapter presents: Project Zone Congress ........................................................................................ 7 Free webinar "Strategic project portfolio planning with a realistic resource management" ................................. 7 Focus on PM Research ............................................................................................................................................ 8 Recently certified PMI Netherlands members ........................................................................................................ 9 Agile LIWg White paper Chapter 3: How to run an Agile project? What tools and techniques are available? ...... 9 Free Complexity Practice Guide on PMI.org Now ................................................................................................. 10 Chapter Member Satisfaction Survey Launched ................................................................................................... 10 PMI Journals .......................................................................................................................................................... 11 PMI's Communities of Practice Webinars April .................................................................................................... 11 Let’s stay in touch ................................................................................................................................................. 12 Project Management Humor ................................................................................................................................ 13

President’s Column This time just a few words from me. I was very busy over the last couples of weeks finalizing the program for our 2014 Summit. Of course I am biased as I am member of the program board for this Summit, but belief me it is a program worthwhile at least viewing if not considering participating. We already have close to 70 subscriptions without even having the full program announced. Pretty convincing, don’t you think? See for yourself via www.pmi-netherlands-summit.com and keep an eye on this site for the next weeks or so as we will announce the full program shortly. Hope we will meet and greet at this Cees Pijs event! President Furthermore I was working with our secretary to release our first annual report. We completely underestimated how much work this was but we had fun putting it together. Hope you enjoy it and hopefully it will help in creating a different, more inspiring, annual meeting as that call from several members initiated this. As we completely underestimated the amount of work and we definitely needed to release it before our annual meeting on the 26th we were not able to capture more content form members and sponsors, to add picture and so on. Nevertheless I think we should continue delivering annual reports but that is also up to you. So let us know what you think of it. A perhaps you would like to volunteer for next edition. I think we could do with an editorial committee for this annual report. But first let’s find out if you appreciate the annual report. That’s it for now. Let’s keep up to good work. Enjoy being a project manager, enjoy being part of the PMI community in the Netherlands.

Welcome to the March Edition I have the pleasure to welcome you to the March PMI Netherlands Chapter Newsletter. This time the issue is a little bit thinner than usual but you will not be disappointed since as every month we have the Focus on PM Research column written by Dr. Peter M. Storm, who wrote article about learning from experiences. We encourage you to take a look at upcoming events: chapter meetings, Summit and PMP exam Coaching Class. We have also few news from PMI.org and as always PM Humor.

Cover: De Eersteling in Hoofddorp

Małgorzata Krakowian Director Marketing and Communications

Editorial Office:  Małgorzata Krakowian  Karen Obi Contact: communication@pmi-netherlands-chapter.org

2 PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers www.PMI-Netherlands-Chapter.org

Our Sponsors Thank you to all our sponsors for their generous support! GOLDEN SPONSORS



Want to become our sponsor?

Please check our website for more information.

3 PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers www.PMI-Netherlands-Chapter.org

Events Calendar PMI Netherlands Chapter

Other April 2014

March 2014

April 2014


Northern Star Consulting - Certified ScrumMaster class at Zeist Threon - PMI Risk Management Professional



PMI Frankfurt: Project Zone Congress

More info

- New trends in Project Management - Agile and Lean Development (Sopot, Poland)

More info

Northern Star Consulting - Certified ScrumMaster class at Zeist

More info

Threon - CAPM Certification Prep

More info

Synergy 2014 – PMI UK Conference (London, UK) Threon - Project Portfolio Management

More info



Annual Chapter Meeting and World-cafe session PMP Exam Coaching Class 4/4


More info

More info Details soon

Chapter Meeting: Decision making in political sensitive environments

Details soon

PMI Netherlands Summit

More info

September 2014

October 2014



More info

November 2014


May 2014 June 2014 10

June 2014 12

PMP Exam Coaching Class 1/4


November 2014 1

PMP Exam Coaching Class 2/4

More info


PMP Exam Coaching Class 3/4

More info


PMP Exam Coaching Class 4/4

More info

More info

May 2014

Chapter Meeting: Agile Project Management


More info


Take our PMP Exam Coaching Class! Autumn 2014 edition We are happy to announce that next PMP Exam Coaching Class will take place on:  11 October, 1 November, 15 November, 29 November

Registration for the next PMP Exam Coaching Class is now open.

Deadline for registration: 24th September 14:00 Already certified? Please forward this information to your colleagues.

4 PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers www.PMI-Netherlands-Chapter.org

More info

From the desk of the Director Events Dear PMINLCH Member,

When writing this, I’m really looking forward to our upcoming Annual Meeting. We are harvesting the knowledge and experience of our members to explore trends in the Project Management world! In a world-café setting, we will have a workshop like event which will allow our members to explore how they should and could develop themselves and how the chapter can best support them. Perhaps this will result in some novice and creative new wave in the Dutch project management world.

