2013/2014 CATALOG
Cover artwork from Drawn to New York: An Illustrated Chronicle of Three Decades in New York City by Peter Kuper. More information on page 9.
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Until the Rulers Obey
Voices from Latin American Social Movements EDITED BY CLIFTON ROSS AND MARCY REIN FOREWORD BY RAÚL ZIBECHI Until the Rulers Obey brings together voices from the movements behind the wave of change that swept Latin America at the turn of the twenty-first century. These movements have galvanized long-silent—or silenced— sectors of society: indigenous people, campesinos, students, the LGBT community, the unemployed, and all those left out of the promised utopia of a globalized economy. They have deployed a wide range of strategies and actions, sometimes building schools or clinics, sometimes occupying factories or fields, sometimes building and occupying political parties to take the reins of the state, and sometimes resisting government policies in order to protect their newfound power in community. This unique collection of interviews features five dozen leaders and grassroots activists from fifteen countries presenting their work and debating pressing questions of power, organizational forms, and relations with the state. Contributors include ACOGUATE, Luis Ballesteros, Marc Becker, Margi Clarke, Benjamin Dangl, Mar Daza, Mickey Ellinger, Michael Fox, J. Heyward, Raphael Hoetmer, Hilary Klein, Diego Benegas Loyo, Courtney Martinez, Chuck Morse, Mario A. Murillo, Phil Neff, Fabíola Ortiz dos Santos, Hernán Ouviña, Margot Pepper, Adrienne Pine, Christy Rodgers, Susan Spronk, Marie Trigona, Jeffery R. Webber, and Raúl Zibechi.
Maroon the Implacable
DEC 2013 • 978-1-60486-794-7 • $29.95 • 6 X 9 • PAPERBACK • 544 PAGES • POLITICS/LATIN AMERICA
The Collected Writings of Russell Maroon Shoatz RUSSELL MAROON SHOATZ • FOREWORD BY CHUCK D AFTERWORD BY MATT MEYER AND NOZIZWE MADLALA-ROUTLEDGE EDITED BY FRED HO AND QUINCY SAUL “This book, Maroon the Implacable, is that very funky instruction manual on how to make revolution against Imperialist America.” —Amiri Baraka, former Poet Laureate of New Jersey Russell Maroon Shoatz is a political prisoner who has been held unjustly for over thirty years, including two decades in solitary confinement. He was active as a leader in the Black Liberation Movement in Philadelphia, both above and underground. His successful escapes from maximumsecurity prisons earned him the title “Maroon.” This is the first published collection of his accumulated written works, and also includes new essays written expressly for this volume. His innovative and historical analysis of the U.S. prison system, Maroon communities throughout the Americas, eco-socialism, eco-feminism, food security, prefiguration, and the Occupy Wall Street movement provide cutting-edge challenges for today’s movements for social change.
APR 2013 • 978-1-60486-059-7 • $20.00 • 6 X 9 • PAPERBACK • 312 PAGES • ACTIVISM/POLITICS
Stop, Thief!
The Commons, Enclosures, and Resistance PETER LINEBAUGH “There is not a more important historian living today. Period.” —Robin D.G. Kelley, author of Freedom Dreams: The Black Radical Imagination In this majestic tour de force, celebrated historian Peter Linebaugh takes aim at the thieves of land, the polluters of the seas, the ravagers of the forests, the despoilers of rivers, and the removers of mountaintops. Scarcely a society has existed on the face of the earth that has not had commoning at its heart. “Neither the state nor the market,” say the planetary commoners. These essays kindle the embers of memory to ignite our future commons.
