1 minute read
Relief Services in Ethiopia
bring mercy, too, because CRS and their partners work in conjunction with communities to form sustainable solutions always centered on Gospel values. Respecting the rights and dignity of the human person, care for creation, the preferential option for the poor, solidarity, and the dignity of work are among those values highlighted in the work we witnessed in Ethiopia. These values are familiar to us because they are the principles of our Catholic Social Teaching rooted in the mission of Jesus in the Gospels.
For me, hearing water flow from the supply tank was symbolic of the Resurrection. Just as water brings new life to us in baptism, so too are these projects bringing new life to communities across Ethiopia. Our engagement with the work of CRS is an important way that we American Catholics are living the Gospel through the social teaching of the Church and creating change with and for our neighbors across the globe.
projects bringing new life to communities across Ethiopia. that we American Catholics are living the Gospel.