May 2015 Volume 50 Issue 1
Contents Welcome to the May Edition .................................................................................................................................. 2 Our Sponsors ........................................................................................................................................................... 3 Events Calendar....................................................................................................................................................... 4 Take our PMP Exam Coaching Class! Autumn 2015 edition .................................................................................. 4 PMI Netherlands Chapter Board News ................................................................................................................... 5 Director Communication ......................................................................................................................................... 6 Roles and Responsibilities ................................................................................................................................... 6 Profile .................................................................................................................................................................. 6 Special Summit Pages.............................................................................................................................................. 7 PMI Netherlands Chapter – Charter Renewal ....................................................................................................... 15 New hosting provider for our website .................................................................................................................. 15 Newsletter by Van Haren ...................................................................................................................................... 15 Experience from past events................................................................................................................................. 16 Upcoming events .................................................................................................................................................. 16 CCR (PDU reporting) system renewal ................................................................................................................... 17 ISO for projects ..................................................................................................................................................... 17 Recently certified PMI Netherlands members ...................................................................................................... 18 Project Management Humour .............................................................................................................................. 19 Let’s stay in touch ................................................................................................................................................. 20
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Welcome to the May Edition Welcome to the May Edition of PMI Netherlands Chapter Newsletter. Due to work commitments from our Director Marketing and Communication this Newsletter was not published for a couple of months. We are sure you have missed it and you are appreciative of receiving this issue. As you can read in this edition of the Newsletter, and as you can you can see from the picture besides this article, we currently have no Director Communication. This means a great opportunity to volunteer and share your skills with us. If you are interested in helping us out as our new Director, please see the job specification later in the newsletter. Who knows? You may see your picture here in the next issue of the newsletter. And if you do so, you may write the next Welcome and see your picture in this Newsletter. For now, enjoy reading this long-awaited issue.
Director Communication
Editorial Office: • vacancy • Karen Obi Contact:
Cover: Tulipfield in Holland by BKP
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PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers
Our Sponsors Thank you to all our sponsors for their generous support!
Want to become our sponsor?
Please check our website for more information.
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PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers
Events Calendar PMI Netherlands Chapter
Other May 2015
May 2015 27 June 2015 3 11
Chapter Meeting Project Management Leadership at Valid Eindhoven Program Management LIWg Meeting at IQ@work PMI Netherlands Summit
More info
Project Portfolio Management Jaarcongres
More info
27 - 29
Threon – Program & Benefits Management
More info
BPUG-seminar - Besluitvorming; het spel of de regels Threon – Accelerated PMP Prep
More info
Threon - Program Management Professional Certification (PgMP) - Online Program
More info
Threon - Program Management Professional Certification (PgMP) - Online Program
More info
June 2015
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22 - 25
September 2015 19
PMP Exam Coaching Class 1/4
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PMP Exam Coaching Class 2/4
More info
October 2015
PMP Exam Coaching Class 3/4
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PMP Exam Coaching Class 4/4
More info
October 2015
November 2015 14
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July 2015
Take our PMP Exam Coaching Class! Autumn 2015 edition We are happy to announce that next PMP Exam Coaching Class will take place on: • 19 September, 10 October, 31 October, 14 November
Registration for the next PMP Exam Coaching Class is now open.
Deadline for registration: 28th August 14:00 Already certified? Please forward this information to your colleagues.
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PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers
PMI Netherlands Chapter Board News In the Annual Chapter Meeting of January 29th the new PMI Netherlands Chapter Board Members were installed. These Board Members are: President : Rommert Stellingwerf Secretary : Jan Vermeijs Treasurer : André Legerman Director Marketing and Communications: Malgorzata Krakowian Director Membership and Volunteers: Louis van Norel Director Professional Development: Rochelle Rober Director at Large: Michel Dijkman Director at Large: Ger van der Geld They are supported by: Chief Executive Officer: Henk-Jan Molenkamp Operating Officer: René Vielvoije Since then Michel Dijkman en Malgorzata Krakowian have indicated that they cannot spend sufficient time on board activities due to work and private commitments meaning that they would have to resign from the Board. Michel’s activities (University Outreach) will be taken over by Ger van der Geld. For Malgorzata’s role we are looking for another volunteer.
