2 s y a W 8 10 m r o f s n a r T oA t n I l tia n e t o P r u o Y
Y C A G E L g n i t s La
e resid ent & gacy CEO
W ri tten D avi d B. G by r e Po te n tial M we II I ee ts L e P
Compliments of TEAM PMLegacy . . . Another way to “Pay IT Forward . . . All quotes, thoughts, and opinions are those of David Grewe and based from his 20 years of experiences in athletics. Any specific quote attached to an individual is notated. All other information is directly from DBG3. twitter.com/PMLegacy (@PMLegacy) facebook.com/PMLegacy linkedin.com/in/davidgrewe youtube.com/pmlegacy
It is my desire that in 15 years, my three children (C, MC, JJ) will be able to look back after reading this e-book and proudly say, “my dad preached what he believed and upheld his greatest leadership responsibility, being the best dad, to each of us individually. His sacrifice for us was real. The truth has been reveled.�
s k n a h T l a i c Spe
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We Wh o A re
We accomplish our goals by implementing a daily and proactive strategy of leadership development with a focus on mental skill awareness utilizing the power, comfort, and ease of social media and mobile communication. The value to our services exist in the depth of our presenters and our daily commitment to our clients.
! to us nique s is u r o ce s Our p
We are a leadership development firm working with athletes age 16-22 to overcome performance challenges through our 24-step mentoring platform. When a need is real and the solution becomes a reality ~ life is given to that specific intellectual property. Thus, we introduce The 6th Tool: Elite Mentor SeriesTM
Who Benefits From Our Services 1) MiLB Baseball Players (specifically high school signees) 2) Elite Summer Travel Baseball Programs 3) Coaches and Athletes at the Collegiate Level (all sports) 4) Coaches and Athletes at the High School Varsity Level (all sports)
steps 1 & 2 4. Believe in our mission and refer others to obtain our services
ders f Rea est o Requ
1. “Like� our Facebook page 2. Follow us on Twitter 3. Encourage others to do
d r a w r o f t i y a #p
www.pmlegacy.com E: ceo@pmlegacy.com P: 225.335.8080 PO Box 84458 Baton Rouge, LA 70884
tion orma ct Inf Conta
Th e P ro du c t
The 6th Tool: Elite Mentor SeriesTM
Co py rig ht Law
Copy right 2012 reser , All ved. rights N book o par t o f th may be re repro printe is educed d or in c lu i n a ny fo d in g rm, electr witho onica ut pe lly, rmiss from ion in Davi d Gre PML w we of riting egacy LLC.
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1. Lea de rs h ip
Every successful individual understands the importance of being a leader and making those around them better! The key is to put self-interest aside and trust that you will be rewarded in the process.
ic s 2. E t h
r or r i m n t he i f l e our s y t a l ook o t e l Be ab
) fined cy De (Lega
Doing what is morally right will profoundly change your perspective on both your life and your mission. Having good ethics is essential to being a person of influence.
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3. G u ts
Showing courage in your everyday choices proves you have the guts in seeking greatness. “You have nothing to lose�
Stare adversity in the face and find the solution to the problem.
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4. A dv e rsi ty
Seek adversity – don’t be afraid of it. Adversity is only a short-term obstacle that brings you long-term opportunities.
te lebra 5. Ce ) fined cy De (Lega
Take the time to celebrate your success! Life is too short not to enjoy your moments of achievement.
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6. Ye s te rda y is O ver
The NOW! Yesterday is over. Today is what counts. Focus on the now! Make today matter. As a believer – you are guided by the notion that your actions are meant to be. This is the first step in the elimination of FEAR!
7 . Bel ieve Put your actions into a belief beyond your control and accept the outcome as a means to “The Truth� or (end-result).
s ion 8. Pas
Be totally committed to your goals and dreams so that others can witness your passion for success through your daily actions.
in a t u o me o c on. i n t o a i r t s r pas r and frus u o y t let gh ange ’ n o on: D ay throu i t u a C ve w i t a g ne
9 . Com mi t m e nt
Give your best effort in every aspect of your life . . . Just be in the moment . . . Understand that your actions will show your commitment level. Be “all in� and prepare for greatness.