From Thomas Paine to the Luddites, from Karl Marx—who concluded his great study of capitalism with the enclosure of commons—to the practical dreamer William Morris—who made communism into a verb and advocated communizing industry and agriculture—to the 20th-century communist historian E.P. Thompson, Linebaugh brings to life the vital commonist tradition. He traces the red thread from the great revolt of commoners in 1381 to the enclosures of Ireland, and the American commons, where European immigrants who had been expelled from their commons met the immense commons of the native peoples and the underground African-American urban commons. Illuminating these struggles in this indispensible collection, Linebaugh reignites the ancient cry, “STOP, THIEF!” DEC 2013 • 978-1-60486-747-3 • $21.95 • 6 X 9 • PAPERBACK • 336 PAGES • HISTORY/POLITICS
Men in Prison
VICTOR SERGE INTRODUCTION AND TRANSLATION BY RICHARD GREEMAN “No purer book about the hell of prison has ever been written.” —Martin Seymour-Smith, Scotsman “There is nothing in any line or word of this fine novel which doesn’t ring true.” —Publishers Weekly “Serge is a writer young rebels desperately need whether they know it or not. He does not tell us what we should feel, he makes us feel it.” —Stanley Reynolds, New Statesman The author of Men in Prison served five years in French penitentiaries (1912– 1917) for the crime of “criminal association”—in fact for his courageous refusal to testify against his old comrades, the infamous “Tragic Bandits” of French anarchism, The Bonnot Gang. “While I was still in prison,” Serge later recalled, “fighting off tuberculosis, insanity, depression, the spiritual poverty of the men, the brutality of the regulations, I already saw one kind of justification of that infernal voyage in the possibility of describing it. Among the thousands who suffer and are crushed in prison—and how few men really know that prison!—I was perhaps the only one who could try one day to tell all.” Serge’s classic novel Men in Prison has been compared to Dostoyevsky’s House of the Dead, Koestler’s Spanish Testament, Genet’s Miracle of the Rose and Solzhenitsyn’s One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovitch both for its authenticity and its artistic achievement. FEB 2014 • 978-1-60486-736-7 • $18.95 • 5.5 X 8.5 • PAPERBACK • 320 PAGES • FICTION/PRISON ISSUES
Anarchy, Geography, Modernity Selected Writings of Elisée Reclus
ELISÉE RECLUS • EDITED AND TRANSLATED BY JOHN CLARK AND CAMILLE MARTIN “This inspiring analysis and anthology does an excellent job of placing Reclus in his anarchist and social context.” —Anarchist Studies Anarchy, Geography, Modernity is the first comprehensive introduction to the thought of Elisée Reclus, the great anarchist geographer and political theorist. It shows him to be an extraordinary figure for his age. Not only an anarchist but also a radical feminist, anti-racist, ecologist, animal rights advocate, cultural radical, nudist, and vegetarian. Both a major social thinker and also a dedicated revolutionary. The work analyzes Reclus’ greatest achievement, a sweeping historical and theoretical synthesis recounting the story of the earth and humanity as an epochal struggle between freedom and domination. It presents his groundbreaking critique of all forms of domination: not only capitalism, the state, and authoritarian religion, but also patriarchy, racism, technological domination, and the domination of nature. His crucial insights on the interrelation between personal and small-group transformation, broader cultural change, and large-scale social organization are explored. Reclus’ ideas are presented both through detailed exposition and analysis, and in extensive translations of key texts, most appearing in English for the first time.
Talking Anarchy
OCT 2013 • 978-1-60486-429-8 • $22.95 • 6 X 9 • PAPERBACK • 304 PAGES • PHILOSOPHY-ANARCHISM
COLIN WARD AND DAVID GOODWAY “It is difficult to match the empirical strength, the lucidity of prose, and the integration of theory and practical insight in the magnificent body of work produced by the veteran anarchist Colin Ward.” —Prospect “Colin Ward has never written a highly paid column for a national newspaper or been on the bestseller lists, but his fan club is distinguished, and his influence wider than he himself may know.” —Times Literary Supplement Of all political views, anarchism is the most ill-represented. For more than thirty years, in over thirty books, Colin Ward patiently explained anarchist solutions to everything from vandalism to climate change—and celebrated unofficial uses of the landscape as commons, from holiday camps to squatter communities. Ward was an anarchist journalist and editor for almost sixty years, most famously editing the journal Anarchy. He was also a columnist for New Statesman, New Society, Freedom, and Town and Country Planning. In Talking Anarchy, Colin Ward discusses with David Goodway the ups and downs of the anarchist movement during the last century, including the many famous characters who were anarchists, or associated with the movement, including Herbert Read, Alex Comfort, Marie Louise Berneri, Paul Goodman, Noam Chomsky, and George Orwell. FEB 2014 • 978-1-60486-520-2 • $14.95 • 5 X 8 • PAPERBACK • 168 PAGES • PHILOSOPHY-ANARCHISM
JEREMY BRECHER “An exciting history of American labor. Brings to life the flashpoints of labor history. Scholarly, genuinely stirring.” —New York Times “A magnificent book. I hope it will take its place as the standard history of American labor.” —Staughton Lynd, author of Accompanying: Pathways to Social Change Since its original publication in 1972, no book has done as much as Jeremy Brecher’s Strike! to bring American labor history to a wide audience. Strike! narrates the dramatic story of repeated, massive, and sometimes violent revolts by ordinary working people in America. It tells this exciting hidden history from the point of view of the rank-and-file workers who lived it.
