Fall 2013 PICK

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SARC 5555-007-008-009 INTRO TO ROBOTIC FABRICATION Melissa Goldman


SARC 5555-011 Info Graphics Adalie Pierce-McManamon

SARC 3104-001 DESIGN THINKING George Sampson


SARC 5100-001 ARTS MARKETING THEORY & PRACTICE George Sampson and Margaret Guggenheimer

SARC 5555-013-014-015 WORKFLOWS #process #communication #representation Matthew Pinyan

SARC 3559/5559 and PHS 3559/5620 BUILT ENVIRONMENT AND PUBLIC HEALTH: LOCAL TO GLOBAL Schaeffer Somers and Wendy Cohn




SARC 5555-001 INTRODUCTION TO CONCRETE CASTING “A” MODULE Alexander Kitchin SARC 5555-002 ADVANCED CONCRETE CASTING”B” MODULE Alexander Kitchin SARC 5555-004-005 CHIAROSCURO 1 & 2 Charles Menefee






ARCH 5500-003 PAPER MATTERS I単aki Alday, Robin Dripps, Ghazal AbbasyAsbagh, Leena Cho, Rebecca Cooper ARCH 5500-006 DESIGN DEVELOPMENT/CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS SEMINAR Seth McDowell, Suzanne Moomaw, Peter Waldman ARCH 5590-001 CATASTROPHE AND CREATION I単aki Alday ARCH 5590-002 SPECIAL APPLICATIONS OF TECHNOLOGY Eric Field ARCH 5601 URBAN LAND Manuel Bailo Esteve












LAR 5590-001 ARCTIC FRONTIER Leena Cho











ELECTIVES SARC SARC 3100-001 PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES OF ARTS ADMINISTRATION George Sampson T, R 5:00-6:15, 3 Credits Arts Administration is a discipline existing at the crossroads of commerce and art, where an artistic creation – or any creative product such as an architectural design - meets its audience. Principles and Practices is the entry-level survey course which explores that intersection in theory and in practice, introducing tools of both business and community building. The contention of the course is that concepts from both for-profit and nonprofit sectors contribute to our understanding of human creativity and its management and that the proper emphasis should be on points of connection among art forms rather than on issues which separate them. The course is designed to be of practical and intellectual value for creative citizens of all stripes including current student leaders. SARC 3104-001 DESIGN THINKING George Sampson T,R 11:00 am - 12:15 pm, 3 credits Design Thinking teaches that design is not a link in a chain but the hub of a wheel, a way of approaching issues and opportunities by utilizing knowledge from many domains and fields. It is a technique for addressing problems focusing on fundamental human needs using empathy, derived from observation and insight, as a core component. Group work in a studio-like setting comports well with architectural practice yet extends beyond physical products to encompass services and multi-faceted problems like climate change.

SARC 5100-001 ARTS MARKETING THEORY & PRACTICE George Sampson and Margaret Guggenheimer W 10:00 am-12:30 pm, 3 credits Arts administration is an interdisciplinary field that studies the practical management of arts, cultural, and entertainment organizations and businesses and raises questions about the role of the arts in our society. The metaphor of a crossroads is useful to illustrate the meeting of commerce and art, where artistic creation seeks an audience and the artist and community most intimately interact. The arts marketer is a key animator of this crossroads, balancing the needs and desires of the audience with the necessity to nurture and facilitate artists and their work. As an important interpreter of the work, the arts marketer uses tools of business: management, strategy, marketing, financial accounting, operations, and negotiation; and tools of community building: fundraising, development, education, outreach, engagement, volunteerism, public policy, and partnerships; to create thriving cultural connections between artists and audiences. Arts Marketing Theory & Practice lays a foundation of traditional arts marketing techniques and addresses the 21st-century need to balance innovative web-based communications with new strategies to attract diverse audiences through relevancy, accessibility, and interactivity. In this course, students will explore arts marketing theory and practice through readings, class discussion, guest lectures, Harvard Business School case studies, and assignments and projects related to University and Charlottesville arts and cultural organizations. Group work and presentations for real-world marketing projects will be

balanced by individual work in responses, case studies, and a required final paper outlining a marketing plan. SARC 3559/5559 and PHS 3559/5620 Built Environment and Public Health: Local to Global Schaeffer Somers and Wendy Cohn T, R 9:30-10:45am, 3 credits How do sidewalks, block parties, food deserts, and transit systems impact our health? This course maps the intersections between architecture, urban planning, and public health that shape the built environment, health and well being of our local and global communities. Lectures and learning applications will present the evidence and its limits on topics such as food security, age-friendly cities, obesity, social equity and vulnerable populations. SARC 5500-001 WATER SUSTAINABILITY Brian Richter F 9:00-11:30, 3 credits In this course we will explore the dimensions of what “sustainability” and “sustainable development” mean in the context of water use and management. We will examine the different ways in which water is used, valued, and governed, examining sustainability through different lenses and perspectives. Lectures by global water experts, along with discussion sessions and readings, will provide students with a solid foundation for understanding the water cycle, water budgets, water scarcity, water economics, water governance, and ecosystem services – the building blocks of water sustainability. Lectures on sustainability will span economic, environmental, social and cultural considerations. We will take a close look at the consequences of unsustainable water use, examining a variety of case studies from around the world.


SARC 5555-001 INTRODUCTION TO CONCRETE CASTING “A” MODULE Alexander Kitchin T, SEPT.3-24, 3:30-6:00, 1 class/week, 1 credit This course will introduce the basics of concrete casting, including form-making, formulas, textures, colors, surfaces, and admixes. We will design and cast several pieces that explore the potential of the material through small-scale mock-ups. We will also introduce different types of concrete, and work directly with ultra high performance concrete to distinguish its unique advantages and applications. The purpose of the casting modules is to become familiar and fluent with casting techniques, and to understand the inherent qualities of the material, combining the roles of designer and fabricator. These are hands-on shop-centered classes that intend to not only gain a working knowledge of concrete, but to push the boundaries and investigate unknown potential of the process and the material. SARC 5555-002 ADVANCED CONCRETE CASTING”B” MODULE Alexander Kitchin T, OCT.1-NOV.19, 1 class per week, 2 credits “B” module - (prereq: “A” module or inst. permission) - approx. 8weeks, 1 meeting/ week, 3 hrs/meeting, 2 credits: This class will assume a basic familiarity with concrete casting methods and formwork and explore more advanced concepts, formulas, applications and methods, including rubber molds, fiberglass molds, cnc formwork, repetitive casting and advanced applications of ultra high performance concrete in furniture-scale and building components. The purpose of the casting modules is to become familiar and fluent with casting techniques, and to understand the inherent qualities of the material, combining the roles of designer and fabricator. These are handson shop-centered classes that intend to not only gain a working knowledge of concrete, but to push the boundaries and investigate yet unknown potential of the process and the material.

SARC 5555-004-005 CHIAROSCURO 1 & 2 Charles Menefee T, SEPT. 4-26, 3#30-6:00 PM, 1 Credit

information. The workshop will challenge students to think more critically about representing quantitative information through visual theory and practical applications.

SARC 5555-07,08 & 09 INTRO TO ROBOTIC FABRICATION Melissa Goldman R 3:30-6:00pm, 1 credit per module (3 total)

SARC 5555-012 THINKING AND MAKING IN DESIGN WG Clark SEPT. 03-26, T 3:30-6:00, R 3:30-4:45, 1 credit

Poetic forms we make in 3D space, Manipulating axes up to six, The robot arm moves in without a face, Survival compels us to learn its tricks, Acknowledging the Robot Overlords, Learn basic robot operations we, Then test our theories in Befriending them, Is how we go from Module A to B, In C, we experiment with new tools,, and then design a final thing to make, Developing our methods and our rules, To Conquer the Overlords for human sake!, One must prepare thyself, oh scholar fair,, To make the digital physical from thin air! We will have a Kuka robotic arm and this class will be the first to test it in depth In Module A, we will learn the basics of The KR-4 controller and the aggregates. In Module B, we will be test iteratively Some initial ideas, experiments, and materials. In C, we will pursue the most promising In further detail to try to push the technology and make a physical installation or demo to teach others that the robot is not so scary! If you want to play with robotic fabrication then this class is for you! SARC 5555-011 INFO GRAPHICS Adalie Pierce-McManamon OCT. 29-NOV. 19, T, 6:30-9:00pm, 1 credit As designers we consistently strive to represent ideas and graphically convey information about places, both real and envisioned. This workshop will focus on the vizualization of quantitative and often abstract landscape information. Students will select an independent research (or studio-based) topic to communicate design ideas, make visual arguments and test graphic styles. Through precedent studies, focused work sessions and critiques, students will develop and hone techniques to convey complex landscape

SARC 5555-013-014-015 WORKFLOWS #process #communication #representation Matthew Pinyan T 3:30-6:00, 1 credit per module (3 total) workflows will introduce students to the various digital communication and design tools available to designers as well as their roles, abilities and limitations within the design process. Communication within design fields is primarily visual; therefore this course will stress the importance of each student developing both a rigorous and efficient process for creating and constructing drawings/graphics as well as a clear and legible graphic language of visual representation. As graphics and drawings are rarely created using a single tool, workflows will introduce a series of different processes, techniques and methods of working between and across multiple design tools simultaneously to visualize and represent design ideas. #process [03-24 September] will introduce basic digital design and communication tools and their roles within the design process in order to generate a series of graphically clear, information-rich design documents. #communication [01-22 October] will advance a basic understanding of these digital tools by investigating hybridized approaches as well as exploring the potential of graphics and printed form to communicate ideas more clearly. #representation [29 October–19 November] will explore various methods, tools and techniques of three-dimensional and spatial representation [rendering, collage, hybrid drawing] of design ideas.

