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Sister Associations & Allied Institutions
Sister Associations
Australian Pipelines and Gas Association (APGA)
P.O. Box 5416 2604 Kingston AUSTRALIA T +61 2 6273 0577 E apga@apga.org.au I www.apga.org.au
Steve Davies Chief Executive Officer
E sdavies@apga.org.au
Distribution Contractors Association (DCA)
101 West Renner Rd, Suite 460 Richardson, TX 75082-2024 U.S.A. T +1 972 680 0261 E info@dcaweb.org I www.dcaweb.org
Robert Darden Executive Director
E rdarden@dcaweb.org
52 Grosvenor Gardens SW1W 0AU London U.K. T +44 20 7824 5520 E imca@imca-int.com I www.imca-int.com
Allen Leatt Chief Executive
E allen.leatt@imca-int.com
Pipe Line Contractors Association (PLCA)
3100 Clarendon Boulevard Suite 620 Arlington, VA 22201 U.S.A. T +571 570 2700 E plca@plca.org I www.plca.org
Elizabeth Worrell Managing Director & Chief Legal Counsel
T +1 571 551 2464 E eworrell@plca.org
1075 North Service Road West Suite 201 Oakville, ON L6M 2G2 CANADA T +1 905 847 9383 E plcac@pipeline.ca I www.pipeline.ca
Neil Lane Executive Director
E nlane@pipeline.ca
Pipeline Industries Guild (PIG)
F150 Cherwell Business Village Southam Road OX16 2SP Banbury U.K. T +44 20 7235 7938 E hqsec@pipeguild.com I www.pipeguild.com
James Sale International Panel Chairman
Russian Oil & Gas Contractors Union
11 Akademika Anokhina Street 119571 Moscow RUSSIA T +7 495 276 00 64 E info@npngs.ru I www.rosngs.ru Vasily Nagaev Executive Director
E novikova@rosngs.ru Vladimir Chirskov President
Allied Associations
AACE International
1265 Suncrest Towne Centre Drive Morgantown, WV 26505 U.S.A. T +1 304 296 8444 E info@aacei.org I www.aacei.org
American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
1444 S. Boulder Avenue Tulsa, OK 74119 U.S.A. T +1 918 584 2555 E info@aapg.org I www.aapg.org
American Gas Association (AGA)
400 North Capitol Street NW Washington, DC 20001 U.S.A. T +1 202 824 7000 E firstinitiallastname@aga.org I www.aga.org
American Society for Nondestructive Testing (ASNT)
P.O. Box 28518 1711 Arlingate Lane Columbus, OH 43228-0518 U.S.A. T +1 614 274 6003 E webmaster@asnt.org I www.asnt.org
American Welding Society (AWS)
8669 NW 36 Street #130 Miami, FL 33166-6672 U.S.A. T +1 800 443 9353 E info@aws.org I www.aws.org
Becetel VZW
Gontrode Heirweg 130 9090 Melle BELGIUM T +32 9 272 50 70 E info@becetel.be I www.becetel.be
Construction Safety Research Alliance (CSRA)
c/o Matthew Hallowell UCB 428, 1111 Engineering Drive Boulder, CO 80309-0428 U.S.A. T +1 303 263 3571 E matthew.hallowell@colorado.edu I www.colorado.edu/lab/csra/
Geological Society of America (GSA)
P.O. Box 9140 Boulder, CO 80301-9140 U.S.A. T +1 303 357 1000 E gsaservice@geosociety.org I www.geosociety.org
International Association of Drilling Contractors (IADC)
3657 Briarpark Drive #200 Houston, TX 77042 U.S.A. T +1 713 292 1945 E info@iadc.org I www.iadc.org
26500 Renaissance Parkway Cleveland, OH 44128 U.S.A. T +1 440 349 4400 E isee@isee.org I www.isee.org
MEA Energy Association
7825 Telegraph Rd. Bloomington Eagan, MN 55438 U.S.A. T +1 651 289 9600 E mea@midwestenergy.org I www.meaenergy.org
NACE International
15835 Park Ten Place Houston, TX 77084 U.S.A. T +1 281 228 6200 I www.nace.org
National Association of Pipe Coating Applicators (NAPCA)
Merritt B. Chastain, Jr Managing Director
E merritt.chastain@ogletreedeakins.com
1st Floor, Thames House Mandale Business Park Belmont Industrial Estate Durham DH1 1TH U.K. T +44 191 384 6464 E business@nof.co.uk I www.nof.co.uk
