39 minute read

IRO Members & their Activities


Seismic & hydrographic surveys 1. Drilling 2. Design, engineering, research, consultancy 3. Materials and equipment suppliers/manufacturers 4. Fabrication, construction, shipbuilding, repair 5. Civil construction and dredging 6. Inspection, M&R, pipeline, offshore installation 7. Transport, logistics 8.

Abuco • •

Havenkade 26, 1775 BA Middenmeer, The Netherlands, T +31 227 501328 www.abuco.nl, info@abuco.nl Acta Marine

Riverside Offices I, Schaardijk 372, 2909 LA Capelle aan den IJssel, The Netherlands, T +31 880 320900 www.actamarine.com, commercial@actamarine.com AKD

P.O. Box 4302, 3006 AH Rotterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 88 2535373 www.akd.nl, info@akd.nl Allard-Europe •

Veedijk 51, B 2300 Turnhout, Belgium, T +32 14 421111 www.allard-europe.com, info@allard-europe.com Allrig • • •

P.O. Box 48, 1723 ZG Noord-Scharwoude, The Netherlands, T +31 226 313054 www.allriggroup.com, alkmaar@allriggroup.com Allseas Engineering • •

Poortweg 12, 2612 PA Delft, The Netherlands, T +31 15 2681800 www.allseas.com, sales@allseas.com Althen Sensors & Controls • • Verrijn Stuartlaan 40, 2288 EL Rijswijk, The Netherlands, T +31 70 3924421 www.althensensors.com, sales@althen.nl AMACS EMEA • • • IJsselburcht 3, 6825BS Arnhem, The Netherlands, T +31 267911033 www.amacs.com, amacs-emea@amacs.com Ampelmann Operations • Oostsingel 209, 2612 HL Delft, The Netherlands, T +31 20 2400121 www.ampelmann.nl, sales@ampelmann.nl Anamet Europe •

Galwin 5, 1046 AW Amsterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 20 5863586 www.anamet.nl, sales@anamet.nl AncoferWaldram Steelplates •

Damweg 12, 4905 BS Oosterhout, The Netherlands, T +31 162 491500 www.ancoferwaldram.com, sales@aws.dillinger.biz Antonius Vessel Heads • • • S. Houbenweg 1, 6051 AL Maasbracht, The Netherlands, T +31 475 439000 www.antonius.nl, info@antonius.nl Assai Software Services

Parallelweg Oost 13a, 4103 NC Culemborg, The Netherlands, T +31 345 516663 www.assai-software.com, info@assai.nl Astava • Industrieweg 30, 7944 HS Meppel, The Netherlands, T +31 522 237030 www.astava.com, info@astava.com Atlas Copco Rental •

Merwedeweg 7, 3336 LG Zwijndrecht, The Netherlands, T +31 10 2310110 www.atlascopcorental.nl, verhuur@atlascopco.com Atlas Professionals

Wijkermeerstraat 32-34, 2130 AK Hoofddorp, The Netherlands, T +31 23 5560430 www.atlasprofessionals.com, hoofddorp@atlasprofessionals.com Health, safety, environment and QA/QC 9. Personnel, training & education 10. Trade associations, GO’s, NGO’s 11.







Seismic & hydrographic surveys 1. Drilling 2. Design, engineering, research, consultancy 3. Materials and equipment suppliers/manufacturers 4. Fabrication, construction, shipbuilding, repair 5. Civil construction and dredging 6. Inspection, M&R, pipeline, offshore installation 7. Transport, logistics 8. Health, safety, environment and QA/QC 9.

AVT HydrauliQ • • •

Steenovenstraat 1, 4706 RA Roosendaal, The Netherlands, T +31 165 852020 www.hydrauliq.nl, info@hydrauliq.nl Azimuth Marine • • Daltonstraat 23, 3335 LR Zwijndrecht, The Netherlands www.azimuth-marine.nl, joost@azimuth-marine.nl Baker Hughes a GE Company • • Boezemschop 8, 1724 BJ Oudkarspel, The Netherlands, T +31 226 332222 www.bhge.com, info.nl@bakerhughes.com Bakker Sliedrecht • • Leeghwaterstraat 55-59, 3360 AA Sliedrecht, The Netherlands, T +31 181 4436666 www.bakkersliedrecht.com, info@bakker-sl.nl Balluff • Europalaan 6A, 5232 BC Den Bosch, The Netherlands, T +31 73 6579702 www.balluff.nl, info.nl@balluff.nl Barge Master • • • Marconistraat 16, 3029 AK Rotterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 10 4090060 www.barge-master.com, info@barge-master.com Bayards Aluminium Constructies • • • Veerweg 2, 2957 CP Nieuw-Lekkerland, The Netherlands, T +31 184 683000 www.bayards.com, sales@bayards.com Belfor Technology (Nederland) • • Daltonstraat 40, 3316 GD Dordrecht, The Netherlands, T +31 78 6511622 www.belfor-technology.nl, info@belfor-technology.nl BigLift Shipping •

Radarweg 36, 1042 AA Amsterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 20 4488304 www.bigliftshipping.com, info@bigliftshipping.com Blue Offshore • • • Personnel, training & education 10.

Laan van Nieuw Oost-Indië 191, 2593 BN Den Haag, The Netherlands, T +31 70 7113774 www.blueoffshore.com, info@blueoffshore.com Bluebird Consultant • • Ringvaartweg 230, 3065 AH Rotterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 6 50749735 www.bluebird-consultant.nl, info@bluebird-consultant.nl Bluestream Offshore • • • Koperslagersweg 2, 1786 RA Den Helder, The Netherlands, T +31 223 637784 www.bluestreamoffshore.com, info@bluestreamoffshore.com Bluewater Energy Services •

Taurusavenue 46, 2132 LS Hoofddorp, The Netherlands, T +31 23 7115500 www.bluewater.com, info@bluewater.com BMT Europe • •

Weena 505, 3013 AL Rotterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 10 2680666 www.bmt-mercury.com, steven@bmt-mercury.com BOIS Equipment Rentals • • • • Galileistraat 55, 1700 AE Heerhugowaard, The Netherlands, T +31 72 5762560 www.boisbv.com, info@boisbv.com Bolidt Synthetic Products and Systems • Nijverheidsweg 37, 3341 JL Hendrik Ido Ambacht, The Netherlands, T +31 78 6845444 www.bolidt.com, maritime@bolidt.com Trade associations, GO’s, NGO’s 11.






Seismic & hydrographic surveys 1. Drilling 2. Design, engineering, research, consultancy 3. Materials and equipment suppliers/manufacturers 4. Fabrication, construction, shipbuilding, repair 5.

Bolster Safety

Parallelweg 1, 2nd floor, 3112 NA Schiedam, The Netherlands, T +31 85 9021201 www.bolstersafety.com, info@bolstersafety.com Bosch Rexroth • • Kruisbroeksestraat 1, 5281 RV Boxtel, The Netherlands, T +31 411 651951 www.boschrexroth.com, offshore@boschrexroth.com Boskalis • Civil construction and dredging 6. Inspection, M&R, pipeline, offshore installation 7. Transport, logistics 8. Health, safety, environment and QA/QC 9. Personnel, training & education 10.

Rosmolenweg 20, 3356 LK Papendrecht, The Netherlands, T +31 78 6969000 www.boskalis.com/offshore, offshore.energy@boskalis.com Brady Corporation • • •

Wattstraat 7A, 2171 TP Sassenheim, The Netherlands, T +31 70 3236298 www.bradyeurope.com, salesbenelux@bradycorp.com Bredenoord •

Zutphensestraat 319, 7325 WT Apeldoorn, The Netherlands, T +31 55 3018501 www.bredenoord.com, rental@bredenoord.com Breman Machinery

Sasdijk 20, 8281 BM Genemuiden, The Netherlands, T +31 88 2736200 www.breman-machinery.nl, info@breman-machinery.nl Breman Offshore

Leonarduskade 21, 1976 DH IJmuiden, The Netherlands, T +31 88 2736266 www.breman-offshore.nl, info@breman-offshore.nl BRIDGES2000 • • • Koekoeksedijk 16, 4761 PJ Zevenbergen, The Netherlands, T +31 10 8201770 www. bridges2000.com, solutions@bridges2000.com Broekman Logistics •

Waalhaven Zuidzijde 21, 3089 JH Rotterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 10 4873911 www.broekmanlogistics.com, sales.rtm@broekmanlogistics.com Bronswerk Heat Transfer • • • Stationsweg 22, 3862 CG Nijkerk, The Netherlands, T +31 33 2472500 www.bronswerk.com, info@bronswerk.com Brooks Instrument • Einsteinstraat 53, 3902 HN Veenendaal, The Netherlands, T +31 318 549288 www.brooksinstrument.com, brookseu@brooksinstrument.com Brunel (Oil & Gas) Industry Global Focal Point • • • Rotterdam Airportbaan 19, 3045 AN Rotterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 20 3125000 www.brunel.net, j.van.drunen@brunel.net Brunel (Renewables) Industry Global Focal Point •

Joh. M. Keynesplein 33, 1006 AB Amsterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 20 3125000 www.brunel.nl, m.pals@brunel.net Bureau Veritas (Netherlands) • • Computerweg 2, 3821 AB Amersfoort, The Netherlands, T +31 88 4505500 www.bureauveritas.com,info@nl.bureauveritas.com C-Job Naval Architects • • • Regulusplein 1, 2132 JN Hoofddorp, The Netherlands, T +31 88 0243700 www.c-job.com, info@c-job.com C-Ventus Offshore Windfarm Services • Parklaan 32, 3016 BC Rotterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 10 340522 www.disa-international.com, service@disa-international.com Trade associations, GO’s, NGO’s 11.




