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Board of Directors

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Chair’s Message

Chair’s Message

The 2022-23 Executive Committee of the Board of Directors of the Neptune Theatre Foundation includes:

Paul Laberge (Chair) Kelly Boudreau (Vice Chair) Charlene Milner (Treasurer & Chair of the Audit Committee) Rodney Belliveau (Secretary) Rebecca Hiltz LeBlanc (Past Chair) Mary Clancy (Chair: Advocacy & Education Committee) Tracey Jones-Grant (Chair: Community Outreach Committee) Catherine Bagnell Styles (Chair: Strategic Marketing Committee)

The Board of Directors of the Neptune Theatre Foundation includes:

Catherine Bagnell Styles Stella Balfour Rodney Belliveau Kelly Boudreau Mary Clancy Krista Grant Leslie Hawco Rebecca Hiltz LeBlanc Andrea Hughes Anna Hurshman Tracey Jones-Grant Paul Laberge Shafin Mahfuz Charlene Milner Sara Scott Wendy Davis Johnson


Allister Byrne Rick Emberley Tim Margolian Ralph Medjuck Lloyd Newman Senator Donald Oliver, Q.C. Mrs. J.G. Simpson Dr. James Spatz


Jamie Baillie David Glenn Fountain Jim Mills Maureen Reid Dr. Joan McArthur-Blair Robbie Harrison Rob Batherson

A standing ovation for ourSPONSORS & PARTNERS

Nova Scotia Teachers Union

Nova Scotia Teachers Union





Neptune Theatre gratefully acknowledges the generous support of our Neptune Endowment Fund donors. To find out more about this important campaign, visit neptunetheatre.com/endowment.


Frank and Debbi Sobey Student Access Program


($25,000 and up)

Jack & Joan Craig The Craig Foundation Margaret & David Fountain The Estate of Marie MacInnes The Estate of Edith Mingo Beth & Will Apold Marjorie Lindsay Gail Asper, O.C., O.M., LL.D. & Michael Paterson Estate of Audrey G. Cowan


($10,000 to $24,999)

Wesley & Diane Campbell The Colpitts Family Foundation Maureen & Douglas Reid Valerie MacDonald & Jim Spatz Jason Roth & Cheryl Steadman-Roth


($1,000 to $9,999)

Robert Batherson & Catherine MacIsaac Carolyn Bragg George & Sandy Caines Dr. Linda Cochrane Trinda L. Ernst Chris & Hiya Field Fred & Elizabeth Fountain Marjorie Fountain H. Wayne Garland Robert & Beverly Harrison Norma Jeanrie In Memory of Dale R. Johnson Paul Laberge & Laurel Broten In memory of Alan Laing Arthur & Patsy LeBlanc Geraldine MacKay Jean Macpherson Tim Margolian & Dawn Frail Dr. Joan McArthur Blair & Dr. Jeanie Cockell Ian & Johanne McKee Ralph & Shirley Medjuck Dorothy Morrison Ian & Denise Penny REDspace J. William Ritchie Micki & Tom Ruth Bruce Towler & Judy Steele David & Sherri Topple Alayne Pothier

NEPTUNE FANS ($100 to $999)

Imagination Theatre Andrew Allen In Memory of Perry Ashley Daniela Bassan Rodney & Nicole Belliveau Nancy Bloom Lydia Bugden Michael Burg Debra Burleson & Chris Purcell Phillip & Lynne Carter Melissa & Level Chan Linda Cummings Susan Delaney Lynne Donahoe The Duffus Family Joan Eaton Bruce & Paula English Gail Eskes & Ben Rusak Sharon Fraser & Dan O’Connor Alex Handyside & NitroTek Web Solutions Terry & Stephanie Hurrell Bruce & Martha Jodrey Dr David & Glenda Jones Peter & Betty Lacas Robbie & Charlotte MacKeigan Ann MacKenzie Wilma Mays John Montgomerie Dr Gale Moore Ada & Ted Morash Nancy J. Morrison & Gregory C. Baker Brian & Barbara O’Brien In Memory of Flo Patterson In Memory of Mary McMurray Pigot Jill & Bill Rafuse In Memory of David Renton Colin & Debbie Richardson Claudette & George Sapp Janet Schaffner John & Faith Semple W. Leslie Single Peter & Nancy Spurway Brandon Trask Paul & Sheila Zive Janet Willwerth Matthew Duffy Natasha Rosnok Wanda Ashley


