4 minute read
Chanda Rice, The Day Nick and I Got Vaccinated
Chanda Rice
It was 2 days after Ms. Chunky’s funeral, and I was more scared than ever. I had told Victor that they would have to drag me in there screaming, “Try’na stick shit in my arm, I Don’t know What THAT is!
I remembered how Angie, her daughter, told me how she died. She had died for four minutes before with the birth of child but this time, it was for real. I just kept shaking my head. “Not Chunk!” Angie said that she had a hard time breathing.
I thought of this as the phone rang. It was Nick, my classmate! We chopped it up as we usually do, then he asked me, “What are you doing tomorrow? Allison and I are going down to the Convention Center tomorrow to get our shots, wanna go?” How could I say no? So I said, “OK!” ?!#*@!
I pondered and PRAYED over this all night long.
By morning, I was ready grudgingly so I caught the bus downtown. By the time I got down there, I was directed to, “Walk ALL the WAY AROUND the block,” instead of them letting me walk straight down the street?! (~#@%*^)! BUT I HAD BROUGHT MY CHAIR!
I called Nick to ask what time were they coming, he said, “Oh, we’re just getting up and I have class and won’t be down there until about one!” I said, Ha! to myself, and let him know that I was already in line! Ha!
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I picked up my chair as I moved down the line and stayed quiet. I spoke when I was spoken to. I stood until “They” told me where to go. One of them told me to “Move Up.” (@#%*^#*)!
I waited until the other soldier directed me over and then he directed me to the chair. I went where I was directed to. This soldier had jokes. I explained to him that I was SCARED!
I said, “If you don’t let me see it coming or let me turn my head so that I don’t see it coming, we’re cool. Let me cover my eyes because I’m scared of needles.” He said, “How about I close my eyes while I give you the needle?” I said, “If you stick me in my eye or my head, I’ma Beat Cho’Ass!” He laughed and so did the guy on the other end of the table. I huffed and puffed and got myself together and turned my head. I thought I felt his hand coming near my arm and I started hollering! He said, “I ain’t even touch you yet!” I looked around in embarrassment and saw this girl looking at me. I yelled out, “It Ain’t Funny!” Then everybody started laughing. I was ashamed. He stuck me, I yelled again and ran. They made me wait in the other area to register for my next appointment, but it was to make sure that people didn’t fall out. It was 10:00am. Damn I got out of there fast, now what am I supposed to do? Nick won’t be ready until one!?
I know, let’s go shopping! So I caught the bus back home and got in my car and drove up the Boulevard to go to Jomar. Nick called while shopping, so I drove downtown and called Nick to have him meet me on 11th and Arch. At first I didn’t recognize him all covered up, but he saw me. He came over to my car and then I knew it was him and we laughed. He told me that Allison (his girl) and a friend were waiting inside. I
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told him that I would have to get parking at the garage across the street. We rode around in circles trying to find a parking space. And when we did, we got out TRIPPIN’!
Nick and I are like Paint and Water to each other! We walked over to the elevator and I had to go back to put the alarm on as we cackled like little kids.
We walked down the street to go into the farmer’s market and I heard this man playing his sax, so I danced in the door while Nick laughed. At first we walked around to find them but then Nick said, “Let’s get our food, then find them!” We walked around, got lost, then found our favorite place to get sandwiches.
“A Reuben pastrami and Dr. Brown’s soda!” I got 2 for later! We Found Allison and their friend; maybe he was shocked to see that I was Black but he wasn’t too friendly. I paid him no mind. He got to see us Share the Love and I know he felt it!! We all went up to my car and left the garage and off we went! As we rode around, we talked of our ending destinations. Their friend lived closer to me and he didn’t want to wait to ride back with me, he wanted to get out at 40th St. “OK!” We rode on in my Party Cab! By the time I got them to their door, oh Nick and Allison were feeling my music! They were pumpin’, pushin’ and grinding!!! I gave them two honks and brought my butt home. Ok, Chunk. I Got the Shot!
I thanked the LORD that HE kept me all day.
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