Your failure to prepare is the point when you start cheating the game!
l anc e 1 0. B a
Balance is the key to happiness ~ but not social riches . . . If you want to live a life of purpose with faith, family, friends, service, and work all intertwined, then you need to create daily habits through a proper balance. If you want social riches ~ you need to put all your efforts into your work.
11. A t t rib ut es
Attributes will help shape your thoughts and attitude. . . Write down 4 attributes that describe who you are and how you want to influence others. Put them in your mobile phone as daily reminders that automatically surface ~ read them every day for 6 months. Then create 4 more and repeat!
Studies show that goal setting is crucial to long-term success and a proven method in staying accountable to a DREAM
als 12. Go
Daily goals must be focused and obtainable. Monthly goals are what the daily goals accomplish. Long-term goals are what motivate you everyday ~ Your Dream.
13. Fa ith
Our creator is everything. Put God first in your life, follow that by family and work. Without putting faith first – you lose perspective and (assumed) pressure dominates your actions.
Keep The Order!
reaks cky B 14. Lu
Don’t look for shortcuts and expect to get the lucky breaks ~ put in the work and take joy in the process without worries about the outcome. Before you know it ~ you will consider yourself lucky.
y.” t i n u t por p o s t mee rc e u n o o i s t epara quote r p n n w kno whe n s u i – k “Luc
15. M en to rs
Everyone needs a mentor. But don’t settle to have one person in your life who influences you. Look for a new mentor every year. Learn from others! Create a support system that is unmatched by your competitors. The influence of others brings an essential perspective to development.
The 6th Tool: Elite Mentor SeriesTM
ad i n g 1 6. R e
There are many types of learners, but we can all learn from reading. Read for both enjoyment and personal development. Find topics that you are passionate about and read those books, ezines, blogs, RSS feeds or newspapers.
f or e n O me. i t m! e o d m s i a t he s ne f or w t a s book fun and o 2 d Rea
17. Ex ercis e
Jesus preached that a healthy body is a request from God. Nuff Said. Studies also show that exercise helps the mind work.
Turn off the TV Everyone can walk around the block and do both sit-ups and push-ups. No excuses!
rd 1 8. H a
ke! a m can n o s r a pe t n e stm e v n i best e h t rk is o w Hard
The value of an individual can be defined by his work ethic. At the end of the day ~ judge your own effort ~ don’t worry about how others judge you. Ask yourself one simple question, “Did I represent my Maker, my family and myself through an honest day of hard work?”
19 . Pe rsev e ra nc e
It’s the key to consistent success. All great winners will persevere in trying times. It’s easy to “get after it” when you are on a winning streak. But perseverance to a strong value system will make you “get after it” during hard times. This quality exists in all great leaders and organizations.
Follow Up / Rise Up / Follow Up / Rise Up
i sd o m 20 . W
Beyond knowledge ~ IT should be what each aspiring individual seeks on a daily basis.
at h t e s ~ tho nt to e l p wa peo t f a o h t s pe se ew e y o r t h G t 2 are and Red e ~ � . r e T T I I “Th ey got ine f e d h t ou think et IT ~ y g
21. C o m pa s sio n
You must care about your players, your employees, and your followers if you want them to run through the wall with you (not for you). If it is about you ~ they will see that very quickly. Strive to walk in their shoes!
n i n at i o eterm 22. D
Your mind is a very powerful tool. Vividly imagine where you want to end up (vision) and be determined to get there. Your quickness to overcoming adversity will determine how long it takes for your vision to become a reality.
ll! i w f ter o t a m n is a o i t a min r e t e D
to O t h e rs 23 . G iv e
One thing that will always bring you joy is the feeling you receive when you choose to “give to others.� Little or Big ~ It does not matter. Just make it a habit to give to others. The small gifts with meaning will give you great reward.
