PMINLCH Newsletter March 2017

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Newsletter March, 2017 | |

Editor’s note

In this issue...            

Editor's note President’s note Chapter Event at LINKIT Chapter Meeting April PMI Meet-up in Amsterdam Mar PMI Netherlands Summit 2017 Organizational Outreach Program Announcement Events Calendar Help wanted: Volunteers Our Sponsors Let’s stay in touch

Spring is in the air! The month of March welcomes use with lively colors and pleasant weather. Leaving behind winter, we welcome Spring! The spring season is very well represented here in the Netherlands. After all, The Netherlands is the land of tulips! They originally came from Turkey back in the early 1950’s. The tulips symbolized royalty and wealth during those times. In the present time, one can experience royalty feeling in the comfort of their home. Let this month allow you, PMP, to experience wealth in terms of knowledge and experience in your project management area. Enjoy spring! Stay informed and stay connected!

President’s note: In project management this usually is a very busy time of the year. I hope that even under these circumstances you find your way to our chapter meetings. The next meeting on April 20th for sure will be worth the trip and time spent. Read all about it in this newsletter. Furthermore I would like to inform you that our most recent board member, Gido Klein Robbenhaar (director Academic Outreach), needed to leave us this month because he has moved with his partner to Canada. We wish him luck, health and prosperity there. For us this means that we have a new vacancy in the board. If you are interested, or want to know more first, please contact me or our director Membership and Volunteers, Josephine Shi

Early Bird PMI Netherlands Summit 2017 PMI NL Organizational Outreach Program The PMI Netherlands Chapter kicked off the Organizational Outreach program! The value that companies get by embracing PMI and use the PM Body of Knowledge is something we want to share with your company as well. Will you help us? … read more here

Chapter Event at HP Enterprise – Apr. 20th In March we had a great, inspiring and interesting event at LINKEDIT with the topic in the school of impacting “ways of working”: DevOps & Big Data Projects! The April Chapter meeting we are honored to have two very special speakers to enlighten you about the theory of leadership in general and the practice of leadership of a large international political program, the F35 Joint Strike Fighter program!

… read more here

….read more here

Review PMI Meet-up in Amsterdam - March The Amsterdam Network and Drink Meeting on March 23rd was a big success. We were glad that we had the Chapter Agile LIWG leader (Frank Hendriks) and member (Erik van Daalen) leading the extremely interactive discussions on Waterfall vs Agile. ….read more here

Review Chapter Event at LINKIT De Meern

The Chapter event treated 2 very interesting presentations first one about DEVOPS by mr. Thiago Assuncao de Faria and the second presentation about Big Data strategy by companies and some guidance to manage projects using Big Data by drs. Eric van Tol. … read more here

Announcement and Events calendar … read more here

Volunteers Wanted … read more here


Newsletter March, 2017 | |

Congratulations to recent PMI certified members Name


Diana Cohen, PMP


Mr. John Horst, PMP


Mr. Christopher Pedersen, PMP


Mr. Antonio Canas Martinez, PgMP, PMP, PMI-ACP, PgMP PMI-RMP, PMI-SP, PMI-PBA Mr. Bennie van Korven, PMP, CAPM


Events Calendar PMI Netherlands Chapter

Sponsors of PMI NL

April 20

Chapter Meeting at HP Enterprise

More info


IIL - Change Management™ Practitioner Going Beyond the Basics and Practitioner Exam Preparation

More info

15 17 17

Threon - PM Excellence AMI - Masterclass Stakeholder Management AMI - Masterclass Project Recovery

More info More info More info

May 28

Chapter Meeting at Hogeschool Utrecht about Risk Management

More info soon

Link to Event calendar on Chapter website



Newsletter March, 2017 | |

Chapter meeting - April 2017


Chapter Meeting at HP Enterprise - April - Theme Leadership with practice case: the F35 JSF program In March we had a great, inspiring and interesting event at LINKEDIT with the topic in the school of impacting “ways of working�: DevOps & Big Data Projects! For the April Chapter meeting we are honored to have two very special speakers to enlighten you about the theory of leadership in general and the practice of leadership of a large international political program, the F35 Joint Strike Fighter program! Our first speaker is coach, consultant and regular speaker at PMI congresses Mr. Phil Bristol, CMC, PMP, PMI-SP, who will address in an interactive session theoretical aspects of Leadership: Leadership is about creating relationships that build trust, clarify expectations, influence others, and gain commitment to produce quality results in a timely manner. In this interactive presentation, learn how to speak the language of leadership and create trust-based relationships by using a three-tiered approach to building communication skills and significantly increasing team productivity. Experience how to minimize personal differences, which create communication obstacles because of communication style and values.