In this expanded edition, Jeremy Brecher brings the story up to date. Revised chapters covering the forty years since the original edition place the problems faced by working people today in the context of 140 years of labor history. A new chapter, “Beyond One-Sided Class War,” presents the American mini-revolts of the twenty-first century, from the Battle of Seattle to Occupy Wall Street and beyond. Strike! is essential reading for anyone interested in the historical or present-day situations of American workers and serves as inspiration for organizers, activists, and educators working to revive the labor movement today.
MAR 2014 • 978-1-60486-428-1 • $24.95 • 6 X 9 • PAPERBACK • 480 PAGES • HISTORY-U.S./LABOR STUDIES
Jobs with Justice 25 Years, 25 Voices
EDITED BY ERIC LARSON • PREFACE BY LARRY COHEN “A moving and insightful tribute to a project and movement that has represented the soul of organized labor in the USA.” —Bill Fletcher, Jr., author of “They’re Bankrupting Us!” And 20 Other Myths about Unions The world today has no shortage of economic crises—or politicians and pundits who claim to have the vision that will get us out of the Great Recession. For 25 years, the labor-community coalition Jobs with Justice (JwJ) has endured the brutal vagaries of the global economy with a single alternative economic vision. By putting its ideas into practice, it has won powerful victories with working-class communities. Through a series of interviews and essays, this book allows the community, labor, immigrant, student, and faith activists that have built Jobs with Justice to show us why their economic vision matters. They tell us why the organization’s core principle— the power of solidarity between unions, community groups, and immigrant, student, and faith organizations—continues to drive its victories at the local, national, and international levels. They tell us how the belief in solidarity leads not only to short-term alliances, but also to transformed relationships and permanent coalitions. They tell us how it has led—and will lead—to concrete victories for social and economic justice. AUG 2013 • 978-1-60486-746-6 • $15.95 • 5 X 8 • PAPERBACK • 192 PAGES • LABOR STUDIES/POLITICS-ACTIVISM
Three Classic IWW Pamphlets from the 1910s ELIZABETH GURLEY FLYNN, WALKER C. SMITH, AND WILLIAM E. TRAUTMANN • EDITED BY SALVATORE SALERNO The pamphlets reprinted here were first published in the 1910s amid great controversy. Even then, the tactics of direct action and sabotage were often associated with the cartoonists’ image of the disheveled, wild-eyed anarchist armed with stiletto, handgun, or bomb—the clandestine activity of a militant minority or the desperate acts of the unorganized.
Direct Action & Sabotage
To the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) belongs the distinction of being the first workers’ organization in the U.S. to discuss these common practices openly, and to recognize their place in working-class struggle. Viewing direct action and sabotage in the spirit of creative nonviolence, Wobblies readily integrated these tactics into their struggle to build industrial unions. This new edition from the Charles H. Kerr Library contains “Direct Action and Sabotage” (1912) by William E. Trautmann, “Sabotage: Its History, Philosophy and Function” (1913) by Walker C. Smith, and Elizabeth Gurley Flynn’s “Sabotage: The Conscious Withdrawal of the Workers’ Industrial Efficiency” (1916), edited and with an introduction by Salvatore Salerno.
