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Dear Friend of The Pontifical North American College,
Of the various historic titles given to the Pope, one of my personal favorites is “Supreme Pontiff of the Universal Church.” The word “Pontiff” (or Pontifex in Latin) means “bridge builder.” Saint Peter and his Successors, we could say, were given authority by Jesus to be a bridge between God and his people. That important and daunting task has fallen, of course, to Pope Francis since 2013.
The College itself is a sort of bridge, conceived and established by a Supreme Pontiff, Pope Pius IX. It is a bridge that for generations has linked the See of Peter to the Catholic Church in America. In fact, the College calls men to the Eternal City only in order to send them home to preach the Gospel.
It is fitting that the Pontifical North American College is located in such close proximity to the Tomb of Saint Peter and to the Holy Father because the College itself is a sort of bridge. Conceived and established by a Supreme Pontiff, Pope Pius IX, it is a bridge that for generations has linked the See of Peter to the Catholic Church in America. In fact, the College calls men to the Eternal City only in order to send them home to preach the Gospel.
Just above the formal entrance to the College on the Janiculum Hill, the same entrance that has welcomed five Popes since its dedication in 1953, reads the following inscription: “The young men who have come here from distant shores of America, looking upon the Vatican Hill, strengthen their faith and their love for the Roman Pontiff.”
As a bridge, the College continues to faithfully serve God’s people in the United States by forming good, holy priests here in Rome. Learning theology at the feet of Christ’s Vicar, developing a prayer life in the shadow of the dome of Saint Peter’s Basilica, visiting the tombs of the Roman saints and martyrs, and forging strong bonds of friendships that last a lifetime not only benefit our seminarians, but also the local Churches to which they will return.
And so, while there are many beautiful bridges in the city of Rome with rich histories, maybe the most important, significant, and meaningful one for Catholics in the United States is our beloved North American College. Here, thousands of seminarians have been formed to keep their eyes fixed on Christ and take on his life and virtues so that they themselves may become, as Pope Saint John Paul II once wrote, “a bridge and not an obstacle for others in their meeting with Jesus Christ the Redeemer of humanity” (Pastores Dabo Vobis, n. 43).
Through the intercession of Mary Immaculate, who formed the Eternal Priest in her womb and to whom we entrust the formation of every priest and future priest here, may the College faithfully fulfill ad multos annos its sacred, bridge-building mission.
Thank you for your continued support, for which we are deeply grateful.
Rev. Msgr. Thomas W. Powers ‘97 Rector
Peter came to Rome! What else but obedience to the inspiration received from the Lord guided him and brought him to this city, the heart of the Empire?
From the Homily of His Holiness John Paul II for the Inauguration of his Pontificate, St. Peter’s Square, Sunday, 22 October 1978