PE100+ Association
Wilmersdorf 50 7327 AC Apeldoorn THE NETHERLANDS T +31 555 393 393 E contact@pe100plus.com I www.pe100plus.com
Pigging Products & Services Association (PPSA)
P.O. Box 30, Kesgrave Ipswich, Suffolk IP5 2WY U.K. T +44 147 363 5863 E ppsa@ppsa-online.com I www.ppsa-online.com
Society for Underwater Technology (SUT)
2 John Street London WC1N 2ES U.K. T +44 203 405 9035 E info@sut.org I www.sut.org
Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
P.O. Box 833836 Richardson, TX 75083-3836 U.S.A. T +1 972 952 9393 E spedal@spe.org I www.spe.org
UK Offshore Operators Association (UKOOA)
1st Floor, 30 Buckingham Gate London SW1E 6NN U.K. T +44 207 802 2400 E info@oilandgasuk.co.uk I www.oilandgasuk.co.uk
US Oil & Gas Association
1101 K Street NW Suite 425 Washington, DC 20005 U.S.A. T +1 202 638 4400 E usoil@usoga.com I www.usoga.org
Professional & Regulatory Bodies
American Petroleum Institute (API)
200 Massachusetts Avenue Suite 1100 Washington, DC 20001-5571 U.S.A. T +1 202 682 8000 I www.api.org
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
1801 Alexander Bell Drive Reston, VA 20191-4400 U.S.A. T +1 703 295 6300 E webmaster@asce.org I www.asce.org
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Two Park Avenue New York, NY 10016-5990 U.S.A. T +1 973 882 1170 E customercare@asme.org I www.asme.org
British Standards Institution (BSI)
389 Chiswick High Road London W4 4AL U.K. T +44 345 086 9001 E cservices@bsigroup.com I www.bsigroup.com
European Pipeline Research Group e.V. (EPRG)
c/o Salzgitter Mannesmann Forschung GmbH Ehinger Strasse 200 47259 Duisburg GERMANY T +49 203 999 3160 E eprg@du.szmf.de I www.eprg.net
Dr. Marion Erdelen-Peppler Secretary General
T +49 203 999 3182 E marion.erdelen@eprg.net
Fédération Internationale des Ingénieurs-Conseils (FIDIC)
World Trade Center II Geneva Airport, P.O. Box 311 1215 Geneva 15 SWITZERLAND T +41 22 799 49 00 E fidic@fidic.org I www.fidic.org
GERG - European Gas Research Group
Av. Palmerston 4 1000 Brussels BELGIUM T +32 22 37 80 17 E robertjudd@gerg.eu I www.gerg.eu
IFP Energies Nouvelles (IFPEN)
1-4 Avenue de Bois-Préau 92852 Rueil-Malmaison Cedex FRANCE T +33 1 47 52 60 00 E webmaster@ifpen.fr I www.ifpenenergiesnouvelles.fr
INGAA - Interstate Natural Gas Association of America
Institute of Marine Engineering, Science & Technology (IMarEST)
1 Birdcage Walk London SW1H 9JJ U.K. T +44 207 382 2600 E info@imarest.org I www.imarest.org
Institution of Civil Engineers
1 Great George Street, Westminster London SW1P 3AA U.K. T +44 207 222 7722 E webmaster@ice.org.uk I www.ice.org.uk
Institution of Mechanical Engineers
One Birdcage Walk Westminster London SW1H 9JJ U.K. T +44 207 222 7899 E enquiries@imeche.org I www.imeche.org
International Gas Union (IGU)
Gas Natural Fenosa, Plaça del Gas Building C, 2nd Floor 08003 Barcelona SPAIN T +34 93 412 97 89 E secretariat@igu-gasnatural.com I www.igu.org
International Petroleum Technology Institute (an ASME Institute)
Lloyd’s Register
71 Fenchurch Street London EC3M 4BS U.K. T +44 207 709 9166 E lloydsreg@lr.org I www.Ir.org
Lloyd’s Register APAC
Level 28, Naza Tower Platinum Park, 10, Persiaran KLCC 50088 Kuala Lumpur Wilayah Persekutuan MALAYSIA T +60 3 9212 2300 I www.lr.org
Pipeline Research Council International (PRCI)
15059 Conference Center Drive Suite 130 Chantilly, VA 20151 U.S.A. T +1 703 205 1600 I www.prci.org
The Energy Institute
61 New Cavendish Street London W1G 7AR U.K. T +44 207 467 7100 E info@energyinst.org I www.energyinst.org