Start with a master task list and then each morning write down your daily tasks you seek to accomplish.
le hedu 24. Sc
Plan your day. Set your schedule and you will be amazed at how much you will get done. Make your list, and check ‘em off when finished.
25 . B e C re a tiv e
Challenge yourself to think outside the box. It’s only when you accept the current spot you are in, that you free yourself to be creative. Believe your plan in is place and be creative to enable its path.
wn o r i e put th thers. o h fo le w o p d o e o t in p of the go s u r t not ead h o a D s : ing need n l r a a u W id indiv
u st 26 . T r
Trust God has a plan for you. Trust in your abilities first. Then trust in others to help you. Trust in those who have proven to you that you are important to them. Be careful with those who are driven by ego and fear ~ actions prove motives. TRUST is everything!
“YE S” 27. S a y
Commit to being a “Yes~Person” and not a “Yes~Solider.” The difference is critical. A Yes-Person is someone who wants to help others and will commit (when possible) to any task in an effort to make things happen. A Yes~Solider is someone who says yes to a leader out of fear (or lack of courage), even when opposition exist. Strive to be a person who says YES for the right reasons!
Understand the Power of YES
Day her’s ay: Ot hursd ake T 28. M
Thursday is the perfect day to focus on others. It’s following hump day and just before casual Friday. Use this day of the week to help those around you feel great.
y are e h t when that you s r e p oth ill mean at least 4 l e h an to t – This wsture for y month! l p a Have pecting i acious ge ople ever ex gr pe least doing a are
29. D aily P e rs on a l Ti m e
The day becomes hectic very quickly. Make sure you are putting aside personal time that helps you become balanced. A 10-minute break (where you can simply collect your thoughts) from your daily grind will help you refocus, stay positive, and KMF.
KMF – Keep Moving Forward
lock ing B Le a rn eekly 30 . W
Our Mantra is #gettingbetterneverstops and it’s through my experience that without a commitment to learning ~ IT catches up. Put aside a learning block each week that is designed to make you become a better leader, coach, executive, etc.
T I e defin
31 . Pr iorit i es
God, Family, Job, Other. If in the military ~ then added priorities replace (named) those above.
“It’s just a job.” I pray for those who don’t understand how success will follow priorities. -Red Grewe
Ti m e m i ly 32. Fa
Exists daily ~ This is not a weekly or monthly agenda. It’s a daily commitment. When at home (some jobs require travel and you can still partake with mobile technology) you need to be fully present with the desire to enjoy family time. Even if it is only for 10 minutes on a given day.”
uals d i v i y ind erefore, n a m s of odity. Th you are t n e itm comm t when mily. m m o b c aluable momen your fa o j e ith o th ry v the Due tme is a vee to be in present w – ti ake sur m
33 . C o mm u ni t y Ser vi ce
Give to others. Commit your time, talents, and even treasure to your community and make our society a greater place to live.
tr y C o un t o ur ppor 34. Su
The USA is the greatest land of all. We have many freedoms and luxuries today because of the sacrifices of those before us. Take pride in our land and support those who defend it.
ess n i p p f Ha o t i u ur s P e h T
3 5. C ontri b ut e t o “ri g h t c au se”
Too often in life the opportunity to contribute to the “right cause” is missed. Spend time in the news and make the choice to help others through your contributions.
p� l l Dr o od w i y “Go o n th l 36 . M
We all have items that go untouched in a closet or drawer. Can we spare these items to others who are in need? Sure! Pick one or more items of clothing each month and donate them to goodwill for others who are in need.
37 . Em pa th y
One of the greatest forms of compassion is empathy. Show you care! Strive to walk in the shoes of others so you can truly know how they feel and what motivates them.
ght i m t jus u o y for. , g h g n i u eno n search g n o ten l have bee s i l u if yo hat you d n A w hear
sten 38. Li
Be a good listener ~ for it will make you a better person, and ultimately, more successful. Those who don’t listen well are dominated by ego. They don’t care about you enough to listen, they only care about themselves. It doesn’t mean you will automatically agree, it means you care enough to listen.
