3 layer prints, which stands out because of its complexity, originally brought together different pieces of images.
Explored different background colours and paper textures paying attention how it effects ink.
Print edited with Adobe Photoshop helps to reveal its varying potentials.
The experience in book binding workshop became an important tool in realising my work.
Sketches for a concertina book with included type.
In the final approach i decided to choose an image instead of type. The book looks more illustrative and attracts attention with its complex details.
Range of marks explored in Mark making workshop.
Investigating the potentials of a handmade ink pen
Mark making exercise based on different pieces of music. This page perfectly shows how a pritimitive doodling can lead to new and original typefaces.
...or even a whole alphabet based on couple of letters revealed from my mark making exercises.
New and fresh layouts made of old and dull magazines, newspapers.
Layout researches for theTypography workshop “Chalk & Cheese�. Me and my partner presented a final idea about opposition through typography.
A redesigned traditional calender. “December�
The independent practise time was essential in different ways. Comparing my briefs’ development and vary workshops’ practise I managed to create a set of tools for my further work. Firstly, working with software I had not encountered before made me face failure and try all over again to reach a better result. Like someone said: “Fail better!” Also, I tried to leave behind the technics and methods that were already known to me and learn again. It broadened my graphic design knowledge and encouraged to look for new strategies. Moreover, I was very happy to be involved in various experimentation which was offered in workshops. All I did was tried to take everything from them. I believe that it is essential to know where you can take your idea. As well as learning new methods and experiencing new things I understood the importance of not being afraid of playfulness and pure experimentations. To sum up, when I combine both the new experience and tools I encountered here with the previous practise I feel much more confidence in myself and my work then I would be without these opportunities.