Modern Politics
JAN 2014 • 978-1-60486-482-3 • $14.95 • 5.5 X 8.5 • PAPERBACK • 120 PAGES • HISTORY-U.S./LABOR STUDIES
C.L.R. JAMES • INTRODUCTION BY NOEL IGNATIEV “Marxists envisage a total change in the basic structure of human relations. With that change our problems will not be solved overnight, but we will be able to tackle them with confidence. Such are the difficulties, contradictions, and antagonisms; and in the solution of them society moves forward and men and women feel they have a role in the development of their social surroundings. It is in this movement that we have the possibility of a good life.” —C.L.R. James, from Modern Politics This volume provides a brilliant and accessible summation of the ideas of left Marxist giant C.L.R. James. Originally delivered in 1960 as a series of lectures in his native Trinidad, these writings powerfully display his wide-ranging erudition and enduring relevance. From his analysis of revolutionary history (from the Athenian City-States through the English Revolution, Russian Revolution, and the Hungarian Revolution of 1956), to the role of literature, art, and culture in society (from Charlie Chaplin to Pablo Picasso, via Camus and Eisenstein), to an interrogation of the ideas and philosophy of such thinkers as Rousseau, Lenin, and Trotsky, this is a magnificent tour de force from a critically engaged thinker at the height of his powers. An essential introduction to a body of work as necessary and illuminating for this century as it proved for the last. NOV 2013 • 978-1-60486-311-6 • $16.95 • 5.5 X 8.5 • PAPERBACK • 176 PAGES • POLITICS/HISTORY
The Debt Resisters’ Operations Manual EDITED BY STRIKE DEBT
Over the last thirty years, as wages have stagnated across the country, average household debt has more than doubled. Increasingly, we are forced to take on debt to meet our needs: from housing, to education, to medical care. The results—wrecked lives, devastated communities, and an increasing reliance on credit to maintain our basic living standards—reveal an economic system that enriches the few at the expense of the many.
The Debt Resisters’ Operations Manual is a handbook for debtors everywhere to understand how this system really works, while providing practical tools for fighting debt in its most exploitative forms. Inside, you’ll find detailed strategies, resources, and insider tips for dealing with some of the most common kinds of debt, including credit card debt, medical debt, student debt, and housing debt. The book also contains tactics for navigating the pitfalls of personal bankruptcy, and information to help protect yourself from credit reporting agencies, debt collectors, payday lenders, check cashing outlets, rent-to-own stores, and more. Written and edited by a network of activists, writers, and academics from Occupy Wall Street, additional chapters cover tax debt, sovereign debt, the relationship between debt and climate, and an expanded vision for a movement of mass debt resistance. JAN 2O14 • 978-1-60486-679-7 • $15.95 • 5 X 8 • PAPERBACK • 224 PAGES • POLITICS/ECONOMICS
The world of the Caucasian Americans comes alive through history lessons, puzzles, and word games for all ages. The history, material culture, mores, and lifeways of the people now collectively known as the “Caucasian Americans” have often been discussed, but rarely comprehended. Until now. This revised edition of Basic Skills Caucasian Americans Workbook provides young readers with accurate accounts of the lives of the Caucasian Americans, who long ago roamed our land.
JUNE 2013 • 978-1-60486-520-2 • $14.95 • 8.5 X 11 • PAPERBACK • 128 PAGES • CULTURAL STUDIES/HUMOR
Drawn to New York
An Illustrated Chronicle of Three Decades in New York City PETER KUPER • INTRODUCTION BY ERIC DROOKER “Kuper is extraordinary, a one-of-a-kind talent, and like the city it chronicles, Drawn to New York is beautiful, mutinous, kaleidoscopic, and essential.” —Junot Díaz, Pulitzer Prize-winning author of The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao A declaration of love to Peter Kuper’s adoptive city, this diary is a vibrant survey of New York City’s history. With comics, illustrations, and sketches, this work of art portrays everything from the low life to the high energy that has long made people from around the world flock to the Big Apple. Drawn to New York is a reflection of one artist’s thirty-four years on twelve miles of island with eight million people in a city whose story is ever being written.
Signal: 03
MAY 2013 • 978-1-60486-722-0 • $29.95 • 8 X 10.5 • HARDCOVER • 312 PAGES • ART/HISTORY-NEW YORK
A Journal of International Political Graphics & Culture EDITED BY ALEC DUNN AND JOSH MacPHEE Signal is an ongoing book series dedicated to documenting and sharing compelling graphics, art projects, and cultural movements of international resistance and liberation struggles, bringing material produced the world over, translated from dozens of languages and collected from both the present and decades past. Volume three highlights include: Sonic Internationalism: An Interview with Paredon Records Founder Barbara Dane • Game of Destruction: Deltor Stencils the Enemies of Socialism • Organized Artists/Reproductive Resistance: Reflecting on the Medu Arts Ensemble • Quebec Spring: Striking Culture • Memories of Revolution: Yugoslav Partisan Memorials.