Oth e rs 39. E n co u ra ge
I have learned this from both success and failure ~ leading by encouraging others is the best way to inspire. Even during times of adversity and failure.
This is very difficult to do when wrapped up in a dominate leadership style. An understanding of “Truth� leadership will evoke the proper change.
rgive 40. Fo
Having the ability to forgive is God’s strength exposed. It’s always on His time and different for all people, but it’s essential to living a life of faith.
ni ng r a e l ause orgive c e b rget always f ce. o f r e gr a Nev ant. But s : ’ d y o h osop s import d from G l i h p i esse l sonal t history b r e l l p My ot repea are a e w se to n becau
41. Gi f t O th e rs
One of the greatest feelings is when we witness the joy of others opening a gift that truly means something. Make it a habit to gift others. Little is Big. Less is More!
Bring the meaning and joy of Christmas to the other 364 days of the year.
ed -Mind Op e n 42. Be
The key is to (eliminate your ego) understand that more is out there. Be open-minded to new ideas, new opportunities, and new people. Change is a great thing!
43 . C o nst r ucti v e Cri t ic is m
Accept it and give it. There is no room for negative criticism – it only brings down an organization. Keep criticism positive and in the best interest for team development.
You can’t give it ~ if you can’t take it! You shouldn’t give it ~ if you won’t be positive.
te socia 44. As
Surround yourself with people who are good-hearted. Surround yourself with others who possess the same value system. Surround yourself with excellence.
– and y a w f the n reward o t u get o ess. The hem. – s i e th eatn tivates t r n g o d e v t mo have to achie a u h o w y After m (others) basis with the ual r d i e v i w d empo on an in them
45 . P ri d e
It’s essential in achieving greatness and also in being loyal to your past. However, it can be the downfall of great leaders, as pride becomes arrogance.
ry 46. C
It’s not the mark of a weak person, rather a sign of caring. Showing emotion through tears (happiness and sorrow) shows the ability to take your mind and body to a place others won’t go. FEAR nothing. GO!
47. La ug h
Most importantly, laugh at the person in the mirror. A person of great humor is one who can laugh at themselves first, and others secondly.
Smile, Laugh, Enjoy Life – Before we know IT – moments have passed us by!
ve 48. Lo
It’s essential to happiness. Love what you do and it will not be work. Love who you are and you will experience joy. Love who you associate with and you will enjoy your days. Commit to loving your passions.
49. B e com e Ego -l ess
Truth is ~ consistent success depends on it. Your ego will inevitably be your destruction. Search for a complete understanding of what EGO is and how it can destroy you.
Your homework – Study EGO – It will shape who you are and how you approach everything. There is always room and time to change!
R t e F EA i m i na 50. El
It’s the hardest thing in life to do. Why? Because you first have to define your fears. This is done by self-reflection (which many people will not do). However, once done, and with the right perspective and attitude, your FEARS can be eliminated.
51. Ov erc om e FE A R
You overcome FEAR by defining IT ~ accepting IT ~ and then directly moving out of your comfort zone and attacking IT.
Fear cept 52. Ac
Accepting FEAR is essential to reaching peak performance. If you accept that you have FEAR, you can define IT and overcome IT.
g– n i h t rful e w ge! o a t p n a a a dv d is r n i u o m Your use it to y to n r a e L
5 3. El i min a t e We ak ne ss es
We all have weaknesses and through a clear and open acceptance of who we are, we can make strides to eliminate them. The result: we become a better person, a better professional and most importantly, a better leader! But don’t spend a great deal of time doing this. Focus on improving yourself and you will automatically eliminate weaknesses.
When a negative action becomes a habit and exists more than once ~ it’s a weakness. When it occurs only once ~ it’s a mistake.
gths Stren prove 54. Im
Spend 80% of your time on improving your strengths. These are the positive aspects of who you are. Spend 20% of your time on the weaknesses. Improve your strengths from good to great.