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PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers
Director Communication The Director Communication is responsible for the timely distribution of information both to Chapter member and relevant external parties. Moreover, the Director is responsible to develop and execute a Board approved Communications Strategic and Operational Plan. The content of the plan is to be consistent and in accordance with the strategic objectives of the Chapter and will be accomplished with the guidance of the PMI Board of Directors. Effort: A commitment of two years requiring an average effort of 4 hours per week.
Roles and Responsibilities • •
Is member of the Chapter Board Is accountable for internal communication focused on members: Creates and maintains the Chapter house style (e.g. templates) in line with the PMI global framework Is responsible for maintaining and posting the content on the Chapter’s website. Executes functional maintenance of the Chapter website: provides and/or requests necessary changes to the Operations Officer Is Editor-in-Chief and publisher of the Chapter Newsletter Conducts email outreach to members and interested parties, such as meeting announcements and other Chapter news and provides this to the Operations Officer for electronic distribution Drafts, provides input and reviews of all internal and external Chapter communiqués or messages, for consistency and compliance with Chapter’s communications standards. Approves letters and other communication means to all members Moderates the PMI NL LinkedIn groups and other social media (Twitter, Facebook, and others) Is accountable for external communication in close consultation with the CEO: Creates and maintains promotion material (e.g. Chapter presentation, Flyer) Issues press releases Is press contact alongside with the CEO Determines and uses appropriate notification mechanisms for external communications, such as; regular mail, e-mail, fax, Chapter website, social media, printed media, etc.
Profile • • • •
Is a PMI Netherlands Chapter member in good standing Must have Dutch and English language proficiency Has well-developed communication skills, verbally and in writing Enjoys engaging people
Please contact our President Rommert Stellingwerf in case you are interested to volunteer for this role in PMI Netherlands Chapter Board or in case you need more information. ●●● 6
PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers
Special Summit Pages After three successful editions of the PMI Netherlands Summit, PMI Netherlands Chapter & CKC Seminars presents the
4th edition on June 11th 2015 Conference Center Spant! In Bussum, the Netherlands. PMI Netherlands Summit is the platform for ambitious Project, Program and Portfolio professionals. To inspire and to be inspired! The program provides high quality content to the project management community, presented by national and international thought leaders and experts. Central theme of the 2015 edition is:
The Secret of Project Management; Next Practices Demystified. In this Summit we will elaborate on Project Management circa 2025. What is the secret of successful project management? What are those next practices we need to adopt? During the Summit we will demystify next practices from a scientific and real-life perspective. We will consider: •Next practices of Excellent Organizations; •Next practices of Excellent (Virtual) Teams; •Next practices of Excellent Project Managers; •Next practices Deployed On this high occasion we hereby proudly present to you, with special thanks to our keynote speakers, workshop leaders and other speakers, the Special Summit Pages of this PMI Netherlands Chapter Newsletter! On these Special Summit Pages you will find inspiring remarks, teasers, statements, and more, in which they are already lifting a tip of the veil of their upcoming Summit contributions. Grow and develop your own ideas and thoughts on this challenging Summit theme, and join us on the 4th Summit edition of the PMI Netherlands Chapter on June 11th, Spant! in Bussum, the Netherlands. Get prepared for YOUR future in project management! To inspire and to be inspired!
Kind regards, The Summit Communications Team Odilia Kunne Cees Pijs
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PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers
An introduction to our challenging program. Chairman Peter Storm. The PMI Netherlands Summit 2015 focuses on Next Practices. Time for renewal in our thinking about Project Management. Put the windows open and breathe the fresh air in. The signals were there already in the past years. Signals which suggested that established axioms (unproven but verily believed propositions) have to be changed. For example, the axiom that it’s all about Time management, Money and Quality. Or the axiom that all projects should be managed using the same standard. Or that a majority of all projects is not successful at all. Or that a Project Manager must have about forty-three competencies. What are the new axioms? That will be expressed at the Summit. I wish you all a healthy 2015 with lots of new ideas I am looking forward to meet you on June 11th in Bussum, the Netherlands!