DEC 2013 • 978-1-60486-362-8 • $14.95 • 5 X 7 • PAPERBACK • 160 PAGES • POLITICS/ART
Socialist and Labor Songs An International Revolutionary Songbook EDITED BY ELIZABETH MORGAN PREFACE BY UTAH PHILLIPS “I had always known of our political and social movements as singing movements, and have been continually astonished at the scope and variety of our people’s music… These songs are like endangered species that have been restored to the present, to the land of the living. They stuck up for us long ago during dark and troubled times. Our times are dark and troubled, too, but our old songs are still here with us to see us through. Sing away!” —Utah Phillips
Seventy-seven songs—with words and sheet music—of solidarity, revolt, humor, and revolution. Compiled from several generations in America, and from around the world, they were originally written in English, Danish, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Russian, and Yiddish. From IWW anthems such as “The Preacher and the Slave” to Lenin’s favorite 1905 revolutionary anthem “Whirlwinds of Danger,” many works by the world’s greatest radical songwriters are anthologized herein: Edith Berkowitz, Bertolt Brecht, Ralph Chaplin, James Connolly, Havelock Ellis, Emily Fine, Arturo Giovannitti, Joe Hill, Langston Hughes, William Morris, James Oppenheim, Teresina Rowell, Anna Garlin Spencer, Maurice Sugar—and dozens more. JAN 2014 • 978-1-60486-392-5 • $14.95 • 8.5 X 11 • PAPERBACK • 96 PAGES • MUSIC-SONGBOOK/LABOR
Songs of Freedom The James Connolly Songbook
JAMES CONNOLLY • EDITED BY MAT CALLAHAN • PREFACE BY THEO DORGAN • FOREWORD BY JAMES CONNOLLY HERON Songs of Freedom is a celebration of the life and work of James Connolly, the Irish revolutionary socialist martyred by the British government for his role in the Easter Rising of 1916. First published in 1907, Songs of Freedom is at once a collection of stirring revolutionary songs and a vital historical document. Readers will find the original Songs of Freedom as well as the 1919 Connolly Souvenir program for a Dublin concert commemorating Connolly’s birth—both providing a fascinating glimpse of the workers’ struggle at the beginning of the last century. Included is the James Connolly Songbook of 1972, which contains a complete selection of Connolly’s lyrics, and historical background essential to understanding the context in which the songs were written and performed. SEPT 2013 • 978-1-60486-826-5 • $12.95 • 6 X 9 • PAPERBACK • 96 PAGES • MUSIC-LYRICS/HISTORY
Songs of Freedom CD
THE JAMES CONNOLLY SONGS OF FREEDOM BAND From the rollicking welcome of “A Festive Song” to the defiant battle cry of “Watchword of Labor,” Songs of Freedom accomplishes the difficult task of making contemporary music out of old revolutionary songs. Musical influences ranging from traditional Irish airs to American rhythm and blues are combined here in refreshing creativity. SEPT 2013 • 978-1-60486-831-9 • $14.95 • 5.5 X 5.5 • AUDIO CD • 60 MIN • MUSIC-FOLK
Braided Lives MARGE PIERCY
“A delicious binge of a book. I had a wonderful time reading Braided Lives, crying real tears at the sad parts and feeling real elation at the happy ones.” —San Francisco Chronicle Marge Piercy carries her portrait of the American experience back into the Fifties—that closed, repressive time in which forces for the upheavals of the Sixties ticked away underground. Spanning twenty years, and teeming with vivid characters, Braided Lives tells the powerful, unsentimental story of two young women coming of age. In Michigan, and afterward in New York City, the two women taste love and betrayal, friendship and pain, independence and fear as they reach a deepening understanding that to control their lives they must fight. And though their fates differ as widely as their personalities, both reflect the danger that sex posed at a time when abortions were illegal and an affair could destroy a woman’s life, making the outcome of a chance encounter or a night of love a matter of life and death. In her new introduction to this edition, Marge Piercy reflects on both the most autobiographical of her novels, and the ongoing battles to ensure the hard-fought victories of the Sixties and Seventies, particularly around sex and reproductive rights.
