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A-B-C Packaging Machine Corp. www.abcpackaging.com 164, 258 Aagard Group, LLC www.aagard.com 55, 259 AirGuard Packaging www.airguardpackaging.com 260, IBC All Packaging Machinery www.allpackagingmachinery.com 59, 261 All-Fill Inc. www.all-fill.com 125, 262 Alliance Rubber Company www.rubberband.com 22, 263 Allied Technology LLC www.allied-technology.com 264 ALLIEDFLEX Technologies, Inc www.alliedflex.com 17, 265 Alpek Polyester www.dakamericas.com 199, 266 AmbaFlex Inc. www.ambaflex.com 8, 267 American Film and Machinery www.afmsleeves.com 157, 268 ANRITSU INFIVIS INC www.anritsu.com/infivis 173, 269 Arrowhead Systems Inc. www.arrowheadsystems.com 165, 271 Anubis 3D Industrial Solutions www. anubis3d.com 229, 270 Axon Corporation www.promachbuilt.com/product-brands/axon 172, 272 Beckhoff Automation www.beckhoff.com 5, 273 BELL-MARK www.bell-mark.com 180, 274 BellatRx Inc. www.bellatrx.com 183, 275 BestCode www.bestcode.co 127, 276 Bevcorp LLC www.bevcorp.com 150, 277 BI-AX International Inc. www.biaxinc.com 99, 278 BluePrint Automation www.blueprintautomation.com 216, 279 Brenton www.brentonengineering.com 242, 280 Brooks Automation, Inc. www.brooks.com 239, 281 Brother USA Machinery LLC www.usabrother.com 227, 282 Bunting www.buntingmagnetics.com 45, 283 Busch Vacuum Solutions www.buschvacuum.com 179, 284 Buskro Ltd. www.buskro.com 7, 285 BW Flexible Systems www.bwflexiblesystems.com 175, 286 BW Integrated Systems www.bwintegratedsystems.com 221, 287 BW Packaging Systems www.barrywehmiller.com 53, 288 Cama North America www.camagroup.com 232, 289 CASSEL Inspection www.cassel-inspection.com 145, 290 Charter Next Generation www.cnginc.com 233, 291 Chase-Logeman Corporation www.chaselogeman.com 19, 292 Clysar LLC www.clysar.com 237, 293 Columbia Machine, Inc. www.palletizing.com 214, 294 Columbia/Okura www.columbiaokura.com 244, 295 CTM Labeling Systems www.ctmlabelingsystems.com 234, 296 Decade Products, LLC www.decadeproducts.com 171, 297 Dekka www.dekkaindustries.com 48, 298 Delkor Systems, Inc. www.delkorsystems.com 67, 299
Diagraph Marking
& Coding, An ITW Company www.diagraph.com 247, 300 Dodge Industrial www.dodge.com 11, 301 Domino Amjet Inc. www.domino-na.com 223, 302 Dorner Mfg. Corp. www.dornerconveyors.com 51, 303 Douglas Machine Inc. www.douglas-machine.com 31, 304 Econocorp, Inc. www.econocorp.com 162, 307 EDL Packaging Engineers, Inc. www.edlpackaging.com 64, 308 Eastey www.eastey.com 103, 305 EBS Ink-Jet Systems USA www.ebs-inkjet-usa.com 143, 306 Elplast America Inc. www.elplastamerica.com 122, 309 Emerson Industrial Automation www.emerson.com 225, 310 Emirates Printing Press www.eppdubai.com 33, 311 Encoder Products Company www.encoder.com 42, 312 Enercon Industries www.enerconind.com 188, 313 EPI Labelers www.epilabelers.com 89, 314 Eriez Magnetics www.eriez.com 226, 315 Exair Corporation www.exair.com 41, 316 Fabco-Air www.fabco-air.com 190, 317 Fallas Automation Inc. www.fallasautomation.com 169, 318 FANUC America www.fanucamerica.com 252, 319 FlexLink Systems, Inc www.flexlink.com 176, 320 Focke & Company www.focke.com 196, 321 Fogg Filler Co. www.foggfiller.com 43, 322 Formost Fuji Corporation. www.formostfuji.com 100, 323 Fortress Technology Inc. www.fortresstechnology.com 224, 324 Garvey Corporation www.garvey.com 210, 325 Glenroy, Inc. www.glenroy.com 101, 326 GR-X Manufacturing www.grxmfg.com 327, 459 GRA Services International www.graservices.com 328 Graphic Packaging International www.graphicpkg.com 61, 329 Harpak-ULMA Packaging LLC www.harpak-ulma.com 149, 330 H.B. Fuller Company www.hbfuller.com 84, 332 Haver & Boecker USA, Inc. www.haverusa.com 155, 331 Heat and Control, Inc. www.heatandcontrol.com 37, 333 High Tek USA, Inc. www.hightekusa.com 167, 334