Introducing keynote speaker Prof. dr. Hans Bakker Hans is Chair Management of Engineering Projects, TU Delft, Faculty Civil Technique and GeoSciences. Amongst others Hans is member of the Summit’s program board. What will be your message during the Summit? The phrase project management exists now for about 60 years. Via the sharing of best practices we have tried to grow the profession and make it more successful. Unfortunately after 60 years the vast majority of projects is still not delivered according to their own predefined success criteria (money, time, and quality or client satisfaction). We are still trying to improve by sharing best practices, but this is a bit like following Einstein’s definition of insanity: trying to do the same thing over and over again and hoping for a different outcome. What I would be interested in are answers to the questions: What will be our next practices? How will we make our projects over the coming 10 years more successful? What new approach should we follow? Why should we all come to the Summit 2015 and listen to you? Since project management is for me all about people, we have to really collaborate to make projects successful. We have to start learning from each other and our earlier experiences. We have to educate the next generation more broadly. I will get you thinking about the things that we together have to do differently in order to become more successful I am looking forward to meet you on June 11th in Bussum, the Netherlands!
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PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers
Introducing keynote speaker Brian A. Weiss, MBA, Vice President, Practitioner Markets, PMI What will be your message during the Summit? A project management labor and talent shortage is upon us – and this will cost the world US$340 billion by the Year 2020. My session will offer a global perspective on how markets are transforming, as well as the realities facing today’s executives based on PMI’s Pulse of the Profession® research. This presentation focuses on the leadership and business and strategic management skills needed by the next generation project manager to be successful in a complex business environment to meet the evolving expectations from high-performing organizations Why should we all come to the Summit 2015 and listen to YOU? By 2020, 15.7 million new project management roles will be created globally across seven projectintensive industries. For Practitioners, this enormous anticipated growth, along with higher-thanaverage salaries make now the time for professionals and job-seekers to build project management skills. My session – “Are You Ready?” – will give next-generation project managers the direction they need to succeed and flourish in this new professional landscape. For Organizations, my session will distinguish the characteristics of High Performing and Low Performing organizations as well as Talent Management programs that drive results I am looking forward to meet you on June 11th in Bussum, the Netherlands!
Curious? Find out even more, and subscribe! Click here to see the full Summit website. Regular registration fee for PMI members is € 245,- excl. VAT; for non-PMI members €345,- excl. VAT. Register here!
Introducing keynote speaker Bert van Eekelen Msc, MBA, Consultant and Project Manager at ARCADIS What will be your message? In order to deal with complexity and ambiguity, we have to reset our traditional way of thinking about projects and, together with a new generation a trained staff, step up to the next level
Why should we all come to the Summit 2015 and listen to YOU? Despite of my theoretical approach, I will present several practices in which it will clear that the questions of governance were already there, but need to be better ●●● 9
PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers
understood in the present society. The lessons learned are mostly based on my PhD study at the development of Zuidas Amsterdam. I am looking forward to meet you on June 11th in Bussum, the Netherlands!
Introducing keynote speaker Marco Eykelenboom, Project director, Fluor What will be your message? Admitted, the elements of the iron triangle (budget, scope and schedule) must be respected. Luckily many effective management techniques have been developed in the last 60 years to do so. Yet, many projects bring themselves into problems by refusing to recognize that the implications of the iron triangle aren’t the only cause of project failure. Misalignment, poor communication, low morale, lack of commitment, conflicts and team issues are frequently listed in lessons learned. Remarkably little procedures and practices to manage these soft elements of project execution are available. Normally the only toolbox the project manager has, is own experience and skill set. There must be another way to avoid project failure and improve our rate of success Why should we all come to the Summit 2015 and listen to YOU? With the help of many others, I have done on-the-job research on the human side of project management in the last 10 years. I had the opportunity to align our findings with real-time execution of capital projects. It is not said that what works for us will work for you, but you might be surprised about the lessons we learned about satisfaction surveys, team profiling and social network analyses. I would like to share my toolbox with you and jointly develop our next practices for future project successes I am looking forward to meet you on June 11th in Bussum, the Netherlands!
