Our Lady of Mount Carmel
stewardship report
Dear Friends, How often do we live with an attitude of scarcity? “There is only so much to go around”, we think. That kind of attitude lacks confidence and hope. The Biblical attitude is an attitude of abundance. We start from the position that it is possible for everyone to succeed. That is really the story of Stewardship here at Mt. Carmel. This report shows the variety of ways that we help others to succeed. So, whether it is keeping the lights on so we have a place to worship, buying the materials needed to meet the educational needs of children and adults to learn the faith and more, minister to the needs of the poor and disadvantaged, your stewardship allows everyone to succeed. But there is more to it. We do give to get but it’s not a material prosperity. What do we get when we give? We get an expanded heart so that our hearts have a greater and greater capacity to give and receive love. All of you who support the many, many ministries of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Parish have an expanded heart. The only difference among us is the size of our heart’s capacity to receive love. And the greater our heart’s capacity to receive love, the greater will be our capacity to give. The most wonderful thing that can be said of a person is: He inspired others to give. Will that be written in your obituary? Thank you for blessing us with abundance this year.
fr. john bonavitacola Pastor
n 2015 mr. bruce hermie (above, at right) accepted the position of principal at Our Lady of Mount Carmel School, and is dedicated to the mission of “forming our children in the ways of the Gospel.” Mr. Hermie obtained a Master’s Degree in Educational Administration from Grand Canyon University, and holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Literature from Arizona State University. Mr. Hermie shares openly about his own education aspirations: “My favorite subject in school has always been English/Language Arts. The idea of reading both fiction and non-fiction works and analyzing them and applying them to the world around me has always been fascinating. In addition, I have a passion for both formal and creative writing and the ability to communicate different perspectives
through the written word.” He goes on to share about his reason for becoming an educator: “The opportunity to help students learn and develop as young men and women is a gift. Providing them with an environment where they can grow and accomplish their goals brings great fulfillment to my professional life. Being able to do so in a setting such as Our Lady of Mount Carmel brings the added benefit of being able to share the Catholic faith with them and help them grow in their own relationship with God.” Over the past two academic school years, the administration, faculty and staff at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic School has worked diligently to modernize and improve existing academic courses, improve student formation, and update and upgrade facilities.
The implementation of a S.T.E.M. program and the creation of a S.T.E.M. Lab has given students the opportunity to engage the world in hands-on fashion while expanding their knowledge of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Other additions have been made to enhance learning through the evolution of the school’s technology plan including the utilization of IXL learning for math and language arts, Membean Durable Learning Model for vocabulary development, and the hiring of a full-time Reading Specialist to aide students with academic needs. A formalized writing program has been developed to help students improve their writing ability as they prepare for high school, and the math program has been streamlined to increase cohesiveness from grade to grade. Student formation has also been enhanced through the creation of the school’s new Student Learning Expectations (SLEs) which seek to help students grow into young men and women who are Accountable, Respectful, Merciful and Spiritual. Throughout their time on campus, students engage in formation opportunities based on the SLEs. These activities culminate during the students 8th grade year when they engage in a Capstone program that allows them to reflect on their experiences during their time at OLMC and opens a dialogue with parents as they prepare to enter high school. The school has also transitioned its Student Council into a
Student Leadership Team to allow more students to participate and develop their leadership skills. The Student Leadership Team is student driven and helps to plan activities, provide service to the community and school, and represent the school at various events. There have also been a number of facilities upgrades over the past two years. The aforementioned S.T.E.M. lab was made possible through grants and other donations. New drinking fountains have been installed with water bottle filling capabilities in the main school hall to promote student safety during hot months of the year. The fire system in the school has been updated and upgraded. New tables and chairs for the hall have been purchased for the use by the school and Parish.