The Vengeance of Rome
AUG 2013 • 978-1-60486-442-7 • $20.00 • 6 X 9 • PAPERBACK • 448 PAGES • FICTION/FEMINISM
The Fourth Volume of the Colonel Pyat Quartet MICHAEL MOORCOCK • INTRODUCTION BY ALAN WALL “A wonderfully vivid evocation of Europe in its darkest hour.” —Mail on Sunday Byzantium Endures, the first volume of Michael Moorcock’s legendary Pyat Quartet, appeared in 1981. The Laughter of Carthage (1984) and Jerusalem Commands (1992) followed. Now the quartet is complete. Pyat keeps his appointment with the age’s worst nightmare. Born in Ukraine on the first day of the century, a Jewish antisemite, Pyat careered through three decades like a runaway train. Bisexual, cocaineloving engineer/inventor/spy, he enthusiastically embraces Fascism. Hero-worshipping Mussolini, he enters the dictator’s circle, enjoys a close friendship with Mussolini’s wife and is sent by the Duce on a secret mission to Munich, becoming intimate with Ernst Röhm, the homosexual stormtrooper leader. His crucial role in the Nazi Party’s struggle for power has him performing perverted sex acts with “Alf,” as the Führer’s friends call him. Pyat’s extraordinary luck leaves him after he witnesses Hitler’s massacre of Röhm and the SA. At last he is swallowed up in Dachau concentration camp. Thirty years later, having survived the Spanish Civil War, he is living in Portobello Road and telling his tale to a writer called Moorcock. AUG 2013 • 978-1-60486-494-6 • $24.00 • 6 X 9 • PAPERBACK • 608 PAGES • FICTION
The Glass Factory
KENNETH WISHNIA INTRODUCTION BY REED FARREL COLEMAN Ex-NYPD cop Filomena Buscarsela—the irrepressible urban crime fighter of 23 Shades of Black and Soft Money—is back. This time, the tough-talking, street-smart Latina heroine sets her sights on seemingly idyllic suburbia, where an endless sea of green lawns hides a toxic trail of money... and murder. When Filomena discovers that a high-tech Long Island factory is spewing poisons into the water supply, she’s sure that the contaminator is none other than her nemesis, a cutthroat industrial polluter with an airtight financial empire. Armed only with an ax to grind, the gutsy Filomena knows she’ll have to play dirty to clean up the neighborhood.
Her search for justice introduces her to the unfamiliar scent of privilege— from the state-of-the-art chemistry lab of a local university to the crumbling ruins of a beachfront estate, from a glittering high-society party to an intimidating high-security chemical plant—and immerses her in the all-too-familiar stench of political corruption and personal greed. Once again, Filomena’s nose for trouble has drawn her into a case that’s more than a little hazardous to her health. As the action heats up, she must juggle the dangers of the investigation with the demands of her three-year-old daughter and the delights of a surprising new romance. AUG 2013 • 978-1-60486-762-6 • $16.95 • 5 X 8 • PAPERBACK • 256 PAGES • FICTION-MYSTERY
Red House
KENNETH WISHNIA INTRODUCTION BY ALISON GAYLIN “Smart dialogue, a realistic and gritty depiction of New York, and the sensitive exploration of environmental, racial, and economic issues make this another great read in an energetic series.” —Booklist “An engaging character with a wry sense of humor. The jam-packed plot makes for an exciting story.” —Publishers Weekly First she was a beat cop, then she was unemployed. Now, Kenneth Wishnia’s dynamic Filomena Buscarsela has apprenticed herself to a New York City P.I. firm to put in the three years necessary to get her own P.I. license, something she needs in order to earn enough money to support herself and her daughter. Trouble is, she often agrees to take on sticky neighborhood cases pro bono—like the group of squatters restoring an abandoned building in the neighborhood—rather than handle the big-bucks clients her bosses would prefer. While helping out her more “senior” colleagues with her own superior investigative techniques bred from years on the beat, Fil agrees to look into the disappearance of a young illegal immigrant. Then, witnessing the arrest of a neighbor on marijuana-possession charges that nearly turns into a shoot-out with the police, Fil is roped into finding out what went wrong. Trying to balance charity cases like these with breadand-butter cases, not to mention single motherhood, Fil is quickly in over her head dodging bullish cops, aggressive businessmen, and corrupt landlords in their working-class Queens neighborhood. MAR 2014 • 978-1-60486-402-1 • $16.95 • 5 X 8 • PAPERBACK • 288 PAGES • FICTION-MYSTERY
“No contemporary writer creates characters more appealing, or examines them with greater acuity and forgiveness, than she does.” —Michael Chabon, author of The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay “Fowler’s witty writing is a joy to read.” —USA Today
The Science of Herself
Widely respected in the so-called “mainstream” for her New York Times bestselling novels, Karen Joy Fowler is also a formidable, often controversial, and always exuberant presence in Science Fiction. Here she debuts a provocative new story written especially for this series. Set in the days of Darwin, “The Science of Herself” is a marvelous hybrid of SF and historical fiction: the almost-true story of England’s first female paleontologist who took on the Victorian old-boy establishment armed with only her own fierce intelligence—and an arsenal of dino bones. Plus: “The Pelican Bar,” a homely tale of family ties that makes Guantánamo look like summer camp; “The Further Adventures of the Invisible Man,” a droll tale of sports, shoplifting, and teen sex; and “The Motherhood Statement,” a quietly angry upending of easy assumptions that shows off Fowler’s deep radicalism and impatience with conservative homilies and liberal pieties alike. Plus: our Outspoken Interview in which Fowler prophesies California’s fate, reveals the role of bad movies in good marriages, and intimates that girls just want to have fun (which means make trouble).
