6 minute read
Anniversary/Celebration, Free Write, Rosalyn Cliett
Rosalyn Cliett
We talked about the anniversary of COVID-19, one year in. What if anything during the time, could you celebrate? An anniversary is a celebration of a milestone you have overcome, it’s a celebration of an accomplishment you have achieved during that time or season...
I’m going to start at the beginning, in the beginning of the pandemic, when our city shut down, and we went into quarantine (house arrest), which was shocking and unheard of in our city. It was like our lives that we spent so much time, and so many years fixing, and messing up, was suddenly snatched out of our hands without warning, and people were dying, dropping like flies. It was a scary time, and I didn’t want to be bombarded by the news, or social media, with everybody’s opinions, formed by fear, misinformation, and ignorance.
Instead I went to the most Reliable Source I know...GOD. After years of developing in a relationship with the Creator, who has never failed me, I wanted the knowledge, wisdom and the understanding that only comes from GOD. So I begin talking to him, and the things He shared with me and showed me, blessed me with peace from all the fears. You’ve heard of it, “That peace that surpasses all understanding.” You see this thing had no respect of person; it didn’t matter if you were rich or poor, titled or not, nor did it care about your nationality or your color. It placed everybody on an even field. And some
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thought it was the beginning of the end. Others were looking for someone to blame, was it God or was it the devil??? God didn’t do it but he allowed it to happen, because he sees the bigger picture.
God is intentional. You see the world we live in has gotten so out of control, with everybody being so busy, busy doing nothing. All I could see was God’s mercy, in times past (history). When things had gotten so out of control they were destroyed (the great flood, Sodom & Gomorrah, etc.). This pandemic was giving us a do-over, it was then you got to know you, who you really are, and not who you thought or claimed to be. It allowed you to see your strengths and weaknesses. It allowed you to see your dependencies.
And as long as you and the world stayed so busy and preoccupied you knew none of this, so the pandemic slowed things down.... Giving us time to reflect and giving us a much-needed rest. I for one celebrated the peace and quiet that was on the earth from the noise pollution, people, cars, airplanes, even looking outside blessed me. It was like the world had been washed from all the filth and the pollution and noise we had gotten used to. And the times I went out, I followed the protocol they set up to wear a mask, disposable gloves, to wash our hands often, and to wipe down any surfaces that I would come in contact with.
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I celebrate and appreciate those who thought about me and offered me their services, willingly out of the kindness of their heart with Love, genuine. One such couple, would contact me to tell me they were going to the produce store, and to make a list of the things I wanted or needed. At first I was a little reluctant, because when you are used to doing everything yourself, because there is never anyone to help you, except for one cousin when she could.
And when you are particular about your fruits and vegetables, and I love fruits and vegetables. I realized I was about to miss my blessing, so I made my list. And without fail they always delivered, and her husband is amazing, picking out the produce. What was supposed to be green and crisp was, and what was supposed to be sweet and firm was. Do you know how hard it is to pick out a really good watermelon, or any other melon to perfection? And to top it, after getting the produce, and delivering it, they wouldn’t let me pay for it.
A Real Blessing. They are a family with a couple of young children, who are also facing this pandemic. Who made me a priority. And I celebrate them and appreciate them for all they did, and for all they do…Thank You and I Love you. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!
I can still celebrate life, although it’s been a bit difficult and more challenging. I’m so grateful I didn’t get the coronavirus. But I can Really Celebrate for those I knew personally who did. Family members, friends and strangers alike, who not only got it, but they all survived, no matter how hard the fight, they made it back...HALLELUJAH! CELEBRATE!
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When people would call to check up on me, they would find me in good spirit, and they would tell me something they heard on the news that was unnerving to them. I would listen to them and I would share with them my survival kit, which consists of not chasing news reports or social media, which is always filled with fear, misinformation, and opinions, because people are finite creatures.
So anything I see or hear, I would pray, I weigh it by GOD... Being truly infinite, GOD knows no restrictions of space, ability, or power. He is everywhere. There are no edges or limits to his presence, nor are there pockets where He is absent.
I’m so grateful for the courage to follow after JESUS, His Son, even with all the naysayers, the religious mess and my own mess. I would like to tell you that I cross all my t’s and dot all my i ‘s but I don’t. Which is why I can Celebrate the time spent in prayer and spending time with GOD, who corrects all my wrongs on a daily basis and who is making me a new creature in Christ. I have more knowledge, wisdom, and understanding of people, this world, and its truth. HALLELUJAH! CELEBRATE!
I can still celebrate life, although it can get a bit diffcult and more challenging.
I can still celebrate, I am so grateful… In GOD I live a celebrated Life ...
P.S. Don’t go back to busy, because it is robbing you of life.
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David Brooks
Rosalyn Cliett
I looked at a picture of three steel rods leaning against each other standing over a fire that was surrounded by rocks and debris. These are some of the things it made me think of. A campfire, a place to make toasted marshmallows, or make smores. A place to sit around telling scary stories or singing songs.
Staring into the flames I thought of these beautiful homes with a fireplace, family sitting on a comfortable sofa, eating popcorn and drinking sodas, watching a movie. Both the fireplace and the campfire is a place to keep warm from the cool of the outdoors.
While I was still looking at the flames, it put me in mind of the burning bush in the mountains that drew the attention of Moses to seek after it, even though the people thought it to be forbidden, fearful of GOD.
Still looking in the flames, I could see the contrast of the flames, something I call “The Beauty and The Beast Syndrome,” something that is so beautiful and thus potentially dangerous. In this case the characteristic combination of behavior.
And last but not least, the three steel rods supporting each other, standing over the fire, surrounded by rock and debris represents the GODHEAD, The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and how they support each other. And the eternal flame that lights the world, even being surrounded by rocks and debris, there is light… And no matter how dark it gets in our life, there’s a burning flame within each of us.
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