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Voices of NAC
VOICES OF NAC Describe the blessing of this year at the College for which you are most grateful?
Living among dedicated men who share a common vision of holiness and greatness is, for me, a tremendous source of gratitude. Reflecting upon my last five years of formation at the North American College, I can rejoice in knowing that I am prepared, at least, to accept wherever the Lord leads me when I return home for priestly ministry. I thank God for these men who have oriented me on the path toward Christ.
Rev. Reed Flood ’21, Diocese of Des Moines
In choosing to come to Rome, a seminarian leaves behind his family, friends, and established life. In my case, this included the stunning beachside sunsets of South Florida and biscuits and gravy. Yet, in letting go of these beautiful aspects of life, I grew more deeply than I could have imagined in the great gift God offers us: his Son, Jesus Christ.
Rev. Mr. Christian Joseph Chami ’22, Diocese of Venice in Florida
I am most grateful for resuming apostolic work here at the North American College. Due to COVID-19, most of us had to take a hiatus from this work. Now that things are getting better, we have been able to do our apostolic work, which has brought me great joy and peace. It has been wonderful working with students studying abroad here in Rome and seeing them grow deeper in their faith over the semester.
Jared Clements ’23, Diocese of La Crosse
I'm grateful for the ongoing friendship and quite simply stunning hospitality shown to me on several occasions by the community of the Pontifical Scots College. The ever-deepening ties between the NAC and that ancient and venerable Scottish seminary here in Rome is a great gift, not only to our College, but to the whole American Church.
Nicholas Shelton ’24, Diocese of Tyler
Since my arrival at the College, a blessing for which I have been incredibly grateful has been the opportunity to make friends with people from around the world. My time spent both traveling and in the classroom has allowed me to get to know people from a number of other countries and cultures. I look forward to more of these opportunities in the future.
Nicholas Waldron ’25, Diocese of Rockville Centre
"Seminaries are to be a continuation in the Church of the apostolic community gathered around Jesus.
This basic organizing principle means the seminary is first and foremost a learning community of the disciples of Jesus.
At the same time, the seminary is a community of charity and friendship, where fraternal bonds are anchored in genuine relationships to the Lord and his Body, the Church.
Finally, the seminary is a worshipping and praying community that finds its source and summit in the celebration of the Eucharist."
Program for Priestly Formation (Fifth Edition) 290