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Voices of NAC
VOICES OF NAC Why did you surrender your life to Christ?
After a reversion to the faith in college, I learned that the joy I had been seeking could only be found in the Lord. By surrendering my life to Christ, he not only makes my joy complete, but he invites me to be an instrument of that joy to others. What a gift it is to help others receive the love that Jesus offers!
Brendan Parlett ‘26, Archdiocese of Washington
While I worked in my career, I always had a somewhat unsettled feeling. None of my efforts to satisfy my longing ever seemed to fill that hole or ease that restlessness. Finally, after trying to do everything my way and becoming increasingly dissatisfied, I reached out to the Lord and asked him to do what I had been unable to do. He almost instantly answered with a profound sense of peace, in a deeply personal way.
Simply because he asked. As Mary, our mother, tells the servants at the wedding feast of Cana in the Gospel to “do whatever he tells you." In joining seminary and discerning the priesthood, I also seek to follow his will. But not out of blind obedience; rather, out of a love that he has stirred in my heart to pursue him and to be his disciple each day on the journey home to Heaven.
Reed Robinson ‘26, Diocese of Nashville
The call to surrender my life to Christ has always been an invitation by Jesus to love him more. Every time he invites me further into his friendship, I am never disappointed but only end up loving him more. The steps to trust him are usually difficult at first, but I see them as great gifts of the Lord in time as I continue on this adventure with Christ.