Henk-Jan Molenkamp Director Events

For the April chapter event we're investigating to have the meeting at the INSynQ office in Eindhoven. The INSynQ office is nicely situated in the Kennedy tower, close to the railway station and with a lot of parking space close by. As soon as there are more details available this will be communicated through our social media channels. Then in May, due to the nice opportunity Kembit is offering us, we have another event in Eindhoven: an interesting lecture on decision making in political sensitive environments by prof. Allard van Riel (Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen) who approaches the topic from academic perspective, followed by real life experiences of an alderman of the municipal of Eindhoven. We’ll keep you posted about the details! Hope to see you there!

5 PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers www.PMI-Netherlands-Chapter.org

PMI Netherlands Summit 3rd Edition Silver Sponsors

After the very successful and well-received first two editions, the PMI Netherlands Chapter and CKC rd th Seminars organize the 3 Edition of PMI Netherlands Summit on June 12 , 2014 at FIGI in Zeist. The PMI Netherlands Summit is the platform for ambitious Project, Program and Portfolio professionals. To inspire and to be inspired! The program provides high quality content to the project management community, presented by national and international thought leaders and experts. Central theme of the third edition is: The thin line between project success & failure.

An inspiring program of the PMI Netherlands Summit 2014 is guaranteed with keynote speakers such as:

  

Visitors of PMI Netherlands Summit 2014 receive a free copy of “Taming Tigers. Do things you never thought you could” by Jim Lawless

Jim Lawless, One of the World's leading inspirational speakers, author of Taming Tigers and CEO of the Velocity Corporation Dr. Thomas Juli, Managing Director, Thomas Juli Empowerment Partners Martijn Jong, Partner & Director, AMI Consultancy

Members of the PMI Netherlands Chapter receive a special discount. Sign up with your membership code and pay only € 195,- excl. VAT!

Check PMI Netherlands Summit webpage for more information.

6 PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers www.PMI-Netherlands-Chapter.org

PMI Frankfurt Chapter presents: Project Zone Congress

Free webinar "Strategic project portfolio planning with a realistic resource management" We would like to invite you on behalf of PMI Frankfurt Chapter to free webinar on April 9th at 2pm about "Strategic project portfolio planning with a realistic resource management" See more

7 PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers www.PMI-Netherlands-Chapter.org

Focus on PM Research Welcome to the Focus on PM Research column of this Newsletter. The idea is to brief you about thought-provoking results from research studies about Project Management around the world. Sometimes the news item will be brand new, sometimes not. The purpose is to give you a benchmark to compare against your own insights.

Dr. Peter M. Storm Kennis&Co

What do project managers learn from their experiences? We know that AMI consultancy Linkedin project management is very much a “learning by doing” profession. That Everest manager blog means that PM’s learn most of what they know about their job from their own experiences in reality. Much more than from the formal training they received (if they had any such training). Recently I presented the results from our* PMI sponsored research on this subject. For those of you who could not attend the session I will summarize these findings. The leading questions of our investigation were: 1. How and why do people become project managers? 2. What do project managers learn from their experiences? 3. What stimulates project managers in their professional development? 4. What kind of support do they miss most? We interviewed 31 project managers in the Netherlands and the UK. A majority of them work in the fields of ICT or Building & Construction. Some of the interesting conclusions are: 1.




People generally do not plan to become a project manager. They sort of drift into it. Typical answers to the question of “How did you become a project manager?” are “I started doing things like organizing and coordinating the project because I like doing those things and nobody else did it” and “My supervisor noted that I was taking this up and asked me if I wanted to become a project manager”. When asked “What attracts you most in being a project manager?” our respondents indicated in large majority that they valued “Getting to results”, “Working with as team” and “Variety of challenges” more than anything else. Project managers learn mostly about:  How to deal with different expectations regarding their role.  How to carry responsibility without having appropriate authority.  How to manage conflicting interests.  How to manage by leadership rather than expertise. What stimulates project managers in their professional development:  Sharing experiences with colleagues.  Mentoring by senior line of project managers.  Guided project evaluation. The kind of support they miss most is:  Lack of a clear career development policy.  Limited choice in choosing a next project assignment.

Do these results align with your experiences? I’d love to hear about it. What we found most surprising is that, although experiential learning is the major way to learn the job for project

8 PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers www.PMI-Netherlands-Chapter.org

managers, almost all of the learning experiences they told us about happened by coincidence and that HRM did not take any interest in finding out what they learned. Source: *Liselore Havermans, Chantal Savelsbergh, Peter Storm and Henk Broekema, Development Paths of Project Managers, PMI (to be published in 2014)

Cheers and ‌ keep learning from your own experiences.