The implementation of a S.T.E.M. program and the creation of a S.T.E.M. Lab has given students the opportunity to engage the world in hands-on fashion while expanding their knowledge of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics.
acation bible school is held at OLMC each July. It is an all-volunteer operation that brings together over 100 volunteers of all ages, and serves over 200 children in our parish community. The program runs from 9am-12pm, Monday through Friday for one week, although the planning begins “During the week of VBS, months in advance. During the the children week of VBS, the children joyfully joyfully gather gather in the church for worship in the church for music and to learn the day’s bible worship music and to learn point. The children then rotate in the day’s Bible groups through 4 stations where the point.” The day bible point of the day is reinforced is filled with through games, crafts, presentations learning, fun activities, and and discussions of scripture. The worship. children have a snack, make friends, and experience God’s love. Each day ends with a large group gathering in the Hall, fun presentation or experiment, and closing praise and worship time. In 2017, children learned more intimately that they were wonderfully made for a unique purpose here on earth. Teen and adult volunteers are always welcome for this week-long experience of Joy, Awe and Community building.
he servants of the Plan of God is a new religious community inspired by the Holy Spirit as an answer for the third Millennium. We are a community of consecrated women who live the Full Apostolic Availability, living in community and giving ourselves to God, evangelization, and solidarity in service. We were founded on August 15, 1998 with the approval of Cardinal Augusto Vargas Alzamora S.J., Archbishop of Lima, and Primate of Peru, and our spirituality gained the approval of Saint John Paul II. The Servants feel the invitation of the Lord Jesus to live their apostolate and preach the gospel to all. Furthermore, we seek to live charity intensively, but more specifically, with people who have material or spiritual needs. We consecrate ourselves to evangelize youth, culture, and family, as well as placing special attention on the frail, the sick, the poor, and to all brothers and sisters who are suffering. The habit that we wear identifies us to the world, by which we are recognized through our apostolic service, chartable work, and explicit support to the faith of the Church and its mission. We have developed our apostolic mission in America, Asia, Europe and Africa. We were guided to Arizona by the Holy Spirit, and chose the diocese of Phoenix because it is still relatively young and constantly growing. God has revealed to us that Our Lady of Mt. Car-
mel is His Perfect place to share with everyone the beautiful gift He has given us, which is our charism. We are thankful to God for our pastor Fr. John, who was also open to the Holy Spirit and provided a means for us to be able to serve the Parish and community. He has been, and continues to be, very welcoming and supportive of our mission and presence within the community of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel. Our mission is to open our hearts to all people we encounter, which is accomplished through our involvement in ministries at the parish, school, and Arizona State University. Please take a moment to read our biographies and learn about our dedication to the fulfillment of our mission. Above, left to right: Sister Maria Alejandra, Sister Maria Jose, Sister Veronica (Mother Superior of Phoenix), Sister Stephanie, Sister Maria Cristina.
Introducing the Servants of the Plan of God: Sr. Veronica — Mother Superior of Phoenix Full Circle, Youth at Risk Program/Jr. High Program/Teacher at OLMC School
Our Mission... HEALTH
Serving our brothers and sisters who are ill, in hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, hospices, and similar services.
FORMATION IN THE FAITH Evangelizing through the care, management and the proclamation of the Word, in retreat houses and formation centers teaching the faith of the Church and leading spiritual exercises.
EDUCATION As Christians educating and offering formation to the needy and the poor, announcing the Good News of the Lord Jesus, and communicating with fidelity the faith of the Church.
ASSISTANCE & HUMAN PROMOTION Living in loving solidarity with the needy. Working and assisting towards the promotion of the human condition, within the spirit of the Gospel and utilizing the social teaching of the Church. Keeping in mind that out of service to our brother the evangelizing dynamism is born and with the perspective that both proclaiming the Gospel and service are intimately linked.
Greetings, my name is Sr. Veronica. My vocation has been a gift from God, a gift that needs to be shared. I am led to share His love with others because of my experience of a beautiful close relationship with God, which has become an intimate friendship God and I share together, by which my heart and my whole being experience His love. When I was young, He woke up this deep desire within me to love him through all the people, especially the ones who are in most need. My heart longs to show to the world His love for them. I love my vocation, and love to wear a habit because it is a strong message of his presence in the world. He is real, and His Love is real! I want to be present to the people of God to show them how merciful, tender and kind He is! I want to be a part of people’s lives, and see how the grace of God works in them, and to see how God’s love reaches their hearts and their lives. This experience is something that touches my heart very deeply, and I am grateful that God has let me witness this reality in the lives of many. I am so happy for His great love and the sanctification and salvation of mankind!