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Seismic & hydrographic surveys 1. Drilling 2. Design, engineering, research, consultancy 3. Materials and equipment suppliers/manufacturers 4. Fabrication, construction, shipbuilding, repair 5. Civil construction and dredging 6. Inspection, M&R, pipeline, offshore installation 7. Transport, logistics 8. Health, safety, environment and QA/QC 9.

CAPE Holland • Romhof 5, 9411 SB Beilen, The Netherlands, T +31 593540470 www.cape-holland.com, info@cape-holland.com CBOX Containers Netherlands • • • Ruijgoordweg 80, 1047 HM Amsterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 20 2161200 www.cboxcontainers.com, nl.sales@cboxcontainers.com CMS

Mondriaantoren, Amstelplein 8A, 1096 BC Amsterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 20 3016301 www.cms-dsb.com, amsterdam@cms-dsb.com Combifloat Systems • • •

Rivium Quadrant 75, 8th floor, 2909 LC Capelle and den IJssel, The Netherlands, T +31 10 4370811 www.combifloat.com, combifloat@combifloat.com Compressor Systems Holland • Tuinschouw 4, 4131 MD Vianen, The Netherlands, T +31 347 324610 www.compressorsystems.com, csh@compressorsystems.com Conbit • • • Steenoven 5, 5626 DK Eindhoven, The Netherlands, T +31 40 7114505 www.conbit.eu, info@conbit.eu Conoship International • Leonard Springerlaan, 9727 KB Groningen, The Netherlands, T +31 50 5268822 conoship.com, conoship@conoship.com Conway & Partners

Otto Reuchlinweg 1132, 3072 MD Rotterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 10 2042200 www.conway-partners.com, info@conway-partners.com Copier Bevelmachines • Bedrijvenstraat 13, 4283 JJ Giessen, The Netherlands, T +31 183 441313 www.bevelmachines.com, sales@copierbv.com Coronam • Reaal 1, 1507 DV Zaandam, The Netherlands, T +31 75 6167745 www.coronam.nl, info@coronam.nl Critical Minds • • Burgemeester Breenplantsoen 1, 3471 CK Kamerik, The Netherlands, T +31 647152378 www.CriticalMinds.nl, hello@criticalminds.nl Damen Shiprepair Rotterdam • Admiraal de Ruyterstraat 24, Port nr. 550, 3115 HB Schiedam, The Netherlands, T +31 10 2041222 www.damenshiprepair.com, dsr@damen.com Damen Shipyards Gorinchem • • •

Avelingen West 20, 4200 AA Gorinchem, The Netherlands, T +31 183 639547 www.damen.com, info@damen.nl Damen Verolme Rotterdam •

Prof. Gerbrandyweg 25, 3197 KK Rotterdam - Botlek, The Netherlands, T +31 181 234300 www.damenshiprepair.com, mail@damenverolme.com DBR • • •

Lelystraat 53, 3364 AH Sliedrecht, The Netherlands, T +31 184 613200 www.dbr-bv.nl, info@dbr-bv.nl DCN Diving

Van Konijnburgweg 151, 4612 PL Bergen op Zoom, The Netherlands, T +31 164 214343 www.dcndiving.com, info@dcnbv.nl Personnel, training & education 10. Trade associations, GO’s, NGO’s 11.


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Seismic & hydrographic surveys 1. Drilling 2. Design, engineering, research, consultancy 3. Materials and equipment suppliers/manufacturers 4. Fabrication, construction, shipbuilding, repair 5. Civil construction and dredging 6. Inspection, M&R, pipeline, offshore installation 7.

De Graaf Aandrijvingen • Dalkruidbaan 149, 3009 CD Rotterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 10 2922333 www.degraaf-aandrijvingen.nl, informatie@degraaf-aandrijvingen.nl De Haan Special Equipment • • •

Transistorweg 3, 9503 GT Stadskanaal, The Netherlands, T +31 599 613300 www.dehaan-se.com, sales@dehaan-se.com De Nooij Stainless • • Voltastraat 7, 6716 AJ Ede, The Netherlands, T +31 318 493210 www.denooij.nl, ac@denooij.nl DE REGT Marine Cables • • • De Zaag 2-4, 2931 LD Krimpen aan de Lek, The Netherlands, T +31 180 668800 www.deregtcables.com, info@deregtcables.com De Ruyter Training & Consultancy (DRTC)

Oosterhavenweg 22, 4382 NL Vlissingen, The Netherlands, T +31 118 463382 www.drtc.nl, drtc@drtc.nl Deep, Hydrography & Geophysics • •

Johan van Hasseltweg 39D, 1021 KN Amsterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 20 6343676 www.deepbv.com, info@deepbv.nl DEKC Maritime • Osloweg 110, Groningen 9723BX, The Netherlands, T +31 50 5753950 www.dekc-maritime.nl, marleen@dekc.nl Deloitte

Wilhelminakade 1, 3072 AP Rotterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 10 8801600 www.deloitte.com, info@deloitte.nl Delta Safety Training

Geyssendorfferweg 47, 3088 GJ Rotterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 10 2042255 www.deltasafetytraining.com, info@deltasafetytraining.com DEME Offshore • • •

Minervum 7442, 4817 ZG Breda, The Netherlands, T +31 76 5204140 www.deme-group.com, info.deme@deme-group.com Deno Compressors • Van der Giessenweg 49, 2921 LP Krimpen aan den IJssel, The Netherlands, T +31 180 442288 www.denocomp.nl, info@denocomp.nl DHTC Transport, logistics 8. Health, safety, environment and QA/QC 9. Personnel, training & education 10. Trade associations, GO’s, NGO’s 11.

Zeilmakersweg 10, 1786 PE Den Helder, The Netherlands, T +31 223 625070 www.dhtc.nl, info@dhtc.nl Dieseko Group • Lelystraat 49, 3364 AH Sliedrecht, The Netherlands, T +31 184 410333 www.diesekogroup.com, info@diesekogroup.com DNV GL • • • •

Zwolseweg 1, 2994 LB Barendrecht, The Netherlands, T +31 10 2922600 www.dnvgl.com, rotterdammarketing@dnvgl.com DOB Academy

Raam 180, 2611 WP Delft, The Netherlands, T +31 15 2400555 www.dob-academy.nl, post@dob-academy.nl Doedijns • • • Bleiswijkseweg 51, 2712 PB Zoetermeer, The Netherlands, T +31 88 0912600 www.doedijns.com, solutions@doedijns.com





Seismic & hydrographic surveys 1. Drilling 2. Design, engineering, research, consultancy 3. Materials and equipment suppliers/manufacturers 4. Fabrication, construction, shipbuilding, repair 5. Civil construction and dredging 6. Inspection, M&R, pipeline, offshore installation 7. Transport, logistics 8. Health, safety, environment and QA/QC 9.

Draka / Prysmian Group • • Schieweg 9, 2627 AN Delft, The Netherlands, T +31 88 8084444 www.prysmiangroup.com, info.nl@prysmiangroup.com Dredging & Contracting Rotterdam, member of Jan De Nul Group • • •

Zuid-Oostsingel 24H, 4611 BB Bergen op Zoom, The Netherlands, T +31 164 266144 www.jandenul.com, info@dcrnl.com DroneQ Aerial Services •

Weikamperweg, 120, 7351TH Hoenderloo, The Netherlands, T +31 611199955 www.droneq.nl, info@droneq.nl DSM Dyneema •

Urmonderbaan 22, 6167 RD Geleen, The Netherlands, T +31 46 7506555 www.dyneema.com, info.dsmhpf@dsm.com Eager.one • • •

Savannahweg 69, 3542 AW Utrecht, The Netherlands, T +31 30 2408060 www.eager.one, info@eager.one EBN Personnel, training & education 10. Trade associations, GO’s, NGO’s 11.