Hitachi Industrial Equipment
& Solutions America, LLC. www.hitachi-iesa.com 49, 335 Honeywell Intelligrated www.intelligrated.com 137, 336 ID Technology www.idtechnology.com 337, 465 Ideal-Pak Massman LLC www.idealpakpase.com 338 IMA FLX www.iima.it 47, 339 Independent Can Co. www.independentcan.com 243, 340 INSITE Packaging Automation www.insitepackaging.com 111, 341 Institute of Packaging Professionals www.iopp.org 117 Intertape Polymer Group www.itape.com 108, 342 Intralox www.intralox.com 343 ITW Hartness www.hartness.com 105, 344 Jadex www.jadexinc.com 87, 345 James Alexander Corp. www.james-alexander.com 52, 346 Kaufman Engineered Systems, Inc. www.kes-usa.com 82, 347 Kawasaki Robotics www.kawasakirobotics.com 141, 348 Klöckner Pentaplast, Food Packaging www.kpfilms.com 349 Klöckner Pentaplast PHD www.kpfilms.com 350 Krones www.kronesusa.com 133, 351 Label-Aire, Inc. www.label-aire.com 54, 352, OBC Mamata Enterprises, Inc. www.mamata.com 25, 353 Markem-Imaje www.markem-imaje.us 151, 354 Massman Automation Designs, LLC www.massmanllc.com 241, 355 Material Transfer & Storage, Inc. www.materialtransfer.com 90, 356 Matrix Packaging Machinery www.matrixpm.com 39, 357 Matthews Marking Systems www.matthewsmarking.com 209, 358
Mettler Toledo North America www.mt.com/pi MFT Automation www.mftautomation.com Michelman Inc. www.michelman.com
128, 359 152, 360 44, 361
mk North America www.mknorthamerica.com 35, 362 Modular Conveyor Express www.modularconveyor.com 222, 363 Mold-Rite Plastics www.mrpcap.com 219, 364 Morrison Container Handling Solutions www.morrison-chs.com 62, 365 Mpac Group www.mpac-group.com 147, 366 Multi-Conveyor www.multi-conveyor.com 23, 367 Multivac Inc. www.multivac.com 75, 368 National Bulk Equipment, Inc. (NBE) www.nbe-inc.com 115, 369 Nercon Conveyor Systems www.nerconconveyors.com 20, 370 New England Machinery, Inc. www.neminc.com 102, 371 Nita Sentient Labeling Systems www.nitalabeling.com 107, 372 Nordson Corporation www.nordson.com 131, 373 Norwix Inc. www.norwix.com 129, 374 Novembal www.novembal.com 50, 375 Nuspark Inc. www.nuspark.com 205, 376 nVenia www.nvenia.com 29, 377 ONExia Inc. www.onexia.com 81, 378 OPTIMA Machinery Corporation www.optima-packaging.us 203, 379 PAC Machinery www.pacmachinery.com 80, 380 Packaging Distributors, Inc. www.pdimachinery.com 68, 381 Paktech www.paktech-opi.com 70, 382 Panther Industries, Inc. www.print-n-apply.com 95, 383 PDC International www.pdc-corp.com 215, 384 Pearson Packaging Systems www.pearsonpkg.com 119, 385 PIAB www.piab.com 27, 386 Plan IT Packaging Systems Inc. www.planitpackaging.com 83, 387 Plexpack Corp. www.plexpack.com 217, 388 Point Five Shelf Life Solutions www.p5pkg.com 109, 391 PMI KYOTO Packaging Systems www.pmikyoto.com 9, 389 Pneumatic Scale Angelus www.psangelus.com 146, 390