ARCH ARCH 2230/3230 SYSTEMS, SITES, AND BUILDINGS William Sherman T, R 12:30-1:45pm, 4 credits The interplay of scientific knowledge, technological innovation, social organization and cultural expression give rise to emergent modes of thought that are deeply woven into the design of our buildings and communities. This course introduces a way of understanding, describing and designing the interaction of human constructs and existing ecosystems. In this course, we will reconsider basic assumptions that underlie the design of human habitation, exploring both the intelligence of ideas evolved over long time frames and the possibilities emerging from the rapid advance of analytic capacities and material innovation. Following an introduction to the behavior of systems and ecosystems, we will study the interaction between human experience, spatial construction and the inherited dynamics of energy, heat, air, light and water. ARCH 4100 DESIGN RESEARCH: METHODS AND STRATEGIES Nana Last W, 3:30-6:00, 3 credits ARCH 4100: Design Research Methods and Strategies is the preparatory course to ARCH 4995, Independent Design Research Thesis Studio. The goal of the Design Research Methods Course is to formulate a proposal and starting point for the independent project to be undertaken the following semester. To do this, the course will examine the construction of architectural problems, projects and propositions along with methods of research and production strategies. The main focus of the course will be on understanding project formation and development. Specifically it will consider what constitutes a well-constructed project. Emphasis in the course will be placed

on coherent project formation rather than on what constitutes a thesis. ARCH 4820/8800 TEACHING SEMINAR: LESSONS IN MAKING Sanda Iliescu ARCH 5301 ecoMOD/ecoREMOD Seminar John Quale T, 7:00-9:30pm, 3 credits This seminar is focused on the ecoMOD / ecoREMOD Project, a design / build / evaluate initiative at the university - www. ecomod. virginia.edu. Interdisciplinary teams of architecture, engineering, landscape architecture, planning, business and architectural history / historic preservation students collaborate to create low impact and energy efficient homes for affordable housing organizations. The teams research communities and develop both prefab and rehab designs, collaborating with the clients and non-profit partners. Since 2004, student teams have created or renovated 12 homes on eight sites in three cities in Virginia, as well as Gautier, Mississippi and Falmouth, Jamaica. The project has received numerous design and curriculum awards, and as of early 2013, has successfully worked with a modular homebuilder to commercialize one of the prefabricated homes designed for a Habitat for Humanity family in 2009. Passive House standard versions of this home have been built for two other affordable housing organizations, and the four bedroom, 1,800 square foot home is available for $105 per square foot. The fall 2013 team will work with two affordable housing organizations: Albemarle Housing Improvement Program (AHIP) on home renovations in the 10th and Page / Venable neighborhood in Charlottesville, VA; and Southside Outreach on the Poplar Creek community in South Boston, VA. Students from all departments are sought, and the course is open to graduate students and 3rd or 4th year undergraduates from any program at the university. There are no prerequisites.

This is a project based seminar, not a lecture course. The assignments, including relevant research and reading, will be developed through a collective process among the members of the team, guided by the instructor. Students will be required to take initiative and accept responsibility for working with their classmates to complete assignments on schedule. ARCH 5380 SOFT SURFACE OPERATIONS Lucia Phinney T, 3:30-6:00pm, 3 credits New hybrid ecologies that re-connect human habitats with the surrounding biotic matrix- as well as new modes of thermal modulation- are emerging due to converging technological advances. Soft Surfaces 2013 will focus on the creation of responsive interventions into existing eco-networks using the Grasshopper parametric platform. We will create relationships based on readings from sensors, simulations, and live feeds, with microcontrollers to create response. Weekly class meetings will include key theoretical issues, skill-building workshops, and an opportunity to meet with visiting experts from other units of the University. ARCH 5420 DIGITAL ANIMATION & STORYTELLING Earl Mark T, R 2:00-3:15pm, 3 credits Arch 5420 is a 3-credit workshop/seminar that explores moviemaking through exercises in computer animation. Approximately four independently developed short animations constitute the work of the term culminating in a one to five minute time-length final movie project. Subject areas for individual projects may range from short narrative movies involving character animation to the analysis of micro-scale environments or larger scale architectural and landscape settings. Motion capture, sound and video editing are integral to the work of the class. The principal software is Maya, a widely used technology in computer animation and movie production. Maya provides an advanced set of animation techniques, such as instantiated

motion, inverse kinematics, compositing, fluid dynamics, hair and clothing simulation and other special effects. Also used in the term will be software for digital video editing, compositing, morphing, sound capture and editing. Maya will be available on Apple and Windows computers throughout the school. Free educationally restricted copies of Maya are available for degree students who have access to a personal computer. We will also introduce inertial motion capture equipment for full body suit motion capture. It is anticipated that an interdisciplinary group of students admitted to the seminar will bring perspectives from across the fine arts and design. Most classes will meet in Campbell 105. Other locations will also be used for tutorials on additional equipment as will be announced in class. ARCH 5470 INFORMATION SPACE Eric Field T & R, 11:00-12:15pm, 3 credits This is a class about information visualization. We live in a world rich with information. This course concentrates on the identity and role of information in our environs: in language, in the buildings and cities that we inhabit, in our expanding communications networks, and in the tools and technologies we create to help us navigate, understand, and collaborate on the problems that we face. Science and technology, including the building sciences, environmental sciences, and political sciences, make a ton of information available to us. We can model, map, and simulate almost anything, and produce multitudes of data. But most of us don’t understand data. We need to see it. We need to visualize it – contextualize it, draw its relationships, and envision the scenarios surrounding it - to make effective decisions. Too often, though data is available, we don’t use it or misuse it, because it lacks context and meaning to understand. We understand better if we make it visual. This class is about using information to

construct visual and spatial thinking - to find, indeed invent, approaches toward seeing, envisioning, and understanding - to make better informed decisions about the problems of our world. To do this we will study, and make, useful, compelling and beautiful information visualizations. With a dual focus on craft and content, this course will look both practically and theoretically at how we build information, why, and how we use and populate it in our world. We will study language, graphics, and urban form as dialects of `information space`, while we learn and experiment with technologies in HTML and interactive web-based graphics as a vehicle to build new architectures and interfaces that use, visualize, and analyze information well. ARCH 5500-002 EXPERIMENTS IN SPATIAL STRUCTURE Robin Dripps M 9:00-11:30pm, 3 credits Much important theoretical explication of architecture builds arguments on ideas external to the actual spatial modes of operation that are the inherent core of the discipline. This course will focus on these specific modes of spatial relationship to locate points of difference or possibilities of convergence within a wide range of operations. Lectures, readings, and computational experiments, will develop a substantial understanding of current modes of spatial structure relative to a longer history of modes of organization and composition and their connections to cultural aspirations. Beginning with the earliest accounts of anthropomorphic topologies projected on a potentially analogous land form and the reciprocal structuring of human intent that was to be the defining world view of mythic space within the ancient world the course will take on the following: Unravel the geometrical operations of the complex curvilinear forms of Medieval architecture that rely on stereotomy, a sophisticated system of spatial projection

that could be claimed to be a precondition for contemporary 3D modeling. Analyze the shift to rectilinear geometries with the invention and reinvention of perspectival space. Understand the logic of Beaux Arts Composition with its own spatial typologies and transformational operations that despite its denial within canonical modernism, was a foundational mode of spatial thinking and persists within the very core of current computational algorithms. Deconstruct the spatial ambiguities, figure/ field reversals, transparencies, literal and phenomenal of Cubist space and the yet to be fully realized potential of the free plan. Critically model the operations of recent spatial metaphors of warping, folding, bending, etc. to understand the potential for these to be effective operations within the material world. There will be lectures on these topics, readings to further understanding, and projects using Rhino and Grasshopper to take theoretical narratives into direct spatial structure. This would be an undertaking best approached by students with an already developed idea of architecture, have a reasonable historical and theoretical grounding in the discipline and at least a beginning working knowledge of 3D modeling software. ARCH 5500-003 PAPER MATTERS I単aki Alday, Robin Dripps, Ghazal AbbasyAsbagh, Leena Cho, Rebecca Cooper W, 9:00-11:30am, 3 credits Which is the role of publications in the contemporary architectural debate? How can the new acknowledges acquire some durability, at least for a while? Which are the interesting contents for us? Does a publication generate reflections and new acknowledge by itself? Which are the media? For the last 3 semesters, this seminar has worked over these questions and explored vehicles to share, communicate, excite the inner debate, and compile/produce/attract knowledge. We experiment the critical edition of contents,

reflect on the potentials instruments and educate in the related skills (writing, graphics…). The Seminar is helping the School in designing an ambitious program of publications that is, first of all, an intellectual exercise that reflects about our contents, values, design priorities and ways of communicating. Editing, physically or digitally, defines our position and ambition in a world in continuous and fast evolution with a challenging competitive awareness of what is going on. The seminar is composed by a group of faculty and students working together as an editorial council and a publisher that has produced already several books (Paper Matters student’s work Sp12, Vortex 01, March book, Catalyst01 student’s work F12-Sp13 –in press now), magazines (collaboration with Lunch 07/08, Snack), guides (Grad and Ugrad Final reviews Sp13) and digital platforms (archdaily, The Linker). ARCH 5500-006 DESIGN DEVELOPMENT/CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS SEMINAR Seth McDowell, Suzanne Moomaw, Peter Waldman R, 3:30-6:00 pm, 1-3 credits Charlton Asher McGlothlin, BS in Architecture Candidate 2015, has organized 20 second-year students in Architecture this Spring Semester in schematic design phases and preliminary construction inventories in Appalachia for an initial Teen Center and then larger Community asset, for Grundy, Virginia which is the County Seat for Buchanan. This workshop will advance Design Development learning as well as demonstrating Community Development skills with SARC Faculty Suzanne Moomaw, Specifications of Construction with Peter Waldman and Construction Documents with Seth MacDowell. The work will be team based with anticipated construction to commence April 2014 and there will be several essential group workshops with stakeholders in Grundy. three modules are offered at one credit each based on 3 community engagement trips to Grundy, Virginia.

