Newsletter April, 2017 | | In this issue...
Editor's note Up-coming Chapter Meeting April chapter event Dutch PM Master Thesis Award PMI NL at IPMA PMParade Portfolio Management congres Announcement Events Calendar Help wanted: Volunteers Our Sponsors Let’s stay in touch
Editor’s Note
Did you know that by adapting to the communication style desired by other people, one will become more effective in his communications with them? One may have to practice some flexibility in varying his communication style with others who may be different from himself. This flexibility and the ability to interpret the needs of others is the mark of a superior communicator. At PMI NL, we are determined to communicate and share knowledge with our members. Here is a gentle reminder of the benefits, tools and resources available at PMI Netherlands Chapter and Global PMI site. Some of those include global and local events, conferences and presentations; online material such as reports, articles, books; networking; consultation and mentorship services; professional development and certification; and many more. And remember that many of them are for free! But also, your contribution is important, no matter how small it is, we always need help and volunteers to keep promoting the profession we are so proud of - Project Management!
PMI-NL at IPMA PMParade 2017
Up-coming Chapter Meeting at Hogeschool Utrecht
Netherlands Chapter was present at the PMParade organized by our colleagues of IPMA-NL. It was held on April 11th in the Congrescentrum 1931 in ’s-Hertogenbosch. The theme was: Better projects for a better world: Make the difference as team! (“Betere Projecten voor een Betere Wereld: Maak het verschil als team!”). More than 30 presentations, cases studies and workshops were given, and views and experiences were exchanged by the attending project, program and portfolio management professionals and those outside the practice … read more here
PMI NL Chapter meeting at Hogeschool Utrecht - May 23 2017: Risk management in context - Two surprising perspectives on a classical functional area. Risk management is one of the core functional areas of project management. Its practices, processes and tools are well known, and have been around for a long time. What can be added to such a well-established area? … read more here
April’s chapter Event at HP Enterprise In April Chapter meeting we were honored to have two very special speakers who enlighten us about the theory of
Portfolio Management jaar congres 2017
leadership in general and the practice of leadership of a large
13th edition of yearly summit on Project Portfolio Management (PPM) will be held on Wednesday 31 May 2017 in Zeist. It will be in Dutch. … read more here
international political program, the F35 Joint Strike Fighter program!
… read more here
First ‘Dutch PM Master Thesis Award’
Announcement and Events calendar
PMI Netherlands Chapter cooperates with IPMA NL and Dutch
… read more here
Universities and Colleges in the “Dutch PM Research Platform”, aiming to improve PM research in the Netherlands. One of the
Sponsor messages
initiatives of the platform is an award for the best Master Thesis
Masterclass on Project Recovery and Stakeholder Engagement … read more here
on Project Management in the Netherlands in the past year. ….read more here
Volunteers Wanted … read more here
Newsletter April, 2017 | |
Congratulations to recent PMI certified members
Mr. Mizanur Tarafder, PMP
Mr. Filip Zlatanovic, PMP
Mr. Adri Van Harten, PMP, PMI-ACP
Monika Schöning, PMP
Mrs. Agnes Versteegen van den Heuvel, PgMP, PMP PgMP
Events Calendar PMI Netherlands Chapter May 28
Chapter Meeting at Hogeschool Utrecht about Risk Management
More info
Sponsors of PMI NL 04 15 31
IIL virtual conference - AGILE AND SCRUM Threon - PM Excellence Portfolio Management jaar congres 2017
More info More info More info
June 13-14 Certified ScrumMaster® (CSM)
More info
Link to Event calendar on Chapter website
Newsletter April, 2017 | | research on how project managers can keep their project focused in an increasingly chaotic world.
Up-coming Chapter Meeting - May 2017 PMI NL Chapter meeting at Hogeschool Utrecht - May 23 2017: Risk management in context - Two surprising perspectives on a classical functional area
Douwe has over 15 years of working experience in managing projects and offering training and coaching in project management. Since 2006 he has been accredited Risk Management trainer (M_o_R®). Douwe is also accredited for Management of Value (MoV®), Management of Portfolios (MoP®) and Managing Successful Programmes (MSP®). His passion is organizing change and passing on his experience and insight, building and sharing characterizing his holistic approach.
Risk management is one of the core functional areas of project management. Its practices, processes and tools are well known, and have been around for a long time. What can be added to such a well-established area? Well, it's about the perspectives. The perspective of PMBOK is not the only one. During this chapter meeting the HU University of Applied Sciences is going to surprise you with two new points of view that interact perfectly. Meinte Wildschut, project manager at NS and student at the HU, will share the results of his master research on risk management in a chaotic world. What can you do when chaos prevails, where issues pop up without a reason where and risk management has become ineffective? Keep calm and learn from Meinte.
