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Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
We believe that educational excellence is only achieved when it’s equitable for every student. We’re committed to leading and facilitating professional learning and networked collaboration that enhance schools’ systems and practices to ensure equitable opportunities, access, and outcomes for all students.
Education Technology
Our mission is to support educators and leaders to leverage technology and encourage all students to take an active role in their learning as they create, curate, connect, construct, collaborate, and communicate. We subscribe to a teaching first, technology second approach as we explore the possibilities technology affords us.
Family & Community Engagement
Family involvement is crucial to successful educational outcomes. We can help build, strengthen, and maintain school/family relationships by focusing on the best methods of communication.
Health and Safety
As school safety continues to evolve, so does Regional Safety Services (RSS). Operating in the two distinct but connected areas of health & safety and security & safety, RSS is a nexus of those avenues. We are striving to remain at the forefront of school safety by providing high quality emergency planning, authentic training, and immediate crisis response. We remain committed to supporting our region.
We strive to provide high quality, innovative professional learning opportunities, support and resources to leaders at all levels by offering an array of services that are relevant, cutting edge and practical. We utilize national, state, and regional consultants, as well as successful local practitioners.
Pupil Personnel & Special Education
We believe that we improve outcomes for students with disabilities by ensuring the development of strong academic, social-emotional and selfdetermination skills. We provide a continuum of professional learning opportunities to support schools’ implementation of inclusive and evidencebased practices through a Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS).
Social-Emotional Learning & Mental Health
We believe that social-emotional wellness and mental health are the foundations for success in school and in life. We’re dedicated to leading professional learning that promotes schools’ capacity to implement sustainable school mental health practices across a Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS).
Teaching and Learning
Strengthening our practice is at the heart of success for all students. PNW BOCES has worked collaboratively with teachers and leaders across the region to design and provide learning opportunities that focus on teaching and learning priorities. Through emphasizing classroom practices, exploring standards, engaging in culture/community building strategies, and more, we can join with you to hone your craft and continue to grow.