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PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers
Jacques Dunselman, Principal Consultant and Senior Project Manager, Capgemini Nederland shares his ideas: Keeping it together – a new paradigm for team effectiveness Teams need to be cultivated to grow into excellence. Next to standard ‘text book’ ways to improve team performance, best practices abound. But the most effective measure is often overlooked or dismissed as ‘not practical’. Curious? Jacques Dunselman is happy to share his experiences on growing highperforming multi-disciplinary teams – from initial set-backs to success. Jacques Dunselman is a senior project manager and principal consultant for Capgemini Netherlands. Next to managing projects, he’s responsible for the PM curriculum and a project management trainer at Capgemini University. Don’t miss this opportunity to catch up on the latest industry proven insights on team performance
Curious? Find out even more, and subscribe! Click here to see the full Summit website. Regular registration fee for PMI members is € 245,- excl. VAT; for non-PMI members €345,- excl. VAT. Register here!
Steven Nijhuis, Researcher, Project Leader, Lecturer, Hogeschool Utrecht.
Your performance depends on knowing where you can contribute. What are your critical competences?
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PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers
Dr. Ir. Richard P.G. Müller, Director Project Management Office, Philips HealthTech, Personal Care. His vision on the PMI NL Chapter Summit: Thrilling opportunity to enhance our collective conscience on Project Management. Deeper understanding on the needs for Project Managers and how to balance Project Management and Transformation Management in teams. Richard Müller is a certified PMP and doctor of Philosophy in Aerospace Engineering, working for more than 25 years in Project Management. Since 2 years also Philips certified Accelerate Team Performance coach, executed with Project Teams
John Carroll, Project Management Consultant, John Carroll Consultants, a project management veteran's opinion: With over 40 years’ experience of project, program and portfolio management, and several books on the subject, John has learned a lot about successful and unsuccessful projects. He believes that we concentrate on the wrong reasons for project failure and this leads us to take the wrong steps to address them. He will explain what he believes we need to do to fix the real problem and provide a road map to the deployment of the required next practices.
Robbert van Alen, Sogeti Nederland B.V. member of the Summit program committee. Since 1994 I work for Sogeti Netherlands, leading projects or being involved in projects otherwise. Always I have been in search for improvements for me, my colleagues and the project management profession in general. On behalf of IPMA-NL I contributed to the text of the ISO 21500 standard, the international consensus of what is the basis of project management. And currently, as member of the board of IPMA-NL, I am responsible for the interest groups where both best practices and new insights are being discussed. ●●● 12
PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers
Therefore, it was a great pleasure for me to be part of the program board of the PMI Summit 2015 with the theme 'next practices'. Based on their experience, vision or research the presenters offer you a preview of the future of project management from which you take advantage. Join us at the PMI Summit to get inspired, and to discuss the next practice of our profession with the presenters and the other attendees.
Last places for the Exclusive Masterclasses! Register now for the Exclusive Masterclasses during the PMI Netherlands Summit! There is a limit of 25 places and it’s almost full.