Agenda 17:00 - Registration, sandwiches and refreshments
In addition, Douwe Brolsma, trainer, entrepreneur and also lecturer at the MSc Project Management, will elaborate on a way to help to keep calm. He will describe the four principles of Dynamic Governance (Sociocracy): specifically, how working in circles improves commitment and how consent strengthens decision making. Risk management will not have changed after this evening. You will, however, have added two new perspectives on the topic to your project manager's toolbox. Perspectives that help to manage risks more successfully.
18:00 -
Opening, welcome and introduction by the PMI Netherlands Chapter
18:05 -
Introduction of our host HU Master of Project Management
18:15 -
The Uncertainty Web - Risk Management in Chaordic Projects – Meinte Wildschut, PMP
19:15 -
19:30 -
Dynamic Governance (Sociocracy) in projects – Ir.Douwe Brolsma
20:45 -
Wrap-up & Networking drink
21:30 -
Speakers Meinte combines project management qualities with consultancy skills. He sees projects as means to drive change. Throughout his career Meinte developed a profound interest in risk management and during his Master of Project Management he conducted
Newsletter April, 2017 | |
April PMI NL Chapter Event
First ‘Dutch PM Master Thesis Award’
Leadership with practice case: the F35 JSF program
Universities and Colleges in the “Dutch PM Research Platform”,
PMI Netherlands Chapter cooperates with IPMA NL and Dutch aiming to improve PM research in the Netherlands. One of the
PMI Netherlands Chapter organized a chapter meeting on April 20th at HPE Amstelveen, to present the theory of leadership in general and the practice of leadership at a large international political program. Our first speaker was Mr. Phil Bristol, a frequent PMI orator, who delivered an interactive session regarding theoretical aspects of Leadership. He mentioned the importance of self-awareness, adapting to different leadership styles and empowering others, to unleash the best in teams. Also, he explained the neuroscience behind our behaviors, the process and interaction of the different parts of our brain, including some practical examples.
initiatives of the platform is an award for the best Master Thesis on Project Management in the Netherlands in the past year. On Monday April 10th for the first time this prize was awarded at Kasteel Maurick in Vught. The three nominees were (in alphabetical order) Cindy Clevers, Henry Jonker and Rahul Sharma. The ‘Gold winner’ was Rahul Sharma from TU Delft with a thesis with the mysterious name “Controlling the Uncontrolled by Noticing the Unnoticed”. Behind this intriguing title the jury found a thorough and structured piece of work on the subject of scope, scope changes and scope creep in large infrastructural projects in construction industry for lump sum contracts. Rahul not only described those, but also created and validated a model to control them. We hope that this will become a yearly tradition. From left to right on the picture: Dr. Liesbeth Rijsdijk (jury member), Ger
Our second speaker was Colonel M.M.J. (Marco) Kievit, Team Lead F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Program (4.7 Billion Euro). He delivered the history of how one of the most visible and disputed programs in the Dutch political history came to be. He explained the project challenges, stakeholder management approach to such a sensitive endeavor, and its lessons learned.
van der Geld (president PMI NL CH), Cindy Clevers (Silver award), Rahul Sharma (Gold award) and Henry Jonker (Bronze award).
Newsletter April, 2017 | |
PMI-NL at IPMA PMParade 2017
Portfolio Management jaar congres 2017
Netherlands Chapter was present at the PMParade organized by our colleagues of IPMA-NL. It was held on April 11th in the Congrescentrum 1931 in ’s-Hertogenbosch. The theme was: Better projects for a better world: Make the difference as team! (“Betere Projecten voor een Betere Wereld: Maak het verschil als team!”). More than 30 presentations, cases studies and workshops were given, and views and experiences were exchanged by the attending project, program and portfolio management professionals and those outside the practice. The day was well organized and the quality of the keynotes and other contributions was generally high.
Graag maken wij u attent op de 13e editie van hét jaarcongres Project Portfolio Management (PPM) dat zal plaatsvinden op woensdag 31 mei 2017 in Congrescentrum Figi te Zeist. Het centrale thema van deze editie is: PPM: naar een wendbare, agile organisatie, met behoud van koers In veel organisaties heeft agile werken topprioriteit. Het is geen geheim dat de wendbaarheid van vitaal belang is in onze moderne, complexe, interruptieve en snel veranderende samenleving. Maar hoe zit het met de koers en de visie die de wendbare organisatie leiden naar het realiseren van de strategie? Hoe ontwikkelen organisaties zich naar meer agile manieren van werken en agile portfolio besturing? Welke rol wordt verwacht van de portfolio manager in deze transitie? Hoe ga je als portfoliomanager leiden (of volgen)? Welke kansen biedt dit voor portfoliomanagers?
