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API Council fetes...

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San Francisco. Using vehicles of policy/advocacy, research/data and partnership has leveraged relationships, partnerships, and political po er to ena le the API Council to e the go-to API counseling entity for policy a ers, ad inistrators and elected officials in the city and beyond.

Held at China Live restaurant in San Francisco that brought together individuals representing communities Congresswoman Pelosi has supported, the Council recognized “the good Congresswoman from San Francisco’s accomplishments and continued commitment to serve the Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander AA PI comunity.”

In a state ent, the Council has seen over the last two years the AA PI co unity reach ne heights advocating for our rights in San Francisco, overcame challenges hen C I - struc and in the a e of historic increases in AAPI hate cri es hey ac no ledged, ho ever, that they did not a e strides in our ove ent alone as these e orts ere supported by the vibrant unity of collaborators, community members, sponsors li e Congress o an ancy Pelosi.

In holding the event, the API Council also extended its sincerest gratitude to Congresswoman Pelosi “for her commitment to heralding AA PI causes fro the local to federal level—spanning numerous milestones in advancing economic recovery, healthcare access, community development, and social justice.” uring her tenure as the pea er of the U.S. House of Representatives, our members and community mem- bers have witnessed the transformative up ringing of AA PI issues to the forefront of American politics. The unprecedented level of antiAA PI violence left any of our community members feeling vulnerable in public spaces. As we banded together to present a united front against the rise of AA PI hate, Congresswoman Pelosi was active in helping our organizations and community members navigate through a period of fear and uncertainty with optimism and growth,” the group added. he API Council is a - e er coalition of nonprofit organi ations in San Francisco that ensure that underserved Asian Pacific Islanders needs are visibly engaged, addressed and represented in policies, research and data collection, and equitable funding allocations to advance overall healthy communities to enhance and shape San Francisco’s continued vibrant evolution.

“For decades, she has represented an rancisco s th istrict ith the interests of our AA PI co unities in ind uring her ti e in office, Congress o an Pelosi opened dialogues that cha pioned AA PI causes on the political agenda—developing conversations on issues involving poverty, displacement, and social in ustice hese e orts have not gone unnoticed hey spea volumes about Congresswoman Pelosi’s close relationship and engagement ith the AA PI co unity and the Council, the API Council said in a statement.

API Council also cited Pelosi s unwavering commitment to the safety of our community was empowering and instrumental in passing policy solutions, such as the C I - and the Hate Crimes Act.

“As businesses in our cultural districts were challenged by econo ic urdens due to C I - , Congresswoman Pelosi demonstrated her understanding of the pandemic’s impact toward our cultural districts y eeting ith API Council to allocate funds to preserve Japantown and as the first Congress e er to visit San Francisco Chinatown during the pandemic and we The Council is delighted to cele rate her or ith our e ers and sponsors, the API Council statement continued.

Collectively, the organizations serve appro i ately , APIs annually he API Council unites all the neighborhoods of San Francisco, ethnic communities and issue areas, to promote fair, inclusive and meaningful engagement of underserved APIs to strengthen the vi rancy of he Asian Pacific Islander Council is the largest coalition of APIserving community organizations for ed in an rancisco he API Council was formed in response to the lac of racial and econo ic ustice and e uity for underserved APIs in San Francisco. Through coalition development, research, and advocacy over the past years, API Council has protected and grown resources at the city-budget appropriations level for underserved API co unities y - illion per year to support core services along ith API constituency engagement

As its ission, the API Council advocates for equitable resources that improve the quality of life for San Francisco’s underserved Asian Pacific Islander residents and ould e the premier voice on behalf of Asian Pacific Islanders, API Council believes that all residents should have access to programs and services that e po er the to a e choices that improve their standard of living.

API Council also ai s to e a leader on behalf of San Francisco’s API residents, ensuring their needs are prioritized and represented in policies, research, and data collection. We advocate for equitable funding allocations to foster healthy communities that contribute to San Francisco’s vibrant culture.

Ocial Ecurity P Ate


By G. Samson ocial ec rity blic airs pecialist in the ay rea

It is i portant that you stay safe online. When we collect your personal information, we are committed to protecting your privacy. Please review these data privacy resources:

A great online resource is ssa.gov/myaccount. You can visit this page to open a secure my Social Security account, eep trac of your earnings record, and identify any suspicious activity.

2. Our Privacy Program page at www.ssa.gov/privacy is a central resource to learn about our Privacy Compliance Program, submit a Privacy Act request, and review our privacy policies and reports.

In our log post, ays to Protect our Personal Infor ation, e cover steps you and your loved ones can ta e to protect personal data ou can chec out this log at log ssa gov - ays-toprotect-your-personal-information.

4. Our fact sheet, How You Can Help Us Protect Your Social Security u er and eep our Infor ation Safe, provides details to safeguard your private information. You can access this fact sheet at ssa gov pu s -pdf ur uard our Card infographic at www.ssa.gov/ssnumber/assets/EN- pdf helps you and your loved ones understand when you need to show your physical Social Security card – and when you do not.

We encourage you to help protect your vital information. Please share these resources with your loved ones.

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