Daalsesingel 1, 3511 SV Utrecht, The Netherlands, T +31 30 2339001 www.ebn.nl, ebn.mail@ebn.nl ECHT regie in transitie •

Nicolaas Beetsstraat 216-222, 3511 HG Utrecht, The Netherlands, T +31 85 1302723 www.echt.community, Info@echt.community EEW-CTS • • Ginnekenweg 157, 4818 JD Breda, The Netherlands, T +31 76 5335415 www.eew-group.com, info.eewbv@eew-group.com ELA Container Offshore • • Rouaanstraat 39, 9723 CC Groningen, The Netherlands, T +49 5932 7323500 www.ela-offshore.com, info@ela-offshore.com Elcee Holland • • • Kamerlingh Onnesweg 28, 3316 GL Dordrecht, The Netherlands, T +31 78 6544777 www.elcee.nl, info@elcee.nl Elis Nederland • • • Pieter Calandweg 2, 6827 BK Arnhem, The Netherlands, T +31 800 2373637 nl.elis.com, vincent.nibbering@elis.com EMAR Offshore Services • •

Wilhelminalaan 8, 4941 GK Raamsdonksveer, The Netherlands, T +31 162 727098 www.emaroffshoreservices.com, info@emaroffshoreservices.com EMCÉ Winches •

‘s Gravendamseweg 53B, 2215 TC Voorhout, The Netherlands, T +31 252 214080 www.emce.com, info@emce.com Endures •

Bevesierweg 1 DC002, 1781 AT Den Helder, The Netherlands, T +31 223 747001 www.endures.nl, info@endures.nl Enersea • • Jan Evertsenweg 12, 3115 JA Schiedam, The Netherlands, T +31 10 3132100 www.enersea.nl, info@enersea.nl Ernst & Young Nederland

Boompjes 258, 3011 XZ Rotterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 88 4071000 www.ey.nl, info@nl.ey.com • 4

Seismic & hydrographic surveys 1. Drilling 2. Design, engineering, research, consultancy 3. Materials and equipment suppliers/manufacturers 4. Fabrication, construction, shipbuilding, repair 5. Civil construction and dredging 6. Inspection, M&R, pipeline, offshore installation 7. Transport, logistics 8. Health, safety, environment and QA/QC 9. Personnel, training & education 10. Trade associations, GO’s, NGO’s 11.


Escher Process Modules • • • Noordhoek 37, 3351 LD Papendrecht, The Netherlands, T +31 88 9433600 www.escher.nl, info@escher.nl Etteplan Netherlands • •

• 47

Boompjes 40, 3011 XB Rotterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 10 7986983 www.etteplan.com, mick.vansliedregt@etteplan.com Expro North Sea Ltd •

Nijverheidsweg 4, 1780 AK Den Helder, The Netherlands, T +31 223 677900 www.exprogroup.com, expro.denhelder@exprogroup.com Fabricom Offshore Services • • • Koperslagersweg 23, 1786 RA Den Helder, The Netherlands, T +31 223 670100 www.engie-fabricom.nl, receptie.denhelder.fabricom.nl@engie.com FibreMax • Bokkewiel 6, 8502 TX Joure, The Netherlands, T +31 513 681 008 www.fibremax.nl, duco@fibremax.nl Fluiconnecto •


Van der Giessenweg 9, 2921 LP Krimpen aan den IJssel, The Netherlands, T +31 180 511411 www.fluiconnecto.nl, info@fluiconnecto.nl FMJ Rolloos • • Buitendijks 29, 3356 LX Papendrecht, The Netherlands, T +31 10 4515655 www.rolloos.com, info@rolloos.com FMTC •

Sloterweg 527, 1171 VG Badhoevedorp, the Netherlands, T +31 85 1307461 www.fmtcsafety.com, info@fmtcsafety.com Formaco Forgings & Castings • • Cuijkseweg 4, 5443 PA Haps, The Netherlands, T +31 88 7001200 www.formaco.nl, info@formaco.nl FourICT • • • Dutch Innovation Factory, Bleiswijkseweg 37, 2712 PB Zoetermeer, The Netherlands, T +31 79 7630480 www.fourict.nl, info@fourict.nl Foxdrill • • • Kampenstraat 14, 7570 EK Oldenzaal, The Netherlands, T +31 541 580500 www.foxdrill.com, foxdrill@wagenborg.com Frames • Eikenlaan 237, 2404 BP Alphen aan den Rijn, The Netherlands, T +31 172 461600 www.frames-group.com, info@frames-group.com Fugro • • •

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Veurse Achterweg 10, 2264 SG Leidschendam, The Netherlands, T +31 70 3111422 www.fugro.com, ask@fugro.com G4S Training & Safety Solutions

Galvanistraat 89, 6710 BB Ede, The Netherlands, T +31 318 640310 www.g4s.nl, info@nl.g4s.com GAC Netherlands • •

Butaanweg 5D, 3196 KC Rotterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 10 2310810 www.gac.com, offshore.rotterdam@gac.com GEA Nederland (GEA Westfalia Separator) •

Hoogveld 16, 5431 NW Cuijk, The Netherlands, T +31 485 319300 www.gea.com/en/oil-gas-energy, nederland@gea.com

Seismic & hydrographic surveys 1. Drilling 2. Design, engineering, research, consultancy 3. Materials and equipment suppliers/manufacturers 4. Fabrication, construction, shipbuilding, repair 5. Civil construction and dredging 6. Inspection, M&R, pipeline, offshore installation 7. Transport, logistics 8. Health, safety, environment and QA/QC 9.

Geomil Equipment •

Westbaan 240, 2841 MC Moordrecht, The Netherlands, T +31 172 427800 www.geomil.com, info@geomil.com Georg Fischer • Lange Veenteweg 19, 8161 PA Epe, The Netherlands, T +31 578 678222 www.georgfischer.nl, nl.ps@georgfischer.com Gielissen | Interiors | Exhibitions | Events •

Freddy van Riemsdijkweg 21, 5657 EE Eindhoven, The Netherlands, T +31 40 2353637 www.gielissen.nl, info@gielissen.nl GLOBE Airmotors • Boerhaaveweg 9-11, 2408 AD Alphen aan den Rijn, The Netherlands, T +31 172 426608 www.globe-benelux.nl, info@globe-benelux.nl GloMar Offshore

Het Nieuwe Diep 34-A3, 1781 AD Den Helder, The Netherlands, T +31 223 525030 www.glomaroffshore.com, chartering@glomaroffshore.com Gouda Holland

Grote Esch 80, 2841 MJ Moordrecht, The Netherlands, T +31 182 506200 www.goudaholland.nl, info@goudaholland.nl GranEnergia

Weena Zuid 116, 3012 NC Rotterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 10 3070550 www.granenergia.com, daan.beekhuis@granenergia.com GustoMSC •

Karel Doormanweg 35, 3115 JD Schiedam, The Netherlands, T +31 10 2883000 www.nov.com/gustomsc, info.gustomsc@nov.com H2M Offshore Accommodations • • Willeskop 94, 3417 ME Montfoort, The Netherlands, T +31 348 763728 www.h-2m.com, info@h-2m.com Hatenboer-Water • • Personnel, training & education 10.

Mercuriusweg 8, 3113 AR Schiedam, The Netherlands, T +31 10 4091200 www.hatenboer-water.com, info@hatenboer-water.com Heerema Fabrication Group • •

Belgiëweg-Oost 1, 4455 TT Nieuwdorp, The Netherlands, T +31 113 618000 www.heerema.com, info@hfg-heerema.com Heerema International Group Services • • • Vondellaan 47, 2332 AA Leiden, The Netherlands, T +31 70 5351730 www.heerema.com, info@heerema.com Heerema Marine Contractors • Vondellaan 47, 2332 AA Leiden, The Netherlands, T +31 71 5799000 www.heerema.com, info@hmc-heerema.com Height Specialists • • • • Weg en Land 48, 2661 KR Bergschenhoek, The Netherlands, T +31 15 2565662 www.heightspecialists.nl, info@heightspecialists.nl Helder Oil & Gas •

Ligusterbaan 16, 2908 LW Capelle aan den IJssel, The Netherlands, T +31 30 6669776 www.helderrs.com, info@helderoilandgas.com Hendrik Veder Group • • Eemhavenweg 131, 3089 KE Rotterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 10 2992344 www.hendrikvedergroup.com, info@hendrikvedergroup.com Trade associations, GO’s, NGO’s 11.







Seismic & hydrographic surveys 1. Drilling 2. Design, engineering, research, consultancy 3. Materials and equipment suppliers/manufacturers 4. Fabrication, construction, shipbuilding, repair 5. Civil construction and dredging 6. Inspection, M&R, pipeline, offshore installation 7. Transport, logistics 8. Health, safety, environment and QA/QC 9.