Our host will be HP Enterprise Startbaan 16- 1187 XRAmstelveenCapacity: 120 seats Agenda: 17:00 -

Registration, sandwiches and refreshments



Opening, welcome and introduction by the PMI Netherlands Chapter



Introduction of our host HP Enterprise, Marco Timmer, Segment Lead Finance & Retail, Project Delivery EMEA-North



Speak the language of Leadership Mr. Phil Bristol, CMC, PMP, PMI-S






Leadership & Governance in the international F35 JSF Program Colonel M.M.J. (Marco) Kievit, Team Lead F-35 JSF Program



Wrap-up & Networking drink




Our second speaker is Colonel M.M.J. (Marco) Kievit, Team Lead F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Program (4.7 Billion Euro!) who will not only address the history of how one of the most visible and disputed programs in the Dutch political history came to be, he will also address the challenges the team faced in dealing with the highly political and complex international environment. Leadership, flexibility and managing the complex governance are the key words for moving forward in this very visible and sensitive program. The F35 is the largest international program of the ministry of defense ever! Colonel Kievit will inform us about the scope, the set-up of the international organization, the roles and responsibilities of the Dutch organization as well as lessons learned.



Newsletter March, 2017 | |

PMI Netherlands Summit 2017 Reconstructing Project Management. “Everyone has a plan: until they get punched in the face”. ~ Mike Tyson We believe it is time to reconstruct project management as a discipline. In a world where disruption has become the norm, where boundaries between disciplines are fading and where multi-disciplinary collaboration is perhaps the only way to ensure lasting business and transformation results, it pays off to think without a box, to go greenfield to an extreme, and to reinvent who we are as project managers. In order to do that we have to go back to the essence of what it means to do the work we do, to set that off against the essence of the world we now live in and to come up with core ways of working and being that will actually make the difference. The 2017 challenge… We are preparing for a highly interactive conference. You will be challenged to participate and contribute, speakers are facilitators and will encourage engagement. Preferably we limit the use of traditional means like slides. Rather we would like speakers to encourage dialogue and capture the essence of project management looked at from different viewpoints. While interacting we will reconstruct project management. The objective is to conclude this conference with a debated, if possible shared, view on “project management 0.5 – a reconstruction of project management”.

Project Management 0.5 explore the essence So in this Summit we will explore the essence of project management. What is the key role of project management, what are the required capabilities? The goal is to create a highly interactive summit, a true learning experience in which we, all together, will discover what project management is all about. You’re invited to participate in this leading conference on Project Management by submitting an innovative best practice or workshop corresponding with our themes. If you would like submit a valuable suggestion, take a look into the conditions and submit your paper before April 27th 2017. Go to the PMI Netherlands Summit 2017 website and find out more. Not submitting a paper, but interested in a PMI Netherlands Summit ticket? Very early bird members of the PMI Netherlands Chapter receive a huge discount! Register now and visit this unique Conference for only € 147,50. Hurry because this offer only applies to the first 25 subscriptions that are member of the PMI Netherlands Chapter. You can register here. Please tick “I have a discount code” and use discount code PMI17DC147 to receive this very early bird members only discount. Top


Newsletter March, 2017 | |

PMI NL Organizational Outreach Program The PMI Netherlands Chapter kicked off the Organizational Outreach program! The value that companies get by embracing PMI and use the PM Body of Knowledge is something we want to share with your company as well. Will you help us? A message to all members - help us build our Corporate Community! What is our goal? We want to create awareness that standards and best practice knowledge for PM exist at PMI and that applying these, increases project success. As such we want to show companies how PMI adds value to their projects and people. By supporting PMI NL as a ‘friend of PMI’, companies recognize our value as an organization and promote PMI NL membership and certifications in their organizations. What do we need from you? We need your help to find the right person in your organization to approach to ask for their support of our goal. What can you do? Send a note to with your name, organization/company name, and a suggestion of who we can reach out to discuss PMI at your organization. If you want to discuss more on the topic first, please note your contact details.



Newsletter March, 2017 | |

March 23rd 2017 at Café Plantage, Amsterdam – “Meetup”

A big thank you to Zdenka de Booij who organized this wonderful meetup and to Frank Hendriks and Erik van Daalen who made this meetup so fruitful! More information about the Agile LIWG is yet to come in our April newsletter.

The Amsterdam Network and Drink Meeting on March 23rd was a big success. We were glad that we had the Chapter Agile LIWG (Local Interest Work Group) leader (Frank Hendriks) and member (Erik van Daalen) leading the extremely interactive discussions on Waterfall vs Agile. Frank also introduced the work-in-process Agile Practice Guide from PMI which is to be released in the 3rd quarter of 2017. The participants were very enthusiastic about the discussions. They challenged each other and also exchanged knowledge with each other. Through this meetup, the Agile LIWG gained more interests from chapter members as well as PMI NL Chapter gained awareness and attention from potential new members. All in all, it was a fantastic informal meetup!

