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What are some of the challenges that you have faced as a woman in a male-dominated industry?

The industry had low expectations of women. In 1984, when I started, only about 3% of attendees at PACK EXPO were women. I realized how male dominated this industry was, and I was determined to be successful. I went out of my way to meet more experienced women in other elds, who were the rst females in their role or industry. They mentored me as I faced hurdles of discrimination, exclusion and/or ridicule. Over time, I met other women in packaging, and we helped each other by sharing our experiences and resources and developed our network.

What do you think are some of the key factors that have contributed to your success in the industry?

I chose to learn about differences in gender communication styles, how to listen and stand my ground in discussions, and sidestep but not back down from dif cult situations or conversations. Why are women important in packaging? In the US, more purchasing decisions are made by women than men. Consumers perceive the package as an important part of the product. A better package can trigger the consumer to buy or try a new product. With women at the table offering a different point of view, more options are considered.

What can the industry do better to support women and increase the number of women in leadership positions?

Encouraging participation in the Lean-In program and other outside educational opportunities, making suggestions for reading and training, and being clear on the importance of fair and equitable compensation. Provide mentors who can help show the way to use their best leadership talents at the company. Provide exibility – work/life balance vs work or life choice. Talent doesn’t disappear just because it isn’t in the of ce chair. Develop opportunities for shared success, such as special projects and cross-departmental programs.

What advice would you give to young women who are considering a career in packaging?

It is a great eld to work in! It’s interesting, technical, challenging and rewarding. There are many opportunities for women in industries that have previously been mostly male, in all sizes of companies. Look for a company that is known for being a great place to work. Use your values as a person to guide your career path, if your actions and values align, you nd satisfaction and maybe a job you love.

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