Hetraco • Hoornaar 11, 7317 BR Apeldoorn, The Netherlands, T +31 55 3032180 www.hetraco.com, sales@hetraco.com HGG Profiling Contractors • • • Zuidrak 2, 1771 SW Wieringerwerf, The Netherlands, T +31 227 504030 www.hgg-group.com, info@hgg-group.com Holland Legacy Pump Group • Tuinschouw 4, 4131 MD Vianen, The Netherlands, T +31 347 765765 www.hlpgroup.nl, info@hlpgroup.nl Honeywell • Laarderhoogtweg 18, 1100 AR Amsterdam Zuidoost, The Netherlands, T +31 20 5656576 www.iac.honeywell.com, industrie@honeywell.com Honor Safety & Consultancy

Palmpolstraat 88, 1327 CJ Almere, The Netherlands, T +31 36 5219600 www.honor-safety.nl, info@honor-safety.nl HSM Offshore •

Westfrankelandsedijk 9, 3115 HG Schiedam, The Netherlands, T +31 10 4279200 www.hsmoffshore.com, sales@hsm.nl Hudig & Veder Forwarding

Debussystraat 2, 3161 WD Rhoon, The Netherlands, T +31 10 5066600 www.hudigveder.nl, expo@hudigveder.nl Huisman • • •

Admiraal Trompstraat 2, 3115 HH Schiedam, The Netherlands, T +31 88 0702222 www.huismanequipment.com, info@huisman-nl.com Hycom • Antillen 43, 7333 PE Apeldoorn, The Netherlands, T +31 88 0597200 www.hycom.nl, info@hycom.nl Hydac •

Vossenbeemd 109, 5705 CL Helmond, The Netherlands, T +31 88 0597001 www.hydac.nl, nl-info@hydac.com Hydrasun • • Overwegwachter 2, 3034 KG Rotterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 10 4049044 www.hydrasun.com, rotterdam.sales@hydrasun.com IFS BeNeLux

Flight Forum 3450, 5657 EW Eindhoven, The Netherlands, T +31 40 2923292 www.ifsworld.com, info.nl@ifsworld.com IHC IQIP • • • Molendijk 94, 3361 EP Sliedrecht, The Netherlands, T +31 88 0155000 www.ihciqip.com, info.iqip@ihciqip.com Ingenieursbureau Coenradie • • • Moorland 8, 5688 GA Oirschot, The Netherlands, T +31 499 577202 www.coenradie.nl, info@coenradie.nl Ingenieursburo Gommer • Parkweg 11, 2271 AD Voorburg, The Netherlands, T +31 70 3868286 www.gommer.nl, gommer@gommer.nl Inmarsat • Loire 158-160, 2491 AL Den Haag, The Netherlands, T +31 70 3013200 www.inmarsat.com/maritime, maritime@inmarsat.com Personnel, training & education 10. Trade associations, GO’s, NGO’s 11.





Seismic & hydrographic surveys 1. Drilling 2. Design, engineering, research, consultancy 3. Materials and equipment suppliers/manufacturers 4. Fabrication, construction, shipbuilding, repair 5. Civil construction and dredging 6. Inspection, M&R, pipeline, offshore installation 7. Transport, logistics 8. Health, safety, environment and QA/QC 9. Personnel, training & education 10. Trade associations, GO’s, NGO’s 11.


InterDam • • Benedenrijweg 186, 2987 VB Ridderkerk, The Netherlands, T +31 180 470030 www.interdam.com, info@interdam.com International SOS • •

John M. Keynesplein 3, 1066 EP Amsterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 20 8200888 www.internationalsos.com, sosnetherlands@internationalsos.com INTRAMAR Insurances • • • Het Nieuwe Diep 34 A8, 1781 AD Den Helder, The Netherlands, T +31 223 612222 www.intramar.nl, info@intramar.nl IOT Holland • • Boekel 36, 1921 CE Akersloot, The Netherlands, T +31 72 5333222 www.iot-dosco.nl, sales@iot-dosco.nl iPS Powerful People

Rivium Boulevard 101, 2909 LK Capelle aan den IJssel, The Netherlands, T +31 88 4479494 www.ipspowerfulpeople.com, info@ipspowerfulpeople.com IRM Europe • •

Concordiastraat 84, 1951 AS Velsen-Noord, The Netherlands, T + 91 97277 38412 www.irmome.com, sales4@irmome.com Iv-Consult • Noordhoek 37, 3351 LD Papendrecht, The Netherlands, T +31 88 9433100 www.iv-consult.nl, info@iv-consult.nl Iv-Offshore & Energy • •

Noordhoek 37, 3351 LD Papendrecht, The Netherlands, T +31 88 9433300 www.iv-offshore-energy.com, info@iv-one.nl IVM (Instituut voor Veiligheid & Milieu)

Monierweg 4, 7740 AE Coevorden, The Netherlands, T +31 88 1663000 www.werkveilig.nl, info@werkveilig.nl Jack-Up Barge • • •

Krausstraat 14-16, 3364 AD Sliedrecht, The Netherlands, T +31 184 420091 www.jackupbarge.com, commercial@jackupbarge.com JB Systems Industrial Automation • • Westlandseweg 190, 3131 HX Vlaardingen, The Netherlands, T +31 10 4608060 www.jbsystems.nl, info@jbsystems.nl Jumbo Offshore VOF • •

• 73




Havenstraat 23, 3115 HC Schiedam, The Netherlands, T +31 10 7900300 www.jumbomaritime.nl, info@jumbomaritime.nl Kalkman Handelsonderneming • • •

Parallelweg 11, 2921 LE Krimpen aan den IJssel, The Netherlands, T +31 180 517755 www.kalkman-handel.nl, handel@kalkman.nl KCI the engineers • • De Brauwweg 62, 3125 AE Schiedam, The Netherlands, T +31 10 4270399 www.kci.nl, info@kci.nl KENC Engineering • • Zutphenstraat 39, 7575 EJ Oldenzaal, The Netherlands, T +31 541 533193 www.kenc.nl, info@kenc.nl KenzFigee • • Zuiddijk 400, 1505 HE Zaandam, The Netherlands, T +31 75 6810410 www.kenzfigee.com, info@kenzfigee.com

Seismic & hydrographic surveys 1. Drilling 2. Design, engineering, research, consultancy 3. Materials and equipment suppliers/manufacturers 4. Fabrication, construction, shipbuilding, repair 5. Civil construction and dredging 6. Inspection, M&R, pipeline, offshore installation 7.

KH Engineering •

Jan van Galenstraat 2, 3115 JG Schiedam, The Netherlands, T +31 10 2088888 www.khe.eu, info@khe.eu Konnektus •

Bossekamp 7, 5301 LZ Zaltbommel, The Netherlands, T +31 418 510016 www.konnektus.nl, konnekt@konnektus.nl Konutherm • Transport, logistics 8. Health, safety, environment and QA/QC 9. Personnel, training & education 10. Trade associations, GO’s, NGO’s 11.



Baarnsche Dijk 6A8, 3741 LR Baarn, The Netherlands, T +31 35 3034910 www.konutherm.com, info@konutherm.com KPMG • Laan van Langerhuize 1, 1186 DS Amstelveen, The Netherlands, T +31 20 6567890 www.kpmg.nl/energie, Schut.Jessica@kpmg.nl KPS • • • Dienstenstraat 25, 3161 GN Rhoon, The Netherlands, T +31 10 5030077 www.kpsnl.com, info@kpsnl.com Lankhorst Engineered Products • • Prinsengracht 2, 8607 AD Sneek, The Netherlands, T +31 515 487641 www.lankhorst-offshore.com, offshore@lankhorst-offshore.com LIFT2WORK • • •

De Iepenwei 16-C, 4191 PD Geldermalsen, The Netherlands, T +31 88 2628688 www.lift2work.nl, info@lift2work.nl LUC Group • • Boschstraat 31, 6442 PB Brunssum, The Netherlands, T +31 45 5270300 www.lucgroup.com, sales@lucgroup.com M Restart •

Van Vollenhovenstraat 29, 3016 BG Rotterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 10 7141800 www.mrestart.nl, info@mrestart.nl Machinefabriek Heerbaart •

Alfred Marshallstraat 13, 7559 SE Hengelo, The Netherlands, T +31 74 2427575 www.machinefabriek-heerbaart.com, info@machinefabriek-heerbaart.com Mammoet • •

• 19, 73


Karel Doormanweg 47, 3115 JD Schiedam, The Netherlands, T +31 10 2042424 www.mammoet.com, info@mammoet.com Management Strategen/Pull& Push

Herikerweg 14A, 7475 TT Markelo, The Netherlands, T +31 35 3030937 www.pullenpush.nl, www.managementstrategen.nl, ruud@pullenpush.nl, pullen@managementstrategen.nl MarFlex • • Louis Pasteurstraat 8, 3261 LZ Oud-Beijerland, The Netherlands, T +31 186 890200 www.marflex.com, info@marflex.com Marin • Haagsteeg 2, 6700 AA Wageningen, The Netherlands, T +31 317 493911 www.marin.nl, info@marin.nl Maris • Koningin Julianalaan 345A, 2273 JJ Voorburg, The Netherlands, T +31 70 3004710 www.maris.nl, info@maris.nl Maritime Construction Services • • •

Parnassusweg 805B, 1082 LZ Amsterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 6 11772553 www.mcs.nl, info@mcs.nl

Seismic & hydrographic surveys 1. Drilling 2. Design, engineering, research, consultancy 3. Materials and equipment suppliers/manufacturers 4. Fabrication, construction, shipbuilding, repair 5. Civil construction and dredging 6. Inspection, M&R, pipeline, offshore installation 7.

