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Those who know me well know that I absolutely love stories of adventure and heroism, of good triumphing over evil and of dragons being slain. In many ways my time here at the North American College has been part of a great adventure story. I remember my first full day here—we walked down to Saint Peter’s Basilica to pray and as I entered the doors for the first time, my jaw dropped. Never have I felt so small. Like any hero must learn on an adventure, I realized that I am part of a much bigger story than I had previously thought. Saint Peter’s testifies that when we stand in the faith, we are standing on the shoulders of spiritual giants.
In the grand story of salvation, we are not the heroes. Jesus Christ is the true hero of God’s story—a story in which each one of us is invited to play a part. You are faithful men and women, husbands and wives, mothers and fathers, and members of the clergy. Thank you for saying yes to the role God has given you in his story. And of course, thank you for supporting the work of the North American College—a work that helps men like myself come to discern the part God is calling us to play in his story.
On May 27th, I will be ordained a priest of Jesus Christ. I will be forever transformed and shaped by my adventures here in Rome. As I approach ordination to the priesthood, I know another adventure is just beginning. May we always courageously and generously say “yes” when God calls us to adventure, for when we journey with Jesus Christ, there is no sin that cannot be forgiven, no darkness that cannot be illuminated, and no dragon that cannot be slain. Anything is possible.