SRMJV Speaks uuu January, 2015
Issue: I
■ Volume: 1
From the desk of the
Hon. Correspondent Dear Parent, The purpose of education is to build a strong personality. In SRMJV our main focus is on personality development and character building. Once we build a strong personality and character, education will follow like our shadow! It is like laying a strong foundation for a building. In order to build a strong personality and character, we encourage a variety of intellectual and cultural activities throughout the year. Children actively participate in all the events with lot of enthusiasm. We are proud of our students, their parents, our teaching and non teaching staff for their total involvement and commitment in participating in all these activities. In this newsletter ‘SRMJV Speaks’ we will bring to your homes all the events that took place in your school so that you can feel as excited as all our children. The various events that are conducted in our school are not restricted to the students only. We also reach out to our parents through our various parents’ education programmes which we have covered in some pages in this newsletter. This is the first issue of this newsletter which covers all the exciting events that took place in the first half of this year. We do hope that you will find the contents of this newsletter interesting. With very warm regards, N C Sridharan & Radha Sridharan
Highlights u SRMJViens won Srimat Bhagavatham Recitation Trophy THIRD TIME IN A ROW conducted by the Kolaperumal Group of Schools! First time in the history of the Trophy! ... page 02 u SRMJViens pay respect to their parents and teachers. They take an oath that they will not leave their parents in old age homes! ... page 04 u Public Speaking Programme for SRMJViens started. ... page 10 u SRMJViens won the Gita Chanting Trophy conducted by the Chinmaya Mission FOURTH TIME IN A ROW! First time in the history of the Trophy! ... page 12
What’s inside... ACHIEVEMENTS CELEBRATIONS KG ACTIVITIES CO-CURRICULAR GURU KENDRA—TEACHERS’ CENTER Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life - think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success. Swami Vivekananda
“He who opens a school door, closes a prison.” — Victor Hugo
January 2015
SRMJV Speaks
Discipline, Memory, Commitment and Perseverance are the routes for consistent success. Our children got the Rolling Trophy for the 3rd consecutive year chanting “Gopika Getham” of Srimad Bhaagavatham beating 400 students from 25 schools. Trophy being received by our Principal and our team on 2nd August, 2014.
Achievements Every child is a born genius. Given the right type of encouragement and support, they can blossom into scientists and great people. Our X std. students P.Purushothaman and B.S.Akash participated in a Math project for CBSE schools held at Shri Prakash Group of Schools at Visakhapatnam on 13th November, 2014 and presented a project. Various schools from India and abroad also participated.
& N.Srivatsav of ◀ C.S.Saiprasad X-std., presented a Science Project “Life Saver Water Tank” in the International Science Project conducted at Shri Prakash Group- of Schools at Visakhapatnam on 14th November, 2014 was adjudged as the Outstanding Project.
◀ Our student go chanting all the way to New Delhi! D.Charulatha of X std participated in CBSE Sanskrit “Lagubashanam” competition & bagged I Prize ( a certificate & cash prize of Rs.5000/-) in New Delhi on 13th Aug 2014 from HR Minister, Govt of India.
An Institution is as good as the Leader. Our Hon. Correspondent was awarded Life Time Achievement Award for his contribution for the development of Human Resources.
“You educate a man; you educate a man. You educate a woman; you educate a generation.” —Brigham Young
SRMJV Speaks...
SRMJV Speaks
January 2015
Lord Krishna is the personification of wisdom and a role model for children and parents. KG children celebrated Krishna Jayanthi on 18th Aug 2014. They dressed as Radha & Krishna and chanted Bhajans with lot of enthusiasm. May Lord Krishna shower them with Health, Wealth, Bliss and Happiness.
Independence Day celebrations on 15th Aug 2014. At SRMJV, it is not only Independence Day celebrations but it is also a Karuna March by students of SRMJV. Cultural activities such as dance and drama is an yearly event.
Life has to be bright and colourful. SRMJV students celebrated Onam on 5th Sep 2014. The floral decorations done by our students of VIII to XII stunned everybody. KG students y the role of Mahabali and also pplayed Vamana bringing to our memories the mythological characters.