ARCH 5590-001 CATASTROPHE AND CREATION Iñaki Alday This work is part of a larger research on the relation between the dynamics that produce catastrophic events and the creative potentials of those dynamics. Among all possible phenomena, the research focuses in the how the flood and the riparian systems associated with it are integrated in the design process. Human settlements along the rivers have adopted basically two attitudes, separately or partially combined: protection and/or some degree of acceptance. The river provides the basic resource for the settlement while, often, the level changes threaten it. This intrinsic conflict between a basic resource and life and goods danger is recurrent along the history and around the globe. Different civilizations have developed devices of measure and construction works to control the river expansion. The technical advances have allowed an increasing level of control, pushed by the densification and the land use. This evolution has transformed the flood from a seasonal natural process to an occasional catastrophic event. During the second half of the XX century, big scale engineering solutions have been seen as the most reliable way to protect cities, crops, industries and people, while increasing the opportunities for occupation and production in former flood plains. However, new floods for which the protection systems revealed ineffective, producing catastrophic results of unprecedented damage, have raised critical questions. Climate change and bigger and bigger variations of volumes of water in the rivers are challenging the levels of security. Social awareness about ecological conditions, along with a new critical approach to a single logic solutions imposed over complex environments, are demanding new ways to think about the relation between rivers (in all their complexity) and human settlements. During the last decade of the past century and the first of the current one, a number of designs have tested new ways to integrate the river dynamics in anthropic environments. This work is a first attempt to create a ‘map’ of the design with the flood, identifying and selecting case studies;

finding the relations between catastrophes, political-social-technical initiatives and plans, and design solutions; and finally, understanding the influences in between design solutions. ARCH 5590-002 SPECIAL APPLICATIONS OF TECHNOLOGY Eric Field R, 1:00-3:30pm, 1-4 credits This course is an independent research seminar for students wishing to explore and apply topics in advanced technology that are above and beyond what can be investigated in a standard course. Students would take this course to pursue new independent research or to extend a topic they are working on in another course or studio. The focus of this seminar is a topically applied exploration in a selected problem or technology. The course is an independent-study within a group seminar environment, oriented toward problem solving through the use of advanced technologies. Each participant in the seminar will identify a specific topic or problem along with a technology to apply to the study of that problem. The semester will be spent working through the problem with advice from the instructor and other seminar participants, and collaboratively reviewing, discussing, and learning approaches and solutions. ARCH 5500-004 URBAN LAND Manuel Bailo Esteve R, 1:00-3:30pm, 3 credits The UrbanLand is a research seminar about the catalysts of the contemporaneous urbanity. This seminar will address the impunity spaces in between the Urban and the Land. How can we design and provoke the new urbanity? How can we work in the UrbanLand spaces in the mechanical to digital era? Which are our new tools? How the city will deals with the landscape? How can we design a new generous UrbanLand? ARCH 5750 DRAWING AND COMPOSITION Pam Black

T, 3:30-6:00pm, 3 credits This is a self-contained studio course. All of the work will be done within the allotted time. Lectures and demonstrations will be part of each drawing session. This course does the following: -emphasizes drawing from direct observation -explores figure/ground relationship -encourages finding accuracy through expression. This course focuses primarily on the human form to study line, tone, mass, proportion and composition. Working from a live model, students will be introduced to various drawing techniques and media with an emphasis on the creative process. The premise of this course is based on “drawing to know” which promotes the idea of learning through experimentation. Through direct observation exercises, students become familiar with the structure underlying the human body and relate this to still-life, landscape and architecture. The education acquired in this course can be applied to all areas of design. ARCH 6140 ARCHITECTURAL ANALYSIS: KEY BUILDINGS OF MODERN ARCHITECTURE WG Clark & Ed Ford T 2:00-3:15pm, R 7:00-8:00pm, 3 credits Detailed formal, technical and thematic analysis of canonical buildings from 1890 to the present day, examining site design, formal, spatial and programmatic organization, structural and environment systems, but in the context to the historical era and the architect’s other work. The first objective is as a support course for design studio to learn in an analogous way, allowing for a more detailed analysis of case studies than studio would not allow and allowing for a larger discussion of the design decisions in a social and historical context. The second is to move beyond glib readings and superficial understandings of how buildings answer to both social responsibilities and aesthetic beliefs. Includes detailed analysis of buildings by Gaudi, Wright, Greene and Greene, Le Corbusier, Kahn, Wagner, Perret, Lutyens, Mies, Aalto, Schindler,

Neutra, Gropius, Breuer, Asplund, Lewerentz, Fuller, Ellwood, Scharoun, Stirling, Fehn, Bo and Wohlert, Eames, Utzon, Saarinen, Fay Jones, Souta de Moura, Murcutt, Holl, Nouvel, Tschumi, Zumthor, Siza, Ando, Piano, Leiviska, Miralles, Mecanoo, Patkau and Koolhaas. ARCH 6710/2710 COMPUTER AIDED ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN, GEOMETRICAL MODELING AND VISUALIZATION Earl Mark W, 11:00-12:50pm, 3 credits Architecture 6710/2710 is a comprehensive hands-on class in three-dimensional computer aided design, geometrical modeling and visualization. It can be taken as a first class in computer aided design or, more typically, in follow-up to a more introductory class. The subject is taken to an advanced level. Our approach is based on exploring the quantitative basis and invisible geometrical order of shapes found in nature and the built environment that serve as a foundation for design and for fabrication in architecture or landscape architecture. We explore the derivation of complex geometrical forms, their spatial organization, materiality, interaction with light, tectonic and other qualities. We exercise three-dimensional thinking increasingly essential to design practice similar to how a previous generation relied upon the practice of “descriptive geometry�. The lectures provide a conceptual framework, describe current and speculate on emerging technologies. Hands on workshops focus on techniques of computer based threedimensional geometrical modeling and digital terrain modeling, and include photorealistic and abstract methods of rendering, image-processing, color-manipulation, photo-montage, lighting, animation, macro programming, graphics extraction for print media and combined media applications. The software used is available on all windows computers located in labs and in public spaces throughout the School. Rhino may be purchased through a special pricing of $95 at Cavalier Computers. Bentley Systems Microstation and related products is free to all students. Other software used this fall include V-Ray (new), Processing (new), and Bongo

(new). Apart from Rhino, it is recommended that students do not purchase any software until more information is provided on the first day of class. ALAR 8100 DESIGN RESEARCH: METHODS AND STRATEGIES Matthew Jull/Jorg Sieweke T, 9:30-12:00pm, 3 credits This course will form the basis for graduate and undergraduate students in architecture or landscape who plan to undertake an independent design/thesis studio in the spring semester, or those who are interested in strategic thinking in design. Using a hybrid lecture/seminar approach including guest speakers within and outside of architecture/ landscape, the course will develop a framework for initiating a thesis proposal, methods of research, research resources, representation, documentation strategies and techniques, identification of precedents, design experimentation, and modes of production and presentation. Emphasis will be placed on parsing contemporary cultural discourse, current and historical design culture, cross cutting/merging and hacking of scientific, ecological, economic, political, cultural, technological disciplines, and tailoring of the individual thesis proposal. At the conclusion of the course, a thesis proposal / design research publication is required. This book will serve as a conceptual basis for establishing scale, site, program, methods and terms of critique for the design thesis proposal during the following semester or a stand-alone design research project for those students not planning on undertaking an independent thesis studio. The course will promote a collaborative/collective environment to catalyze critical discussion, analysis, and feedback. Students planning on undertaking ALAR 8995 will also be expected to identify and secure a thesis advisor + coadvisor during the semester. All students will

present their work in an open forum at the end of the class.