5 5. C o n ne c t
Do not let it consume your production level, but make the time to connect with others ~ those you can help and those who can help you.
ct e sp e 56. R
Along with trust, respect is an essential part of all relationships, teams, organizations, and communities. Respect is a single word to describe the action of treating others how you want to be treated.
n– w o d t op e p! h u t m m o ts fro the bott r a t s and not from t e e r t ay s w o a tw s i t c e Resp
5 7 . Lo y alt y
Loyalty is one of the most over used and poorly understood words. Loyalty is about the team, the organization, the group – and not about a individual person. Respect is about the individual.
lf ourse nge Y ha l l e 58. C
Don’t settle for what I call “the safety zone� ~ Challenge yourself to walk away from comfort and achieve moments that are hard to believe are achievable.
Yod a 59. L i ve Li ke
“Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try.” A quote from Yodi – Star Wars the Movie
ns estio s k Qu 60 . A
. . . in the effort to gain knowledge, learn, understand, and seek wisdom ~ There is no dumb question. Just ask!
6 1. Se lf-B e l ief
By controlling our beliefs in who we are, we control our destiny. Negative talk by others (about your actions) can and will exist ~ usually out of jealousy. Expect it and move past it through a strong self belief in values and morals. Your own personal self-belief is all you can count on! Believe in the person in the mirror!
t List emen chiev ake A 62. M
Do it now – Open Excel – and create the document. Make your achievement list (a mix of both personal and professional).
. 0 6 f eo g a e th e r o f be o d to s g n i h 100 t
63 . P re ss u re
There is no such thing as PRESSURE! Anyone who believes they have pressure has the wrong outlook on their life and/or job. Assumed pressure is simply a negative thought about the future.
We are all dominated by our thoughts and we all have the power to control our thoughts! Thus, our future is in our control – through our mind!
il e 64. Sm
Smile at someone today – pass it on to others. For if they smile back, you have influenced them! Medical research shows that when we smile, we tell our brains to function more positively.
O the r s 65 . C h all e n ge
You serve no purpose if you sit on your hands and don’t act. Challenge others to be great. Everyone wants discipline! The strong will rise; the weak will blame. Challenge others to live up to their potential and transfer IT into a lasting LEGACY!
Others will choose whether or not they accept the challenge!
ive on’t G 66. D
This applies to being a person of integrity. Stand firm for what you believe in ~ Don’t give in to others who are influenced by either non-truths or values unparalleled to true wisdom.
67. Ri ght P a th
Follo w Go lead o d firs t, the thers n cho . Trus follow os e to t tha t y ou f o t h er o r the s w ill r igh t reaso ns.
ion Pa s s ct o n 68. A
The most important thing you can do for true happiness is to love what you do. Therefore, act on your passions and be passionate about your actions.
69. U n der s t and P assi o n
Passion is very electric (It’s your energy). When ignited it can fuel your motives in a very positive direction. Anger and frustration are the negative results of passion. Imagine a flame that’s blowing in the wind.
A proper focus and commitment to the process will eliminate the wind factor.
rt e S ta 70. Th
It’s the start that stops most people. Take the leap! GO and GO BIG!
71. Fr ie nd s
Add new friend on Facebook this week, yes, but maintain a relationship with an old friend who really cares about you. (JG)
The power of the fist ~ as you move from one stage in life to the next ~ always have a handful of friends (not more / not less) that are your true confidants! A handful that you can trust! Your fist will change from stage to stage!
ur 72. Yo Jo b
Do what you love and don’t let others’ words of disbelief get in your path. Most people will show jealousy through words of disapproval. Don’t let it phase you ~ control what you can control. Success will come to those who are passionate about their job!
73 . S e lf- Co n trol
We have all heard the quote, “Control the Controllables.� The truth to this quote is critical in maintaining a focus. And only with a focus can you achieve peak performances.
epare 74. Pr
All successful people (the doers and the tellers) understand the value of preparation. Your ability to perform at the level you prepare will be crucial to the level of success you achieve. Preparation is step one – without it, failure is imminent.
75 . As k “W h y ?”