($50 to $99)

Sheila Cardone Ralph & Cathy Jacob Ms Leslie MacDonald Gary A Miller Lloyd Williams


Ruby Berringer M-L Aguedo Rodriguez Andy Fillmore

$10,000 +

Anne Campbell & Jon Lindsay Margaret & David Fountain **** Jason Roth & Cheryl Steadman-Roth ** The Craig Foundation *** J & W Murphy Foundation The Estate of Edwin Charles Urquhart The Estate of Audrey G Cowan The Estate of Margaret Kathleen Dingley Mr William Apold William Book Lorraine & Bill Black **** Tim Margolian & Dawn Frail **** Jim Spatz & Valerie MacDonald *

$2,500 - $9,999

Barbara MacKinnon Barbara Carleton **** F. K. Morrow Foundation The Estate of Dimitri Manos Farnell Packaging Ltd. ** Derek Brett Donald & Susan Church **** Fred & Elizabeth Fountain **** H. Wayne Garland *** The Polar Foundation Peter Rogers Dr. R.L. Dobson **** Stella & Scott Balfour Wesley & Diane Campbell **** William & Helen Book Sara Scott

$1,000 - $2,499

14 Bells Fine Art Gallery Arthur & Patsy LeBlanc Janet & Brian Delo *** Charlene Milner Alastair Saunders & Christine Corston Chris & Hiya Field *** Crawford & Susan Van Horne **** Amelia Penney-Crocker * Dorothy Morrison **** Elizabeth Fountain Harold Crosby **** Jeannine Bakeeff Ms Jennifer Brayton Mr joshua martin Kathe & Rod Jones ** Ms Leslie MacDonald * Lisa & Al Blair * Lynn Coveyduck * Marilyn Welland * Mary Clancy * Maureen & Douglas Reid **** Monique LeBlanc & George Kephart * Nancy Doty **** Paul Laberge & Laurel Broten * Robert Batherson & Catherine MacIsaac *** Sandy & Larry Hughes Sean Mulcahy Sherry Porter * Mr Steve Bornemann * Ms Susan Crocker The Estate of Marie June Smyth Anastasia Hanias ** Karen Spaulding **** Malcolm Palmer * Marcelle Comeau Christopher Pringle & Rodney Wilson Donna & Carl Sparkes Bruce Lyman Blackmore Colin & Shelley Mann *** Louis & Fedora Deveau Stanley Van Dyke Jill Shlossberg **

$500 - $999

Dr. Alfred & Mrs. Callie Bent *** Andrew Allen * In Memory of Allan Shlosssberg ** Anonymous ** Anne Sweeney Brian & Eleanor Nordlund Carolyn Logan Charlotte & Dick Sutherland *** Darlene Crittenden Darrell & Kaye Boutillier **** David Manning Mrs Debby Farnell Rudolph Mrs Denise Branchaud Metcalf & Company **** Ms. Gail Eskes * Holly Carr Carr Jack MacDonald Carol McCauley and Wally Seipp * Mr James Ballinger Jane Mcclure Jeanne Christie * David Nicholson Julie Chisholm Heather & Larry Corrigan * Mrs Laureen Rushton Lisa Bugden Lois A. Shields **** Ms Margaret Anderson Patrick Casey & Monica Rodriguez ** Patricia & David Watson **** Beverly & Patrick Charlton *** Paul Amyotte Marilyn & Reid Harrison**** R & M Cobb * Robbie & Charlotte MacKeigan * Roberto Sani Sandra Carter Sharon Hupman Shelagh Skerry Stanley Van Dyke Steve Gilmore Terri Sanderson Rick Nurse *

The above Individual Support Gifts were made between January 1 - December 31, 2021. We want to thank and recognize our longterm donors for their extended giving. * five to nine years of support ** 10 to 14 years of support *** 15 to 19 years of support **** 20 or more years of support

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