Sr. Maria Cristina — Religious Education Hello, my name is Sr. Maria Cristina. I entered the community when I was 19 years old, and I am currently 22 years old. All my life God has been taking care of me, and guiding me, so that I could answer His call. Sometimes when I look back at my story I am surprised to see the cry of the love of God that said to me: “Follow me, I have chosen you.” If I had to summarize my testimony I would do it in one phrase: “All of myself, and forever.” All of myself, because my entire life is for God and to serve Him in the needy, in the ones who suffer, and in those who need consolation, counsel, and love. Forever, because as I started to discern my vocation, I fell in love with the fact that I understood my yes as a yes to anything He wanted to ask of me; any mission He wanted to give me, in any country He wanted me to be serve in, and in a full apostolic life open to His Plan with other sisters who share the same joy as mine, and who also will proclaim the wonders of God to everyone. I’m extremely happy to be a Servant of the Plan of God. Every time I talk about it, I feel like I have won the lottery!
Sr. Stephanie — Teacher (Spanish) Hello, I am Sr. Stephanie. I am from Perú and I am very happy to now be here in Tempe, to serve His plan, and His mission here, and to get to know you. I’m very grateful that God has chosen me to be His Servant. It has been 9 years since I answered the lovely Call of God. I had never thought of being a nun, but in my heart, I yearned to give my life to people in need. I discovered when I attended a social project for helping poor children that my heart was made to love God, and his people. He has called me to love and serve Him, and all His sons and daughters. The Voice of the Lord has not disappeared from my heart even as the years pass. His Voice continues to call me every day, and in many ways: in the people I encounter, in my sisters of community, and in many situations of a common day. It makes me very happy and it makes me want to love Him more and to follow His steps wherever He takes me. He has given me more than I could have ever imagined!
MEET THE SISTERS Sr. Maria Alejandra — Pre-School, Pastoral Care Hello, my name is Sr. Maria Alejandra. I’m so thankful to God because when He looked at me, He chose me to be a Servant of the Plan of God. I had always wanted to give my life for the needy, especially to those I saw on the street, and for the ones who were sick. Growing up I discovered that there are also people who suffer in a spiritual way. I realized that Jesus was inviting me to carry, not only my cross, but also the cross of others. It was then that I met the sisters and it was beautiful for me to see that they share my same desires. Now I can say that I am extremely happy being with Jesus, and a part of His mission in the Servants of the Plan of God.
REVENUE & EXPENSES Sr. Maria Jose — RCIA, ASU Newman Center Hello, my name is Sr. Maria Jose. It is an immense display of God´s mercy for me, that God has called me to be a Servant of the Plan of God. Since I was little I always had a great desire to be very close to Jesus and to be a missionary, able to convey His love to all people. In a world that seeks to eliminate the external signs, He gave me this vocation, and the opportunity to wear a habit so that I can demonstrate with my presence that God exists, and that He is alive and is the answer to our deepest desires for happiness. He has blessed me with sisters that share my same heart’s desire. We support each other and share the common goal of attaining eternal life in heaven with Him, and in the process, we are helping many people to obtain salvation.
Revenue & Expenses by Dept | $ x $1,000 DEPT. DESCRIPTION
Parish Admin. Support
Parish Worship
Parish Comm/Web Devel.
Parish Music Ministry Little Lambs Preschool Religious Ed. Elementary
(70) (65)
YM—Youth at Risk
YM—Youth at Risk KC
25 0 (1)
Religious Ed. Adult
Youth & Young Adult
School Admin Support
Home & School
Detail of Dept Revenue School Tuition / Fees — $1,822 Sunday / Holy Day Collection — 1,046 Stewardship Tithe* — 468 Festival — 193
Plate Collections | $ x $1,000 1,500 — As part of our mission in the Parish, School, and Community, we open our hearts to all people we encounter. We do this through our involvement in the life of the Parish, which includes RCIA, Religious Education, Pastoral Care, Full Circle (youth at risk), Junior High Program, OLMC Little Lambs Preschool (Catechesis of the Good Shepherd), OLMC school teaching Religion and Spanish, and in collaboration with the ASU Newman Center.