Challenge yourself in knowing the meaning behind the mission. Be confident in who you are and don’t be afraid to ask why. It’s part of challenging others to do what is right and fair ~ ethical actions.
s ha b i t y ou r ange 76 . C h
Change is a great thing. Without it, you will get stuck in the past. Changing your daily habits will enable you to change your end-results in a very positive fashion.
ith w t n chme ome. a t t a nal ut c o o i t d o e r desi an em a h t i rt s w a t s t I
7 7. B le s sing s
Be thankful for what you have . . . Count your blessings . . . as life is too short to not live in the present.
ou ank Y 78. Th
Create a habit to say THANK YOU . . . Send twitter notes of thank you on note cards through the mail.�
y ou k n a ng th of BP. i y a s st at a round e b e act! as th following s s w a l . c e A.N A t ru
79 . Da il y Q u e stio n s
Ask yourself a series of daily questions. 6 should be directed to reflect on your actions of yesterday and 6 should be directed at how you act today ~ in the present. You determine your questions and read them first thing in the morning. It only takes 5 minutes.
elf Yours odel 80 . M
Model yourself so others can follow. Be a person of influence through your actions, not your words. Live your LEGACY today. Our company “motto� is to visualize yourself being videotaped as a role model by which your children and grandchildren will learn how to succeed in life.
Ego 81 . U n de rs tan d
Ego is the destruction of many great people . . . There is no denying that everyone has an ego but few understand it’s power . . .
thers rom O a rn F 82. Le
Learning from others is the easiest way, yet most profound method, to improve and achieve success. Those that have come before us have both valuable experiences and a great wealth of knowledge. Their wisdom can shape your LEGACY. The challenge is to improve on their success and leave your own “footprint in the sand� for others to follow.
8 3. E l imin a t e Eg o
The elimination of ones ego is only done by the ability to put the needs of others ahead of oneself. It’s as simple as that! When it cannot be done ~ the ego is alive and real.
rds and a 84. St
Set you own . . . Set ‘em high . . . Live up to them and do not sacrifice your standards to please others. Do not take short cuts to get ahead today. Over the long run, a strong set of standards will get you ahead of any and all competition!
8 5. A c c ep t F ailu re
Accepting the act of failing is the key to success. It’s the greatest thing that can happen to all . . . as failure becomes the learning opportunity everyone needs. Everyone fails, nobody is perfect!
Failure leads to change. Never be afraid to change as it becomes essential for lifelong development!
ns as si o 86. P
Have passions (what I call hobbies or interests) and enjoy them. Maintain balance but aim to be great in all your passions. Expect greatness in all you do!
8 7. C r ea te a Mo t to
A motto is a statement that describes the beliefs or values that will guide the actions of a person. Take the time to create your own and let it drive your life!
t ra a M an re at e 88. C
A mantra a simple word or phase that can describe your beliefs ~ what you are all about!
C L L y ga c e L PM A – R y T c a N A eg L M s t ee M ps l o a t i t s r n e v e n Pote r e t et b g n i #gett
89 . P e rso n a l Me ta ph o r
Create your own . . . A figure of speech that describes who you are or who you want to be . . . Make it personal ~ and please do not use “Life is a game� (It has been used many times before)
c us 90 . F o
Focus is the key to success. Without it - distractions become real. With it – everything falls into place.
and d e k lin y l e s RY! o O l c T very s to VIC e r a cess the mean o r P as and e s v u r c e s Fo both
91. H u mil ity
A great quality to possess . . . Many leaders don’t see the value of being humble for they fear that others will see it as a sign of weakness. If this is you ~ overcome that fear. Humility is essential to the morale of both middle management and higher executives. (in sports, its essential to for all players and coaches)
A leader’s humility (ex. Drew Brees) can become a great strength. Lack thereof can be their downfall.
low 92 . S n i t Do w
Take a deep breath . . . Slow it down . . . When the game (life) seems to be moving at a rapid pace, remember, you are in control and you hold the power of choice . . . Then let the game come to you!
9 3. Le a rn H o w To B reat he
The techniques used to control your breathing are the most under-rated tools that are used to reach peak performances and perform in “the zone.�
I challenge you to learn how to control your breathing to both alleviate stress and achieve moments of great significance.