Kamil Mroz, President, JCI THOE about his contribution: The PMI Netherlands Summit is expected to bring together 150 PM practitioners, with who, I am very much looking forward to meeting, sharing experiences and learning about best practices in our field! Not to mention, networking and exchanging business cards while making new friends and colleagues! As a speaker, I aim to inspire and demystify success tips for Breaking into Project Management as a Profession from an intergenerational perspective that will be a delight for both young and ‘young at heart’! My name is Kamil MROZ, and I am the President of JCI THOE, and also the Managing Director for the European Centre for Project Excellence in Belgium. Recently, I was featured in the March 2015 edition of the PM network on the topic of “How to Break Into Project Management—and Succeed”. Here are two articles that are a great preparation for my talk: 1) 2)
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PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers
Pieter van der Laan, Workplace Strategist, YNNO writes: Pieter van der Laan is an agile working specialist, workplace strategist with a focus on change and behaviour and partner at YNNO. He is an expert in analysing the organisation’s identity and it’s translation into a work environment that fits with the needs and demands of employees and organizations. He develops, tests and implements innovative workplace strategies by using the design process as an agent of change. Pieter has a Bachelor degree in Business Administration, and a Bachelor of Arts degree in PR and Communications, both from the European University. Pieter is an active member of CoreNet, a global professional organisation focusing on Corporate Real Estate and the workplace Contribution (workshop style) to the summit People react in a more emotional way on environmental changes than pragmatic project/ program/ changemanagers would like. In my session I will familiarise you with the 9 most important pitfalls of a systematic approach in behavioral change. You will learn how to stay away from those pitfalls and create a coherent change platform to introduce a new way of working
Curious? Find out even more, and subscribe! Click here to see the full Summit website. Regular registration fee for PMI members is € 245,- excl. VAT; for non-PMI members €345,- excl. VAT. Register here!
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PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers
PMI Netherlands Chapter – Charter Renewal We are glad to announce the renewal of the PMI NL Chapter’s charter has been approved by PMI Inc. The renewal process supports that our Chapter Contact information, Board Member information, Financial Reporting and Operational Performance are up-to-date. In other words, our Chapter is in good standing and can continue to deliver value to our members for another year.
New hosting provider for our website We have migrated our website to Proteon. This hosting company is specialised in hosting websites for PMI Chapters and offers a number of benefits in comparison with general hosting companies. One of this benefits is the Single Sign On mechanism which allows you (PMI Netherlands Chapter members only) to log-in to the various websites of PMI via this website. Click on the Login button in the upper right corner, enter your PMI userid and password and you will logged in to: myPMI - for all your PMI related information VRMS - PMI's Volunteer system CCRS - for all your credential information and your registration of PDU's Furthermore you will see an extra menu choice (right most possibility in the menu bar) to enter the PMI Netherlands Chapter Member Area. This area contains the presentation from the recent Chapter Meetings for a start. If you have logged in and you register for an event then the registration form will be populated with data from PMI's membership database. Therefore, you will not need to enter your personal data to register for the event. We hope you will enjoy the new functionality.
Newsletter by Van Haren A special newsletter was sent out by Van Haren on 29 April in cooperation with our chapter to promote the PMBOK, PMI-NL, ISO for projects and our books. Follow this link to read this special Newsletter
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PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers
Experience from past events Our Chapter Meeting at ASML on 8 March about Stakeholder Management in the context of Sponsors and Supplier Management was well received and, with close to 150 attendees present, it was a very well visited event. The event on 15 April at ExxonMobil tickled the attendant’s imagination and helped to prepare for new developments as we contemplated about the future of Project Management. Getjan Lammers, Implementation Manager at TNT, has extrapolated current trends and involved the audience in an interactive session with statements about the future. Together with the renowned speaker Sander Hoogendoorn, this evening gave the audience much food for thought.
Upcoming events Determined to serve our members as best as possible, the upcoming events will be enhanced and made more interactive with the NetworkApp! PMI NL Chapter is proud and pleased that the NetworkApp is sponsoring us by making their app available for our members to allow for an interactive way to network before and during the event. The app can be installed on your smartphone and provides not only information about the agenda, but also meeting attendees. This will make it possible to chat before an event, to make an appointment to meet each other, but also it provides you the ability to post request or questions for all attendees to respond to. During our events, the app will also enable us to vote on statements and will make our chapter meetings more interactive once again. This collaboration option will help you to reach out for even more expertise and knowledge in our distinguished PMI network. From an event point of view, we dare to say: that the future is now for PMI Netherlands Chapter events! The NetworkApp was piloted during our April Chapter Meeting, where it contributed to a lively interaction between presenter and audience. We will continue to used it in our next sessions. On May 27th, we have organized a Chapter Meeting with the theme: Leadership. Location: Valid, Flightforum, Eindhoven. On June 3rd there is a Program Management Local Interest Workgroup Meeting at IQ2work in Rotterdam. Participants will take part in a team building assessment using XPRNC, the management game for teambuilding. On June 11th we will host the PMI Netherlands Summit. You can find more information in this Newsletter.