March 28th 2017 Chapter Meeting at LINKIT De Meern We were treated to two great presentations. The first presented by Mr. Thiago Assuncao de Faria. He discussed that Devops is a cultural and professional movement focused on how to build to a high velocity organisation born from the experience of its practitioners. The key principles being defined as CALMS. Culture, Automation, Lean, Measurement and Share. Everything is open, shared and failures are viewed as the best lessons. The goal is increased throughput, reduced defects, efficient reaction to incidents and to align resources. The focus is always on the customer experience and value delivery. As Project Managers, we need to take note of this growing trend and be prepared to adjust as the organisations adopt this framework. Devops is an evolution........... it is about people. (continues on next page….)



Newsletter March, 2017 | | The topic of the second talk was Big Data with Mr Eric van Tol. He described the hype around big data and using Gartners hype cycle showed that we are already past the big data hype. The is still too broad and is not a specific technology. Big Data is already a reality. Many bits of information are already being stored and used. Banking, retail, viewing, browsing, to name just a few. He gave a number of examples of big data trends. IBM for example recognizes weather as a key input for many organisation decisions and has built applications to provide this data in multiple analysed formats. He mentioned Floridata that is currently bringing together 70% of flower growers data. Trends can be identified and analysed. At this stage much of the data is collected and owned by the big organisations, google, amazon, facebook, etc. There are many opportunities right now. A big message was that 50% of Big data projects fail. This is probably because of expectations that are far too grand and uncertainty of the final objective. His advice to us Project Managers is to view some Big Data YouTube videos to get a

better understanding of the enormity and size of the opportunities should we find ourselves managing such projects.

Help Wanted: Volunteer Positions Regional PM Network and Drink Meeting Organizers To organize informal PM Network and drink meetings to discuss PM related subjects; Promote PMI, PMI NLCH in your region and feedback suggestions and subjects to the chapter. Interested? Please contact: Video Volunteer: In 2017 PMI NLCH has set the objective to bring even more content to its members. In order to make the webinars more professional and entertaining, we are looking for a video volunteer who can film the performance of the webinar: Please contact director Events at



Newsletter March, 2017 | |

Sponsor messages: Management of Change: There are still available seats for the course below Activeren van verandering (Nederlandstalige editie)

Resultaatgerichte verandering komt niet vanzelf. Het is een samenspel van mensen, inzichten en instrumenten. Verandering activeren is een kunde die je niet kan missen. In de Change Activation Masterclass leer deze kunde. Ondersteund met een rijke online leeromgeving train je in vijf bijeenkomsten het activeren van verandering aan de hand van 18 interactieve modules die het gehele spectrum van activeren van verandering afdekken. Eerstvolgende editie start op 24 april. Meer weten en aanmelden.

Activating Change (English edition) Result oriented change doesn’t come naturally. It is an interplay of people, insights and instruments. Activating change is an art you can’t afford to miss. In the Change Activation Masterclass, you learn this ability. Supported with a rich online learning environment you train in five meetings to activate change, using 18 interactive modules covering the spectrum of change. Upcoming edition will be planned as soon as we can form a group. Read more and leave your email without obligation.

Project Revolution: The forgotten question Project management is an adventurous endeavor. It is the tricky combination of realizing project results while keeping everybody involved satisfied. A very fine balancing act, because of stakeholders that have conflicting interests, that constantly seem to push you in different directions. Therefore, some years ago, project management professionals started to ask themselves: How can we make a project a success? Nowadays, we have come to a common understanding that to make a project a success we should focus on the importance of a joint picture of what the success is. What we seem to have forgotten today, is to ask ourselves the following question: how can we detect potential derailment in an early stage? This does not mean that one should not strive to create a joint picture of success, but rather while doing that, try to make it possible to act swiftly and in a time when problems are still only problems (and not yet disasters). To address this question and other relating questions, we have developed two masterclasses: Project Recovery & Prevention – here you learn how to spot early warning signals, and if necessary how you can find the way up and prevent the project from failing again. Stakeholder Engagement – where you learn how you can build trust among the different parties involved and create a stakeholder team. The good news is, that you can now follow both programs on the same day: May 17th . For more information please visit: Project Recovery & Prevention or Stakeholder Management



Newsletter March, 2017 | |

Thank you to all our sponsors for their generous support!

Want to become our Sponsor? Please check our website for more information.



Newsletter March, 2017 | | Let’s stay in touch

Our webpage is the main source of information about the PMI Netherlands Chapter: You can also sign up here to get Chapter news on your email. Join our LinkedIn group: Share your thoughts and join discussions. We will also inform you about Chapter events, Newletters issues and other PMI news. You can also follow our company page:

Check out our Facebook Fan page: which was set up to inform you about recent news and for community building purposes. We will let you know about Chapter events, Newletters issues and share with you our meetings’ impressions. Besides the website, LinkedIn and Facebook you can follow us on Twitter: On a regular basis we send tweets to inform you about Chapter events, news from PMI etc. Have a look and give it a go and join other followers. Looking forward to tweetconnect.

To make reading our newsletters more convenient for you, we’ve created an Issuu account where you can find all our newsletters:

You may also be interested in the latest Newsletter of IPMA-NL. Their calendar of their events can be found here.

The calendar of events of the Best Practice User Group-NL can be found here.



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