ARH ARH 1010/7010 A HISTORY OF ARCHITECTURE PART 1 Lisa Reilly MWF, 10:00-10:50am, 3 credits Architecture is the one art form that is inescapable as it provides the environment for our daily lives. Through analysis of architectural history’s “greatest hits” we will examine how architecture affects our lives. In what ways does it shape our experiences, how does it enhance or detract from our activities? These are among the questions that will be asked from both historical and contemporary perspectives. This course will cover material from the pre-historic period through c. 1420. Classes will be a combination of lectures and discussions as students are taught the fundamentals of architectural history as well as how to analyze buildings. ARH 3601/7601 EAST MEETS WEST: INTERACTIVE ARCHITECTURE Yunsheng Huang M 9:00-11:30am, 3 credits This is a lecture class to introduce the brief history of architectural exchanges between the East and West world. The interaction in architecture is a post-renaissance phenomenon. The separated world had few chances to understand and learn from each other before sixteenth century. Both sides developed their own architectural forms and styles separately and they have reflected different traditions. Eighteenth century was a time when Westerners actively explored to the East. The western professionals brought strong influence to the architecture of the Eastern world. While the East nations were anxious to adopt the Western architectural forms, architects and scholars in the

West found interest and value in Eastern architectural forms. The relevant works of Frank Lloyd Wright, Louis Kahn, Le Corbusier, I. M. Pei, Minoru Yamasaki, and others are discussed. The significance of this interaction for modern architecture will be analyzed. ARH/ANTH 3603/7603 ARCHAEOLOGICAL APPROACHES TO ATLANTIC SLAVERY Fraser D. Neiman W, 4:30-7:00pm, 3 credits This course explores how archaeological evidence can be used to enhance our understanding of the slave societies that evolved in the early-modern Atlantic world from the 17th through early-19th centuries. We will focus on the Cheapeake, South Carolina, and Jamaica. The course covers recent contributions to the historical and archaeological literatures on the lives of enslaved people, as well as theoretical models of human behavior and basic techniques in archaeological data analysis that jointly are required to make and evaluate inferences about the meaning of archaeological evidence. The course is structured around a series of research projects that offer students the opportunity to use historical knowledge, theoretical grounding, and methodological skills in the analysis of real data from the Digital Archaeological Archive of Comparative Slavery (http://www.daacs.org). In each project, you will have an opportunity to make and critically evaluate inferences about the historical meaning of the archaeological record left behind by enslaved Africans and their descendants. The projects focus on the following issues: How can we infer reliable, fine-grained archaeological chronologies that are necessary to trace patterns of change in lifeways of enslaved people within a single site and at multiple sites? What do patterns of change across the 18th century and regional variation in slave houses and in the abundance and morphology subfloor pits

tell us about social dynamics within slave communities? Do changing frequencies and shapes of locally made and imported ceramic vessels document changing social identities, economic opportunities, and participation by enslaved people in markets and the 18thcentury “consumer revolution”? ARH 3607 ARCHITECTURE AND THE ASIA TRADE Shiqiao Li T & R 9:30-10:45am, 3 credits This course links the development of some architectural and urban features in Asia and Europe in the context of trading practices from the second century to the end of the nineteenth century. The exchanges between Asian and Europe, initially driven by silk and spice trade, make up a complex condition in which cultural prejudices, romantic imaginations, economic pragmatism and political hegemony are inextricably linked together. Asia in the eyes of European explorers, traders, missionaries, moralists, capitalists and colonizers have all left indelible marks on European culture; ideas and practices in architecture, both in Asia and in Europe, presents a series of revealing examples for an understanding of the development of architecture in the global context. As our world re-orders itself in relation to a rising Asia in the twenty-first century, these past experiences in culture and architecture could offer important insights for decisions that will inevitably change today’s world. ARH 3701/7701 EARLY AMERICAN ARCHITECTURE Louis Nelson T & R 11:00-12:15pm This class will examine American architecture from the early seventeenth century into the early nineteenth century. The class will cover a wide range of buildings, from institutional, public buildings to kitchen buildings and slave quarters. Rather than a traditional chronological narrative woven along stylistic trends, the course will concentrate on major themes that cut across geographies and ethnicities. Through a series of readings, lectures, and class fieldwork, students will

also be introduced to the interpretive methods that characterize the study of early America. Themes covered in this survey include the adaptation of European building patterns to the new world, the materials and technology of traditional building, house planning, regionalism, religion, acculturation, emergent professionalism, and the design process. The class has both undergraduate and graduate sections. ARH/ARTH 4591 PILGRIMAGE Lisa Reilly W, 2:00-4:30pm, 3 credits Pilgrimage is generally described as a journey of religious significance often to a shrine of great importance to the pilgrim’s religion. This seminar will consider the art and architecture associated with such journeys. Many of the readings will concentrate on pilgrimages of the Western European Middle Ages such as Santiago de Compostela and St. Peter’s. We will, however, also consider pilgrimages within the Islamic and Buddhist traditions as well as those to classical sites such as Delphi. Pilgrimages to shrines associated with personality cults such as Lenin, Mao Zedong or Elvis will also be discussed. Students will be encouraged to choose topics from any type of pilgrimage for their research projects. Readings will focus on primary sources such as the The Pilgrims’ Guide to Santiago and the Travel Diary of Ibn Jubayr.The course will also emphasize the development of oral presentation, research and writing skills, as each member of the seminar will work on a major research project throughout the semester. ARH 5602 COMMUNITY HISTORY WORKSHOP Robert Carter R, 3:30-6:00pm, 3 credits This course will undertake an in-depth historical analysis of the architecture, planning, and landscape form of a single Virginia community: the courthouse village of Lovingston in Nelson County. Using a broad range of primary sources,

including oral history, students will investigate the social and cultural history of the village as it relates to Lovingston’s historic resources both within and outside of the Lovingston National Register historic district. An essential element of the course will be the division of the class into research teams Students will be invited to undertake a variety of community history projects that will advance the community goals of the Lovingston Village Association and Nelson County’s offices of planning, tourism and economic development. For example, •Undertaking new research and making a strong case statement for proposed revisions to the 2005 Lovingston National Register historic district nomination, with particular reference to boundaries, period of significance, areas of significance, and inventory of resources in Section 7 of the nomination report. •Developing a new walking tour and Wikipedia article on Lovingston’s community history •Creating a conceptual plan for an exhibit on some aspect of Lovingston’s history and finding an appropriate place to display it for maximum impact. •Creating a slide show documenting the lost historic resources of Lovingston called “Lost Lovingston,” or a narratve and slide show called “ “Lovingston Time,” incorporating video clips and interviews of long-time Lovingston residents •Developing an action plan to put the Main Street principles to work in Lovingston; or •Developing an adaptive reuse plan for a historically or architecturally significant threatened or vacant public or commercial building. Class meetings will include encounters with professional practitioners in the field of historic preservation and community history. Each student will keep a logbook of their team explorations and their own reflections on course readings and discussion.

ARH/ARAH 9520 THE ARCHITECTURE AND LANDSCAPE OF ISLAMIC AND RENAISSANCE SPAIN Cammy Brothers T, 3:30-6:00pm Between the ninth and sixteenth centuries, Spain was the site of a remarkable series of political and architectural transformations. Conquered by Muslim and Berber forces from North Africa and the Middle East and reconquered by Christian armies, it was also the center of a lively and integrated Jewish population. The architecture and landscape bear the traces of this layered political history of conflict and assimilation. The seminar will consider both first hand accounts of the people, culture, architecture, cities and landscape of the region, as well as the mythology that has developed about the period. It will focus on Granada, Cordoba, Seville, Madrid and El Escorial. Broader questions to be addressed will include: What aspects of Islamic architecture and landscape in Spain distinguish it from other geographies? What is the legacy of the centuries of Muslim domination after the reconquest? What is the relationship between Spain and Italy in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries? To what extent are the hybrid terms “mudejar,” “moresco,” “mozarabic” still useful ways of describing the cultural products of Spain? What is the status of Spain in relation to the Mediterranean and to Europe? ARH 9560 VERNACULAR ARCHITECTURE Louis Nelson R, 3:30-6:00pm, 3 credits Vernacular Architecture is often understood to be all the built environment that is not monumental or High Art architecture. This is a profound misunderstanding engendered by elitist views of the arts and it is the central mission of this seminar to unseat this view by exploring the rich and complex dimensions of vernacular architecture. Vernacular architecture is any aspect of the built environment examined through the lens of the local AND it is a method for asking questions about the relationship between architecture

and culture. By emphasizing the local and the cultural, the significance of vernacular architecture lies in its capacity to tell stories. By rooting us in a particular place and time, the stories woven by vernacular architecture help us better understand who we are, and sometimes who we are not.