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PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers
Coming soon! We will organize an unique event for all the Project Managers who are also parents…. In September we intend to organize an event together with Philips Jet-Net at the High Tech Campus in Eindhoven during which we ask you to bring your sons and daughters along. The details of this program are being worked on, but the intention is that your children will be informed about what Project Management is all about and that we will inform your children how great a career in Science and Technology can be. If you want to come along and don’t have any children, feel free to borrow your neighbour’s or friend’s child.
CCR (PDU reporting) system renewal Stay Relevant. Advance Your Career. Strengthen the Profession. Effective 1 December 2015 the CCR Program will be updated to ensure you are equipped to remain relevant in an ever-changing business environment. The CCR Program was designed to help you grow and develop with the profession. As the global business environment and project management profession evolves, the program is adapting to provide development of new employer-desired skills, giving you a greater competitive advantage. For your convenience, all details about the program updates have been consolidated into a central location on this webpage. Please bookmark the page – information will be added as it becomes available and you will be notified via email when updates are made. For more information checkout this link.
ISO for projects A lot is happening in the world of the development of ISO standards for Project, Program and Portfolio Management. The Netherlands input into this is supplied by the NEN standards committee and the ISO for projects’ Local Interest Work Group, a collaboration between PMI Netherlands Chapter and IPMA-NL. In 2012 the ISO 21500 Guideline on Project Management was published as being the first really globally accepted standard on Project Management. It provided generic guidance on the concepts and processes of Project Management that are important for the successful realization of projects. It provided a common language for organizations working together in projects and will become the key reference for future developments in the profession. The uptake of ISO 21500 by the industry has been slow, but the standard has been adopted already by the governments of Korea, Russia and Italy in the tendering process for large governmental projects. The next set of publications will be on ISO standards for Portfolio Management (2015), Program Management (2016) and Governance of Projects, Programs and Portfolios (2016). We will report more details as the publications come to the market. We plan to provide more insight on these ISO developments in a future Chapter Meeting. ●●● 17
PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers
Recently certified PMI Netherlands members The PMI Netherlands Chapter Board congratulates the following members with achieving their credential in the period January/April 2015: Name Mr. Gerben Jaspers Sr., PMP Mike Everink, PMP C.C.A.M. Braspenning, PMP Richard Muller, PMP Mr. Stephan Nagel, PMP Mr. Sander Staps, PMP Kerem Buke, PMP Mrs. Adriane Knoppert-Veltena, PMP, PMI-ACP Ed Mulkens, PMP Marco de Groot, PMP Mr. Fred Lakho, PGMP, PMP Mrs. Juliette Sijm, PMP, PMI-ACP Annet Rozema Mrs. Monique Groen Ph.D. Mr. Martijn Bakker, PMP Mr. Hans Rosier Hans van Zutphen Maria Francesca Manca Mr. Bert Hendriks, CAPM
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Great job!
PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers
Project Management Humour
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PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers
Let’s stay in touch Our webpage is the main source of information about the PMI Netherlands Chapter: You can also sign up here to get Chapter news on your email.
Join our LinkedIn group: share your thoughts and join discussions. We will also inform you about Chapter events, Newletters issues and other PMI news. You can also follow our company page:
Check out our Facebook Fan page: which was set up to inform you about recent news and for community building purposes. We will let you know about Chapter events, Newletters issues and share with you our meetings’ impressions.
Besides the website, LinkedIn and Facebook you can follow us on Twitter: On a regular basis we send tweets to inform you about Chapter events, news from PMI etc. Have a look and give it a go and join other followers. Looking forward to tweet-connect.
If you miss our Chapter meeting or want to hear it again, now you can check our YouTube channel where we publish recordings from our events:
To make reading our newsletters more convenient for you, we’ve created an Issue account where you can find all our newsletters:
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PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers