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Given all these benefits it seems highly likely that NFTs could indeed be part of our economic future if countries decide to adopt friendly regulations towards these types of digital assets –something which has already been done in places like Malta & Gibraltar with great success stories coming out each day! Ultimately though only time will tell if Nonfungible tokens will become commonplace across all global markets but certainly, right now they look to set up as being one possible way forward that may very well shape how we interact financially going forward.
Lagos State University, PMB 0001, Badagry Expressway, Ojo
By Akeem Barakat Bolanle
In summary, gender equality can be. But then, are we ready to make it equal? Are we ready to mete the same punishment irrespective of gender? Are we also making sure we are not drifting towards centralizing matriarchy while trying to decentralize patriarchy?. We can all strike a balance if we see each other as first, humans before any gender.
It is not a secret that gender war is one of the hot topics in this modern world.
Concepts like gender equality, decentralizing patriarchy among others, are fast becoming the main focus. This has also led to the birth of the the popular movement called Feminism. which according to the Oxford dictionary means “the belief and aim that women should have the same rights and opportunities as men.” Even though some women refer to themselves as “Feminist”, but actually misconstrue the actual stance of Feminism. We can almost say gender war was not really as it is now in the millennial period. It appears that, this generation is more keen about championing the idea of gender equality. Probably based on the popularity of the expression “it is a man’s world.” But then, if we take a look at the present happenings in our societies, does it.
First of, examining the society from the view of domestic violence, we often focus on the male gender. “A man should not hit a woman” the world is always ready to pounce on any man charged or accused of domestic violence against a woman. it is also very easy for a woman to accuse a man and everyone believes even without evidence but say a man comes to say same, then the opposite is the case most times. “How can a woman beat a man?” would be the question on every lip. The man might even get mocked in some cases. We promote “teach your sons not to hit a woman” while we forget “teach your daughters not to throw the first punch”. What then happens when a woman hits a man? Another sensitive gender related issue is ‘rape.’ We all like to thread carefully when this topic is being discussed so we do not appear insensitive. We do not fight against rape on the male gender like we do for the female. The society hardly even believes a man who says he was raped or molested by women. We have lots of cases of young men who experienced molestation in the hands of women either as a child or an adult but we do not place much attention to it. But then, a woman comes on the internet to call out a man for rape and the whole world is ready to devour him.even in places of work and learning, a man moves to a woman, she feel she is not comfortable, she raises an alarm and the whole organization comes for the man but who does the man reports a woman who sexually harasses him to? And if he does, Do we actually take it like we would if it were a woman?
In sum, gender equality can be. But then, are we ready to make it equal? Are we ready to mete the same punishment irrespective of gender? Are we also making sure we are not drifting towards centralizing matriarchy while trying to decentralize patriarchy?. We can all strike a balance if we see each other as first, humans before any gender.