Recently certified PMI Netherlands members The PMI Netherlands Chapter Board congratulates the following members with achieving their credential in February: Name,


Richard Aerts Bart Kirkels Frans Westendorp Mr. Bas Ensink op Kemna Gregor Notten Ronald Siepkes Emile De Jong


Agile LIWg White paper Chapter 3: How to run an Agile project? What tools and techniques are available? When answering Q2 we have advocated considering Agile project management as a separate (PM) project management method, to be used in project environments that are characterized by uncertainty. This is caused by the novelty of the domain of the project to the organization and/or new technologies that are being used (technology is unknown). Positioning of PM methods, adapted model from R.D. Stacey In this white paper we try to find an answer for Q 3: "How to run an Agile project; what tools and techniques are available?". When finding the answers to several sub questions we used the course book for passing the PMI Agile Certified Practitioner Exam. This book is written by Mike Griffiths. Contents 1. Introduction. 2. Agile framework 3. Agile project management process groups a. Agile management principles b. Agile process groups c. Agile project management elements Read more.... (pdf)

9 PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers www.PMI-Netherlands-Chapter.org

Free Complexity Practice Guide on PMI.org Now Elements of complexity have always existed in projects and programs. The challenge today is that those elements of complexity have been amplified by the pace of technological change, the global environment and the fact that risks can be bigger when projects and programs go wrong. How organizations anticipate, comprehend and navigate complexity determines their successes and failures. The Navigating Complexity: A Practice Guide, provides guidance to organizations and practitioners at all levels of experience on how to manage programs and projects impacted by complexity. It is currently available free online for a limited time. The practice guide, along with the market research and other resources, is designed to help practitioners and organizations understand and navigate complexity using principles, tools and techniques referenced in A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) – Fifth Edition and other PMI foundational standards.

Chapter Member Satisfaction Survey Launched We would like to encourage you to participate in the annual Chapter Satisfaction Survey emailed by PMI.org. The survey will take approximately 10 minutes and will close on Tuesday, 1 April 2014 at 11:00 p.m. U.S. Eastern Daylight Time (GMT –4). All chapter members received an email with a link to the 2014 Chapter Satisfaction Survey. Members of more than one chapter received one email survey invitation per chapter. Individual feedback is kept completely confidential. This survey is a complementary one to the PMI Netherland Chapter survey you filled in by the end of last year.

10 PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers www.PMI-Netherlands-Chapter.org

PMI Journals

PMI's Communities of Practice Webinars April PMI Community of Practice webinars are available exclusively to PMI members, and at no additional cost. Participants may claim 1 Professional Development Unit (PDU) per one hour webinar.

2 3 5 8 8 14 22 23 24 25

Risk Energetics, Sustainable Risk Management, David Hillson Managing Change in Organizations: A Practice Guide Maintaining Aging Infrastructure Designing Process Maps & Implementing an OBPM Program Market Research - The Job To Be Done Essential Communication Skills for the Government PM Good Estimates and Bad Biases: Eight Traps to Avoid Webinar - Great Project Leadership,Five Essentials It’s the Goal, Not the Role: The Work of Agile PM and BA Project Sponsors in Government: The Good, Bad and the Ugly

11 PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers www.PMI-Netherlands-Chapter.org

Let’s stay in touch Our webpage is the main source of information about the PMI Netherlands Chapter: http://pmi-netherlands-chapter.org You can also sign up here to get Chapter news on your email.

Join our LinkedIn group: http://www.linkedin.com/groups/PMI-Netherlands-Chapter-130083 share your thoughts and join discussions. We will also inform you about Chapter events, Newletters issues and other PMI news. You can also follow our company page: http://www.linkedin.com/company/pmi-netherlands-chapter

Check out our Facebook Fan page: https://www.facebook.com/PMINetherlandsChapter which was set up to inform you about recent news and for community building purposes. We will let you know about Chapter events, Newletters issues and share with you our meetings’ impressions.

Besides the website, LinkedIn and Facebook you can follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/pminlch On a regular basis we send tweets to inform you about Chapter events, news from PMI etc. Have a look and give it a go and join other followers. Looking forward to tweet-connect.

If you miss our Chapter meeting or want to hear it again, now you can check our YouTube channel where we publish recordings from our events: http://www.youtube.com/user/PMINetherlands

To make reading our newsletters more convenient for you, we’ve created an Issue account where you can find all our newsletters: http://issuu.com/pmi_netherlands_Chapter

12 PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers www.PMI-Netherlands-Chapter.org

Project Management Humor

13 PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers www.PMI-Netherlands-Chapter.org

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