LAR LAR 4120/5120 HISTORY OF LANDSCAPE DESIGN I: ANTIQUITY TO 1800 Michael Lee T & R, 9:30-10:45am, 3 credits This lecture course surveys the history of gardens and designed landscapes from antiquity to the beginnings of modern industrial societies around 1800. Structured in roughly chronological order, it presents the major elements and typologies of landscape design that emerged during these centuries and that continue to provide a shared conceptual and formal vocabulary for modern practice. The course situates representative sites in relation to their most relevant geographical, socio-­political, and economic contexts. Using primary documents and critical essays, we explore the ideological dimensions of works of landscape architecture and analyze the means by which design decisions reflect broader social forces and material cultures. LAR 5290/PLAC 5800 GREEN LANDS: GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE Karen Firehock T, 9:30am-12:15pm, 3 credits LAR 5590-001 ARCTIC FRONTIER Leena Cho T 6:30-9:00pm, 3 credits The arctic is undergoing radical changes due to warming climate, resulting in thawing of the vast permafrost belt, realignment of global shipping, and international disputes on sovereignty and natural resources. Within the framework of Arctic Frontier, this seminar will act as a think tank to examine a set of interrelated forces that are

shaping the region and the potential modes by which landscape architecture and architecture can act within this rapidly evolving domain. Through a set of individual/group research and design projects, the course will focus on current and alternative futures of the northern territories. LAR 5590-003 DEFINING WILD//WILD URBANISM Julie Bargmann W 9:00-11:30am, 3 credits Vast landscapes of post-industrial cities have gone wild. Sites strewn with weeds growing out of gritty remnants of productive pasts lay fallow. Most people see these landscapes as empty, blighted, worthless. Are they really? This seminar’s premise calls into question the dismissal of urban wilds while acknowledging the dilemma of what to do with them. This seminar’s investigation involves wrestling with the definition of urban wilderness, or urban wilds, or whatever terms suits these orphaned landscapes. Via the seminar’s wild book club, those definitions will emerge from varied vantage points including art and design, theory and ecology. Students will be charged with sleuthing one of these positions to interpret the potency of charismatic wilds in re-shaping the urban landscape. LAR 7180 TECHNOLOGICAL REVOLUTION IN LANDSCAPE HISTORY Michael Lee F 9:00-10:45am, 3 credits This seminar explores the role of technological revolutions in the practice and culture of landscape architecture. By examining innovations that have had the greatest impact on the field, we will develop a general framework for understanding the reciprocal dynamics linking creativity in landscape design with advances in technical skills and knowledge. Course sessions will consist of case studies drawn primarily from the early modern period and Industrial Revolution. Themes will include innovations in hydraulics and irrigation design, transportation infrastructure and civil engineering, construction materials and techniques, horticulture and the plant

trade, administrative science and the advent of “bureaucratic vision,” and the evolution of landscape representation in book and print culture. Our theoretical framework will include readings from the history of science, the sociology of technology, and classic treatises in landscape theory and practice. LAR 7415 DIGITAL ECOLOGIES: COMPUTATIONAL TOOLS FOR LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS Brian Osborn W, 3:45-6:15, 3 credits A continuation of LAR 6410 and 6420 (Representing Landscape I and II), Digital Ecologics introduces advanced computational tools for landscape architects including: fundamentals of computer programming, development of custom modeling tools through scripting, and parametric modeling. Course exercises offer skills in the Processing language and development environment, Python language in Rhino, and Grasshopper plugin for Rhino. Parallel course discussions introduce and critically assess the agency of computation in landscape architecture relative to topics such as: genetic algorithms, rule-based systems, recursion, keyframe animation, and parametrics.

PLAC / PLAN PLAC 4010/5610 NEIGHBORHOOD PLANNING WORSHOP Suzanne Morse Moomaw W 9:00-11:45am, 3 credits This course gives students the opportunity to apply theoretical concepts and practices in a real-world neighborhood situation. The emphasis is a team-based, community-focused project that allows different background and experiences to guide the development of the project and the reflective learning. It is intended to broaden the perspective of the planner’s agenda to include social, economic, and civic considerations that encompass neighborhood plans and improve long-term

results for the neighborhood. The goals of the course are: 1) To develop the knowledge and appreciation of the importance of thriving neighborhoods to the overall well being of the residents and the city around them; 2) To understand the neighborhood planning process in action by attending a neighborhood or planning; 3) To apply analytical and evaluative skills to accurately and strategically assess neighborhoods and their resiliency. PLAC 5240 COLLABORATIVE PLANNING FOR SUSTAINABILITY Frank Dukes T, 1:00-3:30pm, 3 credits Planners, elected officials, community leaders and public policy professionals find themselves confronted as never before by challenges to the very functions of government. “Collaborative Planning for Sustainability” proposes that communities can only be sustained ecologically, socially, and economically with informed, legitimated participation by citizens actively engaged in public governance. Public decisions are generally better when developed by processes that are inclusive of diverse views, transparent and inviting to those such decisions affect, and responsive to participant needs. Such processes need to encourage behavior that builds relationships of integrity and trust and decisions that are creative, effective and legitimate. People yearn for accessible forums and processes to engage one another productively and safely, to speak of their own concerns, needs and aspirations, and even to learn the real needs of their neighbors. Such caring can engender conflict, which may be harmful, but authentic collaborative processes provide an opportunity to transform civic disarray into civic virtue. Students will develop a capacity to assess the strengths and weaknesses of collaborative processes, learn best practices for engaging stakeholders and publics, and practice designing and conducting public meetings, dialogues and other forums over contentious issues.

PLAC 5430 COMMUNITIES AND APPROACHES TO LAND DEVELOPMENT Fred Missel T, 3:30-6:00pm, 3 credits Comprehensive Land Development and Site Feasibility provides an introduction to the fundamentals of the urban and suburban land development process. The course will begin with a variety of case studies and discussions relating to the more subjective subjects relating to land development. These subjects form the foundation of strong, understandable and livable communities. The class will analyze multiple community styles and typologies both historic and contemporary. Discussions will include why the community is or is not successful. Students will be asked to identify characteristics that make a strong community and will be asked to critique existing developments using those criteria. Other foundational topics to be discussed include sustainability, livability, and pros and cons of design guidelines and standards implementation. PLAN 5610 REGIONAL PLANNING Jeffrey Walker R, 7:00-9:30pm, 3 credits This course gives students the opportunity to apply theoretical concepts and practices in a real-world neighborhood situation. The emphasis is a team-based, community-focused project that allows different background and experiences to guide the development of the project and the reflective learning. It is intended to broaden the perspective of the planner’s agenda to include social, economic, and civic considerations that encompass neighborhood plans and improve long-term results for the neighborhood. The goals of the course are: 1) To develop the knowledge and appreciation of the importance of thriving neighborhoods to the overall well being of the residents and the city around them; 2) To understand the neighborhood planning process in action by attending a neighborhood or planning; 3) To apply analytical and evaluative skills to accurately and strategically assess neighborhoods and their resiliency.

PLAC 5800/LAR5290 GREEN LANDS: GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE Karen Firehock T, 9:30-12:15pm, 3 credits This course introduces a green infrastructure framework for village and landscape planning. Green infrastructure is the interconnected network of waterways, wetlands, woodlands, wildlife habitats, and other natural areas; greenways, parks, and other conservation lands; working farms, ranches and forests; and wilderness and other open spaces that support native species, maintain natural ecological processes, sustain air and water resources and contribute to health and quality of life (McDonald, Benedict and O’Conner, 2005). Attempts to protect environmental assets often happen after land has been zoned or developed. Parkland, trails or open space lands are often relegated to left-over or perimeter land. Land that could best be utilized for filtering stormwater, replenishing the groundwater supply or providing habitat corridors for both wildlife and people is often lost to inappropriate zoning and land planning. By considering and inventorying existing environmental functions and values first, land can be designated appropriately for protection and/or restoration before it is fully developed so that wildlife habitat, recreation, stormwater treatment, energy savings, aesthetic and cultural values and improved community health can be achieved. Students will assess the existing ‘green infrastructure’ of a locality. They will consider how existing natural and community assets can be enhanced, restored and better managed. Case examples from other localities will be used to inform class ideas. Students will utilize the existing locality’s comprehensive plan to create effective strategies for implementation of plan goals related to conserving natural and cultural resources such as forest land, agricultural lands, viewsheds, historic landscapes, rivers and regional recreation. The course is essential for planners, landscape architects, architects or anyone who wants to plan, build or develop in patterns that maximize environmental qualities and protect community health. Several classes are field trips to conduct landscape assessments.