Marsh • Conradstraat 18, 3013 AP Rotterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 10 4060600 www.marsh.nl McDermott •

Prinses Beatrixlaan 35, 2595 AK Den Haag, The Netherlands, T +31 70 3732010 www.mcdermott.com, info@mcdermott.com MechDes Engineering •

Fahrenheitstraat 47, 3846 CC Harderwijk, The Netherlands, T +31 341 277070 www.mechdes.nl, info@mechdes.nl MediWerk

Luchthavenweg 6F, 1786 PP Den Helder, The Netherlands, T +31 88 0117500 www.mediwerk.com, info@mediwerk.com Meteogroup • •

Agro Businesspark 99-101, 6708 PV Wageningen, The Netherlands, T +31 317 399800 www.meteogroup.com, marine@meteogroup.com MFE Machining & Construction

Loubergweg 7, 6961 EJ Eerbeek, The Netherlands, T +31 31 3674674 www.mfe.nl, info@mfe.nl Mistras Group

Hofweg 15, 3208 LE Spijkenisse, The Netherlands, T +31 10 2450325 www.mistrasgroup.nl, info@mistras.nl MME Rope Access

Rietdekkerstraat 16, 2984 BM Ridderkerk, The Netherlands, T +31 180 482828 www.mme-group.com, ropeaccess@mme-group.com Mocean Offshore • Teleportboulevard 110, Unit 6.24, 1043 EJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 20 8203399 www.mocean-offshore.com, info@mocean-offshore.com Mokveld Valves • Transport, logistics 8. Health, safety, environment and QA/QC 9. Personnel, training & education 10.

Nijverheidsstraat 67, 2802 AJ Gouda, The Netherlands, T +31 182 597500 www.mokveld.com, info@mokveld.com Mooreast Europe •

Prinses Margrietlaan 39A, 3051 AP Rotterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 6 26443148 www.mooreast.com, europe@mooreast.com Mourik Industry • • Nieuwesluisweg 110, 3197 KV Rotterdam - Botlek, The Netherlands, T +31 10 2965400 www.mourik.com, secretariaat@mourik.com MP Holland International Freight Forwarders

Prestwickweg 26, 1118 LB Schiphol, The Netherlands, T +31 20 6541500 www.mpholland.net, c.korteweg@mpholland.net Muller Dordrecht

Merwekade 82, 3311 TH Dordrecht, The Netherlands, T +31 78 6392000 www.muller-dordrecht.nl, info@muller-dordrecht.nl Multimetaal Constructie • • • Scheepmakersweg 23, 1786 PD Den Helder, The Netherlands, T +31 223 611120 www.multimetaal.com, info@multimetaal.com Multiplan International

c/o The Crescent Mechelen - Motstraat 30, 2800 Mechelen, Belgium, T +32 89 717702 www.multiplan-international.com, info@multiplan-international.com Trade associations, GO’s, NGO’s 11.





Seismic & hydrographic surveys 1. Drilling 2. Design, engineering, research, consultancy 3. Materials and equipment suppliers/manufacturers 4. Fabrication, construction, shipbuilding, repair 5. Civil construction and dredging 6. Inspection, M&R, pipeline, offshore installation 7. Transport, logistics 8. Health, safety, environment and QA/QC 9.

Multraship Ocean Towage

Schuttershofweg 1, 4538 AA Terneuzen, The Netherlands, T +31 115 645000 www.multraship.com, managementsupport@multraship.com N-Sea • Personnel, training & education 10. Trade associations, GO’s, NGO’s 11.

Wilgenbos 2, 3311 JX Dordrecht, The Netherlands, T +31 111 456000 www.n-sea.com, info@n-sea.com Navingo •

Jan van Galenstraat 56, 3115 JG Schiedam, The Netherlands, T +31 10 4360112 www.navingo.com, info@navingo.com NCGS Group • • •

Kelvinring 54, 2952 BG Alblasserdam, The Netherlands, T +31 70 3109198 www.ncgsgroup.com, p.bouman@ncgsgroup.com NEDAL Aluminium •

Groenwoudsedijk 1, 3528 BG Utrecht, The Netherlands, T +31 30 2925711 www.nedal.com, info@nedal.nl Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschappij • • • • • Schepersmaat 2, 9400 HH Assen, The Netherlands, T +31 592 369111 www.nam.nl, a.frens@shell.com Neptune Marine • • •

Rivierdijk 586, 3371 ED Hardinxveld-Giessendam, The Netherlands, T +31 184 621423 www.neptunemarine.com, info@neptunemarine.com Nevesbu • Kelvinring 48, 2952 BG Alblasserdam, The Netherlands, T +31 88 9433400 www.nevesbu.com, info@nevesbu.com NHL Stenden Hogeschool • •

Dellewal 8, 8881 EG Terschelling, The Netherlands, T +31 562 446603 www.nhlstenden.com, miwb@nhl.nl Nidec Netherlands • Kubus 155, 3364 DG Sliedrecht, The Netherlands, T +31 184 420555 www.nidec-netherlands.nl, info.nl@mail.nidec.com Niron Staal Amsterdam • •

Vasumweg 125, 1033 SG Amsterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 20 6333031 www.nironstaal.nl, info@nironstaal.nl Oceanteam • • Westerdoksdijk 473, 1013 BX Amsterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 20 5357570 www.oceanteam.no, info@oceanteam.nl ODS Metering Systems • • • Donk 6, 2991 LE Barendrecht, The Netherlands, T +31 180 640879 www.ods-metering-systems.com/nl, odsmetering@ods-nl.com Offshore Boarding • •

Huis ter Lucht 26, 3155 EB Maasland, The Netherlands, T +31 6 49673901 www.offshoreboarding.com, info@offshoreboarding.com Offshore Independents •

Noordsingel 117, 3035 EM Rotterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 10 7370938 www.offshoreindependents.com, info@offshoreindependents.com Offshore Industry

Boulevard Bankert 290, 4382 AC Vlissingen, The Netherlands, T +31 118 473398 www.ynfpublishers.com, info@ynfpublishers.com




Seismic & hydrographic surveys 1. Drilling 2. Design, engineering, research, consultancy 3. Materials and equipment suppliers/manufacturers 4. Fabrication, construction, shipbuilding, repair 5. Civil construction and dredging 6. Inspection, M&R, pipeline, offshore installation 7. Transport, logistics 8. Health, safety, environment and QA/QC 9.

Offshore Marine Contractors • • • Personnel, training & education 10. Trade associations, GO’s, NGO’s 11.

Verlaat 6, 8331 VA Steenwijk, The Netherlands, T +31 528 230445 www.omcon.com, holland@omcon.com Onstream European Consultancy • • •

Vlietweg 17C, 2266 KA Leidschendam, The Netherlands, T +31 70 7507800 www.onstreamgroup.com, tenders@onstreamgroup.com OOS International • • Oostkapelseweg 4, 4353 EH Serooskerke, The Netherlands, T +31 118 726200 www.oosinternational.com, info@oosinternational.com Orga •

Strickledeweg 13, 3125 AT Schiedam, The Netherlands, T +31 10 2085566 www.orga.nl, info@orga.nl OSD-IMT • •

Capellalaan 115, 2132 JM Hoofddorp, The Netherlands, T +31 255 545070 www.osd-imt.com, info@osd-imt.com Paradigm Group • • Ambachtsweg 7, 2964 LG Groot-Ammers, The Netherlands, T +31 184 609419 www.paradigm.eu, info@paradigm.eu Parker Hannifin Benelux • • • Nijverheidsweg 3, 3341 LJ Hendrik Ido Ambacht, The Netherlands, T +31 541 585000 www.parker.com, parker.benelux@parker.com PAT-Krüger • • • Mangaan 6, 5234 GD Den Bosch, The Netherlands, T +31 73 6443366 www.pat-kruger.com, info@pat-kruger.nl PECO Douwes Group • Ambachtsweg 12A, 2641 KS Pijnacker, The Netherlands, T +31 15 3615200 www.pdg.nl, info@pdg.nl Pedemex •

Westblaak 47, 3012 KD Rotterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 10 4124329 www.pedemex.nl, p.schoonenberg@pedemex.nl Petrofac Training Services •

Pompoenweg 3, 2321 DK Leiden, The Netherlands, T +31 71 7601660 www.skillsvx.com, skillsvx@petrofac.com Petrogas Gas Systems • Steenoven 11-13, 5626 DK Eindhoven, The Netherlands, T +31 182 565395 www.petrogas.nl, info@petrogas.nl Plaatwalserij Purmerend •

Neckerstraat 2A, 1456 BD Wijdewormer, The Netherlands, T +31 299 422853 www.plaatwalserij-purmerend.nl, info@plaatwalserij-purmerend.nl Pleuger Water Solutions • • •

Hooge Zijde 29, 5605 LT Eindhoven, The Netherlands, T +31 40 2516874 www.pleuger.nl, info@pleuger.nl Pliant Offshore • • • Heusing 11, 4817 ZB Breda, The Netherlands, T +31 76 5816588 www.pliant-offshore.com, info@pliant-offshore.com Port of Amsterdam • • •

De Ruijterkade 7, 1013 AA Amsterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 20 5234500 www.portofamsterdam.com, daan.van.velzen@portofamsterdam.nl




Port of Den Helder

Het Nieuwe Diep 33, 1781 AD Den Helder, The Netherlands, T +31 223 618481 www.portofdenhelder.eu, info@podh.eu Port of Rotterdam Seismic & hydrographic surveys 1. Drilling 2. Design, engineering, research, consultancy 3. Materials and equipment suppliers/manufacturers 4. Fabrication, construction, shipbuilding, repair 5. Civil construction and dredging 6. Inspection, M&R, pipeline, offshore installation 7. Transport, logistics 8. Health, safety, environment and QA/QC 9. Personnel, training & education 10. Trade associations, GO’s, NGO’s 11.