We were manning a stand with PMI brochures and books, where we have welcomed several people interested in our material. On behalf of the LIWG “ISO for projects”, Rommert Stellingwerf, Past President PMI Netherlands Chapter, and Ben Bolland, Treasurer IPMA-NL, delivered a presentation called: Agile? I prefer an ISO-team: ‘Together Everyone Achieves More’. It
Ook dit jaar verkennen we diverse thema’s en uitdagingen in verschillende situaties, met sprekers uit verschillende organisaties en vanuit verschillende perspectieven.
focused on how to stay in business in an ever faster changing world. The answer could be with teamwork, the success factor for realizing new and improved infrastructure, more efficient
Korting namens PMI Netherlands Chapter Als relatie van PMI Netherlands Chapter mogen wij u een korting aanbieden van € 100,- op de deelnameprijs. U betaalt dan slechts € 595,- excl. BTW per persoon. Deelname is inclusief bezoek congres, informatiemarkt, diner (buffet), catering en documentatie. Gebruik code: PMIDCT100PPM
organizational management processes and innovations. We had a lively discussion on the tension between organizational flexibility using agile approaches and the building blocks of ISO standardization. Most attendants agreed that there is value in integrating the ISO family standards for project, program and portfolio management in the Total Quality Management process in an organization, even in the current agile times.
Het PPM Jaarcongres is – al 13 jaar – dé plaats waar PPM professionals elkaar ontmoeten en de laatste ontwikkelingen delen onder collega’s. Het complete programma en inschrijfformulier van het PPM Jaarcongres vindt u op Graag begroeten wij u ook op 31 mei.
Newsletter April, 2017 | |
Sponsor messages
Help Wanted: Volunteer Positions Sponsor messages
Masterclass on Project Recovery and Stakeholder Engagement
Regional PM Network and Drink Meeting Organizers To organize informal PM Network and drink meetings to discuss PM related subjects; Promote PMI, PMI NLCH in your region and feedback suggestions and subjects to the chapter. Interested? Please contact:
In much of the Project Management literature ‘strategy, innovation, and implementation’ are considered to be the building blocks of success for any project. And although there is no doubt that these factors lay a good foundation, the success of a project is so fragile that simply laying down good groundworks will not be sufficient. What is needed is a constant focus on the goal of the project and the wishes of the people involved in it. And as an experienced project manager you will know that these are no constants.
Video Volunteer: In 2017 PMI NLCH has set the objective to bring even more content to its members. In order to make the webinars more professional and entertaining, we are looking for a video volunteer who can film the performance of the webinar: Please contact director Events at
Taking your eye off the goal will undoubtedly result in a project failure, as the end-product will not meet the specifications. And the same is true for bad stakeholder management. Because in the end, the project may be finished but if the stakeholders are upset, no one will be happy. To address these issues and how to deal with related issues, we have developed two masterclasses: Project Recovery & Prevention – here you learn how to spot early warning signals, and if necessary how you can find the way up and prevent the project from failing again. Stakeholder Engagement – where you learn how you can build trust among the different parties involved and create a stakeholder team. On December 14th you can participate in one or both of these master classes and learn how to keep your eye on your goals and your stakeholders happy. For more information please visit: Project Recovery & Prevention or Stakeholder Management
Newsletter April, 2017 | | Thank you to all our sponsors for their generous support!
Want to become our Sponsor? Please check our website for more information.
Newsletter April, 2017 | | Let’s stay in touch
To make reading our newsletters more convenient for you, we’ve created an Issuu account where you can find all our newsletters: hapter
Our webpage is the main source of information about the PMI Netherlands Chapter: You can also sign up here to get Chapter news on your email. Join our LinkedIn group: MI-Netherlands-Chapter-130083 Share your thoughts and join discussions. We will also inform you about Chapter events, Newletters issues and other PMI news. You can also follow our company page: pmi-netherlands-chapter
You may also be interested in the latest Newsletter of IPMA-NL. Their calendar of their events can be found here.
The calendar of events of the Best Practice User Group-NL can be found here.
Check out our Facebook Fan page: herlandsChapter which was set up to inform you about recent news and for community building purposes. We will let you know about Chapter events, Newletters issues and share with you our meetings’ impressions. Besides the website, LinkedIn and Facebook you can follow us on Twitter: On a regular basis we send tweets to inform you about Chapter events, news from PMI etc. Have a look and give it a go and join other followers. Looking forward to tweet-connect.