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DENR cites Million Trees Foundation e ima may file bail plea ane , Remulla on t oppose

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“The case is ongoing. Probably they (De Lima counsels) should petition for habeas corpus and explain the case to the courts (and) we will not object,” Remulla said.

De Lima, who made an unsuccessful bid for reelection in the Senate in the last elections while behind bars, has been detained since 2017 at the Philippine National Police (PNP) headquarters in Quezon City. She is facing criminal charges before the Muntinlupa regional trial court (RTC) for allegedly running a protection racket while she was secretary of justice for detained drug lords who allegedly made contributions for her senatorial bid. A number of key witnesses in the case has since retracted their testimonies.

e i a clai s her detention is part of e orts to persecute her for her criticism of the human rights record of former President Rodrigo Duterte’s anti-crime policies.

The possibility of gaining temporary liberty while the cases remain pending arose anew after the Supreme ensure a climate resilient and sustainable Metropolitan Manila. The forum utilized hashtags #NurturingCitiesForASustainableFuture #TayoAngKalikasan.

DENR Undersecretary of Field Operations - Luzon, Visayas and Environment Atty Juan Miguel Cuna, delivered the keynote message. Other guests of honor were Senator Cynthia Villar, Chair of the Senate Committee on Environment, Natural Resources and Climate Change.

Also present were DENR NCR Assistant Regional Directors Manuel T. Escasura (Management Services) and Engr. Ignacio R. Almira, Jr. (Technical Services), and EMB-NCR Regional Director Atty.

Court (SC) last January granted a habeas corpus writ for the release of lawyer Jessica Lucila Reyes, a former aide of presidential legal counsel Juan Ponce Enrile.

Detained since 2014, Reyes faced charges for her alleged part in supposed irregularities in the legislator’s discretionary funds. Remulla has since said the basis cited by the SC in allowing Reyes’ release may be applicable to De Lima’s travails.

“I am not objecting personally to any plea that will free anybody from jail. Syempre (Of course) this is something better discussed in court. This is a power left to the judges to decide and even to the higher courts if need be if they want to go to the higher courts,” Remulla said.

“We have our remedies available under our legal system. So let it be that way. If they wish to petition for habeas corpus so be it. It is their right after all as a citizen detained to ask the courts why she is detained and for the courts to decide or not a grant of liberty is appropriate under the circumstances,” he added

House panel OKs reso on charter change via ConCon

QUEZON CITY – A resolution calling for a constitutional convention (ConCon) to amend the 1987 Constitution hurdled committee level at the House of Representatives.

During the hearing, the House Committee on Constitutional Amendments approved the still-unnumbered resolution of oth houses ith affir ative votes, three negative votes and one abstention.

The ConCon will be composed of one delegate representing every legislative district in the country.

“Among the three modes of amending the Constitution, the calling for a constitutional convention to propose amendments to the Constitution to be composed of elected delegates from all legislative districts of the country would be the most transparent, exhaustive, democratic and least divisive means of implementing constitutional reforms,” the resolution read.

The resolution cited studies showing that particular economic provisions of the Constitution need to be revisited and recrafted so that the Philippines may become globally competitive and attuned to the changing times.

It proposes that the election of delegates from each legislative district to the constitutional convention would be set in October 2023, or simultaneously with the rescheduled barangay polls.

President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. earlier said he does not consider making amendments to the 1987 Constitution as one of the priorities of his administration.

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