◀ Vinayakar is the source of education, wisdom, success and achievement. Students, Staff and Teachers of SRMJV celebrated Vinayaka Chathurthi in the sprawling indoor theatre on 28th Aug 2014. The Bhajans and the Prayer songs were scintillating. The dance performed was a feast to the eyes. “I have never let my schooling interfere with my education.”
— Mark Twain
SRMJV Speaks...
January 2015
SRMJV Speaks
Our students greet Teachers with the slogan “Shri Gurubyo Namaha”. In the same spirit, Teachers’ Day was celebrated on 6th Sep 2014. The eminent Educationist, President Awardee and the Pride of Tiruvallur Shri TP Janakiraman was honoured on the Teachers’ Day.
Celebrations Contd. This year’s attraction on Teachers’ Day was a Teachers’ Anthem sung by our Teachers. We acknowledge the contribution of every Teacher for their contribution to the students’ community. You can download this from YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FRzWOdxDqE
is our Male Teaching Staff ◀ Here staging a hilarious drama on the Teachers’ Day held on 6th Sep 2014.
◀ In an era where parents are left in old age homes, our students proudly brought their parents and offered “Pada Pooja” on the eve of “Mathru Pithru Vandanam” held on 6th Sep 2014. The students also took a pledge that they will not leave their parents in old age home. “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” —Nelson Mandela
SRMJV Speaks...
SRMJV Speaks
January 2015
“Safety First” during Deepavali. The Chief Guest Mrs.Thilagavathy addressed the students on the importance of safety during Deepavali and gave instructions and Do’s and Don’ts and the safety measures to be followed.
Karthigai is a Festival of Lights. Our students celebrated Karthigai with great enthusiasm on 5th Dec 2014.
Children should not lose their roots in our ancient culture. Our children celebrated Navaratri from 23rd to 27th Sept 2014, brought dolls and displayed. An occasion which will ever remain green in our memory.
Celebrations Contd.
◀ Vijayadasami is a day to start anything auspicious. This year’s Vijayadasami was marked not only with a prayer but also by a Dandia dance performed by students of VI to VIII std. “Children must be taught how to think, not what to think.” —Margaret Mead
SRMJV Speaks...
January 2015
SRMJV Speaks
In SRMJV we believe in “Make in India” i.e. we make intelligent children in India for the World! Proud to associate ourselves with XSEED. Here is the XSEED Resource Person Mrs.Sheena Warrier explaining XSEED system to KG parents.
KG Activities Post Office Day—With the popularity of electronic communication, we have forgotten our Post Office! Our KG students not only visited the Post Office but also celebrated Post Office Project! They replicated perfectly all the activities in a Post Office on 17th Sept 2014.
◀ Sorting mails
◀ Sorting
played by students – Roles played Post Master, Post Man, Post Woman and Public
“Intelligence plus character-that is the goal of true education.” —Martin Luther King Jr.
SRMJV Speaks...
SRMJV Speaks
January 2015
KG Activities Contd.
Our children should not lose their link with ecology. Here is our KG children celebrating Colouring Competition under the topic “Animal”.
◀ For the kids of KG section, life is very colourful in SRMJV. “Colour Mela” was celebrated with pomp and show. “I am not a teacher, but an awakener.” —Robert Frost
SRMJV Speaks...
January 2015
SRMJV Speaks
Co-Curricular Activities ◀
On 3rd Aug 2014, Vishwa Shanthi Parayanam – a mass chanting of Bhagavad Gita was held in which 1800 students participated. A heart touching experience.
beloved Prime Minister Shri ◀ Our Narendra Modi interacted with students across the country on the eve of the Teachers’ Day. Our students watching the PM’s speech through a giant screen arranged for this special purpose.
◀ ‘Swaach Bharath’ – SRMJV S students giving givving shape to PM’s Swaa ch Bharath initiative. initiativve. Swaach “Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.” —Aristotle
SRMJV Speaks...