FE A R stand nd e r 94. U
Fear exists in the past as a hindrance to progress . . . Fear exists in the present as a motivator . . . Fear exists in the future as the destruction of focus.
to s i r a ng fe study i m o verc ffort to o o t e it! ey ee g k h a t n e e a h T Mak ow to m . t i d rstan fear and h e d n u
95. B e P rou d
All success in life starts from one’s ability to be proud of who they are and where they are going. It starts with the person in the mirror. Enjoy little accomplishments and be proud of winning daily championships. No need to live in the past! Be proud and move forward.
ve e B ra 96. B
Courage is a common trait of all great leaders . . . Be BRAVE . . . Stand up for what you believe in . . . Act ~ even when it means you will encounter criticism . . . Do what others won’t . . . Reward will come ~ Trust in bravery!
9 7. C h a ng e
Seek it! Don’t be afraid of it. Change is the road that leads to the top of the mountain . . . and most importantly, change is the key to enjoying the view at that high altitude!
Enjoying the view means you stay at the top. Consistency!
li n e i s c ip elf-D 98. S
Motivation and desires for a specific outcome will get you going but self-discipline will ensure you succeed. Selfdiscipline turns actions into habits through a focused schedule and proper daily activities.
99. P ro d u c tio n
Yearly or long-term production is the direct result of winning daily championships . . . Remember, the focus on the end result will cause negative outcomes . . . The #1 goal should always be to produce a winning end result – just don’t make it the #1 focus. Stay to the process of winning daily championships. The proper focus will create the path to your #1 goal.
#progress #process
– Red Grewe
IT efine 100. D
There are two types of people . . . Those that think they got IT . . . And those that want to get IT.
g n i h t y er v e e b t h” u n r a c T e IT h . T . “ . ly T p I m e i n s r efi o D u Yo
10 1. C o nfl ic t
Accept it, invite it, embrace it, attack it, overcome it, learn from it ~ Conflict is inevitable so do not be afraid of it.
When faced with conflict ~ Make the choice to seek solutions!
tion o n v ic 1 0 2. C
Challenge yourself to be a person of conviction. Stand up for what you believe in and never sacrifice ethics or morals for the personal self-interest of others. Ground your ethics and morals in faith based beliefs.
103 . I nf lue nc e
We all have the power to influence . . . People of power automatically assume the responsibility without asking for it . . . It takes many levels of courage to influence by truth and action.
tion e p ut a 104. R
It’s not what others say about you, rather what you say about others . . . Seek “The Truth” and embrace your actions when nobody is watching . . . Challenge yourself to know the difference between reputation and image ~ as they always lie in the eyes of the beholder . . . Make your own opinion on the character and morals of those you encounter and keep your eyes open for motives and dow a agendas ~ Trust yourself! h s . The g.”
adow real thin h s a like ree is the n oln c o i n t i t a t L e repu of it; th ham a d r n b a k A tree we thin a e k i t l wha er is s t i c a r “Cha
105. App re ciate Other s
There will always come a point in one’s life when they take the time to look at the magnitude of blessings which have come before them. Many of the blessings were due in large part to the contribution of others . . . It takes a confident person and true leader to understand this concept of appreciating others especially during the actual time in which they are leading. It takes humility to show honest appreciation of someone else. And it unifies a team when its members are appreciated by its leaders.
e ate th limin 1 0 6. E
Eliminate the apostrophe ‘T’ from your vocabulary. No more can’t but can . . . No more won’t but will . . . No more don’t but do . . .
! R E V E I L E B A E B
107. P romi se
It starts with you! Make the promise to yourself that you will become great. Make the promise to others that you will give your best. And most importantly, make the promise to your family that you will always be there for them!
ion hamp 108. C
The climb to the pinnacle is done by doing the right thing and winning daily championships. When accomplished ~ no matter how high you rise, you are a CHAMPION!
“Success isn’t something that just happens. Success is learned . . . Success is practiced . . . Then it’s shared.” - Spark Anderson