PMMI, The Association for Packaging
and Processing Technologies www.pmmi.org 207,257
Precision Automation
Company, Inc. www.precisionautomationinc.com 123, 392 Pregis www.pregis.com 135, 393 Printpack www.printpack.com 63, 394 Profol Americas, Inc. www.profol.com 91, 395
Propack Processing & Packaging
Systems, Inc. www.www.propack.ca 245, 396 Quadrel Labeling Systems www.quadrel.com 213, 397 R.A Jones www.rajones.com 57, 398 Ranpak Corp. www.ranpak.com 144, 399 Regal Rexnord www.regalrexnord.com 400, 462 Reiser www.reiser.com 73, 401 The Reynolds Company www.reynoldsglue.com 97, 402 Robatech USA Inc. www.robatechusa.com 3, 403 Roberts PolyPro www.robertspolypro.com 120, 404 RoBEX LLC www.robex.com 153, 405 Ronchi America www.ronchiamerica.com 251, 406 ROVEMA North America, Inc. www.www.rovema-na.com 249, 407 Ryson International Inc. www.ryson.com
69, 408
Schneider Packaging
Equipment Co., Inc. www.schneiderequip..com 163, 409 Schubert North America LLC www.schubert.group.com 113, 410 Serpa Packaging Solutions www.serpapackaging.com 112, 411 Shemesh Automation www.shemeshautomation.com 13, 412 Shibuya Hoppmann Corp. www.shibuyahoppmann.com 211, 413 Shorr Packaging www.shorr.com 93, 414 Shurtape Technologies www.shurtape.com 79, 415 Sidel Inc. www.sidel.com 88, 416 Signode www.signode.com 66, 417 SMC Corporation of America www.smcusa.com 159, 421 Siko Products, Inc. www.siko-global.com 24, 418 SKA Fabricating www.skafabricating.com 74, 419 Sleeve Seal www.sleeveseal.com 106, 420 Soft Robotics www.softroboticsinc.com 231, 422 Somic America, Inc. www.somicamerica.com 195, 423 Sourcelink Solutions, LLC www.sourcelinkcorp.net 121, 424 Span Tech LLC www.spantechconveyors.com 189, 425 Sparck Technologies www.sparcktechnologies.com 85, 426 Specialty Equipment www.specialtyequipment.com 34, 427 Squid Ink Manufacturing www.squidink.com 197, 428 Standard-Knapp www.standard-knapp.com 21, 429 Starview Packaging Machinery www.starviewpackaging.com 191, 430 Sullair A Hitachi Group Company www.sullair.com 110, 431 Syntegon Packaging Technology www.syntegon.com 1, 432 Taisei Lamick USA, Inc. www.taiseilamick.com 185, 433 TDI Packsys LLC www.tdipacksys.com 161, 434 Teledyne Taptone www.taptone.com 71, 435 TopTier Palletizers www.toptier.com 187, 436 Triangle Packaging Machinery www.trianglepackage.com 437 TRIPACK, LLC www.tripack.net. 94, 438 U.S. Tsubaki, Inc. www.ustsubaki.com 118, 439 Uline www.uline.com 96, 440 Uni ed Flex Packaging Technologies www.unifiedflex.com 15, 441 Universal Labeling Systems, Inc. www.universal1.com 116, 442 Vacuum Barrier Corporation www.vacuumbarrier.com 65, 443 Valcro Melton www.valcromelton.com 136, 444 Videojet Technologies Inc. www.videojet.com 181, 446 Van der Graaf www.vandergraaf.com 24a, 445 Weber Packaging Solutions www.weberpackaging.com 177, 447 WEIGHTPACK, Inc. www.weightpack.com 193, 448 WEIMA America, Inc. www.weima.com 132, 449 Westrock www.westrock.com IFC, OFC, 450 Wexxar/BEL www.wexxar.com 58, 451 WIPOTEC-OCS, Inc. www.wipotec-ocs.com 452, 461 Yamato Corporation www.yamatoamericas.com 134, 453 Yaskawa America, Inc. www.yaskawa.com 454, 463
Yaskawa America, Inc.,
Motoman Robotics Division www.motoman.com 235, 455 Yeaman Machine Technologies, Inc. www.yeamanmachine.com 77, 456 YUPO Corporation America www.yupo.com 201, 457