New Taboos
OCT 2013 • 978-1-60486-825-8 • $12.00 • 5.5 X 7.5 • PAPERBACK • 128 PAGES • FICTION
JOHN SHIRLEY “Astonishingly consistent and rigorously horrifying. All his stories give off the chill of top-grade horror.” —New York Times “One of our best and most singular writers. A powerhouse of ideas and imagery.” —William Gibson “Shirley writes at the neon-lit frontier of sensory experience.” —Publishers Weekly “Readers who enjoy living a little dangerously are likely to appreciate the sheer, headlong exuberance of Shirley’s imagination.” —San Francisco Chronicle Mixing outlaw humor, SF adventure, and cutting social criticism, Shirley draws upon his entire arsenal of narrative and commentary. The title essay, “New Taboos,” is his prescription for a radical re-visioning of America. A new novella, A State of Imprisonment, is a horrifying and hilarious look at the privatization of the prison industry. His TEDx address, “Why We Need Forty Years of Hell (delivered in Brussels, 2011) presents his proudly contrarian view of the next forty years. Plus: our Outspoken Interview showcasing the author’s transgressive sensibility, deep humanity, and mordant wit. JUNE 2013 • 978-1-60486-761-9 • $12.00 • 5.5 X 7.5 • PAPERBACK • 128 PAGES • SCIENCE FICTION
Anarchy, Romani, Love, Italy (A Novel) NORMAN NAWROCKI “A brilliant title for a brilliant story of love and rage. Nawrocki skillfully manages to interweave scenes of everyday Italian life and fine psychological analysis in a grandiose historical fresco.” —Davide Turcato, historian of Italian anarchism, editor of The Complete Works of Errico Malatesta “Cazzarola! is a powerful, blunt, epic scream against social injustice.” —David Lester, author of The Listener Cazzarola! is a gripping, epic, political, historical, and romantic novel spanning 130 years in the life of the Discordias, a fictional family of Italian anarchists. It details the family’s heroic, multigenerational resistance to fascism in Italy and their ongoing involvement in the anarchist movement. From early 20th-century factory strikes and occupations, armed anarchist militias, and attempts on Mussolini’s life, to postwar student and labor protest, and confronting the newest wave of contemporary neofascist violence sweeping Europe, the Discordias navigate the decades of political, economic, and social turmoil. Against this historical backdrop, Antonio falls in love with Cinka, a proud but poverty-stricken Romani refugee from the “unwanted people,” without a country or home, forced to flee again and again searching for peace. Theirs becomes a life-changing and forbidden relationship. Both are forced to reevaluate their lives and contend with cultural taboos, xenophobia, and the violent persecution of Romani refugees in Italy today. OCT 2013 • 978-1-60486-315-4 • $18.00 • 5 X 8 • PAPERBACK • 336 PAGES • FICTION/HISTORY-EUROPE
Brecher, Jeremy 6 Callahan, Mat 10 Charles H. Kerr Library, The 7 Clark, John 5 Cohen, Larry 6 Coleman, Reed Farrel 12 Common Notions 8 Connolly, James 10 D, Chuck 3 Dorgan, Theo 10 Drooker, Eric 9 Dunn, Alec 9 Flynn, Elizabeth Gurley 7 Fowler, Karen Joy 13 Gaylin, Alison 12 Goodway, David 5 Greeman, Richard 4 Ho, Fred 3 Ignatiev, Noel 7 James Connolly Songs of Freedom Band, The 10
Heron, James Connolly 10 James, C.L.R. 7 Kuper, Peter 9 Larson, Eric 6 Linebaugh, Peter 4 MacPhee, Josh 9 Madlala-Routledge, Nozizwe 3 Martin, Camille 5 Meyer, Matt 3 Moorcock, Michael 11 Morgan, Elizabeth 10 Nawrocki, Norman 14 Outspoken Authors 13 Phillips, Utah 10 Piercy, Marge 11 Prado, Guillermo 8 Reclus, Elisée 5 Rein, Marcy 3 Ross, Clifton 3 Salerno, Salvatore 7 Saul, Quincy 3 Serge, Victor 4 Shirley, John 13 Shoatz, Russell Maroon 3
Slapin, Beverly Hope 8 Smith, Walker C. 7 Spectre 4 Strike Debt 8 Trautmann, William E. 7 Wall, Alan 11 Ward, Colin 5 Wishnia, Kenneth 12 Zibechi, Raúl 3
INDEX BY TITLE Anarchy, Geography, Modernity 5 Basic Skills Caucasian Americans Workbook 8 Braided Lives 11 Cazzarola! 14 Debt Resisters’ Operations Manual, The 8 Direct Action & Sabotage 7 Drawn to New York 9 Glass Factory, The 12 Jobs with Justice 6 Maroon the Implacable 3
