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Formed in Rome

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Be Our Guest!

Be Our Guest!

“All races and nations are represented, all are studying for only one thing, to be the instrument of God in the salvation of the world. They are from all corners of the globe, some poor, some rich, some bright and learned, some dull. Some will return as missionaries to China and India, perhaps suffer martyrdom and in time be canonized saints: others will return to their countries as professors in seminaries; some will be authors using their pen to spread God’s kingdom here below…but most of us will be only simple, devout, and humble priests laboring in some portion of the Lord’s vineyard, unknown by the world beyond their parish, but happy, contented and loving and thanking God, and loved in return by lambs confided to his care. Beg God that I may always belong to the last class; they are the real fruits of God.” [Letter to Mother and Sisters, December 20, 1919]

“Every day here brings a new joy, a new delight, a grander inspiration. Time has begun to fly now that I am getting down to work, and I am anxious to use every moment for my great purpose, that when the five years are up, I may look back and say “I have done my best. Should God grant me to relive those years I would do exactly as I have done.” [Letter to Mother and Sisters, January 8, 1920]


“I have nothing to leave or to give but my life and this I have consecrated to the Sacred Heart to be used as He wills. I have offered my all for the conversion of non-Catholics in Virginia. This is what I live for and in case of death what I die for…Since my childhood, I have wanted to die for God and my neighbor. Shall I have this grace? I do not know, but if I go on living, I shall live for this same purpose; every action of my life here is offered to God for the spread and success of the Catholic Church in Virginia…I shall be of more service to my diocese in Heaven than I can ever be on Earth.” [Last Will, December, 1919]

Faith and Love for the Roman Pontiff


The formal entrance to the North American College bears the inscription: Qui huc appulerunt iuvenes e longinquis americae oris vaticanum respicientes collem suam roborant fidem suumque in romanum pontificem amorem. Indeed, a primary mission of the College is to form young men who return home stronger in their faith and their love for the Roman Pontiff.

April 2005 was a month in which the College clearly fulfilled that mission. After twenty-six years serving the Church as Pontiff, the death of Saint John Paul II was an historic and for- mative moment. Between grieving the loss of the only Pope known to most of the seminarians, recognizing the need for the Church to receive a new chief shepherd, and rejoicing when Pope Benedict XVI was elected, each seminarian certainly grew in his esteem for the Roman Pontiff that month.

I hope that I continue to witness that same disposition in my interactions with the current seminarians. Whether through attending a Sunday Angelus, leading a group discussion on Evangelii Gaudium, or commenting on current events in the life of the Holy

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