5 Ways to Use Repurposing to Get More Out of Your Marketing Content
Learn how to make your company’s content stretch by repurposing it for different audiences. Sarah Loeffler, Director of Media Innovation and Marketing Insights, PMMI Media Group
hallenged with creating new content? You’re not alone. Developing new content was ranked as marketers’ biggest pain point in a recent PMMI Media Group survey, ranking even higher among respondents than finding fresh names or the cost of new leads. (Packaging Supplier Marketing Trends and Best Practices: oemgo.to/ research) The irony is that many OEMs are sitting on a potential wealth of new marketing content that wouldn’t take nearly the time, talent, and budget to produce that one might suspect—if only they would build in the often-overlooked step of repurposing. Whenever a marketer creates a long-form piece of highvalue original content, such as a webinar, whitepaper, or product demo video, it’s important to examine whether mild modification or excerpting can fill additional content needs. Where to begin with repurposing? The next time you’ve created a significant piece of content, consider the following five questions.
Five questions for inspiration
Is there an opportunity to version the content for a different audience? Many OEMs serve different verticals. An easy opportunity for these companies to make messaging more relevant is by taking the same high-value whitepaper and merely swapping out visuals and/or making minor text
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adjustments to appeal to the different market segments and target the distribution accordingly. Similarly, does your company serve a global audience? A successful use of repurposing takes the same video but create versions where audio and/or captioning appears in the language favored by each audience segment. Packaging OEMs serving Latin America, see content tips and distribution options at: oemgo.to/latinamerica Can you excerpt direct portions of content for use on other channels? If you created a product demo video for a virtual conference, consider using shortened clips of the video in prospecting emails or on social media channels. Or perhaps you can extend use by featuring a quote from the speaker in a social media post and then linking to the video embedded on your website. The audience for high-value content almost always reaches beyond one event. Is there an opportunity to change the content’s format? Many marketers will turn a webinar into a whitepaper or vice versa to appeal to prospects’ varying information consumption preferences. Also, many marketers will transform a detailed slide from a presentation into a brief article or blog post by merely adding light narrative. Can any portions of your early-stage content be used elsewhere to answer the questions of late-stage buyers? Many marketers will transform Q&A articles with technical staff into follow-up checklists or fact sheets that serve as part of sales collateral. Or a webinar where staff discuss trends and challenges can then form the basis for developing bottom-funnel content focused on how your products help address the trends and challenges discussed in the webinar. Does your content piece have any “nuggets” of note? Sometimes the best repurposing ideas occur simply by noticing snippets that stand out as particularly interesting or engaging. Can you extract data for a mini infographic? Is there a strong quote you can feature in social images or ad copy? Or perhaps you’ve developed a case study where the end user’s experience can translate into a testimonial.
2/24/21 10:32 AM