Wilhelminakade 909, 3072 AP Rotterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 10 2521010 www.portofrotterdam.com, info@portofrotterdam.com PricewaterhouseCoopers Belastingadviseur • •

Fascinatio Boulevard 350, 3009 AV Rotterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 88 7920010 www.pwc.com, xuan.le@nl.pwc.com Pronomar • Noordeinde 88C, 3341 LW Hendrik Ido Ambacht, The Netherlands, T +31 78 6819 81 www.pronomar.com, info@pronomar.com Quercus Technical Services • • • Baileystraat 3, 8013 RV Zwolle, The Netherlands, T +31 38 4529991 www.qts.nl, info@qts.nl Rabobank Wholesale Clients Netherlands •

Croeselaan 28, 3521 CB Utrecht, The Netherlands, T +31 30 7122852 www.rabobank.com, ton.wouterse@rabobank.com Rae Benelux

Hoofdweg 34C, 2908 LC Capelle aan den IJssel, The Netherlands, T +31 10 4426149 www.rae.nl, info@rae.nl Red Box Energy Services

Hofpoort Building, Hofplein 20, 14th Floor, 3032 AC Rotterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 10 2680200 www.redboxgroup.com, info@redboxgroup.com Redwave

Handelskade 6, 1948 NA Beverwijk, The Netherlands, T +31 251 262400 www.redwave.nl, info@redwave.nl Redwise Maritime Services • •

Amersfoortseweg 12E, 3751 LK Bunschoten Spakenburg, The Netherlands, T +31 33 4217860 www.redwise.com, info@redwise.nl RelyOn Nutec

Beerweg 71, 3199 LM Rotterdam - Maasvlakte, The Netherlands, T +31 181 376600 www.relyonnutec.com/en_nl, booking@nl.relyonnutec.com Resato International • Duitslandlaan 1, 9403 DL Assen, The Netherlands, T +31 50 5016877 www.resato.com, info@resato.com Rhenus Logistics • • • Antarcticaweg 199, 3199 KA Rotterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 181 355500 www.nl.rhenus.com, sales@nl.rhenus.com Ridderflex & Plastics • • •

Touwslagerstraat 5, 2984 AW Ridderkerk, The Netherlands, T +31 180 463471 www.ridderflex.nl, sales@ridderflex.nl ROC Kop van Noord-Holland

Sperwerstraat 4, 1780 AG Den Helder, The Netherlands, T +31 223 611200 www.rockopnh.nl, bo@rockopnh.nl Roodhart Marine & Offshore Services • • • Waalhaven Zuidzijde 52-66, 3088 HJ Rotterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 10 4286122 www.roodhart.com, marine@roodhart.com



Seismic & hydrographic surveys 1. Drilling 2. Design, engineering, research, consultancy 3. Materials and equipment suppliers/manufacturers 4. Fabrication, construction, shipbuilding, repair 5. Civil construction and dredging 6. Inspection, M&R, pipeline, offshore installation 7. Transport, logistics 8.

Rotterdam Offshore Group

Drutenstraat 7, 3087 CC Rotterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 10 4737400 www.rotterdamoffshore.com, info@rotterdamoffshore.com Rotterdam Partners

Korte Hoogstraat 31, 3011 GK Rotterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 10 7900140 www.rotterdampartners.nl, info@rotterdampartners.nl Royal IHC • • • Smitweg 6, 2961 AW Kinderdijk, The Netherlands, T +31 88 0152535 www.royalihc.com, info@royalihc.com Rusch Offshore Services • • • Aambeeld 4, 1671 NT Medemblik, The Netherlands, T +31 227 540027 www.rusch.to, info@rusch.to Saltwater Engineering •

Buitendijks 33, 3356LX Papendrecht, The Netherlands, T +31 78 6744811 www.saltwater.nl, info@saltwater.nl Sandvik Materials Technology • • • • ‘s-Gravelandseweg 401, 3100 AE Schiedam, The Netherlands, T +31 10 2080221 www.materials.sandvik/en, hans.boudewijn@sandvik.com SBM Offshore • • •

Karel Doormanweg 66, 3115 JD Schiedam, The Netherlands, T +31 10 2320 000 www.sbmoffshore.com, group.communications@sbmoffshore.com Schlumberger Petroleum Services • • Kromhoutstraat 26, 1976 BM IJmuiden, The Netherlands, T +31 255 562000 www.slb.com SDC Verifier •

Zijlvest 25, 2011 VB Haarlem, The Netherlands, T +31 15 3010310 www.sdcverifier.com, support@sdcverifier.com Sea Rescue Gear

Papelaan West 158, 2250 AC Voorschoten, The Netherlands, T +31 71 5611365 www.skilltrade.nl, jstam@skilltrade.nl Seacontractors Brokerage

Gortstraat 36, 4331 LC Middelburg, The Netherlands, T +31 118 410520 www.seacontractors.com, info@seacontractors.com Seafox

Zuidtoren - Taurusavenue 23, 2132 LS Hoofddorp, The Netherlands, T +31 23 5541313 www.seafox.com, info@seafox.com Seal For Life Industries • • Gasselterstraat 20, 9503 JB Stadskanaal, The Netherlands, T +31 599 696170 www.sealforlife.com, info@sealforlife.com SeaMar Services • •

Het Nieuwe Werk 49, 1780 AN Den Helder, The Netherlands, T +31 223 683050 www.seamar.nl, info@seamar.nl Seatools • •

Edisonstraat 67, 3280 AE Numansdorp, The Netherlands, T +31 186 680000 www.seatools.nl, info@seatools.nl Seaway 7

Louis Pasteurlaan 5, 2719 EE Zoetermeer, The Netherlands, T +31 79 3637700 www.seaway7.com, bd@subsea7.com Health, safety, environment and QA/QC 9. Personnel, training & education 10. Trade associations, GO’s, NGO’s 11.





Seismic & hydrographic surveys 1. Drilling 2. Design, engineering, research, consultancy 3. Materials and equipment suppliers/manufacturers 4. Fabrication, construction, shipbuilding, repair 5. Civil construction and dredging 6. Inspection, M&R, pipeline, offshore installation 7. Transport, logistics 8. Health, safety, environment and QA/QC 9.

Selmers • • • Personnel, training & education 10.

Biesland 3, 1948 RJ Beverwijk, The Netherlands, T +31 251 211999 www.selmers.com, mail@selmers.com Siemens Nederland • • • • • • • Prinses Beatrixlaan 800, 2595 BN Den Haag, The Netherlands, T +31 70 3333333 www.siemens.nl/oil-gas, oilgas.nl@siemens.com Siemens PLM Software •

Het Zuiderkruis 63, 5215 MV Den Bosch, The Netherlands, T +31 73 6802500 www.siemens.nl/plm, info.benelux.plm@siemens.com SIF Netherlands • • •

Mijnheerkensweg 33, 6041 TA Roermond, The Netherlands, T +31 475 385777 www.sif-group.com, info@sif-group.com Sinus Jevi •

Aambeeld 19, 1671 NT Medemblik, The Netherlands, T +31 227 549141 www.sinusjevi.com, info@sinusjevi.com Siri Marine • • • Stationsweg 1, 9901 CP Appingedam, The Netherlands, T +31 596 620997 www.sirimarine.nl, info@sirimarine.nl Smitsvonk Holland •

Goudstraat 6, 2718 RC Zoetermeer, The Netherlands, T +31 79 3613533 www.smitsvonk.com, sales@smitsvonk.nl SMST Designers & Constructors • • •

De Steven 51-53, Harbour no. 713, 9206 AX Drachten, The Netherlands, T +31 512 591000 www.smstequipment.com, info@smst.nl Smulders • •

Hoge Mauw 200, 2370 Arendonk, Belgium, T +32 14 672281 www.smulders.com, info@smulders.com Solidd Steel Structures • • Solcamastraat 22, 9262 ND Sumar, The Netherlands, T +31 511 462525 www.solidd.eu, solidd@solidd.eu SoluForce •

Flevolaan 7, 1601 MA Enkhuizen, The Netherlands, T +31 228 355555 www.soluforce.com, info@soluforce.com SOMA Bedrijfsopleidingen

Ceintuurbaan 2, 3840 AH Harderwijk, The Netherlands, T +31 341 499450 www.somabedrijfsopleidingen.nl, info@somabedrijfsopleidingen.nl Spliethoff

Radarweg 36, 1000 AK Amsterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 20 4488400 www.spliethoff.com, projects@spliethoff.com SPM Marine & Offshore • Thomas Edisonweg 10, 5151 DJ Drunen, The Netherlands, T +31 416 747001 www.spminstrument.nl, info@spminstrument.nl SPT Offshore • • • Pelmolenlaan 1A, 3447 GW Woerden, The Netherlands, T +31 88 2202121 www.sptoffshore.com, info@sptoffshore.com STC-KNRM Maritime Offshore Wind Training Centre

Quarantaineweg 98, Harbour nr. 2620, 3089 KP Rotterdam - Heijplaat, The Netherlands, T +31 10 4283860 www.stc-knrm.nl, info@stc-knrm.nl Trade associations, GO’s, NGO’s 11.