PLAN 1010 INTRO. TO COMMUNITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING Tim Beatley M & W 2:00-3:15pm, 3 credits This course will provide an integrative introduction to the planning of cities and communities, and the natural environments in which they are situated. Sustainability will be the primary lens through which community planning is viewed, and the creation of sustainable cities and communities the overall goal. Exactly what constitutes a sustainable place will be the first question considered in the course, and students will be encouraged to think critically about what qualities or characteristics of communities are important and should be encouraged. As an initial working definition, sustainable cities and communities will be seen as places which maintain and restore the earth’s natural capital, which create a high quality of life for residents, and which are socially-equitable. The course will examine in depth a number of different aspects of the built and natural environment. These include: urban form and spatial patterns; transportation and mobility; housing and neighborhood design; the natural environment and the ecological characteristics of the city and its surroundings; among many others. Strategies and policies for addressing each of these areas will be discussed, with an emphasis on cutting-edge approaches and examples. The philosophy of the course will be to look at how planning for each of these aspects can contribute to creating more sustainable cities and communities. For example, the transportation section will explore how more sustainable modes of transportation can be encouraged (e.g. bicycles, public transit, walking), as alternatives to exclusive reliance on the automobile. In the area of housing, for instance, efforts to make buildings and neighborhoods more energy-efficient and ecologically-restorative will be reviewed. The interconnections between these policy sectors will also be explored. Transportation will be viewed in relationship to land use

patterns and urban form. Efforts to promote affordable housing will be considered in relation to efforts to protect open space and to green urban areas. Students throughout the course will be encouraged to look at cities in a holistic fashion. The course will also provide students with an introducÂŹtion to the field of planning, and the various roles and career-paths available to planners. It will also serve as an entry-point for taking others classes in the Department of Urban and Environmental Planning. PLAN 2110/PLAN 5110 DIGITAL VISUALIZATION FOR PLANNERS Guoping Huang MW, 9:00-10:50am, 4 credits Digital technology for representing and analyzing planning data will include skill development in photo-editing, poster design and construction, web page design, 3-D digital sketching, geographic information system mapping, spreadsheet modeling and document layout and production. A series of exercises will apply these digital skills to two- and three-dimensional representation of spaces common to planning: streetscape, neighborhoods, communities and regions. This will be focused around a local Charlottesville Neighborhood Urban and Environmental Design study. Representation of the past, the present and prospective futures to both professional and citizen audiences will receive critical attention. Representation and beginning analysis of social space as well as physical space will be introduced drawing upon principles of site and urban analysis. Lecture/workshops will introduce both the substantive concepts of analysis and spatial representation and the way software facilitates that analysis and representation. Outside of class students will work on a series of projects applying these concepts and skills. Individual student work on exercises will be coordinated into team approaches to urban and environmental design questions. Students will also be asked to be reflective about their learning and problem solving experiences. PLAN 3310/5310

HISTORY OF CITIES AND PLANNING Daphne Spain T & R 9:30-10:45am, 3 credits This course is an overview of urban planning from antiquity to the present, with emphasis on the 19th and 20th century American city as the context in which the profession emerged and grew. An underlying assumption is that knowledge of the past is a valuable asset for planners because it informs the present and influences the future of cities. The course is intended for planning students and students outside the field seeking an understanding of the profession and its relationship to urban development. The American planning profession originated in response to the “search for order” accompanying 19th century urbanization and industrialization. Initial voluntary efforts at municipal reform were eventually supplanted by the work of experts from the fields of architecture, landscape architecture, engineering, and the social sciences. The course addresses these experts, major events, and dates, but it also highlights lesser-known figures commonly overlooked in traditional histories. Like all history classes, this course requires considerable reading. Selections are a mix of primary sources that expose students to the language and thinking of the historical era, and secondary sources that analyze or reflect on trends. By the end of the semester students should know: 1. The origins and history of the American planning profession 2. Major events, figures, and topics typically covered in the AICP exam 3. Multiple sources of historical data 4. How to write a concise essay 5. How cities and the planning profession have influenced each other Students this semester will benefit from reports prepared by students in previous years. Posted on Collab, they can be used as preparation for the AICP exam or to generate ideas for this semester’s projects. PLAN 5420 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Suzanne Morse Moomaw

T, R 9:30-10:45am, 3 credits The theory and practice of economic development are continually changing as the world and its demands change. No longer can individuals or communities depend on “anchor” firms that supply jobs and financial benefits to the community. They are now forced to think about a diversified economic profile and a larger investment in quality of life issues like schools, recreation, and health care. Further, they must be nimble in their ability to respond to new opportunities or unexpected crises. These new realities require an approach to economic development policy and practice that approaches the future strategically and systematically. In order to prepare students to think in new and creative ways, this course will have four key objectives: 1) To introduce fundamental strategies and components of economic development at the city and regional levels; 2) To clarify the many roles that economic development plays in community well being and the public, private, and non-profit partners that are part of the system; 3) To understand the tools and features of local economic development planning; and 4) To analyze new strategies for recruiting, retaining, and growing clean, high technology industries in mature industrial areas. PLAN 5450/PHS 5621 HEALTHY COMMUNITIES SEMINAR Carla Jones R, 2:00-4:30pm, 3 credits PLAN 5450, the Healthy Communities Seminar is an elective planning and public health course that explores the interconnections between these fields and equips students with skills and experiences to plan healthy communities. The planning and public health disciplines emerged together with the common goal of preventing outbreaks of infectious disease. Since that time, the two disciplines diverged in their orientation, with public health following a clinical model and planning focusing on urban design and physical form. However, as the connections between the built environment and disease continue to be revealed, the planning and public health fields have begun to converge once again. This course is organized along four units: unit 1, planning and

public health foundations; unit 2, natural and built environments; unit 3, vulnerable populations and health disparities; and unit 4, health policy and global impacts. The final assignment, a healthy communities plan, is intended to provide students with the opportunity to apply evidence regarding the impacts of the built environment on public health to a selected place. PLAN 5580-001 SITE PLANNING Satyendra Huja SEPT. 02-23, M 9:00-11:45am PLAN 5580-002 GROUP FACILITATION SKILLS Tanya Denckla Cobb OCT. 07-NOV. 11, M 9:00-11:45am, 1 credit Good group skills are becoming an imperative skill in today’s fast-paced collaborative work environment. This course is based on the premise that the only (best) way to develop or improve these skills is through reflective and deliberative practice. Students will learn the basics of group facilitation, including accepted core values and ethics of facilitation, as well as procedural, behavioral, and problem solving techniques that comprise a group facilitation “tool kit.” Instruction will involve a combination of dynamic group exercises, experiential role-plays, and mini-lectures, with the key emphasis on practicing and experiencing group facilitation. PLAN 5740 TRANSPORTATION PLANNING AND POLICY Andrew Mondschein M & W 11:00-12:15pm, 3 credits Transportation systems are central to daily life and help shape the economic, social, and environmental well-being of cities and regions. In this this course, we explore planning, policymaking, and management of transportation systems across many modes, and how transportation planners are tackling the complex challenges that arise from providing mobility and accessibility to diverse places and populations. In the first part of the course, we explore the role of transportation in

cities and daily life from multiple perspectives, including historic, theoretical, socioeconomic, and environmental. Second, we address transportation planning and policy as it occurs in cities. We cover subjects including building transportation infrastructure, managing traffic, planning for multiple modes, and goods movement. Finally, we take on current and emerging issues in transportation planning, such as sustainability and equity. A recurring theme is how we can accommodate stakeholder’s wide ranging ideals and objectives within the methods and constraints of planners and policymakers. How can we align practice with the wide range of issues that fit within the subject of urban transportation? The assignments for this class ask you to examine aspects of transportation planning and its practice, apply the lessons from the course to local issues, and require field work using transportation systems as a laboratory. There will also be a day-long field trip organized to introduce you to some important features of the regional transportation system and planning’s role in moving people.




RESEARCH STUDIOS UNDER GRADUATE ARCH 3010/4010 VOID OPERATIONS 3: FILL VOID - MAKE VOID Charlie Menefee Brief: Space Room Interval Void Freedom Time Area Occupants: Makers Fabricators Producers Creators Inventors Crafters Originators Designers Authors Initiators Where: Harris Street, Charlottesville, VA The qualities and characteristics of an empty cotton mill, shoe factory, or in fact any plant or place of manufacturing are familiar but also readily imagined. Makers working at all but the largest of scales seek these spaces. The buildings are fundamentally practical, accepting, accommodating; beautiful perhaps, for their emptiness, registration of former occupancies, as well as for the potential that they are sure to protect and nurture. The buildings are tough, durable, big (even vast), filled by quantities of daylight and echoes of occupancy. The inhabitants – from the homeless and pigeons to bio-engineers, artists, and mechanics – cross boundaries because of opportunity, curiosity, or a need for exchange. Acknowledgement and collaboration is the social norm arising from calibrated adjacency. The few boundaries that are apparent are clearly drawn, read, and are understood as negotiable and expected to be operable to the extent reasonable. Building parts are identifiable, each reduced down to the elemental. The buildings themselves

are honest – unpretentious and transparent by nature to their subservient but essential role. These are not proud buildings – they are sure. While readily described, these spaces prove enigmatic and difficult to design. Engineers cover volume efficiently but the results are often single-use structures that hold limited future promise. Architects that have tried to design these spaces have failed for a variety of reasons but most often because they have injudiciously expended effort and funds on an argument rather than on a carefully balanced response to needs. My question is this: Is it important when designing that a structure be recognized as Architecture or is it sufficient that a building simply be good? And is this an acceptable if not admirable role for an architect? ARCH 3010/4010 THE ARCTIC STUDIO POLAREVOLUTION: GUIDE TO ARCTIC URBANIZATION AND ARCHITECTURE Matthew Jull The Arctic – that domain defined by northern latititude, remoteness, extremes of environment, and one of the last frontiers on earth- is approaching a crisis. Changing at a rate never seen before. world governments are acting, with Arctic countries: Canada, United States, Norway, Denmark, Russia, Finland, Iceland, now being joined on the Arctic Council by India, Japan, China, and South Korea. A combination of warming climate leading to a reduction of sea ice, and world population increase and globalization, leading to a demand for energy, natural resources, and space, is resulting in speculation and rapid transformation of the far north. How will existing cities and towns adapt to

these changing conditions? What new urban centers and building typologies – the Arctic boom-towns - will emerge? How are new technologies shaping the way that the Arctic will be developed? Will we expect to see a Las Vegas or Dubai of the Far North? In an effort to answer these questions and to explore future modes of urbanization and architecture of the Arctic, this intensive design research studio will focus on laying the framework for understanding the key issues at stake and exploring possible outcomes. Through independent research that you will present and discuss in studio, you will be asked to investigate a wide range of issues that influence the Arctic urbanization (“the 1000 topics”). For example, what is “arcticness” in terms of architecture? How is it different than in southerly latitudes? What are the different cultural and political attitudes about buildings and cities in Northern countries? What different different building techniques and materials are used? What do people in northern latitudes do for entertainment – what places do they hang out? What sort of hosusing will evolve from transient worker communities? From the scale of a door to the scale of an entire region, from design precedents such as Las Vegas and Brasilia, to the visionary housing typologies of Ralph Erskine and Stalin era architects of St. Petersburg, you will be exploring, documenting, curating, and writing about a wide range of topics that will combine together to form the “Guidebook to Arctic Urbanization and Architecture”. Within each topic, you will expected not only to research and define a particular outcome, but also to propose and carry out design experiments via drawings/ models, and sketches. What is the design potential design of your research? Together as a studio you will chart a course as architects exploring the potentials of this new northern frontier. At the completion of the studio, a finished book of all will be produced and combined together with a public exhibition of work at the School of Architecture in Jan-Feb 2014.

