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What are some of the challenges that you have faced as a woman in a male-dominated industry?

It can often be challenging when meeting a new colleague in the industry. You feel the need to prove your abilities and show a resume of accomplishments to prove that you belong and show value. Additionally, connecting with male colleagues can require more effort at times. I think they are cautious about what to ask or discuss. Finding common ground with small talk can be dif cult to navigate and require women to make everyone feel comfortable.

What do you think are some of the key factors that have contributed to your success in the industry?

Persistence, tenacity, and attention to detail. Packaging is a dynamic industry, and it is critical to learn how to embrace change and help others that may struggle with it. The reason I have stayed with the same company is that I have felt supported and challenged in my career growth from a process engineer to vice president of technology.

What can the industry do better to support women and increase the number of women in leadership positions?

Blaze a trail starting with early education, active encouragement, and celebrate other women’s successes in the industry whenever you get a chance. Engage with STEM programs in middle and high school that offer hands-on experience. Creating an early link between theoretical equations and real-world applications for our youth shifts the focus to problem solving rather than on reaf rming any learned gender bias. It also helps teachers and mentors break away from their biases.

What advice would you give to young women who are considering a career in packaging? Research different industries and roles within packaging. Seek internships with companies that make packaging components or design packaging to gain hands-on experience and see what ignites your passion. Attend packaging webinars. It may not be exactly what you are seeking, but chances are you will meet others and start to develop a plan for where you will go next.

Remember that no one expects you to be an expert coming out of school. Find and learn from unof cial mentors such as experienced employees and suppliers. Lean on people that can help develop and encourage your con dence throughout your development. Most importantly, follow through on expectations and be clear with your communications.


Mission: To help customers solve their toughest business challenges with innovative, progressive, sustainable packaging solutions

Location: Chicago, IL

Leadership: Kevin Baudhuin, Chairman and CEO

Revenue: $1 billion+

Employees: Approximately 3,000

Facility: >30 facilities across North America and Europe

Markets served: North America, Europe and a growing global presence

Industries: The company serves consumer and industrial market segments including food, pharmaceutical, healthcare, medical devices, agricultural, e-commerce, retail, automotive, transportation, furniture, electronics, building, construction, and military/aerospace

Product range: Protective packaging solutions, mailing & bagging solutions, surface protection lms and exible packaging lms

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