Seismic & hydrographic surveys 1. Drilling 2. Design, engineering, research, consultancy 3. Materials and equipment suppliers/manufacturers 4. Fabrication, construction, shipbuilding, repair 5. Civil construction and dredging 6. Inspection, M&R, pipeline, offshore installation 7. Transport, logistics 8. Health, safety, environment and QA/QC 9.

Stephenson Academy • • • Rivium Boulevard 34, 2909 LK Rotterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 10 7997300 www.stephensonacademy.com, info@stephensonacademy.com Strohm • • • Monnickendamkade 1, 1976 EC IJmuiden, The Netherlands, T +31 25 5763500 www.strohm.eu, info@strohm.eu Supermaritime Nederland •

Oostenrijkweg 15, 4455 RZ Nieuwdorp, The Netherlands, T +31 118 460020 www.supermaritime.com, info@supermaritime.nl Svasek Hydraulics • • Kratonkade 23, 3024 ES Rotterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 10 4671361 www.svasek.com, info@svasek.com Task Environmental Services Worldwide • •

Magelhaenstraat 16, 7825 VK Emmen, The Netherlands, T +31 591 210220 www.task-es.com, info@task-es.com Taxand Netherlands •

Jachthavenweg 124, 1081 KJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 20 4356422 www.taxand.nl, jimmie.vanderzwaan@taxand.nl TechnipFMC • Fascinatio Boulevard 522, 2909 VA Capelle aan den IJssel, The Netherlands, T +31 10 2207070 www.technipfmc.com, TPEPG_info@technipfmc.com TechnipFMC - Surface Technologies • Trekkenweg 5/5A, 7844 NZ Nieuw-Amsterdam/Veenoord, The Netherlands, T +31 591 267000 www.technipfmc.com Techno Fysica • • • Aalborg 5, 2993 LP Barendrecht, The Netherlands, T +31 180 620211 www.technofysica.com, info@technofysica.nl Teijin Aramid • Velperweg 76, 6824 BM Arnhem, The Netherlands, T +31 88 2689121 www.teijinaramid.com, oilandgas@teijinaramid.com Temporary Works Design • • Marconistraat 16, 3029 AK Rotterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 10 2940374 www.twd.nl, info@twd.nl The Hague Business Agency (THBA) •

Prinses Margrietplantsoen 35, 2595 AM Den Haag, The Netherlands, T +31 70 3115555 businessagency.thehague.com, thebusiness@thehague.com The Offshore Partners • • •

Sluisjesdijk 155, 3087 AG Rotterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 10 4914131 www.theoffshorepartners.com, info@theoffshorepartners.com Thermo Electric Instrumentation • • Coenecoop 71-73, 2741 PH Waddinxveen, The Netherlands, T +31 85 7607300 www.te-instrumentation.com, info@te-instrumentation.com TKF • • •

Spinnerstraat 15, 7480 AA Haaksbergen, The Netherlands, T +31 53 5732255 www.tkf.nl, info@tkf.nl TNO Bouw en Ondergrond Utrecht • Princetonlaan 6, 3508 TA Utrecht, The Netherlands, T +31 30 2564600 www.tno.nl, wegwijzer@tno.nl Personnel, training & education 10. Trade associations, GO’s, NGO’s 11.




Seismic & hydrographic surveys 1. Drilling 2. Design, engineering, research, consultancy 3. Materials and equipment suppliers/manufacturers 4. Fabrication, construction, shipbuilding, repair 5. Civil construction and dredging 6. Inspection, M&R, pipeline, offshore installation 7.

TNO Industrie en Techniek Delft • Stieltjesweg 1, 2600 AD Delft, The Netherlands, T +31 15 2692000 www.tno.nl, info-IenT@tno.nl TOS People on Demand

Waalhaven Oostzijde 77, Harbour nr. 2203a, 3087 BM Rotterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 10 4366293 www.tos.nl, info@tos.nl Tradinco Instruments • • • Radonstraat 250, 2718 TB Zoetermeer, The Netherlands, T +31 10 5112911 www.tradinco.com, sales@tradinco.com TrustLube • Neon 7, 4751 XA Oud Gastel, The Netherlands, T +31 88 8787700 www.trustlube.com, info@trustlube.com TU Delft / Department of Ship & Offshore Structures • Mekelweg 2, 2628 CD Delft, The Netherlands, T +31 15 2789250 www.3me.tudelft.nl, m.l.kaminski@tudelft.nl Twister • • Einsteinlaan 20, 2289 CC Rijswijk, The Netherlands, T +31 70 3030006 www.twisterbv.com, office@twisterbv.com Ulstein Design & Solutions • • Rotterdam Airportplein 32, 3045 AP Rotterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 10 4750011 www.ulstein.com, udsbv.info@ulstein.com United Offshore Services • Transport, logistics 8. Health, safety, environment and QA/QC 9. Personnel, training & education 10.

Appelweg 16, 4782 PX Moerdijk, The Netherlands, T +31 168 415140 www.uos-nl.com, sales@uos-nl.com Valvetight • • • Zandhaarweg 5, 7595 KM Weerselo, The Netherlands, T +31 85 3012888 www.valvetight.com, pronk@valvetight.com Van Aalst Group • • • Baanhoekweg 16, 3313 LA Dordrecht, The Netherlands, T +31 78 6221304 www.vanaalstgroup.com, info@vanaalstgroup.com Van Beest •

Industrieweg 6, 3361 HJ Sliedrecht, The Netherlands, T +31 184 413300 www.vanbeest.nl, sales@vanbeest.eu Van Halteren Metaal • • De Kronkels 27, 3752 LM Bunschoten, The Netherlands, T +31 33 2992300 www.vanhalteren.com, info@vanhalteren.com Van Heck • • •

Ambachtsstraat 2, 8391 VK Noordwolde, The Netherlands, T +31 561 431739 www.vanheckgroup.com, info@vanheckgroup.com Van Leusden •

Parelhoenweg 2, 4791 PA Klundert, The Netherlands, T +31 168 385225 www.vanleusden.com, info@vanleusden.com Van Meeuwen Lubrication •

Leeuwenveldseweg 5A, 1382 LV Weesp, The Netherlands, T +31 294 494494 www.vanmeeuwen.com, info@vanmeeuwen.com Van Oord • •

Schaardijk 211, 3063 NH Rotterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 88 8260000 www.vanoord.com, info@vanoord.com Trade associations, GO’s, NGO’s 11.






Seismic & hydrographic surveys 1. Drilling 2. Design, engineering, research, consultancy 3. Materials and equipment suppliers/manufacturers 4. Fabrication, construction, shipbuilding, repair 5. Civil construction and dredging 6. Inspection, M&R, pipeline, offshore installation 7. Transport, logistics 8. Health, safety, environment and QA/QC 9.

Van Oord Offshore • • •

Jan Blankenweg 2, 4207 HN Gorinchem, The Netherlands, T +31 88 8265200 www.vanoord.com, area.off@vanoord.com Van Thiel United • Bosscheweg 38, 5741 SX Beek en Donk, The Netherlands, T +31 492 469060 www.thiel.nl, sales@thiel.nl Van Veelen Industriële Verpakkingen •

Van Veenendaalweg 17, 3088 HG Rotterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 10 4290180 www.veelen.nl, info@veelen.nl Van Voorden Gieterijen • Bossekamp 6, 5301 LZ Zaltbommel, The Netherlands, T +31 418 571200 www.vanvoordenfoundry.com, info@vanvoorden.nl Van Woerkom, Nobels & Ten Veen • • • Kubus 60, 3364 DG Sliedrecht, The Netherlands, T +31 184 414800 www.wnvnl.com, info@wnvnl.com VandeGrijp • Rietgorsweg 11, 3356 LJ Papendrecht, The Netherlands, T +31 78 6446464 www.vandegrijp.com, info@vandegrijp.com VDL Klima •

Meerenakkerweg 30, 5652 AV Eindhoven, The Netherlands, T +31 40 2981818 www.vdlklima.com, info@vdlklima.com VIRO •

Burgemeester van Lierplein 73, 3134 ZB Vlaardingen, The Netherlands, T +31 10 4092600 www.viro-group.com/nl, j.meulmeester@viro-group.com Vlentec International • • • Roald Amundsenstraat 31, 7825 AP Emmen, The Netherlands, T +31 59 1394720 vlentec.com, sales@vlentec.com VoTech Filter • Kerktiend 14, 6065 BN Montfort, The Netherlands, T +31 475 712953 www.votechfilter.nl, info@votechfilter.nl Vroon Offshore Services • • • Personnel, training & education 10.