Men in Prison 4 Modern Politics 7 New Taboos 13 Red House 12 Science of Herself, The 13 Signal: 03 9 Socialist and Labor Songs 10 Songs of Freedom 10 Songs of Freedom CD 10 Stop, Thief! 4 Strike! 6 Talking Anarchy 5 Until the Rulers Obey 3 Vengeance of Rome, The 11
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hese are indisputably momentous times—the financial system is melting down globally and the Empire is stumbling. Now more than ever there is a vital need for radical ideas. Is that other world really possible? And how might we actually get there? Entire mediums of the distribution of ideas and culture—bookstores, magazines, hard copy music and video—seem on the verge of extinction. Unsurprisingly, the Internet hasn’t quite turned out to be the information superhighway, democratic forum, and organizing tool panacea that it was cracked up to be. In the six years since its founding—and on a mere shoestring—PM Press has risen to the formidable challenge of propagating critical ideas to fill the yawning void. Using almost every available medium—books, CDs, DVDs, accessible cheap pamphlets—hard copy and digital, offline and on, we’ve succeeded in connecting those hungry for ideas and information, and those putting them into practice. With an emphasis on eye-catching design, rigorous editing, and innovative marketing, we’re justifiably proud of the look, content, and impact that our titles are having already.
What We Do If the first six years have proven auspicious, the next six look even brighter. To translate theory into action we’re working with Strike Debt to provide practical tools for fighting debt in its most exploitative forms via The Debt Resisters’ Operations Manual. We will be offering crucial lessons of the past by issuing the definitive history of the European squatting movement (The City Is Ours) along with an expanded edition of Jeremy Brecher’s U.S. labor history classic, Strike!
We’ll also be re-releasing or translating major works by writers Victor Serge, Raoul Vaneigem, Marge Piercy, and Colin Ward. Outspoken Author releases from some of the biggest names in fiction include Karen Joy Fowler and Norman Spinrad. Look for full-color artwork from Oaxacan street artists ASARO, and multiple releases from Peter Kuper and his cohorts at World War 3 Illustrated. Audio and video will be taking a folky turn with the songs of Irish revolutionary James Connolly, a new edition of IWW-bard Utah Phillips’s 4-CD songbook Starlight on the Rails, and a live DVD of duo Leon Rosselson and Robb Johnson strumming their greatest hits. Punk rock will make a scandalous return to print in 2014 with the first full-length book on the Dead Kennedys and multiple volumes blaring UK punk history. Given that this is the tip of the iceberg, we’d really prefer to start exposing much more of this submerged treasure, much faster, and disseminate it much more widely. Let’s be honest: lots of the vital work we do is never going to be “commercially viable.” Anarchy, Geography, Modernity: Selected Writings of Elisée Reclus, a collection edited and translated by John Clark and Camille Martin to showcase the legendary activist and writer’s work, is unlikely to race up Amazon’s bestseller list. And all that wonderful free interactive, exclusive, audio, video, and print content on our website has to be produced somehow.
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About PM Press PM Press was founded at the end of 2007 by a small collection of folks with decades of publishing, media, and organizing experience. Members of PM have founded enduring book fairs, spearheaded victorious tenant organizing campaigns, and worked closely with bookstores, academic conferences, and even rock bands to deliver political and challenging ideas to all walks of life. We’re old enough to know what we’re doing and young enough to know what’s at stake.