1,250 —
2013 1,350
2014 1,388
2015 1,359
2016 1,406
Other Parish — 440 School Other — 154
2017 1,497
Pre-School Tuition / Fees — 209 Scrip/Gift Card Sales (Net) — 11 Restricted Donations — 88
Total $4,430
1,000 —
*Tithing from Stewardship Households. These households tithe a minimum of 7% of their treasure to OLMC. Those living within the Covenant Agreement have access to all parish services at no cost.
500 — 250 — 0—
Stewardship Prayer Lord, You alone are the source of every good gift, of the vast array of our universe, and the mystery of each human life. We praise You and we thank You for Your great Power and Your tender, faithful LOVE. Everything we are and everything we have is Your gift, and after having created us, You have given us into the keeping of Your Son, JESUS CHRIST. Fill our minds with His truth and our hearts with His love, that in His Spirit we may be bonded together into a community of faithful, caring people. In the Name and Spirit of Jesus, we commit ourselves to be good stewards of the gifts entrusted to us, to share our time, our talent and our material gifts as an outward sign of the Treasure we hold in Jesus. AMEN.
Social Outreach — Gifts by OLMC Bishop’s Annual Charity & Development Appeal
Catholic Home Missions Collection 1,350
$126,828 Native & Black Religious Retirement Collection 8,142 American Collection
Respect Life Sunday Collection
5,358 ASU Newman Center Gala
St. Theresa of Calcutta Concert
4,736 Aid to Women Center
Holy Land Collection
2,922 Peter’s Pence Collection
Parish Families in need
1,700 Special Needs Collection
St. Vincent de Paul
1,673 Communication Collection
Catholic University of America
1,502 Campaign for Human Development
Night of Hope
1,500 Friends of the Orphans
Balance Sheet as of June 30, 2017 | $ x $1,000 Stewardship efforts through our Parish School, Preschool, Teen Program, and Young Adults have also supported: St. Peter's Mission School, Catholic Charities, Friends of the Orphans, St. Vincent de Paul, Aid to Women Center, and Charity and Development Appeal.
Business Checking Account
School — Hot Lunch/Milk Accounts
Equipment — Office/Other (valued > $2500)
Accum. Deprec. Land Improvements (620)
Home & School Account
Accum. Deprec. Buildings
Money Market Account
Catholic Community Foundation
Accum. Deprec. Building Improvements
Accounts Receivable Tuition
Other Accounts Receivable
Accum. Deprec. Furniture & Fixtures (243) Accum. Deprec. Equipment Land
Prepaid Expenses & Receivable Deposits 7
Land Improvements
Furniture & Fixtures (valued > $2500 ea.)
Buildings 250
Building Improvements
(203) 35 640 2,633 335
Parish Expenses
School Expenses
$ x $1,000
$ x $1,000
Pre-paid Tuition
Accounts Payable School Memorial Fund
Total — $2,376
Salaries & Benefits — 1,860
Pre-paid Registration
Prepaid Little Lambs Reg/ Tuition/Unapplied Cash
Exchange Funds ($ rcvd & pd out to 3rd prty)
Deferred Revenue
McCready Vocation/School Funds
7th Grade Activity Acct
Dr. Sheridan Fund Salaries & Benefits — 969 Parish School Support — 483 Other (Donations, Food, etc) — 329 Maintenance — 126 Professional Services — 103 Depreciation — 125 Diocesan Assessment — 84 Phone/Utilities — 15 Home & School — 38 Supplies/Books/Postal — 33 Insurance — 21 Rent — 41 Religious Education — 6
Mass Book Donations
10 1
Building Loan Due to MidFirst Bank Other
298 19
Books & Supplies— 93 Maintenance — 105 Festival Expenses — 83 Other — 83 Phone & Utilities — 59 Financial Aid — 4 Property Insurance — 22
Total — $2,307
Fund Balance Beginning
Fund Balance — Current Year
Fund Balance Ending
SACR AMENTS 2016—2017
received into full communion
111 baptisms
first communions
sacrament of the sick
first reconciliation
38 graveside services
funeral/ memorial masses
On Our Cover Photo is courtesy of Marion Rhoades, MarionRhoadesPhotography.com.
Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Roman Catholic Church & School 2121 S. Rural Road | Tempe, AZ 85282 480-967--8 - 791 | www.olmctempe.com