SRMJV Speaks
January 2015
Co-Curricular Activities Contd.
Health is Wealth – Our students were screened for Dental Health through a Camp organized by the Times of India in association with Savita Dental College on 27th Nov 2014. 1800 students were screened on this occasion.
Tai Ichi is a great Chinese technique for body and mental health. Ms.Christiana from France introduced it to our students on 4th Nov 2014.
◀ Making of great speakers! Which holds the key to prosperity – Money or Discipline? Tamil Patti Mandrm by our students. “The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled.”
SRMJV Speaks...
January 2015
SRMJV Speaks
Co-Curricular Activities Contd.
While we teach students of the school, we also educate parents ! Our parents’ guidance classes on Sunday. Free sessions on Time Management, Leadership. Communication etc., are conducted for parents. Lucky parents!
students participated in the ◀ Our Bhajans held at TTD, Chennai on 23rd June 2014. Their quality was on par with professionals and stunned hundreds of people that day.
◀ Rain or Shine – Our weekly yoga l ill go on. FFor over 10 years, we hhave bbeen offffering i ffree classes will Yoga class for students and parents.
Public Speaking Programme for students. A Professional Public Speaking Programme was inaugurated on 12th Dec 2014 to help children fight speech anxiety and stage fear.
“Education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today.” —Malcolm X
SRMJV Speaks...
SRMJV Speaks
January 2015
Co-Curricular Activities Contd.
Our children participated in Dharma Kesari Solar KS Subramaniya Iyer Trust Cultural Fest held at PSBB, Chennai.
Beware of teenage ! A special book on how to deal with teenage issues – a parents’ mentoring book was released by our District Collector Shri Veeraraghava Rao, IAS on 11th Aug 2014. Free copies of the ‘Treasure Box’ containing 9 mentoring books were donated to 25 Government Schools on this occasion.
◀ Active mind means active hands and finge ngers. ns as part of work experience experi Our children stitching cushion cushions projects. “Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune.”
—Jim Rohn
SRMJV Speaks...
January 2015
SRMJV Speaks
Guru Kendra—Teachers’ Center ◀
“The making of a teacher” - SRMJV started Guru Kendra to help budding Teachers. Participants understand the soft skills required for teaching. Mrs.K.S. Vijayalakshmi, Co-ordinator, PSBB Group of Schools inaugurated Guru Kendra.
We beli eve in o verall d persona evelopm lity of t ent of t h e childr is “We B he en and uild Per o ur mott sonality One of o . We als the criti o Educa cal skill op in o t e s ”. we ur child ren is Th want to develorder to i nking S en kills. In compuls courage our c hildren ory che , we gave ss co ac dents o hing fo f Class r our s III to V 3 mont tuIII for hs. On a perio 11th Jan 200 stu d of uary, 20 dents p 15 arou articipa compet n t d e d ition en in a ma thusiast s s c h e ss ically.
nizing i is orga a n n e h . Our ,C ery year Mission v e a y n a o i m t peti ear in Chin ting Com ng Trophy 4th y n a h C a i t from oll Gi tudents s on the R 0 w 0 s t 0 n 0 e er 0 stud nearly 1 l Nadu. No oth g n i t a e Tami more a row b hools in phy for c o s r T 0 6 s i 1 ol h t over our scho er won f v o e y s n a a h n the ow. M school es in a r lace and we wo m i t 2 n tha on I P ard. s also w t n e d tion Aw u a t s p i c i t r l on ool Pa e Schoo h t o t Full Sch d e t y, s presen on 10th Januar a w y h p nized itage The Tro ion orga Chinmaya Her t c n u f a gala Hall, apovan T t a 5 1 20 i 35. Chenna Centre,
Achievement is not an overnight event. It is a result of sustained effort focused on a pre-determined goal. “Wisdom is not a product of schooling but of the lifelong attempt to acquire it.” —Albert Einstein Design & Typesetting: Aksharam, 9884753293 Printed at: Jaiganesh Offset Printers, 9840111457
SRMJV Speaks
January 2015