ARCH 3010/4010 HYBRIDS Karolin Moellmann In the context of an evolving urban world the studio understands a city as place of practice and purpose, where city produces city and citizens turn from space consumers to space producers. In this context we are interested in Hybrids. Hybrid environments have the vigor to share interest and identity, space and time, energy and infrastructure. They go beyond mixed use, where programs coexist next to each other in intertwine several needs and activities generating new spatial typologies, structure, and programmatic understanding. We will be investigating in hybrid conditions in science, industry and the constructed world, abstract and transfer their potentials into our design projects. Guided by the research we will be testing and advancing the found principles though a series of design projects in different milieus and scales. The first location involving a component of habitation and will be in Berlin, Germany. ARCH 3010/4010 SCAFFOLDING: STRUCTURE + HEALTH Schaeffer Somers/Peter Waldman Transects: The Intersection of two Design Processes and two Voices in Dialogue As researchers and architects we seek to render visible a template for evidence based design, explaining the causal relationships between the built-environment and public health. As studio instructors we also seek a design process based on the extrapolation of models of structural paradigms serving large systems and small joints at the scale of our region, immediate community, and everyday thresholds between the city and the garden. The goals of this studio are two part: one goal is to build a foundation for an architectural project beginning with the a priori understanding of the both the instructors and students, and to create and document a process for extending the research in new directions. The other goal

is to use architectural production, some term the design process at distinct scales to confirm common sense, enduring models of scaffolding at the scale of the body and the fingertip, some call digits, of models of structural operations which confirm the healthful affects of Gravity and Orientation. The goals both embrace new competing frictions, the contemporary assumptions of flux, and the inevitability of time as recurrent if not regenerative. Both research and studio will prepare us this semester for the inevitable Vortex next January, a world turned upside down, threatening life as we once knew it. This particular research studio is an ongoing collaboration between two instructors, an ancient mariner of late, Peter Waldman, and a still vital colleague, Schaeffer Somers, who bring complementary research agendas to the intersection of architecture, urban planning, and public health sciences. Accessible Ridges and invisible Rivers dominate Charlottesville’s topographic character. A Transect is a Sectional complement to a Plan strategy and serves us well as an ancient secret understood by Noah, Hadrian and our own Jefferson. The North-South Transect of current auto dominated Emmet from Barracks Road to University Avenue was once a fragment of the Monacan Hunting Trail. The East-West Transect from Emmet along Ivy to Westover was once a fragment of High Street Ridge connecting the Rivanna River to Highland Reservoirs. Our sites for Centers of Heath, Well-being and Happiness are to be located along and between these transects, more as streets, even footpaths than auto corridors. ARCH 3010/4010 NEW POLITICAL SPACE: A COUNCIL OF THINGS Shiqiao Li Who has what rights? This is a central question of life, and it is the foundation of legislation. Architecture has played a crucial role in spatialize legislation: an amphitheater, a bouleuterion, a council chamber, a senate, a

parliament, a house of representatives. This studio rethinks the question of rights, and the spatial types associated with legislation; it does so through a project of redesigning the UVa Student Council. Our foundational political theory, perhaps best illustrated by the remarkable writings of John Locke in the late seventeenth century, faces new conditions in a dramatically altered world. In shifting the rights to power from the state to the bourgeoisie, Locke transformed political representation, and consolidated the project of humanism which had been the central driving force since the Renaissance. Recent political thinking, for instance in the works of Peter Sloterdijk, Bruno Latour, Timothy Morton, and Jane Bennett, reformulated the relationship between humans, things, power, and the environment in radically new ways, which to some extent reconnected with vitalism found in many ancient cultures. Their works give us an opportunity to reimagine political representation to move beyond anthropocentrism as a spatial project: should political representation conceive not only human rights but also thing rights? What would this new imagination result in terms of spatial practice compared with traditional political spatial practices? The UVa Student Council could be a space for radical politics of the twenty-first century. ARCH 3010/4010 ARCHITECTURE AND PLACE Jordi Nebot “That’s one small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind.” (Neil Armstrong) Since then our perception of the moon has changed. Architecture has also this quality: It can change the perception of a piece of land. Through architecture, people can discover the land and be aware of a sense of place. Architecture transforms places, and from that transformation the place will never be the same. Other qualities will appear and other ways of seeing will be possible. Despite the fact that each site offers qualities and presents certain conditions, an object placed in the site is able to modify these

conditions or traits and establish new ones. What is the meaning of our architectural footprint? How does our project improve the place? What is the relationship between my project and the place? What is our commitment to the place? The course focuses on our awareness of the relationship between object and place, on how the implementation of a design transforms the place, and on how the modification of the site can generate an architectural object. The place can acquire a dominant role as a generator of architectural form. *Three actions will help us to develop the course: To Walk: What is the meaning of walking through a space? What is your experience while you are walking? What do you need for walking? What does the site need for you to walk? You can walk alone, with family, while running, when busy, in love, etc. You can also use a bicycle, skates, child’s stroller,… To Jump: What is the meaning of jumping? What happens when you rise on something? You will join two sides. You will connect two or more levels. And then? To Stand: What is the meaning of standing in a place? What happens when you stand in a particular place? How do you fit in? What do you prioritize? What do you need for a good placement? What does the site need for that placement? *Three attitudes will help us in this investigation. Chameleon: It is there but you can’t see it. Mushroom: It grows in certain sites with all its personality. Lion: The king of the place.

ARCH 3010/4010 DESIGN THINKING: TIME OVER CRISIS Megan Suau The ability to research, process, synthesize, evaluate, and imagine complex systems of information from a wide variety of disciplines makes architectural design education ever-relevant to the world-at-large. How can the methods and modes of a design studio, engaged in critical problem-solving, yield innovative and imperative results? Time Over Crisis is the first in a sequence of studios which takes on the role of “design thinking” as a paradigm within the School of Architecture. The studio uses time as the critical limiting factor in a real-world built environment crisis demanding careful political, economic, social, cultural, physical, and spatial consideration. The studio aims to excite a discussion of how real-world limitations can be thoughtfully considered in a classroom setting, and how the studio can operate as a vehicle for innovative “design thinking” solutions to global issues. The crisis being studied is the ongoing Syrian exodus from civil unrest to neighboring states, most notably to the Zaatari camp in Jordan. The time component spans from present day to December 2013, when the camp is projected to host an additional 182,500 Syrian refugees (according to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees). Due to the staggering nature of this ongoing global crisis, you will be required to engage in the subtleties and facets of this global crisis and develop a critical attitude toward the problem. These research topics include, geopolitical relationships and histories; logistical processes and systems (access, transportation, food sourcing, economic viability); health and safety issues; the urban morphology of the camp; and individual dwelling units. Each of these scales and realms will be investigated and carried through the semester’s final project.