Het Nieuwe Werk 88, 1781 AK Den Helder, The Netherlands, T +31 223 673800 www.vroonoffshore.com, info@nl.vroonoffshore.com Vryhof • •

Karel Doormanweg 7, 3115 JD Schiedam, The Netherlands, T +31 10 2668900 www.vryhof.com, info@vryhof.com Vuyk Engineering Rotterdam • • •

Lichtenauerlaan 2, 3062 ME Rotterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 88 0155115 www.vuykrotterdam.com, vuyk@vuykrotterdam.com W1CON • • • • •

Uranusstraat 11, 8521 LZ Sint Nicolaasga, The Netherlands, T +31 6 15841940 www.w1con.com, gbm.wigger@w1con.com Wagenborg Offshore Holding •

Marktstraat 10, 9930 AA Delfzijl, The Netherlands, T +31 596 636911 www.wagenborg.com, info@wagenborg.com Wärtsilä Netherlands • • Havenstraat 21, 3115 HC Schiedam, The Netherlands, T +31 88 9802000 www.wartsila.com/nld/nl, sales.benelux@wartsila.com Trade associations, GO’s, NGO’s 11.




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Seismic & hydrographic surveys 1. Drilling 2. Design, engineering, research, consultancy 3. Materials and equipment suppliers/manufacturers 4. Fabrication, construction, shipbuilding, repair 5. Civil construction and dredging 6. Inspection, M&R, pipeline, offshore installation 7. Transport, logistics 8. Health, safety, environment and QA/QC 9. Personnel, training & education 10.

Weatherford Elastomers • •

George Stephensonweg 13, 3130 AA Vlaardingen, The Netherlands, T +31 10 4451155 www.weatherford.com, elastomers@eu.weatherford.com Weatherford Netherlands • • Schrijnwerkersweg 6, 1780 AG Den Helder, The Netherlands, T +31 223 635386 www.weatherford.com, info@weatherford.com WellGear Group • • Oosteinde 1, 9431 AT Westerbork, The Netherlands, T +31 85 2734600 www.wellgear.nl, info@wellgear.nl West Coast International 2 Supply • • Noorderkade 36A, 1940 AB Beverwijk, The Netherlands, T +31 251 229090 www.westcoastintl.com, info@westcoastintl.com WIND Cable Services • • • Oudegracht 164-168, 1811 CP Alkmaar, The Netherlands, T +31 72 5193250 www.wind.nl, info@wind.nl Windcat Workboats • Trawlerkade 106, 1976 CC IJmuiden, The Netherlands, T +31 255 520336 www.windcatworkboats.com, info@windcatworkboats.com Work Wise • Aardvletterweg 10A, 3417 XL Montfoort, The Netherlands, T +31 10 2840567 www.workwise.eu, info@workwise.eu Workships Group • • • K.P. van der Mandelelaan 34, 3062 MB Rotterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 10 4530377 www.workships.nl, post@workships.nl, chartering@workships.nl WTS Energy •

Prinsessegracht 7, 2514 AN Den Haag, The Netherlands, T +31 70 2400470 www.wtsenergy.com, info@wtsenergy.com Yena Engineering • • • WTC Building Beursplein 37, 3011AA Rotterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 10 8454617 www.yenaengineering.nl, yena@yenaengineering.nl Trade associations, GO’s, NGO’s 11.



Amsterdam IJmuiden Offshore Ports Seismic & hydrographic surveys 1. Drilling 2. Design, engineering, research, consultancy 3. Materials and equipment suppliers/manufacturers 4. Fabrication, construction, shipbuilding, repair 5. Civil construction and dredging 6. Inspection, M&R, pipeline, offshore installation 7. Transport, logistics 8. Health, safety, environment and QA/QC 9. Personnel, training & education 10. Trade associations, GO’s, NGO’s 11.

De Ruyterkade 7, 1013 AA Amsterdam, The Netherlands www.ayop.com, info@ayop.com Central Dredging Association (CEDA) • • • Rotterdamseweg 183C, 2274 HV Delft, The Netherlands, T +31 15 2858728 www.dredging.org, johan.pennekamp@wldelft.nl Dutcham Dutch Brazilian Chamber of Commerce • Rua Marques de Itu 503, CJ. 62, 01223-001 Sao Paolo, Brazil, T +55 11 32219242 www.dutcham.com.br, info@dutcham.com.br EEEGR •

Unit 4, Ground Floor Wellington Park, NR31 7BB Great Yarmouth, United Kingdom, T +44 1493 412199 www.eeegr.com, office@eeegr.com evofenedex • Signaalrood 60, 2718 SG Zoetermeer, The Netherlands, T +31 79 3467346 www.evofenedex.nl, info@evofenedex.nl Haven en Scheepvaart Vereniging (HSV) Den Helder • IJzergietersweg 1, 1786 RD Den Helder, The Netherlands, T +31 223 616739 www.hsvdenhelder.nl, info@hsvdenhelder.nl Holland House Mexico Energy & Maritime • Av. Paseo De La Reforma 180, Juarez, 6600 Mexico City, Mexico, T +52 55 50258685 www.hollandhousemexico.com, tb@hollandhousemexico.com International Association of 2 Contractors • Frans Halsstraat 42, 6501 BK Nijmegen, The Netherlands, T +31 24 6752252 www.iadc.org, anne.otten@iadc.org Nederlandse WindEnergie Associatie, NWEA • Arthur van Schendelstraat 550, 3511 MH Utrecht, The Netherlands, T +31 30 2316977 www.nwea.nl, info@nwea.nl Netherlands African Business Council • Prinses Margrietplantsoen 37, 2595 AM Den Haag, The Netherlands, T +31 70 3043618 www.nabc.nl, info@nabc.nl Netherlands Maritime Technology • Maaskade 119, 3007 DB Rotterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 88 4451000 www.maritimetechnology.nl, info@maritimetechnology.nl NOF Energy Ltd • Thames House, Mandale Business Park, 1st floor, DH1 1TH Durham, United Kingdom, T +44 191 3846464 www.nofenergy.co.uk, business@nofenergy.co.uk North Sea Port • • Schelpenpad 2, 4531 PD Terneuzen, The Netherlands, T +31 115 647400 www.northseaport.com, port@northseaport.com Rotterdam Port Promotion Council • Waalhaven Zuidzijde 19, 3089 JH Rotterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 10 3033260 www.rppc.nl/nl/home, rppc@rppc.nl World Class Maintenance • Boschstraat 35, 4811 GB Breda, The Netherlands, T +31 76 7631553 www.worldclassmaintenance.com, info@worldclassmaintenance.com WTC Twente Energy Group • • • • • Industrieplein 2, 7553 LL Hengelo, The Netherlands, T +31 74 2915604 www.wtctwente.nl/business-club/themagroepen/energy-group, info@wtctwente.eu



Danish Marine & Offshore Group

Norremansvej 27, 9270 Kla rup, Denmark, T +45 98317711 www.offshore-denmark.dk, info@offshore-denmark.dk Decom North Sea

Riverside House, AB11 7LH Aberdeen, United Kingdom, T +44 1224 224129 www.decomnorthsea.com, bnixon@decomnorthsea.com Energy Industries Council

89 Albert Embankment, SE1 7TP London, United Kingdom, T +44 207 091 8600 www.the-eic.com, sarah.gilley-lansdell@the-eic.com Energy Technology Club

Reyerslaan 80, B 1030 Brussels, Belgium, T +32 27 068147 www.agoria.be, pieter-jan.provoost@agoria.be Evolen

45, Rue Louis Blanc, F-92038 Paris, France, T +33 14 7176737 www.evolen.org, j.ropers@gep-france.com Industry Technology Facilitator ITF

Expl House, Science and Energy Park Br of Don, AB23 8GX Aberdeen, United Kingdom, T +44 122 4222410 www.oil-itf.com, info@oil-itf-secure.com Norsk Industri

Næringslivets hus Middelthuns gate 27, Oslo, N-0306 Oslo, Norway, T +47 230 88800 www.norskindustri.no, runar.rugtvedt@norskindustri.no Seismic & hydrographic surveys 1. Drilling 2. Design, engineering, research, consultancy 3. Materials and equipment suppliers/manufacturers 4. Fabrication, construction, shipbuilding, repair 5. Civil construction and dredging 6. Inspection, M&R, pipeline, offshore installation 7. Transport, logistics 8. Health, safety, environment and QA/QC 9. Personnel, training & education 10. Trade associations, GO’s, NGO’s 11.


Boompjes 40 3011 XB Rotterdam The Netherlands +31 79 3411981 info@iro.nl www.iro.nl

Disclaimer The Netherlands Suppliers Catalogue provides information about oil, gas and environment related companies in the Netherlands, with their addresses, capabilities, number of employees and contact details. This publication has been produced with the greatest possible care and to the best of the authors’ knowledge. However, neither the publisher nor IRO accept any responsibility or liability for the content of this publication and no rights can be derived from it. Publisher Pedemex

Text IRO, PAS Publicaties

Printing Veenman+

Images courtesy of Allseas Engineering, DMEC, Heerema Marine Contractors, HGG Profiling Contractors, Van Oord, United Offshore Services

Copyright All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, without written permission from the publisher.

© 2021 ISSN 1573-3033

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