5 minute read
Our BOCES story began more than 70 years ago, on September 1948, in what was referred to as Upper Westchester County as the second BOCES in New York State.
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ENL IMMERSION The English as a New Language Learner Program is designed for students who have recently arrived from a non-English speaking country. Students participate in a variety of cultural and academic endeavors that are designed to teach basic communication skills. More advanced students are prepared for the high school equivalency exam (GED).
SPANISH GED Designed for 16- to 20-year-old students, this option provides alternatives to the regular high school program by offering instruction in Spanish to prepare for a GED diploma.
SPANISH PRE-GED Spanish Pre-GED is a new course offering for high school students to work on their academics to improve their test scores for entrance to the GED program. Instruction is in Spanish. BILINGUAL TRADES Spanish translation for key terminology is provided within each of the ENL Career and Technical Education programs. Programs include Architecture/Engineering, ENL Auto Body, ENL Carpentry, ENL Child Care Assistant, ENL Medical Assistant, ENL Pre-Nurse Aide, ENL Small Engine Repair, ENL Urban Forestry, Spanish Business & Computer Tech, and Spanish Cosmetology.
GED (GENERAL EDUCATION DEVELOPMENT) This program provides high school equivalency education for 16- to 20-year-old students who are having difficulty making satisfactory progress toward high school graduation in their local high schools. Instruction includes examination preparation classes two hours a day, five days a week, during the academic school year. Students are also required to participate in a CTE vocational program. Written approval from the home school and parents as well as an entrance examination are required. Alternative Options is also available to students with limited English proficiency.
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Component districts may contract for services for a part-time coordinator for district-based adult education classes.
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High school sophomores and juniors and their families meet with college representatives from across the nation to explore postsecondary options. High school 10th and 11th graders also attend the fair to meet with college, business and industry representatives to learn about a wide variety of careers.
This program serves the workforce preparation needs of more than 2,500 adults each year through continuing education, technical and career education, literacy training and training for business and industry. The Tech Center Adult Ed program participates in a partnership with the New York State Department of Education and Department of Labor by providing programs in which adults receive education, training and support services enabling them to enter or advance in the workplace. The continuing education program provides shortterm career-related courses in many areas such as construction, health, culinary arts and computer technology.
• The computer department offers more than 50 courses, taught by professionals in state-of-the-art networked computer laboratories.
• In the technical and career education program, classes lead to entry-level employment in fields such as health care; computer applications for business; computer technology; food service; cosmetology; and heating, ventilation and air conditioning.
• Students receive support services including career counseling, job development and job placement. These programs also serve unemployed, underemployed and dislocated workers.
In the literacy program, students receive training in essential skills in workplace competencies such as communication, problem solving and team building.
• Free instruction is available in Adult
Basic Education, GED and English for Speakers of Other Languages at 13 locations in Putnam and Northern
Westchester counties.
• The business and industry program provides customized training at the request of a business or corporation.
Some recent training programs include computer applications, accounting and health services.
PROFILES IN SUCCESS: Justin Naclerio, Somers High School
Sometimes, all it takes to set you on the right path in life is an enthusiastic teacher. It was certainly true for Justin Naclerio.
As he wrapped up his sophomore year at Somers High School, Justin had no idea about what he wanted to do with his future. His dad suggested he attend the PNW BOCES Career and Technical Education Center’s open house where he met engineering teacher Carlo Vidrini. The rest, as they say, is history. Justin is now a test supervisor with General Dynamics Electric Boat, the primary builder of submarines for the United States Navy.
"At the open house, Mr. Vidrini impressed me with all the hands-on work that we would be doing," Justin says. "Rather than sitting in a classroom all day, I saw that I would be doing real engineering."
Justin attended The Tech Center’s New Visions Engineering program as a high school junior and senior, graduating in 2014, when he headed to the Stevens Institute of Technology, one of the oldest technological universities in the United States.
"I definitely think my experience at BOCES helped me get into Stevens," he says. It also gave him an idea of which type of engineering he wanted to pursue. "The class covers several fields of engineering, and I narrowed my vision down to mechanical and civil," Justin says. After working three internships in college, he was able to refine his career path to civil engineering. "I wanted to go into the more structural side of things," he says.

Justin believes his BOCES experience prepared him well for the transition to college. "It was easier for me than for kids coming from traditional high schools," he explains.
He also liked being with the same group of students all day, all studying calculus, physics, economics, gym and shop together.
"I’m still regularly in touch with my friends from BOCES, all of whom have careers in engineering," he says.
His attendance at BOCES did not mean he had to miss out on activities at Somers High School. Justin was a three-season athlete at Somers, running track – 800-meter and the mile – and cross country. "It was good to stay involved at school and easy to get back for practice."
Currently a test supervisor on submarines (he calls them "boats"), Justin isn’t sure where he wants his career to lead, although he knows he definitely wants to stay with shipbuilding. "I want to stay here for a while and learn, because they are such complex machines. But I may look to further my career in management or move to the government side of construction."