5 minute read

Power vacuum

China’s rise as a global economic and military power was not an accident.

Its coercive and aggressive actions in the South China Sea and in Taiwan are clear indications of China’s desire to consolidate power in the region and expand around the world.

By 2049, Beijing hopes to dominate the world as the number economic and military power, surpassing the United States, which some political analysts say could plunge into a possible civil war due to widening polarization after the November 2020 presidential elections.

The domestic political issues and a cooling economy have been disrupting erica s efforts to intervene in so e distant lands to keep global stability and security.

For instance, the United States retreated from the world stage during Donald Trump’s presidency, withdrawing from Afghanistan and putting doubt on its capability to face conicts on two fronts.

The last time Washington fought wars in two separate theaters was in the Second World War – helping the British and the Russians in defeating Nazi Germany and its Italian ally in the European theater and bringing down the Japanese to liberate China and most Southeast Asian countries in the acific theater.

In the later part of the 20th century, there were pockets of con icts in the alkan peninsula and the iddle ast. t fought wars against drug cartels in Latin America and intervened in ethnic con icts in frica.

Washington abandoned Southeast Asia, pulling out from its two large overseas military bases in Clark and Subic.

t focused on the iddle ast and other inor threats, like drug tra cking, sla ist ilitancy and preventing ussia from regaining its strength after the disintegration of the old Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) and its satellite states in Eastern and Central Europe.

For instance, in the Philippines, the United States, if it really wants to stay in its bases, could do some arm-twisting and pressure tactics. What could 12 senators actually do to a country that overwhelmingly loves the Americans?

ut, at that ti e, the ericans were confident they could leave the region because there were no outside powers that would step into their shoes and the American economy was falling.

The US was wrong. It was a catastrophic and strategic blunder.

China took advantage of the situation and deceived the United States and its allies that its intentions are peaceful.

Beijing has mastered the deception that it was able to acquire modern military technology from the Americans to build up its own armed forces, telling Washington that China could be a friend against the Russians.

China pitted the Americans against the Russians while harvesting crucial and strategic technology to build ships, planes, tanks, and missiles. It was also stealing and doing reverse technology to learn how sophisticated weapons systems were made.

China ooded erican universities with researchers and bought some obscure US companies with tie ups with defense manufacturing industries, like Singer sewing machines. A unit of Singer was producing important parts for sophisticated weapons systems.

Washington did not pay attention to Chinese threats until 1995 when it occupied a half-submerged shoal in the South China Sea. The Philippines discovered that China has built a akeshift fisher en s shelter on ischief eef after a ilipino fighter pilot ew reconnaissance ights in the disputed waters.

The Philippine Navy was not able to send patrols in the area during the harsh monsoon season because it lacked ocean-going vessels.

ost of its platfor s are orld ar destroyer escorts and minesweepers. They cannot endure two to three weeks sea duties in the vast exclusive economic zones.

The United States treated China as a key ally against ussia as well as with sla ist ilitants in the iddle ast because China has its own proble s in in iang with uslim Uyghurs.

(Continue on page 27)

Historicity of Jesus - lasting gift and must reading for the Lenten Season

During the Lenten Season, millions from the “Christendom” will be celebrating Palm Sunday, oly Thursday, ood riday and Resurrection Sunday to commemorate the Death, Burial and Resurrection (DBR) of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Health & Wealth

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