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How Ortom stirred fresh contoversy with his life pension bill

By Uche Nnorom

The eight-year old administration of Governor Samuel Ortom has been mostly defined by controversies. If it is not about herder-farmer clashes, it would be about his akward stance on his political party matters or defending some interests that are not particularly beneficial to the Benue people.


Even at the twilight of his reign, the Benue governor would not let go of controversies in his words and deeds. Having lost his political bid become a Senator after his tenure ends as governor, Ortom has refused to be tamed by the lessons of his electoral misfortune which many had attributed to his reckless public statements and actions.

Barely a month to exit in office, Ortom has remaind in the eye of the storm. The Governor has been accused of official rascality to the distaste and displeasure of the opposition All Progressives Congress, APC, that is waiting by the wings to take over the reins of power in the State.

One nagging issue that has raised concerns and a lot of dust currently in the state is the proposed life pension bill for all former governors and their deputies.

Many politics watchers have condemned the bill, describing it as ‘outrageous’, noting that it is meant to cripple the State.

Director of Communication of the Governor-elect, Rev. Fr. Hyacinth Alia Organization, Kula Tersoo, in a statement dated Monday April 10th, 2023 entitled, ‘Governor Ortom’s plans to deepen Benue woes before and after exit forwards bill to grant him gratuity, pension and other benefits after May 29th, alleged that the outgoing governor has forwarded a bill to the state to grant him and other ex-governors and their deputies life pension and gratutiy. Part of the statement read:

“It has come to our knowledge that the outgoing Governor of Benue State, Samuel Ortom has forwarded a bill to the State House of Assembly that will place ex-Governors, starting with him, on Gratuity, Pension and other benefits.

“The bill also stipulates that after May 29th when he will become ex-Governor, Ortom should be allowed by law to go with some choice property of government in his possession as his post- service package.

“According to the bill, Governor Ortom should be built a Mansion of his taste in any part of the

Country he chooses to stay after leaving Government House; his medical trips with those of his family members should be footed by the State in addition to a jumbo monthly pay package.

“Findings revealed that members of the Benue House of Assembly are disposed to passing the bill but on condition that the Governor must give them some gratifications before they will initiate action on the bill which they consider to be more in Governor Ortom’s interest.

“Consequently, it is not appalling that Ortom who has, throughout his time as Governor of Benue State treated pensioners with utmost neglect that slides most of them to destitution now wants to be a pensioner?

“We, therefore, call on all citizens of conscience to intervene by restraining their representatives at the Benue State House of Assembly from initiating any action that will facilitate passing the bill in order not to deepen the despondency of the state.”

Similarly, a Legal Practitioner, Barr. Terhemen Oscar Aorabee in a piece made available to the media condemned the governor’s pension bill which he tagging it as pension scam.

He highlighted the bill said to have been presented to the Benue State House of Assembly by the Ortom administration.

“Section 1. Establishes the title of the Bill and intends for it to have retroactive effect. It is expected to take effect from 1999 so that it will cover former governors and their deputies, like, Sen. George Akume and late Ogiri Ajene. Sen. Gabriel Suswam and his deputy Steven Lawani, Dr. Samuel Ortom and his deputy Engr. Benson Abounu.

“Section 2(a)(i) makes provision for the payment to the former governors of a monthly “stipend”, equivalent to the “the SALARY” of a sitting/incumbent governor.

“Section 2(a)(ii) makes provision for the payment to all former deputy governors of a monthly “stipend”, equivalent to the “the SALARY” of a sitting/incumbent deputy governor.

“Section 2(b) provides for the building of a permanent residential accomodation in any town “of their CHOICE” by the State in Nigeria.

“Sections 2(c) and (h) provide for the provisions of 4 new cars every 4 years for the former governors and two (2) new cars every 4 years for the former deputy governors which cars shall be serviced and maintained at the expense of the State.

“Section 2(d) and (e)provide for 6 personal staff for the former governors and 3 for the former deputy governors to be paid for by the State.

“Section 2(f) provides for 24 hours security surveillance and guard for all former governors and their deputies at their direction .

“Section 2(g) provides for free medical treatment for them, their spouses and AT LEAST 4 children under the age of 18.

The lawyer noted that all the above entitlements are for life and all expenses are to be charged on the Consolidated Revenue Fund of the State (meaning that they are on First Line Charge) and are to take priority against other expenses like Salaries, Pensions and Gratuity of the citizen.

“Section 3 provides that all the above expenses can be MONETIZED or cashed out!

.“Section 4 stipulates that the former governors are entitled to 2 vacations abroad annually and the former deputy governor to 1 vacation abroad.

The lawyer noted that all the above entitlements are for life and all expenses are to be charged on the Consolidated Revenue Fund of the State (meaning that they are on First Line Charge) and are to take priority against other expenses like Salaries, Pensions and Gratuity of the citizen.

He also, opined that all the entitlements except the vacation can be converted into cash and paid out.

While critically examining the bill Barrister Aorabee said Section 1 makes the bill, when passed into law, to have retrospective effect which means that it will be backdated to cover all democratically elected governors and their deputies since 1999.

Hear him,”While I will leave constitutional lawyers to debate on the effect of giving the law backdated efficacy, it is important to note that if allowed to be passed, the State will be owing Governors George

He also, opined that all the entitlements except the vacation can be converted into cash and paid out. Cont. On Page 25

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