Google My Business: Verify Your Listing with Video Verification

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Google My Business: Verify Your Listing with Video Verification Are you facing a challenge in verifying your Google My Business Page because you haven’t received the postcard at your physical address? So, Don’t worry! There are some other options too that we can use to verify your page. Verify Your Google My Business Page via Video (Without a Postcard) is one of them, so let’s explore more about it in detail. As a digital marketing company, we have created hundreds of Google my business page, and we know the stress when we don’t receive the postcard for the verification. Now, forget the stress and find the process of Google My Business Page via Video.

Steps For Verification of Google My Business Page Via Video

Let’s explore the step by step process of the verification of the Google page through video. These steps are effortless and easy to understand to complete the process. 1. First of all, you need to wait for at least 2 weeks to do the video verification after you requested the postcard at your physical address. 2. If your postcard did not arrive at your place within 2 weeks, then you can schedule a call for video verification. You can make a call at 1-866-246-6453. To make a call, you have to enter your Google Ads Id; You have to press

button 3 for Google My Business. If you don’t have Google Ads ID, still you can make a call by notifying that you don’t have the same. The time to call for Google my business page is 9 AM – 8 AM (Eastern Time). After the call, you receive an email, and you have to revert to the call by telling them your availability for the video verification. You will get a response from the team shorty.

3. After sending the reply, you will again receive the mail. On the mail, they clearly stated the time for the verification call along with all the details. They also shared all the things you needed for the call, like google hangout, so you need to follow the instruction share by email. Better to receive the call by phone because you need to show the Google signage of your business, for this phone is the best option. As an advisory, use your phone internet connection in the place of wifi. It avoids disconnecting your call if you are out of the range.

Better you use headphones during the call. It will provide you with voice clarity during the video call verification. You cannot see the Google representative who is making the call to you, but he/she can see you. So, don’t worry if you are not able to see them. It is part of the process.

4. Google Rep want to see signage outside of your office. The google team will do the verification by the signage so, and it’s better to stay out of your building. 5. Google want to see a 360 view of your office. So, be in the position so that you can show them an outer look of your office. But, they also want to see the street view of the office so that they may get sure that they are doing the right verification. So, that your mobile phone with you and take a look around. 6. Keep the business card that contains your office address too with you. See, it is not mandatory part to have your business card with you with a business address. But if you do so, it creates a good impression and makes your verification easy.

7. Ensure that you keep the proper documentation to verify that all the information given by you is correct, and the user can trust that. So, be ready with some utility bills such as your electricity bill or your telephone bill with the same address. Again, it’s better to keep your business card with you if you have one. 8. Be ready to show your workspace to the Google rep. They want to see your workspace inside out. It makes a good impression if you have your existing employee in your office during the call so that they can see the actual work environment. Show your meeting place to the Google representative so that they can see where you meet your client or customer. The entire process of Google video call verification will take around 7-8 minutes. At that time, they will check all the information shared by you is valid or not.

Wrapping Up So, here was the entire process of Google video call verification. I hope the complete process shared here will help you in your verification. The Google video call verification becomes simple if you get ready with all the thing shared here. Also read: Easy Steps to Verify Google Business Listing without Postcard

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