ALAR 7010/8010 WILD URBANISM Julie Bargmann issues EXPANDING URBAN WILDS IN SHRINKING CITIES > how do we reconceive the urban landscape in cities that have gone to seed? > how do we reinterpret urban form when weeds rule the day? DWINDLING FUNDS IN GROWING CITIES > how do we target the places for communities to spend their piggy banks? > how do we show them how to let other places go on their own dime? EMERGING ECOSYSTEMS IN UNLIKELY PLACES > how do we cultivate eyes that do not see the value of weeds? > how do we manage change as the activating agent of urban wilds? action FINDING THE FORMLESS > we will interrogate empty sites to fulfill our suspicion of chockablock histories DEPENDING ON SITE > we will swear to work with the site (as is) and nothing but the site (as is) CASTING A GLANCE > we will emphasize the value of looking to see what little we can design SETTING IN MOTION > we will chart a course of action that guides the wilds into productive mode plan HIGH LINE REDUX > maybe the Queensway that is yet another communities’ desire to have their own High Line > typical abandoned rail line running through typical New York borough neighborhoods > possible collaboration with local and metropolitan area universities, definite tap into our NYC design peeps > potential contact with City agencies and non-profits and anyone else who has their fingers in the pot

ALAR 7010/8010 HOUSE TYPE AND COLLECTIVE FORM WG Clark Through the ages visionary architects have developed house-types, designs intended to be built in different locations by different owners. This freed the designers from the constraints of commissioned work and allowed them pursue theoretical ideas about the fundamentals of dwelling. In a word, it allowed invention. And it provided a way for one to publish one’s principles and manifesto. Most well known house-types, the Usonians for instance, were meant to be built on separate sites, but others, Maison Domino, in particular, were conceived of as units which could be joined together in order to form a community or collective. House-type does not imply sameness; there were many variants to both the Usonian and Domino which were designed with permutations that allowed for different programs and site conditions. But what remained constant was their set of principles, and these fused together aesthetic and constructional rules by which the architect maintained style while admitting variety. This studio will concentrate on the design of a house-type reliant upon a set of principles. The house should allow for permutations of size and arrangement while maintaining a strong and constant character. Lastly, the houses must be able to be combined to make a community. ALAR 7010/8010 FUTURE FIT: TECHNO-ECOLOGIES FOR THE SELF-SUSTAINING CITY Robin Dripps Future Fit describes how existing urban conditions can be augmented and radically changed by strategies of addition, incision, weaving and careful subtraction to create thick, gradient spatial networks overlaid on and engaging existing construction that harvest and distribute resources while supporting new open and responsive patterns of movement, connectivity and place. Based on the premise that current urban

form and attendant processes are incapable of sustaining themselves ecologically and socially, the work of this studio will engage in rigorous research and design, using a wide range of tools including advanced modes of computation in order to propose and test interventions at multiple scales and time frames. The work produced is expected to be exemplary as a model for rethinking urban form and process and how these engage nature. Much focus will be directed towards rethinking the idea and actuality of infrastructure. Is it possible to conceive of infrastructure as embedded and integral to all aspects and scales of architecture, landscape architecture, and urban structure? What is the possibility for a hybrid infrastructure of constructed and natural process? Can infrastructure be emergent, responsive, selfregulating, and inherently self-sustaining? If infrastructure becomes spatial, can this be an effective and poetic foundation for a new architecture? The work will be highly speculative much in the manner of the provocations of Archigram, Superstudio, and the Metabolists, differing, however, in terms of the background research, the use of advanced technologies and material practices, and operating with a better appreciation and understanding of natural process so that the results can be both provocative and pragmatic. The scale of research and design proposal will span a range from complex, urban scale networks to infrastructural architecture/ landscapes, including surfaces, mechanisms, and other artifacts capable of responding to local environmental and social flux, harvesting, storing, and distributing resources, and facilitating alternate modes of connectivity and social aggregation. Design proposals will be comprehensive relative to the scale of endeavor meaning that work at the urban scale will have different expectations than prototype artifacts. Explorations into inventive means of representation of information and design outcome will be a substantial component of the research. The accumulated research and design pro-

duction will form the basis of a comprehensive publication defining the territory, its implications in the larger world, and itself be a model for the inventive organizing of information, ideas and images. The studio will take a critical stance towards contemporary urban practices, and longstanding cultural value systems relative to cities and how they engage nature and natural processes. Among our assumptions will be that individual acts of architecture and landscape architecture can become generative seeds in an emergent system that over time will significantly alter how cities work and how we work in cities. Architecture, in the broadest sense, rather than planning will drive the structure of urbanization to create patterns of habitation that are self sustaining, self organizing, richly diverse and intensely interconnected and seriously engaged with surrounding natural flows. I see this as a resurrection of the far more ambitious role that was imagined for architecture starting with the first theoretical texts but somehow seeming to have lost momentum. ALAR 7010/8010 THE MAINE STUDIO: JOINTS AND CHANGE Ed Ford THE PREMISE We all design the same way. We begin with the large and go to the small. We begin with the ecosystem and work our way down to the detail. We decide on the form then we select the material. We solve all the big problems and them we figure our how to put in columns and beams and what to make them out of and how to join them together. Could you design a building in the opposite direction? Could you begin with the small and go to the large? Could you begin with a material and determine the form? Could you begin with a joint and grow a building out of that joint? The intent of the semester exercise is to do the latter. To study a joint, to study the material through the joint, and to determinate the building out of both. Part 1-Two Weeks The first exercise will be to generate

forms from joints drawn from vernacular architecture and architectural history. The structures will be similar to buildings but will have no functional purpose. Part 2-Two Weeks The second step will be to generate larger scale structures from these joints. These structures will all be begin to consider issues of climate and shelter but will still be largely without program. Part 3-Eight Weeks The lessons of the first two exercises will be applied to the design of new visitor facilities for Acadia National Park in Maine. The ARCHITECTURAL Problem In a March 2010 lecture Jonathan Jarvis, Director of the National Park Service, called for a fundamental rethinking of architecture in the National Parks. Specifically he asked whether, in the digital age, the traditional national park visitor’s center was necessary. He argued that the relationship between design and conservation is a shifting one, and that the experience and engagement of the contemporary park visitor, outfitted with smart mobile devices and smaller structures, will likely be different than those of the past. The great majority of historic national park buildings have changed function multiple times over the course of their lives. In the older Parks thousands of buildings have come and gone. Some have been replaced; many have not. National Parks currently use a variety of temporary, transportable and mutable buildings in a variety of locationseco-tent structures in Everglades National Park, lightweight metal portable bathhouse cabanas at Assateague Island National Seashore, prefabricated yurts at many of the western desert parks and thousands of trailers for housing, offices and storage. These and similar conditions at other parks suggest that over the coming years, the National Parks will be best served by a non-standard approach to the placing of buildings on the land, an architecture that is smaller in scale, more flexible in it use, and movable in location. Such an architecture would make less of a mark on the land, consume little or no energy, produce little

or no waste and could be removed or relocated with changing conditions. It would have foundation systems that were minimal and adaptable, construction systems that allowed for a minimum of heavy equipment, be constructed of sustainable materials, and would use energy systems suitable for remote locations. It could be closed moved or compacted in off-season and inclement weather. It might be prefabricated; it might be modular. It might be lightweight and retractable. It might be collapsible and portable. The intent is to explore structures that will be less permanent and more flexible, structures that would in all locations make the smallest intervention, leave the smallest impact and that might, in time, disappear altogether. The intent is not to design a universal, standardized, context-indifferent prototype. The proposed structures would need to respond to extreme variations of climate and topography. At the same time they would need to respond to historical and cultural contexts in ways that respect and learn from those contexts without imitation. Programs and SITES The lessons of the first two exercises will be applied to the design of new facilities at the Acadia National Park. There will be a choice of both sites and programs. They include A new visitor center to replace the existing one at Hulls Cove. Program will includeorientation, exhibits, auditorium, bathrooms, as well as office and storage space. Several sites on the north side of the Island have ben suggested. In order to reduce automobile traffic in the park a bus service had been established and a transit center is needed, probably located at the visitor center. A decentralized visitor center of smaller buildings at several sites. Smaller structures for overnight camping, offices and or artifact storage. Travel The class will make a 6-8 day trip to Acadia shortly before and during Fall Break. The school will pay for lodging and partially for transport. Students will be responsible for

food all other expenses.


ALAR 7010/8010 RESEARCH STUDIO. BCN CIUTAT VELLA Teresa Gali-Izard/Leena Cho This studio will afford the question of the coexistence of vegetal structures in a dense urban fabric context. The project will develop a landscape plan for the district of Ciutat Vella in Barcelona. Student will explore the urban history of the city, and will tackle a critical vision of the existing forest and living structures in the whole city. They will propose a new vegetal structure, introducing, infrastructures, time and management as tools of design. The studio will be reinforced by the topics developed in the incoming Biophilic symposium, organized by the Urban Planning department on fall 2013 ALAR 7010/8010 URBAN DESIGN STUDIO BARCELONA Margarita Jover Urban Design Studio Barcelona is a research studio abroad for graduate students from the Departments of Architecture and Landscape architecture. The purpose of this course is to engage students into a specific urban design methodology based on the understanding of the city as one of the most complex organisms that works across time as system of systems. Natural and human dynamics (from rivers and nature to energy, mobility, cultural identity or history) are generators of form and space within the city. Public1 space, public facilities and, in the broad sense, public good is the terminal purpose of this research practice committed to the physical transformation of the environment. The understanding of each system that operates within the city is the starting point of its transformation through design innovation both formal and strategic. Barcelona has invented many urban tales about herself along his history as a way to move forward improving the quality of life within the city. The city has organized big events from two centuries ago to now.

In 1888, 1929, 1992 and 2004 the city has created events as a starting point to guide the construction of the city based on a confident relation between politics, public and private investments, architecture and urban design. In addition, the narrative has been an important source and tool of urban transformation. Narrative understood as a collective dream with a history and some values, has been a way to transform the city of Barcelona that can be applied and replicated in other cities. With both the understanding of the city as a system of systems and the narrative as a tool to transform cities, Urban Design Studio Barcelona 2013 will work focusing in the city of Manresa and his next big commemoration of 500 years of Saint Ignacio s route that starts in Loyola and ends in la Cova (Manresa). Our purpose is to create an urban project in Manresa that can become the starting point of a different way of life and even a new economy within the city during the next decades.

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