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Jonathan Roumie at the NAC
Called and Chosen
“The Chosen” television series lead actor Jonathan Roumie shares insights with NAC seminarians from his experience of portraying Jesus on the show.
The College recently welcomed actor Jonathan Roumie to share a little with us about his life in a Q&A forum. As the man tasked with presenting Jesus through his own face and personality to millions of people through the popular series The Chosen, Roumie’s anecdotes and insights were a consolation to us who are being formed to bear Christ’s face to the world.
The series is well-loved for its very human portrayal of the Gospel characters, but particularly that of Christ. Roumie’s great sense of humor shines in his acting, and he was in good form that evening at the College. We laughed as he told us about his sister seeing his face in prayer and trying to swat it away from her thoughts, and his embarrassment at meeting a man who had tattooed Roumie’s face onto his chest. One seminarian asked a question referring to the priestly task of acting in persona Christi, and Roumie drew parallels between the priestly life and his own by highlighting four words for us: “please, pray for me.” For Jonathan, humility grants him the ability to see clearly that our lives are always a cooperation with God’s grace, and not simply a combination of chance and human determination, no matter how seemingly spectacular—or small.
Roumie then spoke of an encounter which resonated with many of us. A young woman told him about a time when she had reached rock bottom, had essentially no faith, and nothing to live for. Thanks to a friend’s suggestion, she watched the first episode of The Chosen in which Mary Magdalene is saved by Christ speaking her name and claiming her. Through the face and voice of Jonathan Roumie, and the prayers and work of the cast and crew (and behind the scenes, the Lord himself), this young woman experienced the saving power of the God who loves her.
Naturally, when Jonathan heard this, he was overwhelmed with emotion, and stunned by the incredible honor and gift of being that channel for the Lord, and thanked God that even one could be saved through his yes, and through his surrender to Providence. So too were we moved. We recognized that the call of Christ is a gift given through us, so that the lost may see his face. The more that we disappear, the more he may be visible. n